Page 21 of My Champion

  Avery nodded. "I could even give up my library for Warrick."

  Kari laughed. "Remind me later to tell you about Magnus' library here in the city," she winked.

  Avery's eyes grew wide. "Oh Kari, I would do anything to see his library."

  "I will see what I can do, kiddo." She stood and kissed him on the forehead.

  "Hey," he said. She turned. "Take care of my niece or nephew. I'm an uncle, after all."

  She laughed. "Yes, you are."

  She closed the door and walked down the hallway. She met Declan and Rex by the transport.

  "So you let Mother and Father know what was happening?" Declan asked.

  Rex nodded. "Father wasn't happy that you hung up on him, but I think he understood that you needed more time with your mate. I can just as easily get him up to date. He'll be sending a lion security detail soon."

  Kari shook her head. "Can we ask them to turn around? There are going to be so many people here."

  Declan turned to her, not looking the least bit concerned. "They can stand all around you, for all I care. That said, the more people protecting you, the safer you will be."

  Kari laid a hand on Rex's arm. "Will you be at the fair tomorrow?" she teased.

  He rolled his eyes. "These things are not really my forte."

  Declan elbowed him in the ribs. "Head to old man Richter's stand. He sells meat pies that are to die for. If you buy a couple dozen, they let you sit there at the stand and they serve beer."

  Rex's face brightened. "That is not a bad idea." When Kari yawned, he pointed to the tunnel. "Go get your sleep. You health is of the utmost importance, good night." Rex leaned at the waist until his face was near her belly. "Good night, baby Lionhart; your uncle loves you very much," he said in baby talk before walking away. Declan looked shocked.

  "Why so surprised? He totally dotes on you."

  "He drives me nuts."

  "He is your brother."

  "Yeah, I guess our child could do worse than Rex, Ari, Law, and Avery for uncles."

  She giggled. "Avery kept saying 'uncle', 'niece' and 'nephew'. He is like Rex; he cannot wait to go shopping for the baby."

  Declan took her hand. "Tomorrow, I'll make sure Avery walks around and goes to the stalls. They have some handmade things that you can't buy anywhere else."

  They returned to the Unit Level and were slowly walking down the main street toward their home when she turned to him. "You never doubted Meryn for a moment, did you?" she asked.

  Declan shook his head. "She is the least judgmental person I've ever met in my entire existence. Her not liking somebody is almost like a knee-jerk reaction. The only person that gets that sort of reaction is an asshole."

  Declan unlocked the door and they made their way upstairs to their bedroom. She sighed when she saw her suitcase. Declan simply stripped and got under the covers naked, his clothes in piles on the floor. She felt her eye twitch, but she was too tired to take him to task over it. She carefully laid the borrowed dress over a chair and dug out her favorite sleep shirt. She slipped under the covers then poked Declan until he moved over so she could take his warm spot. He grumbled, but moved over for her. She pulled his arm around her, holding it tight.

  "What did Rex have to say about your parents?" she asked.

  "That they're excited. My mother was still chattering away when Rex was on the phone with them. Father, of course, wasn't happy that I hung up on him, but he understood. He has a mate, after all. He'll be sending a lion detail to us. I'm pretty sure it might be a couple of cousins," he shrugged.

  She yawned again. "Why am I so tired?" she asked.

  "Oh, I don't know, probably because you've been through a lot in the past couple of days."

  "Avery misses home and his library. I do, too." She felt him tense under her hand. "This does not feel like home. It is like we are just visiting."

  Declan tightened his hold. "Do whatever you need, change whatever you want at the house. As for Avery, you could tell him that Magnus has one of the largest libraries in the world."

  Kari giggled. "I reminded Avery of that tonight."

  "I'm serious, Kari; this is your home. We'll do whatever it takes to make you feel comfortable and wanted here."

  "What about Avery? He cannot stay in Magnus' guest quarters forever."

  "I was assuming he would be moving in with us."

  "Really?" she asked. "You do not mind?"

  Declan snorted. "Course not. That way I can keep an eye on little guy. In about a month or so, I'm pretty sure he will be moving in with Warrick."

  She exhaled, sighing.

  "We're right down the street, Kari; it's not like he's moving to a different level."

  She brightened at that "You are right. Maybe I should just turn over both houses to him to decorate."

  She felt Declan yawn. "Whatever the little guy needs."

  "There is nothing that you would want for yourself? He and I show up and you are changing your entire life."

  Declan shook his head. "Not life, existence. I existed before you. I may have smiled and laughed and spoke, but I didn't truly begin to live until I opened my eyes and saw you."

  She clutched his arm to her tight. "Me too."

  "Get some rest. We have a long day tomorrow and lots of food to eat."

  She laughed. "You are just like one of the children. You are looking forward to the food and the games, are you not?"

  She felt his lips on the back of her neck.

  He smiled. "Of course. Like the children, I know what's important in life. And that's to have a good time and eat good food."



  "I love you."

  She felt one hot tear drop on her neck and then another. His voice was hoarse when he responded. "And I love you too, always."

  Feeling more complete than she had in her entire life, she drifted off to sleep.


  Kari and Declan got ready. Each moving in different directions. It didn't take Declan long to get dressed, find his shoes, and make his way downstairs. After a minute, Kari smiled as the sound of the espresso machine grinding beans signified that Declan was still waking up.

  She pulled on a pair of black slacks that were actually yoga pants made to look like business pants, a comfortable pair of black sneakers, a white shirt, and a black cardigan. She hoped to look professional but be comfortable during the fair. She grabbed her legal pad and walked downstairs. To her surprise, Declan stood in front of the espresso machine, a scowl on his face.

  "You don't get any."

  She opened her mouth to protest but then remembered why. Rolling her eyes she smiled at his misplaced concern, she'd just grab a coffee later from Sebastian. She went to the refrigerator and opened it. For someone who enjoyed food as much as Declan did, his refrigerator was surprisingly empty. She turned to glare at him. He held up both hands.

  "We can stock it later. Besides it's a fair, I'm sure we'll be able to grab breakfast upstairs."

  Grumbling about no caffeine, Kari walked with Declan out the door to the transport tunnel. She kept sneaking glances at his latte, which he carefully held in the other hand. Once they reached Level Six, he gave her a kiss on the cheek and they separated.

  She immediately went to Magnus' side and helped to organize where the different stand locations were, who was running what event, and where to send the children. Every once in a while, she would hear Declan's laugh and would turn to see him surrounded by smiling people. Everywhere he went, he seemed to be a magnet. At first, he was helping the unit warriors with their activities for the children. Then, of course, he migrated over to the food stands. Every one of the vendors wanted him to be a taste tester. She watched her mate walk down the line, snagging treats from each stall.

  She laughed as Adriel and Etain walked away with Prince Magnus. They somehow had managed to talk him into getting into a dunk tank. Magnus was a good sport, but being a vampire, of course he could levitate. So she knew
he really wasn't worried about going in the water, unless one of the children succeeded in hitting the bullseye, then she knew he would be soaked.

  Overhead, the witches had charged the crystals that brought a new bright daylight to Level Six. The children were able to experience a fairground as if they were topside.

  Kari walked past the stand Meryn had proposed, bobbing for apples. The witches were murmuring spells to bring the apples close to them, while the wolves were trying to use their canines to secure their prize.

  Avery had a booth set up and was doing face painting for the children, Warrick at his side. The children giggled as the large warrior insisted on adding his own touches to their new looks, often dotting them on the nose with a speck of black paint. Avery rolled his eyes at his mate's artistic abilities causing the children to laugh more.

  She walked along the back wall and sure enough, as Declan had suggested, Rex was sitting at the stall that was selling meat pies. He had half a dozen empty tins in front of him, one in hand, and a beer at the table. She raised an eyebrow, and he just shrugged. She was astonished when he fit the entire meat pie in his mouth and then reached for another. Seeing that he was secure and happy in his choice of stalls, she kept walking. Behind her, Emeric trailed far enough away so as to not interfere with her day, but close enough that she knew he was close by.

  Law was standing directly beside Meryn, pointing out different things, causing her to laugh. Ryuu was behind her off to one side, and Aiden was with Adriel directing the warriors.

  After a few hours, the vendors came out and started to set up long tables at the stalls for their b