Page 2 of Reflection Point

  The Doctor and his Bow Tie

  Mr O’Connor went to visit Dr Sharma, his family doctor.

  Dr Sharma always wore a bow tie.

  During a little small talk,

  Mr O’Connor complimented Dr Sharma’s bow tie.

  Dr Sharma then got down to business.

  “So where does it hurt, Mr O’Connor?”

  “Bow ties. I know they look all right, but they feel uncomfortable.”

  Mr O’Connor had apparently not moved on from the bow tie conversation.

  Dr Sharma concluded he wasn’t going to get anywhere with Mr O’Connor, and advised Mr O’Connor to return if the discomfort persisted.

  Mr O’Connor concluded he wasn’t going to get anywhere with Dr Sharma, and decided to go straight to the eye hospital.

  Eight of the Clock

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  Writer’s Block

  On the train back home, looking for inspiration

  Thinking, thinking, what shall I write about today?

  I decide to fall into a deep contemplation

  As today I feel I have nothing to say

  A Tale of a Couple of Couples

  They’ve had twenty years of married life,

  And believe it or not, they’re still smitten, like in their youthful days.

  “Petal, I wish to take you out tonight,” he proposes.

  “Why that’s lovely my darling, you’re so romantic,” she says.

  “I thought it would be nice, just the two of us,” he continues.

  She is delighted, “It’s lovely how you still surprise me after so many years.”

  She looks ravishing.

  He glances at her lustfully,

  Delivers a passionate kiss,

  And a gentle whisper,

  “Petal, I think you’re forgetting your purse.”

  They’ve had twenty years of married life,

  And believe it or not, they too are still smitten, like in their youthful days.

  “Darling, I wish to take you out tonight,” she proposes.

  “Why that’s lovely my petal, you’re such an angel,” he says.

  “I thought it would be nice, just the two of us,” she continues.

  He is pleased, “It would be, and I’m looking forward to it.”

  He looks handsome.

  She glances at him lustfully,

  Delivers a passionate kiss,

  And a gentle whisper,

  “Darling, I think you’re forgetting your wallet.”

  And both the couples enjoy their romantic candle-lit dinners.

  And much pleasure thereafter.

  An Unpredictable Stag Weekend

  Eddy and his friends flew over to London

  They spent a lot of time organising a stag weekend for Joe

  It was meticulously planned and all very exciting

  Except, rather bizarrely, the stag didn’t show

  No More Bitches(3)

  All them tears I cry, leanin’ on my bedroom wall

  All them sleepless nights, waitin’ for her phone call

  All the pain an’ the heartache, just to keep her smilin’

  I stare at my phone, an’ I keep on diallin’

  All them apologies, for shit I didn’t even do

  All them lies, when she made me say, “I love you, too”

  All the time I spent with her when I’d rather have been with my mates

  She keeps me away from ’em, ’coz most of ’em she hates

  All the time an’ money that I wasted on her

  Shoppin’ for handbags an’ shoes, an’ jackets with fur

  Who needs a girlfriend if she turns out to be a whore?

  Forget all that shit, jus’ show her the door

  Can’t take this shit no more, she’s makin’ me go crazy

  I’m doin’ everythin’ for her, an’ she’s jus’ gettin’ lazy

  Runnin’ through my mind all day, she makes me feel like crap

  I guess it is my own fault, an’ for that I deserve a slap

  When a girl enters ya life, ya priorities change

  Pretty hard to imagine, it is kinda strange

  Spend less time with ya friends, an’ more with ya girl

  Less time enjoyin’ yaself, an’ more completin’ her world

  But I’m gonna stand up strong, gonna rectify my mistake

  She says I’m everythin’ to her but I know she’s a fake

  All this emotion, I don’t need it right now

  I’m gonna tell her straight, in a bloody big row

  I’ve made a pact with myself; no more bitches

  All they ever do is get you deep in ditches

  Give you problems, get you stuck in a hole

  Don’t listen to ya, never once do as they’re told

  Life becomes shit, an’ then you die

  Don’t even get time to regret an’ cry

  But why go down that road when it’s never too late

  “Fuck you, you bitch!” Just tell her straight

  Then it’s all well an’ good, no more shit to take

  No more questions to answer, nothin’ now at stake

  Forget the sleepless nights, an’ all them tears that were shed

  Start livin’ ya life ’coz all the past is dead

  No more bitches gonna enter my days

  Suddenly everything’s clear, life’s no longer a maze

  All that it takes is an acknowledgement on my part

  That life can still be beautiful without a girl in my heart


  Backpacks and briefcases, handbags and holdalls

  People in suits to people in overalls

  Some on business, others there for pleasure

  Some on a schedule, others there at leisure

  People speeding, in every direction

  The array of travellers creates a fascination

  Different backgrounds from across the world

  Exchanging through Grand Central Terminal

  Two Apples Hanging from a Tree

  Green one: So what’s life like being red?

  Red one: Oh, nothing extraordinary.

  Red one (continues): What about being green?

  Green one: Ah, nothing exciting really.

  Red one: I guess it makes no odds whether we’re red or green.

  Green one: Whether we’re munched, squashed, cooked or chopped.

  Green one (continues): We still end up gobbled up.

  Red one: I just hope we’re not left to rot.

  Then, there was silence.

  Letter from the Immigrant

  Dear Mother

  They look at my appearance, hear my accent

  And give me a label.

  They judge me, and I pity them

  For being so judgemental.

  They assume that we are all the same

  Without thinking it through.

  I make a vow; I promise myself

  I will never do what they do.


  Your Son

  Seven of the Clock

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  Lover or Stalker?

  He looks out of his window

  Looking through the rain

  Looking across the hills

  Wondering what she’s doing

  She looks towards his window

  Looking across the hills

  Looking through the rain

  Wondering what he’s doing

  Police Interview 2

  Why have I been arrested this time?

  What on earth is my crime?

  “Take a seat”

  The receptionist would repeat

  So I took one, and sold it for a dime

  Sports News

  Forty-year-old Sanjay announced his retirement from football

  When he was younger, he showed all the right signs
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  But Sanjay didn’t actually make it as a professional

  So, to his disappointment, the news didn’t really make any headlines

  Dead-end Job

  Why do a dead-end job?

  Because you earn your salary,

  And through that job, you might also find a friend, a fling, a flat mate, or something called ambition.

  That’s what happened to someone I know.

  Now, he’s doing all right.

  Man in the Street

  Vladimir, just your regular guy, was going down the street in his wheelchair.

  A shady-looking character in a cap stopped him.

  “Excuse me,” the man said, “I would like to buy some weed.”

  Vladimir didn’t quite know how to respond.

  He looked around to see if anyone was in sight. After a little thought, he asked,

  “Sir, have you tried Waitrose?”

  Six of the Clock

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  A broken down car

  Ruins rainy evening plans –

  There’s no warmth like home

  Perched pigeons watching

  Tsunami waters retreat –

  The flattened city

  Brave ladies shopping

  In the stormy gusty winds –

  Marilyn Monroes

  Sun shines through clear skies –

  The barbeque aroma

  Brings the biggest smile

  Jumping past puddles

  In work clothes through ice cold rain –

  Breathless and happy

  Falling golden leaves –

  Husband and wife hand in hand

  The autumn wedding

  Chaos and panic

  The lava flow devastates –

  Graceful destruction

  Glove-wrapped ice-cold hands

  Frozen like the falling snow –

  Soothing hot cuppa

  Dark clouds overhead –

  Black coats at the muddy grave

  Death of an angel

  Basking in the sun

  What more could anyone want?

  The content tortoise

  Five of the Clock

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  My Shoes

  I wonder if you know

  How it feels to be in my shoes

  Get yourself a pair of men’s Paul Smith(4) size 7s

  And that’s how it feels to be in my shoes

  I suppose that’s not fully accurate

  Of how it really feels to be in my shoes

  For a true reflection, an authentic experience

  You would have to steal a pair of my shoes

  Thank you

  Even though now she’s gone, she still seems to live on.

  Physically she has left us, but I can still feel her presence.

  She is no longer here when I wake up, and I don’t say goodnight to her every night, but she still holds an influence.

  She doesn’t sit with us for breakfast, and she is not here for supper.

  She is not here to tell us what to do, and what not to do, but even then, somehow she still manages to do so.

  She cannot talk to us anymore, but she still influences our decisions.

  She cannot hear us anymore, but we’re still careful about what we say.

  She has not been seen for many years now (except only in dreams), but she’s still remembered everyday.

  She made things look so easy when times were too hard, out of love for her children.

  She pretended the pain didn’t hurt so it wouldn’t hurt her family, out of love for her children.

  She made it out as though things would get better when she knew they were only going to get worse, out of love for her children.

  She got me ready and prepared for a future without her, without me even realising at the time.

  I guess I think life would be easier if she was here right now, but the Lord decided to take back what is His.

  I would just like to thank my mother for being my mother.

  Thank you.

  Reservoir Rules

  He doesn’t believe in tipping,

  So waitresses are not fond of Mr Pink.

  He pays close to the dollar,

  And he doesn’t care what society thinks.

  Engagement Wishes

  Obstacles and barriers, a part of life

  Some you avoid, some you overcome

  Patience has brought us this happy occasion

  An occasion to be shared and not to be forgotten

  This is the day for which many have been praying

  And at least one soul’s prayer has certainly been accepted

  Thus we are here today, celebrating such good news

  The engagement of our two friends, soon to be husband and wife

  May this day be the start of a blissful union

  And may your happiness know no bounds

  May each of you bring a smile to the other’s face

  No matter which obstacles and barriers lie ahead in wait

  The Prince and his White Horse

  Beautiful but suppressed, she is a damsel in distress

  Locked up in her castle, on the verge of being depressed

  So sweet is her smile, but it has been subdued for a while

  The love she has to offer stretches longer than the Nile

  “O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?”

  But the sound of a gloomy silence, she quickly got to know

  Standing by her window each night, room lit by paraffin lanterns

  Overlooking the unseen world, the stomach turns, the heart yearns

  But then one clear Wednesday morning, on the break of dawn

  A figure seen in the distance must surely be the one

  As she stared at the silhouette between the land and the orange sky

  The thought of Prince Charming’s arrival brought a tear to her eye

  The Prince arrived with a thousand roses; it was clear he was no failure

  And the damsel cries, “You have arrived, you have arrived, my sweet saviour!”

  Her face lit up like the full moon, her beauty covered in tears of joy

  The dimple on her right cheek became visible, oh so sweet and so coy

  Her hero had finally arrived, her Prince in shining armour

  He would show her a world of happiness, a life full of splendour

  So intelligent and handsome, but nothing less than what she deserved

  And for him was a wonderful lady, with beauty well preserved

  “My darling Princess!” shouted the Prince, “Please let down your hair!”

  “But my hair is too short! Oh, what will we do? This is so unfair!”

  The hairdresser had been, and her hair was not the length it used to be

  But the Prince was a genius, and her lengthy hair would not be necessary

  The Prince jumped back onto his horse and parked his perky bum

  “Oh my saviour, where are you going? I wish to come!”

  “And you shall, my dear Princess! But I have to get into the castle first!”

  As he faced the fiery dragon, he began to fear the worst

  But this Prince was so strong and so powerful; he was invincible

  And he cleverly evaded the dragon; his qualities were undeniable

  And his white horse and he went up the spinning spiral staircase

  To hold his loving Princess for the first time, and meet her face to face

  It took the Prince a year and a day to make his way to the top

  But not once did he think, ‘Shall I just give up and stop?’

  He couldn’t bear the thought of leaving without her

  His angel, the light of his life, leaving the Princess to suffer

  And so they came face to face, the great Prince and the beautiful Princess

  And from that moment onwards, the two have never been in d

  She went to the fruit bowl and they shared a tangerine together

  And the taste of the tangerine told them they would be together forever

  They hopped onto the horse, and came home to the great city of London

  And now they live a dream, a life of joy and happiness and blissful fun

  Their love is great today, and will be even greater tomorrow

  It increases each and every moment, and continues to grow

  Forevermore, forevermore


  I can demand equality,

  And I can demand respect.

  But do the two conflict?

  Maybe both I cannot expect.

  Four of the Clock

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  Strange Serenity

  Lightning. Thunder. It was a treacherous stormy night. The relentless rain lashed in all directions. Downwards. Upwards. Sideways.

  Leaves, litter, dust swept with the wind. Bellowing gusts thrashed through the farms, the streets, the alleyways.

  Little Molly was powerless, pressed against her lawn. Mr Hockle had a lethal grip on her nine-year-old throat, fuelled by fury, raging with anger.

  Enough was enough. He became a wild, fuming madman. His eyes sunk deep into their dark sockets, becoming pits of fire.

  Molly’s gaze fixed at Mr Hockle’s ferocious eyes, his sweaty, ridged forehead, his dangling black hair, dripping with sweat and rain.

  Her scream was choked by the smothering strangle of Mr Hockle’s coarse hands. He had become crazy, uncontrollable, insane.

  Molly could feel his quick, huffing breath in her face. He was muttering things, rumbling, growling, like a menacing Rottweiler.

  Every few seconds, a raindrop would build up on the tip of his nose, and drop, dead. Absorbed, flat into her sweater.

  Molly started drifting, fainting. Powerless. Her eyes rolled upwards, at the dark clouds in the night sky. The odd star would sparkle, and then disappear.

  The panic of being strangled was numbing away. ‘The moon is nowhere to be seen,’ Molly thought to herself, as a wave of silence and serenity came over her.

  The rain seeped through to her back, off the wet, soggy lawn. There she lay, limp, at the mercy of Mr Hockle. Strangely, Molly was at peace. Calm.

  ‘I will see heaven now,’ she continued to think. ‘I will see some angels, and Nanny Pam, and all the animals from the farm.’