Page 24 of Love Profound

  “Yes,” I gasped as I pushed my hips into his hand. “Take me, Wade. Take me now.”

  “I need a condom,” Wade gasped.

  I spun around. “Are you sure?”

  He fumbled with his wallet before pulling the little packet out. “Am I sure about what?”

  I took the condom with a grin. “I’ve been on the pill for a while now and with us talking about moving in together, I thought maybe we should move onto fifth base.”

  Wade’s eyes widened. “There’s a fifth base? How the fuck was I never told about a fifth base?”

  I undid his pants and reached in for his thick cock. “Oh, yes, there is a fifth base. It’s called no more condoms.”

  Groaning, Wade closed his eyes. “I’m going to come the moment I slip inside you.”

  I laughed. “You better not.”

  Wade looked into my eyes. “You’re sure?”

  “Never been more sure of anything in my life. Are you sure?”

  “Fuck, yes! Bareback here I come. Literally.”

  I smiled. “From behind.”

  Wade spun me around and pushed me onto the table. I loved that we were both still dressed and there was a hint of roughness to our lovemaking. Our first time bare, and I wanted it to be filled with passion. Raw.

  Pushing my thong to the side, Wade spread my legs open and pushed his fingers inside. Priming me, he let out a long moan.

  “I’m going to bury my face between your legs later, darlin’. I want to taste you so fucking bad.”

  “Wade, please. Now! I want to feel you.”

  He slammed into me so fast and hard, I let out a small scream. Wade stopped moving.

  “No! I’m okay. Please, don’t stop.”

  “I need a minute. If you move or I move, this show will be over before the opening credits begin, darlin’.” Wade took a minute to compose himself from the hedonistic feeling of going commando.

  Then he started again, moving in and out building up my orgasm each time he pushed back in. It felt so damn amazing. It wasn’t going to take long with the way he was moving. Each thrust was hitting the spot.

  Jesus. Why did we wait so long to do this?

  Sex without a condom with Wade was my new favorite thing.

  “Oh, Amelia. It feels so good. Baby, it feels so good.”

  “I’m going to come. Oh, God, Wade!”

  I could feel myself squeeze his cock. Wade laid across my back and let out a long, low groan as he pushed in deeper.

  “Amelia…oh, God.”

  My body was still trembling as I gripped the table and tried to keep my legs from giving out from under me. The weight of Wade’s body on mine felt amazing.

  “Jesus, I think that is the fastest I’ve ever come in my life,” Wade gasped as he stood up.

  Laughing, I glanced over my shoulder. “As nice as that was, I demand a re-do.”

  Wade smiled and pulled out of me. The feel of cum running down my leg for the very first time was amazing.

  “Damn, darlin’. Let me clean you up really quick.”

  Wade pulled my panties off, went in search of a washcloth and gently cleaned me between the legs. He slipped my panties back on and stood.

  “I love you, darlin’. That was…fuck! I’ve got no words. It was that damn good.”

  I reached up on my toes and pressed my lips to his. I pulled back and looked into those beautiful eyes. “It was magical,” I said. “I love you, too.”

  “I’m dying to see New Orleans. Want to head to the French Quarter and find somewhere to eat?”

  With a wide grin, I nodded.

  Wade and I leaned back in our chairs and grinned.

  “I’m freaking full.”

  With a giggle, I wiped the corners of my mouth and tossed my napkin onto the table. “K Paul’s is one of my favorite restaurants. I put it in one of my books and the main characters had their ‘dessert’ in the bathroom after dinner.”

  “I can see why it’s one of your favorites. The food is amazing.”

  The waiter brought the check, and Wade tossed some cash down. “Come on, I want to walk around and take it all in.”

  I stood and took his outstretched hand.

  As we strolled the streets of the French Quarter, Wade and I talked about everything. The house, how beautiful Gage was, how well Chloe was adjusting to her new baby brother. Our future.

  “Where do you see yourself in five years?” I asked.

  Wade shrugged. “I’m not sure. I’ve never been one who thought too long and hard about things like that. I hope I’m healthy, happy, and waking up every morning next to you.”

  I stopped walking and faced him. “Do you have any idea how you make me feel? How incredibly romantic you are?”

  He grinned and cupped the side of my face with his hand. “It all comes natural when it comes to you. You’re so damn easy to love.”

  He took my hand in his and we continued to walk the amazing streets of New Orleans.

  We stepped in and out of bars and stores. My cheeks hurt from laughing as Wade pointed out all the people who were drunk out of their minds.

  We found our way to Cat’s Meow, where Wade and I danced for an hour straight. The music pulsed through my body as Wade pulled me to him. “Are you having fun, darlin’?”

  Tossing my head back, I yelled out, “Yes! Oh, my gosh, this is the best night ever! But I think I need some air.”

  Wade smiled and guided me out of the bar.

  I stepped onto Bourbon Street, took in a deep breath and let it out. I was so happy, my body was buzzing. I spun around and threw myself into Wade’s arms.

  “This night couldn’t be any better!” I said.

  Wade gazed into my eyes as he held me in his arms. “I think it could.”

  Lifting my brows, I asked, “How could it possibly get better?”

  Gently setting me down, Wade cupped my face within his hands. The intensity in his eyes made my whole body tremble.

  “Marry me, Amelia.”

  Adrenaline rushed through my body, leaving a tingling sensation in its path.


  Wade searched my face. “Let’s get married. Right here, while we’re in New Orleans.”

  I let out a faint laugh. “Wait, are you being serious?”

  “Yes! I love you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. This town is amazing. It’s beautiful, fun, crazy, romantic, and perfect! Let’s just do it! You and me. No family to deal with. Just us.”

  My mouth opened, then shut. I’d never felt my heart beat so fast or so loud.

  “Seriously? You want to get married? What about my family?”

  “If you want a big wedding we’ll have one when we go back to Texas, but I want to make you Mrs. Wade Adams now. If you want to keep it a secret, we can, or we can shout it from the rooftops. All I know is I want to marry you before we leave New Orleans.”

  I glanced around at the people passing us. I knew in my heart this was what I wanted. When I thought of my future, every scenario had Wade in it. This was something I didn’t even have to think twice about.

  “Yes! Let’s get married!”

  Wade pulled back to look at me. “Yeah?”

  Nodding, I replied, “Yeah! Let’s do it!”

  Three days after we filed for a marriage license I stood in Lou Anne’s gardens. Her house was the perfect place to get married. It gave me my first impression of New Orleans, it was one of the inspirations for Amelia’s historical book…and some day we would walk our kids along this street and say we got married there.

  “Mr. Adams?”

  I smiled at the pastor Amelia and I had met the other night at a restaurant. When I pulled him to the side and told him we were getting married on a whim, he agreed to perform the ceremony.

  “Pastor Miller, I’m so glad you were able to make it.”

  He smiled and shook my hand. “Are you still keeping all of this a surprise?”

  “I am. Amelia’s getting ready and thinks we’re
heading to the Justice of the Peace.”

  “It’s very sweet of you to do all of this.”

  Lou Anne’s caretaker, Louis, walked up to us and cleared his throat. “Mr. Adams, the area is ready.”

  I watched the florist I’d hired climb down off her ladder. She had covered the entire pergola with flowers.

  “Wow,” I whispered.

  “How stunning,” Pastor Miller said.

  Lora, the florist, made her way over to us. “Are you happy with it?”

  I smiled. “It’s perfect. You did an amazing job. Thank you so much.”

  “You’re welcome. Listen, Wade, I was thinking while I was tying up the flowers. Do you have two witnesses?”

  My head snapped to the pastor. “I forgot about the witnesses!”

  His eyes about bugged out of his head. “We need two witnesses, Mr. Adams.”

  Lora touched my arm, bringing my attention back to her. “Listen, don’t worry, I can stay for the ceremony.”

  “I can, as well, Mr. Adams,” Louis said.

  I breathed a sigh of relief. “Are you both sure?”

  They nodded and Lora said, “It would be my pleasure. I think this whole thing is utterly romantic. I’d love to bring Amelia her flowers and show her the way out here.”

  “Really?” I said, my voice a little higher than it should be.

  “Yes! Of course.”

  Glancing to Louis, I asked, “You’re sure you don’t mind? We’re about to start and it shouldn’t take long.”

  Pastor Miller added, “No. Not long at all.”

  “I do not mind at all, Mr. Adams,” Louis said in his thick French accent.

  I clapped my hands and looked at my watch. “Then let’s get this show on the road.”

  I adjusted my tie, took a deep breath and headed to the pergola with Pastor Miller and Louis.

  “Louis, was that your name?” Pastor Miller asked.

  “Yes, sir. That’s my name.”

  “You and the other young lady may stand over here. I’ll need you to sign the license after the ceremony.”

  Louis nodded, a proud smile on his face.

  I cracked my neck from side to side.

  “Mr. Adams, calm down. Deep breaths in and out.” Pastor Miller urged.

  Wringing my hands, I nodded. “Right. I’m calming down.”

  I stared at the side door, waiting for Amelia to walk through it. She’d gone shopping this morning and said she found the perfect dress. I chose to wear jeans, boots, a white button-down shirt and Amelia’s favorite blue tie. Of course, I had my black cowboy hat on, as well.

  For a brief moment, I panicked as I patted down my shirt for the rings.

  Turning to the pastor, I grinned. “I have the rings! They’re right here.”

  He nodded. The guy probably thought I was insane. The back door opened, and Lora walked out first, a huge grin covering her face.

  She walked to where Louis was standing. “She’s trying to stop crying before she comes out.”

  My heart squeezed. “Happy tears?” I asked.

  “Oh, yes. Very happy tears.”

  When the door opened again and Amelia stepped out, I felt the ground shake beneath my feet. My breath hitched. I couldn’t believe the beautiful sight in front of me.

  Amelia stood before us in a white lace gown. Her red hair was pulled up and long curls fell around her face.

  She flashed me a beautiful smile that made my stomach do that weird fluttering thing. As she walked closer, I could see her tears. I bit the inside of my cheek, trying like hell not to cry, but it didn’t help. The tears flowed openly as my beautiful bride got close to me.

  Shaking my head in disbelief at how damn lucky I was, I reached my hand for hers.

  “Amelia, you look beautiful. Stunning,” I whispered, wanting this last intimate moment of us being Mr. Adams and Ms. Parker locked in my mind forever.

  She wiped a tear from her cheek and opened her mouth. Her chin trembled and she closed her mouth and then her eyes.

  After a few deep breaths, she opened her eyes again.

  “Wade. When did you plan all of this? It’s…beyond amazing. It’s everything I dreamed of and more.”

  My eyes swept over her stunning dress. It fell to the ground, and I grinned when I saw she had forgone shoes. Everything about this wedding screamed us. Simple, yet romantic.

  Taking the hand that wasn’t holding her flowers, I said, “I have my ways. I’m sneaky, if you haven’t noticed.”

  She giggled. “I noticed. Boy, did I notice.”

  Turning to her left, Amelia sucked in a breath. “Pastor Miller? What in the world are you doing here?”

  He chuckled. “Mr. Adams pulled me to the side and asked me if I would be a part of your special day. I couldn’t turn him down. So, shall we get ready?”

  We nodded.

  Everything the poor pastor said was an absolute blur. The only thing I could see was Amelia. The only thing I could hear was my heart pounding. And the only thing I cared about was that I was about to be this woman’s husband.

  “Do you have the rings?”

  Pastor Miller’s question pulled me from my thoughts. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the wedding bands I had bought while Amelia was shopping for a gown. Amelia’s was white gold with a lace rope design on the edge, covered in small diamonds. My band matched hers, minus the diamonds.

  “Wade! Oh, my goodness, it’s beautiful.”

  Slipping the band on her finger, I whispered, “I’ll let you pick out your engagement ring when we get back to Texas.”

  Amelia giggled. “A little backwards there, Mr. Adams.”

  After we exchanged our vows and placed the rings on our fingers, Pastor Miller said, “By the powers vested in me by the state of Louisiana, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Wade Adams.

  Louis and Lora clapped as I slid my hand behind Amelia’s neck and leaned down to kiss my wife.

  After a few good, solid seconds of kissing, we drew back and gazed into one another’s eyes.

  “We did it!” Amelia said.

  “We sure did.”

  Making our way to our witnesses, I officially introduced Amelia to Lora. They signed the marriage license and bid their goodbyes, each wishing us the most amazing of futures together.

  After we walked Pastor Miller out to his car, I led Amelia back to the spot where we had just gotten married.

  “I can’t believe we actually did it,” she said with a giddy laugh.

  I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed the tip of her nose. “Neither can I.”

  “Wade, it was perfect. The most amazing day of my life.”

  “Do you remember you once asked me to sing for you?”

  She smiled. “I do. You promised me you would.”

  I cleared my throat. “I wrote you a song and wanted to sing it to you. It’s my first wedding gift.”

  Amelia’s eyes filled with tears. “You wrote me a song?”

  “I did. And I’ve never in my life been nervous to sing, but let me tell you, right now I’m nervous as hell.”

  She took my hand in hers as a tear trailed down her cheek. “My heart is pounding out of my chest.”

  We both chuckled.

  “I love you, Amelia,” I said. “I’ve never loved anyone like I love you.”

  I walked her over to the swing and held her hands while she sat down. My guitar was leaning against a chair. I picked it up and sat down. Then I cleared my throat and sang the words I’d written, directly from my heart to hers.

  It hadn’t taken me long to write the song. Thirty minutes, at the most. But every word I sang had never been truer. She had saved me. She was the light of my world. The love of my life. The dream I had dreamed.

  Strumming the last cord, I stared at Amelia. Tears streamed down her face, and I wasn’t sure how I’d kept it together while singing.

  I stood slowly, setting the guitar down. I studied Amelia’s face as she stood, too.

my brows, I was unable to find the words to ask how she felt. Did she love it? Hate it? I’d have given anything to be able to read her mind.

  “This is a moment I will remember for the rest of my life. I’ve never felt so loved or been so happy.”

  Letting out the breath I hadn’t even realized I was holding in, I took her in my arms.

  “I meant every word,” I whispered.

  She held tight as I wrapped my arms around her.

  “Do you know what would be the cherry on top?” she asked, as she pulled her head back to look at me.


  “Dancing our first dance as a married couple to Frank.”

  I tossed my head back and laughed. “I can do that.”

  I took my phone out of my pants pocket and found the song. I set the phone on the chair and pulled Amelia back into my arms.

  I looked down into my beautiful bride’s eyes while we danced slowly.

  “Are you happy, darlin’?”

  “So very happy, cowboy.”

  My heart felt like it would burst. Every ounce of fear, guilt, and sadness that was left melted away. I had said Trevor saved my life, but I was wrong. This woman in my arms was my savior. She was the reason I woke up and fell asleep every single day with a smile on my face.

  “Now that we went off and got married, what do we do now to make the rest of our honeymoon exciting?” I asked.

  She lifted her brow and tilted her head. “I want to get a tattoo!”

  My mouth dropped. “What?”

  Nodding, she said, “Yes! You’ve got that one your arm. I want something to look at that will remind me of this day.”



  “You want to get a tattoo? Right now?”

  “Both of us. Yep!” she said, popping the p.

  “There is a tattoo that I’ve been wanting to get on my side…”

  Amelia jumped. “Let’s do it, husband!”

  “Alright! Let’s do it, wife!”

  I was on cloud nine as I ran into the house for my shoes. My stomach felt like it had been on a crazy thrill ride. With the surprise wedding, Wade singing to me, and a tattoo to mark this day, nothing could bring me down.