Page 4 of Reflection Point

  Upon identification they exclaimed, “Good Lord! ’Tis the body of the mayor before us!”

  Witnessing the floating corpse, men, women and children gathered round

  But Niamh was nowhere to be seen. In fact, from that day on, Niamh was nowhere to be found

  Parents’ Advice

  Pedro knows very little about drugs

  His parents told him to decline if asked

  They also taught him not to speak to strangers

  So now, people say he’s an antisocial arse


  Hello! Just thought I’d let you know I’m here.

  Hmm, I’m debating whether or not to come out.

  Shall I? Shan’t I? Oh, I don’t know, I’m cosy here.

  Erm, let’s see, I think I might just hang about.

  Ok, I’m going out, I’ve made up my mind.

  Right, let’s go, let’s get out, all set.

  Actually, no. Leave it. Let’s rewind.

  No, let’s go now. Actually, I’m not ready yet.

  Just forgot something, hang on a moment.

  I’m going back in, won’t be a sec.

  Oh, never mind. Come on. Let’s jet.

  Actually, wait. No, leave it. Ah, what the heck?

  Right, let’s make a move. Let’s roll. Let’s go.

  Oh dear, wait. I really don’t want to leave you.

  I’m just kidding really, tickling your nose.

  Can’t decide whether to stay or ah..hah..AATCHOO!

  That Million Dollar Question

  I see her everyday, the smile on her face

  The feelings I had for her, I can never replace

  Now I just wonder, what if I’d asked her

  That million dollar question, oh, that million dollar question

  Could have all been so different now, might not even be sitting here

  Then again, she might have said, ‘No.’ That was my biggest fear

  But now I just wonder, why did I give up on her?

  That million dollar question, oh, that million dollar question

  They’d ask me, “What do you see in her?” What could I say?

  She meant a lot to me, and she still does in a way

  So sometimes I still wonder, since I do still talk to her

  That million dollar question, oh, that million dollar question

  Baby Talk

  I will cry when I’m hungry

  And I will cry until I can cry no more

  And when I poop, you will know

  Oh trust me, you will most definitely know

  And should you delay, and procrastinate

  In changing my soiled nappy

  Then once again, I will cry

  And neither of us will be happy

  I will demand your attention when I feel like playing

  Irrespective of the time of day

  But please don’t wake me when I’m fast asleep

  Or there will indeed be hell to pay

  And the same will be the case

  If I fail to sleep very well

  I will become petulant and stroppy

  And I won’t be reluctant to scream or yell

  And I will refuse to eat when I am not well

  No matter how hard you try

  You will attempt all your tricks, entertaining me

  Until your mouth turns completely dry

  And when I want my milk, I want it immediately

  So attach me to your bosom

  It’s available on tap as far as I’m concerned

  I don’t care for how sore you feel

  And yet, everyone will say, “Oh isn’t he so cute?”

  As they briefly catch a glimpse

  And you will request, “Oh please, just take him for a day”

  But they will all run a mile like wimps

  Yes mother, right now, at this very precise moment in time

  At my young tender age of eight months and a week

  I have you in the palm of my hand

  Even though yet, I can neither walk nor speak


  (1) Some people choose some peculiar names, right? And not just for their pets. It’s names for their children too. And talking of names, why give a perfectly good old name a terribly bad new spelling? I am not referring to alternative spellings in different languages or countries, because that’s obviously perfectly fine and expected. I’m talking about just plain new wrong spellings, like when someone could not be bothered to check on the spelling and made their own up. And then claimed that the clearly wrong spelling is actually a trendy new spelling. Ugh! Anyway, rant over. Return to the Disappointing Anniversary.

  (2) Eddie Mair off BBC Radio 4, not any old random Eddie Mair. Oscar’s Wish is in admiration of the radio presenter’s sonorous voice. It’s funny how you develop an image of someone in your head after hearing their voice regularly, or after hearing other people constantly mention their name, or after reading their poems. And you keep that image for a while. And then you happen to meet the person or see a photograph of them. And you realise how wrong you got it.

  (3) No More Bitches and Strong Girl are two different stories. Or are they two sides to the same story?

  (4) Other brands are available. But I have to say, much of the stuff designed by Sir Paul Smith CBE is precisely to my taste. I quite like My Shoes, and I would have more Paul Smith gear if my wallet permitted. But it doesn’t, so I don’t.

  (5) This poem is best served with a squeaky, high-pitched voice. So go on, get your squeak on, and enjoy Sneeze.


  I like the idea of an outroduction. I got the idea from Tim Key’s book, “The Incomplete Tim Key” – well worth a read. I see it as an opportunity for some sort of a polite personal closure. If you did not enjoy reading these poems, please recommend Reflection Point to people you don’t like very much. They won’t know you don’t like them, not at least until they get to this page anyway.

  Wherever you read these poems, be it on a bench or a chair,

  Be it on your bed or the train, or sat on the loo somewhere,

  I hope some made you think and others made you smile,

  And I hope that you felt it was well worth your while.


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  Thank you for reading Reflection Point

  Index of Poems by Title

  A broken down car

  A Tale of a Couple of Couples

  An Adventurous Life

  An Unpredictable Stag Weekend

  Baby Talk

  Basking in the sun

  Beyond Cloud Nine



  Brave ladies shopping

  Carla’s Carrot Cake

  Chaos and panic

  Children of War

  Comedy Laughs

  Dark clouds overhead –

  Dead-end Job

  Disappointing Anniversary

  Dying Wish


  Engagement Wishes


  Falling golden leaves –



  Glove-wrapped ice-cold hands


  Headmaster’s Office

  Healthy Living

  Hear Me Out


  I’m Bored


  Jumping past puddles

  Killer Heels

  Letter from the Immigrant

  Lover or Stalker?

  Man in the Street

  Maths Tutor

  Modern Languages

  Monday Morning


  My Shoes

  Mysterious Traveller

  No More Bitches

  No Need to Run

  Oscar’s Wish

  Paediatrics C

  Parents’ Advice



  Perched pigeons watching

  Police Interview

  Police Interview 2

  Police Interview 3

  Reservoir Rules

  Sabrina the Writer


  Sports News

  Strange Serenity

  Strong Girl

  Sun shines through clear skies –

  Thank You

  That Million Dollar Question

  The Big ‘C’

  The Bogey

  The Doctor and his Bow Tie

  The Prince and his White Horse


  Two Apples Hanging from a Tree

  Two Apples Sitting in a Basket

  Wedding Wishes

  Welcome to Las Vegas

  Where’s Your Head At?

  Writer’s Block

  Something tells me you’re the sort of person that likes to stay in the cinema until all the credits have ended.

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