Page 22 of Love Profound

  My heart felt like it jumped to my throat. “I did?”

  She nodded and reached for my hands. “I also think you holding onto that foal the entire time was your subconscious way of trying to save your family. In that moment, that baby foal was your family and you weren’t letting go.”

  A sense of calm and clarity overtook me. Amelia had no idea what she’d just given me in those few words.

  “You need to know that no matter what, I’m here by your side. If you want to talk to me, or my father, the pastor, a therapist… I will be there by your side. One hundred percent.”

  How in the hell did I get so lucky with this girl?

  “You amaze me, Amelia Parker.”

  The left side of her mouth rose. “Oh, yeah? I bet I can do a few other things later tonight to amaze you.”

  “You’re on.”

  I took her hand, and we made our way back into the house. Waylynn was walking back in from the main living room with a frown.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Amelia asked.

  Waylynn looked at her sister and shook her head. “Mitchell stormed out of here. He left. Walked over to Steed and Paxton and told them he had to get to work and left! I know damn well he is not on call.”

  My eyes shot across the room to the real reason Mitchell left Steed and Paxton’s baby shower.

  Corina and her date, Philip.

  The heat from the August sun was beating down as I carried the cans of paint into the house. Wade had found an outlet to help with his stress: remodeling the old house. It also helped that he’d started to see a therapist once a week. In a few short weeks, I’d seen such a change in him. The nightmares were slowing down, and Wade had actually gotten into the pool with me yesterday.

  “The entire house has been rewired,” Wade said as he gave my folks and Aunt Vi the tour.

  “Lord, I’m seeing some parties we can have at this house!” Vi said.

  Wade and my father rushed over to take the five-gallon cans of paint out of my hands.

  Vi was going from room to room. “You could rent this out as an event venue. Can you imagine weddings in this place? Oh, how I love Texas! John, I must find a house so I can officially move here.”

  My father pulled his head back. “You haven’t officially moved here, Vi?”

  She looked at him like he had lost his mind. “Of course not. I still need to sell my house in California.”

  “So, that storage unit we bought and stored all of your stuff in, you living in my house for the last five months, that’s not you moving to Texas, Vi?”

  Vi let out a roar of laughter. “Hell, no. That was me dipping my toes into the water to see how I liked it.”

  The smile on my mother’s face said it all. Aunt Vi was a hoot and I knew my parents loved having her in their house, but they were ready for Vi to move on and settle down in her own home.

  Wade and I exchanged glances. “Actually, we were thinking we would live in this house and rent out the main house. It’s huge. The perfect house to throw garden parties, tea parties. Any kind of party you could think of.”

  Vi’s eyes grew wide. “You don’t say? You know I don’t want to buy. This girl doesn’t want to be tied down. You never know when I’ll meet a man.” She wiggled her brows and my father groaned.

  “It’s for rent! It would be perfect for you, Aunt Vi!”

  She tapped her finger on her chin. “Well, let me think about it.”

  “It has a wine cellar and an enclosed area around the pool. Perfect for pool parties.”

  An almost evil smile grew across my aunt’s face. “You had me at wine cellar and skinny-dipping parties.”

  I chuckled. “I didn’t say anything about skinny dipping!”

  She winked, and my father quickly said, “So, it’s settled. Vi’s renting the main house on Wade’s property to have her little orgy parties.”

  “Oh, John!” my mother said, hitting him in the stomach.

  “You’re just jealous, little brother,” Aunt Vi said.

  Lifting his brows, my father said, “Yeah. Okay, Vi. Let’s go with that. That’s exactly what I am, my green-eyed monster rearing its ugly head over a bunch of old farts running around naked and jumping into a pool. No, thank you. Come on, Wade. Finish showing us the house and we’ll head on back and have lunch.”

  “Daddy, I’ve got a lot of painting to do, and the girl who is going to wallpaper the parlor is coming tomorrow. I need to have the trim finished.”

  My father gave me a look that said I wasn’t going to win, I sighed. “Fine, but then Wade and I are coming back over here and he gets the rest of the week off!”

  “You want me to give him the week off just so you’ll come have lunch with us?” my father asked with a half-hearted laugh.

  “The faster the house gets done, the faster I move out.”

  “That brings us that much closer to an empty house,” he said aloud. “Meli, between you and Vi moving on, you just made yourself a deal.”

  After the tour, we headed back outside. My mother stopped me behind everyone else. She pushed me out at arm’s length while she scanned me and grinned like a fool.

  “Being in love looks good on you, Amelia Renee.”

  I could feel my cheeks heating. “It feels good.”

  “How is Wade doing?”

  Peeking at where the other three were walking across the lawn, I said, “He’s doing really good. In a way, the flood has helped him.”

  She pinched her brows. “How?”

  “Well, I think it brought to the forefront some underlying issues Wade was trying to bury and not deal with.”

  “His family?” she asked, sadness in her eyes.

  I nodded.

  My mother hooked her arm with mine and started walking. “I’m glad he listened and talked with someone,” she said.

  “Me, too.”

  “And I’m very glad you came up with the idea of Vi moving into the main house. I love her, but Lord, she is driving me to drink. I told your daddy I wasn’t sure how much more I could take.”

  Giggling, we crossed the front porch. “Just think, now all you have to do is get rid of Waylynn, and you and Daddy can have your own little private naked party in an empty house.”

  She grinned. “Bring on the Viagra! Oh, who am I kidding. Your father doesn’t need that. He’s still a young stud.”

  I shrieked and covered my ears. “Mom, really? Now I’ve got the visual. Yuck!” I gagged a few times and my mother laughed her ass off as she walked toward their truck.

  “What’s wrong?” Wade asked, holding open the passenger side door to his truck.

  “My mother just told me my father was a young stallion who could still get it up without Viagra.”

  Horror moved over his face as Wade glanced at my father. “You could’ve taken that with you to the grave, darlin’.”

  He took my hand and helped me up into the truck. I grabbed his T-shirt and pulled him to me. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and said, “If I have to live in this nightmare, I need company.”

  When we reached my parents’ house we pulled around back and parked behind my father. The first thing I saw was Chloe with Patches.

  “Why does Chloe have Patches tied up to the tree?” I asked.

  Wade opened his door. “I’m not sure.”

  Jumping out of the truck, we headed over toward Chloe. She looked up and flashed us—well, Wade—a huge smile.

  “Wade!” Running right past me, she jumped into his arms.

  “Your ribs, Wade!” I said.

  He lifted Chloe and did a little spin while she cried out in glee.

  “Aww, this little girl weighs nothing! Besides, they’re almost all healed up.”

  “Chloe, sweetie, why is Patches tied up?” I asked.

  “She’s tied up ’cause she ate Grammy’s flowers so I had to put her in time out. Mommy’s here with Aunt Waylynn picking out colors for Aunt Waylynn’s dance studio.”

  My mouth fell open. “Oh, hell

  “Oh, hell no!” Chloe repeated.

  “No, shit. Chloe don’t say that!”

  “Don’t say shit or hell?”

  Wade attempted to hide his smile.

  “Don’t say either.”

  Chloe tilted her head. “But you said them both. If you said them, why can’t I say them?”

  “Fuck,” I whispered as I looked away. Of course, it was still loud enough for my niece to hear.

  “Hell! Shit! Fuck!”

  “Chloe Lynn Parker! You do not say those words!” I said sternly as Wade put Chloe down and started toward the main barn.

  “I see your shoulders moving, Wade Adams! You’re going to abandon me like this?”

  Wade lifted his hand. “I see Trevor! Got to ask him…a question.”

  “You’re a terrible boyfriend, Wade Adams. I can hear you laughing!”

  “Hell, shit, fuck!” Chloe shouted.

  I spun around and pointed to Chloe. “Now you listen here, young lady. You are old enough to know that those are bad words. Adult bad words.”

  “How come you can use them?”

  I opened my mouth to speak and nothing came out at first. I looked for my parents but they must have already gone into the house.

  “I’m an adult. That’s why.” My hands landed on my hips. I was positive I looked and sounded more like a child than an adult.

  “But if they’re bad words, how come you say them, Aunt Meli?”

  Nothing. I had nothing.

  “Go get Patches, and we’ll bring her down to the barn.”

  “You didn’t say how come you can say bad words.”

  Bending down, I looked directly in her eyes. “I didn’t answer you because I don’t have a good reason. You’re right. They are bad words, and I shouldn’t be using them. It’s just sometimes, adults get angry or super excited and they use bad words to express how they feel.”

  She crinkled her nose. “Why?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know, but I’m sorry. Now, I don’t want you using those words, young lady. One reason is your father would be very upset with me if he knew you learned such bad words from me. The other reason is it’s not a polite way to speak.”

  She nodded.

  “So, it’s our secret and you promise to never say them again, right?”

  Chloe crossed her heart “I promise!”

  “Good! Now let’s get Patches to the barn and see what your Aunt Waylynn and mommy are up to.”

  “Okay!” Chloe said, skipping over to Patches. “She wasn’t really tied around the tree! I tricked her!”

  I held Chloe’s hand as we made our way to the barn. Trevor and Wade were in Trevor’s office talking about what type of grass to plant in the south pasture. Chloe and I put Patches in her stall, fed her some grain, and made our way up to the house.

  The moment we walked into the kitchen, I noticed Paxton’s face. Something was off. Poor thing was two weeks overdue and the doctor was finally going to induce her tomorrow.

  “Hey, what’s up, y’all?” I asked.

  Waylynn looked up at us with her hair a complete mess and her mascara smudged under her eyes. Chloe and I both jumped. “Oh, my God!” I shouted. “What’s wrong? You look like hel…um. You look bad.”

  Good save!

  Giving me the middle finger, Waylynn said, “I can’t decide on colors.”

  I sat at the table and pulled the swatches closer. “Okay, we’ll narrow it down to two you like.”

  “She can’t,” Paxton said, sounding exhausted. “She has it narrowed down to ten.”

  My eyes shot up. “Ten!”

  Paxton frowned and slowly nodded. “Yep. Ten.”

  I glared at Waylynn. “You’re making our poor sister-in-law sit here and deal with this shiiii…um…stuff?”

  I glanced over to Chloe who was sitting next to Paxton, smiling all innocently.

  “I’m narrowing it down to three and you’ll pick,” I said to Waylynn.

  “What!” my sister gasped. “But!”

  Holding up my hand, I said, “No! This is what we are doing. Waylynn, these are all green. Just different shades.”

  “Aunt Waylynn, can I take dance lessons from you?” Chloe asked.

  Taking Chloe’s hand, Waylynn said, “Of course, you can! You’ll be my first student!”

  “Yay!” Chloe jumped out of her seat and hugged Waylynn.

  Staring at the paint samples, I picked the three I thought would look best with the natural light and the wood tones in the studio. I slid them over to Waylynn.

  “There. Pick one.”

  “Where were you the last two hours?” Paxton asked. Exhaustion had clearly overtaken her a long time ago.

  “Two hours?” I asked, stunned.

  “Let’s see. This green might be a bit too light. This one looks more like a sage. I’m kind of thinking I like this one. Yeah. This is the one.”

  “Are you freaking kidding me right now, Waylynn?” Paxton said. “That is the very first color I picked out and said would be perfect!”

  Waylynn looked at the paint sample and then Paxton. “It is? Are you sure?”

  Letting out a frustrated growl, Paxton stood and headed to the sink. “You need help, Waylynn Parker!”

  “Is that your color, Aunt Waylynn?” Chloe asked.

  Waylynn was staring at it, and I knew if she contemplated too long she’d pick something else.

  I grabbed it from her hand. “That’s the color. Bam. Decision made.”

  Waylynn stared at the card in my hand and made a face. “I don't know. Maybe I should look at blue.”

  “No!” Paxton cried out. “Please. Don’t. Look. At. Blue. For the love of God, just go with that color…ohhh. Oh, wow.” Paxton bent over as best as a full-term pregnant woman could bend.

  Waylynn held up her hands and stood. “Fine. Fine. If you like the color that much I’ll go with it.”

  “Oh, dear God.”

  Waylynn huffed. “Okay, Paxton, I think you’re overreacting. I get that was the first color you picked, but it’s a big decision.”

  Paxton held onto her stomach and started taking deep breaths. I jumped up.

  “Is this it? Is it time?” I screamed, and Waylynn spilled the coffee she was pouring.

  My mother came running into the kitchen, nearly knocking Waylynn over. “It’s time?”

  “Where in the heck did you come from?” Waylynn asked laughing. “You appeared out of thin air.”

  “Dining room, dusting the china cabinet,” my mother said without looking at Waylynn. She rushed over to Paxton. “Honey, are you okay?”

  Paxton looked at all of us, a tinge of fear in her eyes. “I had a contraction!”

  We started jumping up and down. Chloe was cupping her hands on Paxton’s swollen belly and saying something to her baby brother.

  “This is it! This is it! Steed!” I screamed. “Steed!”

  I grabbed Chloe’s hand. “It’s baby time! Your baby brother is coming!” I shouted as we ran through the house. I pushed open Steed’s office door to find him and my father sitting at his desk.



  He jumped up. “Is it time?”

  I jumped. Then Chloe jumped. “Yes! Yes! It’s time!” I cried out.

  “I’m so happy! Hell! Shit! Fuck! My baby brother is coming!” Chloe cried out as she ran in circles around the desk.

  Coming to a sudden stop, I covered my mouth with my hands. Chloe kept repeating over and over how happy she was and throwing those curses in at the end. Steed looked stunned as he watched his six-year-old daughter run around his office yelling obscenities.

  My father walked over to me. “I’m going to guess this was your work, Amelia?”

  Nodding, I replied, “Yes, sir.”

  He rocked on his heels a few times and said, “Thought so.”

  Trevor’s cell went off at the same time mine did.

  We both read the text.

  Steed: It’s t
ime! We have a baby coming!

  Looking at each other, we both said, “Holy shit!”

  We took off running at the same time, and I cried out, “I’ll drive!”

  We smacked into each other so hard, it knocked us on our asses.

  “What in the fuck, Adams!” Trevor cried.

  “You ran into me! The plan was for me to drive!”

  “Oh, hell no. You are not driving my nephew.”

  My jaw dropped to the ground. “Why not?”

  “I’ll drive. That way there’s no chance my sister’s panties will be in the backseat.”

  I followed Trevor out of the barn.

  “That was months ago! Why can’t Cord let that drop?”

  “I’m driving,” Trevor repeated.

  I picked up my pace, jogging back to the house. “No, I’ve been assigned by your dad to drive.”

  “My dad wasn’t thinking straight.”

  Trevor and I ran to the house, pushing and shoving. I was able to trip him up, causing him to tumble to the ground. I glanced back and laughed, only to trip over something and hit the ground myself. It felt like I had cracked one of my healed ribs.

  “Damn it!” I cried out. Trevor jumped over me as he ran by.

  “What’s the matter? Hurt a rib?” He called out as he ran backwards laughing. I pointed to the gate that was coming up. The one that went around the entire pool.

  The next thing I knew, Trevor flipped over the fence and landed on the other side, but not before he stumbled and barely caught himself before falling into the pool.

  Once he got his balance he raised his hands in victory. Walking up to him, I gave him a small push. Into the pool he went. Standing over him, I said, “Bummer. Looks like I’m driving.”

  “I’ll get you for this, Wade Adams! You asshole!”

  The entire Parker family, along with Paxton’s parents, April and David, sat in the waiting room.

  Amelia and I sat in the corner coloring with Chloe. She surprised the hell out of me by saying, “When we have a baby, let’s not do this with the whole family camping out waiting.”

  I stared at her, feeling the holy shit expression form on my face.

  Oh, hell. Amelia is bringing up the “B” word.