Page 4 of Honor and Obey

Page 4

  Author: Teresa Mummert

  “Do you have somewhere you can go for a few days?” he asked. “This is a crime scene, and you won’t be allowed back inside until we’re done here. ”

  I nodded my head and glanced to William. He squeezed me tighter into his side. This was the last place I wanted to be, especially if there was a killer still on the loose. The officer patted me on the shoulder, his eyes filled with pity. I couldn’t escape that look. The whole ordeal lasted for hours. William and I had to go to the police station and give statements. I don’t know what I would have done if William hadn’t been with me. My mind was swimming in sorrow.

  “You call me if you remember anything else that may be important,” a detective said as he slid me his card. “And please stay in Florida until we have this all wrapped up. An officer will help you gather some things when you go back to the house. ”

  When we got back to the house to get my things, there were still a lot of people around.

  I watched as the garage door slowly raised and there was more commotion off to the side of the house. My aunt’s car was inside, I hadn’t even thought to look. I covered my mouth and grabbed my stomach. What if the killer had still been inside when I arrived?

  Chapter Six

  One of the officers escorted me to my room long enough to grab a bag of clothes.

  William led me to his car and opened the passenger door for me. I got in and we rode to his place in silence. I stared out of the car window wishing he would never stop driving. I wanted to run away from my life.

  As we pulled into the garage his building, I finally broke down, quietly sobbing into my hands. William got out and was quickly by my side. He slid me out of my seat and carried me upstairs as I continued to cry into his neck. He took me straight into his bedroom, keeping the light off. He lowered me gently onto the bed as he crawled behind me and pulled me tight against his body. I finally felt safe and I let my sobs take over. He stroked my arm soothingly as I lost all control.

  After what seemed like an eternity, I was able to stop the loud sobs. Tears silently slid down my face as we lay in each other’s arms.

  “I can help distance the pain,” he whispered in my ear. I turned my head to look at him over my shoulder. He squeezed me tightly. “Let me take it all away for you. ”

  I nodded slightly and his hand slid over my stomach as I rolled to my back. His body hovered over mine as he began to undress me slowly. He pulled my shirt over my head, followed by his own. He made quick work of our pants and soon we lay naked as he lowered himself onto me.

  “I love you so much, Emma. ” His mouth found mine and his kisses were slow and sweet. His body rocked against me gently and I let my legs fall to the sides. He was taking his time.

  My hands dug into his back. I wanted him hard and full of passion, but he refused. He took his time trailing kisses along my jaw and down the nape of my neck. I sighed as his lips traced my collarbone.

  “Please…” I panted as his mouth found my nipple and he flicked it with his tongue. I could feel him grow harder as he pressed against my leg. My fingers knotted onto his hair.

  “Please, William. I need you. ” I wasn’t above begging him. I wanted to forget everything. His mouth continued to descend as he licked and kissed his way to my belly button. His tongue dipped inside, and I squirmed against him. His lips moved over one of my hipbones and I bit my lip to keep from crying out. I raised my hips towards him, desperate for him to touch me. His tongue slid down my inner thigh and kissed its way back up. I pulled lightly on his hair. His breath blew over my most sensitive areas as he gave my other thigh equal treatment. All I could think about was William’s mouth. I rested my head back as he drifted closer to my center with light feathery kisses down the apex of my thighs.

  “Ahh… please,” I begged, pushing down. His arms wrapped around my legs, holding me firmly in place. His tongue slipped over me and my body quivered. “Yes,” I panted as he used his fingers to spread me open further. His lips slid along my wetness as he pushed his tongue inside. His fingers knew all the right buttons to push as he made love to me with his mouth. I gripped his hair tighter as I gave into the pleasure. His tongue continued to explore as he pushed one of his fingers inside of me. I began to rotate my hips against him as he continued to lick and nip. He added another finger. My body bucked against him as I began my release.

  “Let go,” he moaned. I completely fell to pieces as my body tightened around his fingers. He licked and kissed until my body relaxed. I released his hair from my grip and he slid up my body.

  “Thank you,” I whispered, wrapping my arms around him.

  “We’re just getting started. ” He slipped himself inside of me and began rocking his hips.

  Chapter Seven

  After I had had all the forgetting my body could handle from William, he forced me to get dressed and leave the bedroom. I wanted to curl into a ball, but he refused to let me mope. He sat me on the couch and handed me the remote to find something to watch while he cooked us something to eat for dinner. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until I smelled the food cooking. I hadn’t had anything all day besides coffee.

  I flipped through the channels, pausing on a news broadcast. It took me a moment to realize why it looked so familiar. The reporter stood in front of my aunt’s home and told of a horrific murder. A picture of my aunt flashed across the screen and I put my hand over my mouth from the shock.

  William was quickly by my side. He pulled the remote from my hand a flicked through a couple channels before dropping it and pulling me into him.

  “Shh… It’s okay. ” His hand stroked my hair.

  “I can’t do this,” I whispered into his shoulder. His body tensed but quickly relaxed.

  “I’ll help you through this,” he promised.

  I squeezed him and nodded as one of my tears fell onto his shirt.

  “Nothing can hurt you anymore. I won’t let it. ” There was a steel determination in his voice as his hand drifted to my back as he rubbed it.

  “Thank you. ” I kissed his neck and he pulled back from me. He wiped my tears with the back of his hand. I grabbed it with my hand and held it there, closing my eyes.

  “Let’s get you something to eat. ” He stood from the couch and held onto my hand, pulling me to my feet. He led me to the bar in the kitchen and I sat on a stool as he walked around and grabbed two plates. He sat one down in front of me and my stomach immediately growled. He had made subs, complete with a handful of chips on the side.

  “Thank you,” I said as I popped a barbeque chip in my mouth.

  “It’s not my best cooking, but I figured you had to be hungry. ” He ran a hand through his hair and took a seat next to me.

  “No, I mean for everything. For being there for me. ” I smiled at him. His fingers tipped my chin up to look him in the eyes.

  “I’m not going anywhere, Emma. You couldn’t get rid of me if you tried. ” He laughed and my smile grew.

  “Why would I ever want to get rid of you?”

  He shook his head and turned back to his plate.

  “Eat. You need your energy. ” With that, we both ate in silence. I tried my best not to think of the latest loss in my life. Instead, I counted my blessing. William was a blessing. It made my heart ache that he didn’t think so. He seemed always to be waiting for the moment that I told him I didn’t want him anymore. I made a mental note to kick Abby’s ass if I ever saw her again for all the pain she had caused him. I knew it wasn’t entirely her fault. His parent’s had been equally responsible for how damaged he had become.

  I glanced over at him as he finished his sandwich. I had barely taken a few bites of mine.

  I felt his eyes on me and glanced over at him.

  “You have barely touched your food. ” He gestured towards my plate.

  “I’m not really that hungry. ” I shrugged and sat my sandwich down.
br />   “Eat,” he said sternly.

  “I’m really not that…”

  He cut me off, his eyes hard and cold. “I’m not asking. ” With that, he got up and took his plate to the sink. I picked up my sandwich and took another bite.

  I watched him wash the dishes as I shoveled the food into my mouth. His muscles pulled under shirt as he washed and dried the dishes, and then again, when he reached to place them in the cabinets. God he was perfect.

  He moved to the fridge and grabbed a soda, sitting it down in front of me. I popped the last bite into my mouth and nodded to thank him.

  “Good girl. ” His fingertips traced along my jaw as he grinned.

  My face flushed and his words sent electricity throughout my body. How did he do that? He made me forget anything bad in my life. My world revolved around him now. I swallowed and cracked open my soda as he turned back to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of amber liquid. He grabbed a few glasses from under the island and sat them in front of us.

  “I don’t know about you, but it has been a long day and I could use a drink. ” He grinned as he poured some of the alcohol into the glasses.

  “Thanks. ” I smiled and picked up the glass, smelling it. “Ohh…” I said pulling the glass away from my face. He laughed. It resonated from deep in his chest.

  “Don’t ever hesitate. You have to just go for it or you will talk yourself out of it. ” He pushed my hand back towards me. I took a deep breath and drank it down. It burned its way down my throat and I slammed down the empty glass and grabbed my soda, chugging a long sip. He laughed again and grabbed the bottle to pour another drink. He shook his head, highly amused.

  “Again. This time, no chaser. ” He sat the glass in front of me again, and I eyed it cautiously. “Drink it,” he said slowly, enunciating each word.

  I grabbed the glass and dumped the fiery liquid down my throat. I coughed slightly and brought my hand up to my lips.

  He smiled and drank back his glass down effortlessly. He sat it down with a solid thud. “Good girl. ”

  I beamed with pride at the way he praised me.

  “More?” He held up the bottle.

  I nodded and bit my lip as I waited for the next drink. My body was already warning and I felt like I could finally relax.

  We drank again, this time I didn’t cough. Instead, I yelled. “Woo!” I sat my glass back on the counter and slid it towards him. He licked his lips and glanced back at my face.

  “I think that is enough for now. ”

  I pouted and he reached over the counter, rubbing my bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. “Let’s go have some fun. ” He tilted his head towards the elevator and raised an eyebrow. I blushed and looked down at my glass as he made his way around the counter and took my hand.

  Chapter Eight

  The night was a blur of pleasure and pain. William guided me to a high bench. He made me strip off all of my clothes except for my panties. I lay my body down over the cold vinyl and waited for him to secure my hands above my head. When he finished he moved to my legs, spreading them as wide as they would go. He didn’t tie them down. Instead, he whispered a warning into my ear.

  “If you move your legs, I will punish you. ” My body went rigid. He added, “You will fucking love it. ”

  I sighed. His words did amazing things to me. I couldn’t wait to feel him touch me. I craved it. I needed it. He pulled back and I heard him doing something behind me. The anticipation was killing me.

  “Do you remember the safe word?” He asked as his fingertips trailed light up the back of my thigh.

  “Oh… god…”

  Something came down fast and hard against my backside. I squealed with pain.

  “Wrong. ” His hand came down again. The stinging sensation was soon replaced with the soft tingle of his fingertips. He ran his hand over my aching backside and ghosted over my wetness.

  “Flower,” I panted. As the words left my mouth his finger dipped inside of me. “Ahh… yes… flower. ”