Page 11 of Coven

  “Seriously?” Now I was the one bounding over to hug my dad in a much similar fashion to Bels. “Oh my gosh! I’m so excited! Thank you!”

  “You’ll have to keep your grades up, though, or you lose it.”

  “Not a problem. I can do this.” Releasing my dad, I turned to Bels. “Thank you so much. When do you want me to start?”

  “How about tomorrow? I’ll train you for a couple weeks and if you feel okay with everything after that, you can run things by yourself on occasion.”

  “That sounds awesome!” I was so thrilled at this opportunity.

  “Well, then, this is all working out just fine. I’m so happy your family has moved here. It will be great to see you all the time.”

  “We’re glad to be here. You should join us for dinner this week at our new place.”

  “I’d love that, Vance. I really would.” Bels was practically beaming at his suggestion and I wondered if my dad realized she was completely and totally infatuated with him. Her aura positively sparkled with attraction.

  “Perfect. I’ll let Portia know and she will be in touch with you.”

  “Sounds great! I look forward to hearing from her. It was so nice to meet you, Kenna.”

  “Nice to meet you, too. See you tomorrow.”

  Dad and I left the store together and I couldn’t resist a quick glance backward. Bels was still standing at the window, smiling and waving. I waved back.

  “You know she likes you, right? As in, likes you, likes you.”

  Dad just laughed. “She’s fine, I promise. Just grateful.”

  “Dad, I can see her aura. That woman would throw you into bed faster than you’d know what hit you.”

  “No, she wouldn’t. She loves and respects your mom too much.”

  “I’m serious, Dad. She’s into you—in a big way.”

  Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair, ruffling it even more from its already messy style. “I’m aware of her attraction, but I also know she will never act on it. And even if she did, I wouldn’t. Your mom is everything to me.”

  “What if something happened to Mom? Would you be into this lady then?”

  He shook his head and stared at me. “Maybe if I’d met her before I met your mom. But your mom . . . she’s it for me, Kenna. There will never be another. Only her.”

  “Does Mom know how Bels feels about you?”

  “I’m sure she does, but she obviously doesn’t find her to be a threat either.”

  “Obviously, since you both agreed to let me work here. I just don’t want to be caught in the middle of some sordid love triangle.”

  Dad laughed heartily, slipping his arm around my shoulders. “The only love triangle happening around here is the one you’re already caught up in yourself. Trust me when I say nothing—and I mean nothing—will ever sway me from your mom. Ever.”

  “Even if she’s dead?”

  “Even if she’s dead.”

  “Good enough for me,” I replied, smiling now that I was sure my parents relationship was still stable, not that I’d been overly worried. “Now, when do I get to pick out my car?”

  Laughing, Dad handed me a helmet when we reached the bike. “I was wondering how long it would take you to ask.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Stirring in my sleep, hairs rose on my skin and I suddenly felt as if I were being watched. Eyes popping open, I blinked several times, trying to get used to the darkness of my bedroom. Gaze darting, I saw nothing; but still couldn’t shake the creepy feeling.

  I tossed my covers off and placed my feet on the cool, wood floor. Maybe it was just a dream and I simply needed to wake up and get a drink or something before trying to go back to sleep.

  Leaving my room, I stepped out into the hallway, looking both ways before stopping to stare at the open door to the attic. Shivers flared through me. I distinctly remembered closing the door after Seth and I had explored it, and I was pretty sure no one had been up there since.

  As if manipulated, my feet turned and moved toward the dark staircase, my heart pounding in my chest with every step. I should call my parents and have them come check with me; but when I tried to stop and open my mouth, it was as if I had no control over myself.

  Treading lightly, I made my way soundlessly up the wooden stairs, pausing at the top and looking around.

  Moonlight filtered dimly into the space from the lace-covered windows, showing the space to look exactly as it had before, except the lid on the trunk I’d gone through was still open. I couldn’t remember if I closed it or not, so I went to do it.

  Kneeling beside it, I brushed my hand lovingly over the fine, beautiful fabric of the dresses near the top. Again, I wondered to whom they might have belonged.

  Skin prickling, I immediately knew I was not alone. To my left was a soft stirring of light above my head and I gasped, shrinking away from it.

  “They’re beautiful, aren’t they?” A musical female voice, with what I thought might be an Irish lilt, filled the air. “When I saw them, I wished I could try them on.”

  I was shaking. “Who’s there?” I called out in a harsh whisper, my mouth feeling dry.

  Slowly, the light beside me began to grow brighter as it lengthened until the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen was standing before me—or rather, her ghost was standing before me. Looking her over, I noted that she dissolved away into nothingness near her feet, and she was clearly see-through. But none of that did anything to diminish her looks.

  “Who are you?” Even as I took in her white blonde hair, porcelain features and pale full lips, I was shaking. I’d never seen a ghost before; and to be honest, I hadn’t even really known if they actually existed. If there was one thing being a witch had taught me, it was to always have an open mind when it came to all things magical or otherworldly.

  “You may call me, Dee or Dee Dee,” the apparition spoke, staring directly at me and smiling. A wave of comfort moved through me, calming and soothing my nerves, as well as removing my fear of this gorgeous creature. All I wanted was to get to know her better.

  “Why are you here, Dee Dee?” I asked, curling my arms around my knees and leaning against the trunk. Staring, I waited for her to speak.

  “I . . . I live here. I have for a very long time.”

  “It’s my understanding that this house is one hundred and fifty years old. Have you been here all that time? Do these clothes belong to you?” I gestured to the trunks behind me. Maybe her spirit was attached to them.

  “No, they are not mine. I am from a time much older.” Bending, she waved her hand airily over the clothing, but it sank right through them and she sighed wistfully. “I’d love to be able to change my apparel.”

  For the first time, I paid special attention to her clothing and noted that they did appear very old and plain. The white dress was almost like a shift of some sort and there was a ring of faded flowers in her hair.

  “Why are you here, if this isn’t your home?”

  She turned and stared at me, shrugging. “I am attached to something here, in the area. I’m not necessarily imprisoned here. I choose to stay.” Glancing toward the window, she sighed.

  “But why stay here? Why not move on—go toward the light, or whatever?” I wasn’t exactly an expert on how death worked.

  “I am . . . I am in mourning for my lost love.”

  I thought I saw a tear run down her face. “What happened?”

  She didn’t speak for several long moments. “I wasn’t allowed to be with him. Instead, I was forced to marry a monster, an awful man who terrorized me until I died.”

  Heart hurting for her, I looked at her in a new light. “You hardly seem old enough to be married, let alone to have died. Do you know what happened to your lost love?”

  “He wed another.” Burying her face in her hands, she wept.

  Instinctively, I reached out, wanting to comfort her, but as soon as my hand passed through her shoulder, she disappeared. Instantly, my fear reappeared and a wave of
cold prickled through me. Standing, I shut the trunk and rubbed my bare arms, trying to get rid of the sensation.

  “Dee Dee?” I called, looking around for her, but saw nothing.

  I shook my head, wondering if I’d imagined it all. Tiptoeing back down the stairs, I quietly made my way through the huge house, checking every room except my parents’. There was no way in hell I was opening that door without an invitation from them. The whole house seemed perfectly normal. Pausing in the kitchen, I got a drink of water and headed back to my room.

  As I crawled into bed, I saw my phone charging on the nightstand. Immediately, I gestured for it and it detached from the cord and floated through the air toward me. I smiled when I saw the text from Seth.

  I missed u 2day.

  Glancing at the clock, it was well after two A.M., but I didn’t care. Sorry. I didn’t see your text. I missed u 2. Hope u r sleeping well. I wasn’t expecting a reply, so I was surprised when the phone vibrated in my hand before I could set it down.

  I’m awake.

  Why? Don’t u know what time it is????

  Ha! Yeah, but I keep thinking about this girl . . .

  Oh? Did u meet someone 2day on your trip? I was kidding, but the thought still made me feel slightly ill.

  U know I’m talking about u.

  LOL! Just checking.

  I wish u were here.

  I will B 2night 4 dinner. My thoughts drifted easily back to the make out we’d shared in the attic and heat flooded my body, drifting to wholly unfamiliar places for me. Everything felt so tingly and suddenly I wanted nothing more than to be in his arms.

  That’s 2 far away.

  I agree.

  Can I come over?

  Right now? I wasn’t sure what to say. Did he really want to come here to visit in the middle of the night?

  Yeah. Can u sneak out?

  I’d never attempted any such thing before—never even had the desire to do it; but a desire of a different sort seemed to be controlling me, now. I can try. I know where the wards my dad set up are and how 2 not trip them.

  We can stay on your property if u want—maybe the backyard?

  Okay, but don’t try 2 cross the wards w/o my help. My heart was racing, both with excitement and more than a tiny bit of fear. It was imperative that we not get caught.

  Got it. C u in a few. Wait outside 4 me.

  Ok. Quickly getting up, I went to one of the windows and opened the drapes a bit so I could see better without turning on the lights. Calling my magic with ease, a small flame appeared on the end of my finger and I lit the pillar candle on my desk before sitting down and running a brush through my hair. My face was clear of any makeup since I’d washed it before bed, so I dabbed on a bit of mascara, some Chapstick, and a slight spritz of perfume. Standing, I wondered if I should change out of my white tank top and bootie shorts that said “Dance” on the back. I decided against it, but did opt to slip my bra back on and apply some deodorant, too—just to be on the safe side—before popping a couple breath mints in my mouth.

  Facing my bed, I stared at it for a moment before hurrying over to arrange the pillows and blankets to look like I was still in it. There was no point in deluding myself. I wasn’t stupid. Kids didn’t sneak out so they could be on the up and up, they snuck out so they could do things without their parents’ knowing about it. I’d obviously been corrupted, somehow, because I was greatly looking forward to spending forbidden time with Seth.

  Glancing toward the window, I considered exiting that way; but knowing my dad, and his history of sneaking into my mom’s bedroom window before they were married, I was wary. I was pretty sure that would be the first place he would set an alarm, trying to catch any would-be visitors from climbing into my room. Guess it was time for some magic. Snapping my fingers, I extinguished the candle.

  Concentrating, I slowed my heart rate down, taking deep breaths as I tried to calm my senses. It wouldn’t do me any good to walk past my parents’ bedroom and have my dad hear my blood racing like a wild woman. As soon as I felt calm enough, I centered my thoughts and called my powers of levitation.

  While most witches had a power similar to this, I was slightly different from those I’d heard about. Normally, levitation magic was still bound by the laws of gravity. A witch could rise into the air, but every step or movement would take them back toward the earth until they hit the ground and pushed off again.

  Mine wasn’t like that. True, I was still bound by gravity, but my magic allowed me to walk a couple inches above the ground without sinking to the earth beneath. It was almost like a force field under my feet, a new substance for me to walk on. By doing this, I alleviated the chances of anyone hearing my footfalls as I moved. It had been a great trick for me as a child, one I’d used on many occasions to sneak up on my parents and scare them to death—or try to at least.

  Moving silently, I slipped from my room and boldly headed downstairs to the front door.

  Waving my hand through the air, I saw the red shimmer reveal itself around the doorway, a signature of my dad’s magic. Since I lived here, the magic wasn’t made to keep me in, but to keep others, who weren’t part of our household, out. However, I wouldn’t put it past my dad to create something that would trigger an alarm if I left, so I inspected the ward closer, surprised to find nothing that would suggest that.

  Taking a deep breath, I placed my hand in the magic signature. “Release,” I whispered. The red magic swirled around, obviously recognizing my command, and disappeared completely. Opening the door, I slipped through as small a crack as I could before shutting it softly behind me. Placing my hand back on the door, I spoke again. “Reinstate.” Instantly, the red barrier of magic appeared. Smiling, I stepped away and it faded back into invisibility.

  Turning, I didn’t even take a step before waving my arm and searching for more protection wards. Most of them appeared to be around the fence surrounding the house and the gate, in front. I approached the gate, searching for Seth. I didn’t want to remove the barriers for too long.

  Car lights appeared down the street, disappearing when the engine turned off. I waited, watching as he climbed out and walked the remaining distance in the moonlight toward my house.

  Damn, he was good looking. I swear he got more attractive every time I saw him. It was a crime—or it should have been. I felt frumpy by comparison; but it didn’t matter, because he obviously liked me. Still, it should be illegal for a guy to look so good in a pair of jeans and t-shirt in the middle of the night.

  Moving like he was an apparition himself, it made me recall my moments tonight in the attic. I wondered if I should tell him about it; but seeing how it was so bizarre, I decided to keep it to myself until I found out more about Dee Dee.

  “Hey,” he whispered as he approached, and I dissolved the wards, holding the gate open as he stepped inside. I quickly reinstated them and then turned, popping up on my tiptoes to hug him. Burying his face into my hair, he wrapped his arms around me tightly. “Mmm, you smell so good.”

  “So do you.” I let him hug me for several more moments, before pulling away and slipping my hand into his. “Come on.”

  Leading him around to the side of the house, we had to clear one more gate before we were safely in the backyard. Since my dad had yet to appear and drag me off, I was thinking this had been a success.

  “Now where we going?”

  “To the gazebo at the far end of the yard.” Thankfully, the house sat on a pretty spacious piece of property that would allow us to get some good distance between it and us—and hopefully no one would see or hear us.

  When we reached the round, glassed-in structure, I quickly checked the door and found it unshielded. I led him inside. “Will this do?” I asked, drawing the door closed behind us and gesturing around to the soft padded benches with throw pillows that hugged the exterior walls.

  “It’s perfect.” In the next second, Seth grabbed me, sweeping me off my feet and carrying me to one of the long benches. Lay
ing me gently on it, he stared at me briefly, pushing my hair away from my face. “You are so effin gorgeous,” he said, his voice sounding low and hot. “I missed you so much, today.”

  Smiling softly, I didn’t say anything as I simply grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer so his mouth could capture mine.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sparks exploded between us as soon as our lips touched. It was like nothing I’d ever experienced before—somehow even more intense, though I wasn’t sure why. Something inside me awakened—something strong and feral—and all I wanted was to consume him, to be part of him and him a part of me.

  Feelings of desire flooded me, drowning my senses in everything that was Seth. Running my hands down his arms, my fingers traced out the sinewy muscles that flexed as he held himself above me.

  Every place his body was in contact with mine felt as if it were on fire, but it wasn’t enough. I wanted to feel him everywhere. Lifting my hands to his back, I ran them over his t-shirt, down to his waist and, grabbing the hem, I pulled up.

  Pushing away from me, he stared down, heat and desire written plainly in his eyes; but there was question there, as well. “Are you—?”

  “Shh,” I commanded and he shifted, sitting up and removing his shirt.

  My breath left me in a giant whoosh as I stared at the incredible physique he’d just revealed. I’d known he was fit by the way his clothes looked on him, but I never imagined this hidden under all those clothes.

  His pecs were well defined, thick and strong, above a set of very defined abdominal muscles. His jeans were slung low, highlighting the sexy v-cut that drifted into the waistband and the huge biceps on his killer arms drove me wild. Apparently football did a body good, and I briefly wondered if everyone who played looked this way. Unbidden, an image of a shirtless Jett popped into my mind and I immediately swiped it away, focusing only on Seth.