Page 8 of Coven

  I couldn’t help it, I blushed; though I was unsure if it was because Jett was talking about me being intimate with Seth or because he was just talking about intimate things, period. Keen eyes immediately noticed my flush and Jett smiled.

  “My dad is a very suspicious individual,” I explained, though I wasn’t sure why I felt the need to do so. “I thought it best for him to meet Seth and get to know him right away. It will make him feel easier about us being friends.”

  “Is that all it takes to get on the friends list? Then maybe I should come, too?”

  “You’re not my friend, remember?” I replied snarkily. “You’re the jerk who wanted to kick my ass on the first day of school. I’m pretty sure that qualifies you as more of a bully than a friend.”

  “That’s the way it used to be,” Jett interjected. “You kicked my ass, remember? And showed me the error of my ways? I’ve spent the whole night reforming—becoming true, best friend material.”

  Gosh, he grated on my nerves. I slammed my locker shut and faced him head on. “And exactly how did you spend the night repenting?”

  He chuckled, his gaze once more skimming my body, pausing to rest at certain areas before traveling all the way down and back up again. It was obvious he didn’t care that his best friend was standing right there, watching all of this absurdness go down. “I don’t think you’d want to hear about that, but let’s just say it made a world of difference in the way I think about you.”

  Releasing a sound like a low growl, Seth shoved passed Jett. “You’re a dick, man. I can’t believe you sometimes.” Hooking his hand around my elbow, he steered me away. “Come on. We’re gonna be late for class.”

  “Dude, I thought you were my best friend?” Jett followed after us. “Besides, you should withhold the judgment. We both know what you’d do with my ability, since we’ve discussed it so many times.”

  “Shut the hell up,” Seth snarled.

  “Are you seriously going to let a girl come between our friendship?”

  Spinning around, Seth faced him. “I haven’t done anything to come between our friendship; and neither has she. It’s been all you, dude. All you. So if you’re trying to start something here, then you better go take a long hard look in the mirror. You’re the only one causing problems.”

  Watching the two of them glare at each other had me suddenly worried over whether they were going to come to blows. Jett’s hands were balled into fists, and Seth’s jaw was clenched and twitching. It appeared my arrival had definitely caused some discord between the two.

  “What’s going on here guys, really?” The animosity between the two suggested something more was going on, and it was starting to make me uncomfortable.

  Neither answered, but their stare-down was starting to catch the attention of others in the hall who were steadily drawing closer.

  “Let’s go, Seth. There’s a crowd gathering.”

  “You want to know what’s wrong?” Jett asked, glancing only briefly at me before turning his gaze back to Seth. “He’s mad because he knows I want to ask you out.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I stepped closer. “You already have a girlfriend. Besides, it should be pretty obvious to anyone with eyes and common sense that I’m already dating Seth.”

  “You’ve been out with him once,” Jett said, annoyed. “It’s not like you’re a couple or anything. That makes you fair game, and he knows it.”

  Moving between them, I stared at Seth. “Do you have a girlfriend?”

  Looking slightly confused, he shook his head no.

  “Would you like one?” I asked, feeling like an idiot.

  Seth smiled. “You offering?”

  “I am.” I couldn’t resist smiling back at him. He was so damn hot.

  “Then not only yes, but hell yes.”

  “Congratulations. You may now kiss the bride,” Jett sneered from behind me.

  “I think I will,” Seth replied, snatching me around the waist and bending to press his lips against mine.

  Confusion and fireworks hit me at the same time. Books clattering to the floor, my arms went willingly around Seth’s neck, my senses on complete overload.

  How could lips feel so soft, yet so powerful at the same time? A gasp escaped me as Seth’s tongue invaded my mouth, causing goose bumps to erupt over my entire body. My fingers slid into his hair pulling him harder to me, and I was thankful that his arms were around my waist because I was pretty sure I would’ve fallen, my knees were shaking so badly.

  Whistles, catcalls, and some applause brought me crashing back to reality. I released my hold on Seth, but he didn’t let me go just yet, staring down at me with a huge smile.

  “Good for you?” He winked and my skin heated even more.

  “Very good.” I smiled back.

  “Your books are all over the floor,” Jett said in an annoyed tone. I’d almost forgotten he was there.

  Releasing me, Seth bent and gathered my books before offering me his hand. A shot of giddiness raced through me as I slipped my small hand into his much larger one and he laced our fingers together.

  Without a backward glance at Jett, the two of us walked away, heading toward class.

  “You still coming to lunch?” Jett called after us.

  “Yeah,” Seth replied, as if nothing had gone down between the two, surprising me.

  “See you then.”

  “You really want to eat with him?” I asked, confused.

  He shrugged. “Jett and I have our arguments, but they never seem to stick long. I guess it’s because he feels more like a brother to me than a friend. If we have a disagreement, we get over it and move on, for the most part.”

  “The most part?”

  “Every now and then he pisses me off and it just sits and eats at me.”

  “So, what had you upset with him this morning?” We entered the classroom and slid into our seats, right next to each other at a table.

  Seth hesitated, staring at me for a moment, and I noticed the ticking jaw was back. “Forget about it.”

  “Tell me,” I pushed. “It’s obviously bothering you.”

  “I don’t want to upset you.”

  “You won’t, I promise.”

  Leaning back in his chair, Seth picked up a pencil and began absently rolling it between his fingers. He glanced around before he shifted closer. “Jett has the power of illusion, meaning he can change things so they look different.”

  “Okay . . .” I replied, not sure where he was going with this.

  Seth sighed and continued on. “If he likes a girl and he can’t have her—it could be anyone, mind you, even a celebrity—Jett can make someone else look like that to him. So, when he’s with his girlfriend, he’ll shift her appearance so she looks like whoever his latest fantasy is.”

  Uh, gag! I flopped back in my chair, sickened. “Does Megan know?”

  Seth shook his head. “She doesn’t know anything about the magic or witches. It’s a glamour that he sees, not her.”

  “And she has no idea that he’s not actually with her when he’s with her?”


  “So gross! Wait . . . you’re not saying that he’s imagining me, are you?”

  He stared at me, head bent so close I could see the darker green flecks around the pupils of his eyes. “That’s exactly what I wish I wasn’t saying.”

  Speechless and unable to even process that thought, I just sat there in dumb silence.

  “You okay?” He sounded concerned.

  “I guess so. It’s just so weird, I don’t know what to think. You two seem so different, it’s hard for me to grasp your friendship.”

  “I’ve known him for a long time. In all fairness, there is a semi-decent guy under all the bullshit. He’s just a victim of his circumstance, really. He wasn’t always like this.”

  “Do you think his parents drinking from him is changing him?”

  “I’m positive it is. I’ve seen it happening. He craves the power now. He wants t
o be made a demon.”

  “But why?” I couldn’t comprehend it. “I’ve watched my dad my whole life. All he’s ever wanted is to escape it. He hates being beholden to blood. It can greatly affect someone’s personality. I just don’t see how added magical strength is worth the risk.”

  “I don’t really get it either, but he wants it. He even talked about the two of us finding a third and binding our powers together—like creating our own small coven—if we could find the right fit.”

  “Hmmm. Our family has worked with small numbers my whole life—just the three of us. Occasionally we would join in with my parents’ old coven for big events and holiday celebrations, like Thanksgiving and Christmas.”

  “Are you Christian witches?” Seth asked, looking surprised.

  I nodded. “Yeah, though we pretty much believe there is truth in all religions, magic, and legends. I’ve never really attended any spiritual services outside of our personal worship, though. My dad has always been more of a commune with nature versus a sit in a pew kind of guy.”

  “I get that. My family has always leaned more to the Pagan side of things, and the ancient old ways. There are so many different sects of witchcraft, especially around here, those who worship the Goddess, and those who don’t. Jett’s family worships the God and Goddess and all the lesser deities. His dad is also the leader of their coven. My family has always been more matriarchal, with my mom being the high priestess.”

  “Speaking of your family . . . since you did just agree to be my boyfriend, I should probably get to know more about them, don’t you think? We kind of did this all backward.”

  Laughing, Seth nodded. “We did, didn’t we? What do you want to know? I’m an open book.”

  Grinning I stared at him. “Sounds like a book I really want to read.”

  “Back atcha, hottie. Maybe you can keep me on your bedside table, in case you get bored at night.”

  The teacher chose that moment to walk in, and I had to swallow back a burst of laughter. “I should give you fair warning. If my dad ever caught you in my room, you’d spend the rest of your life missing a certain appendage.”

  I wasn’t sure if it was intentional or simply a gut reaction, but his hand dropped to cover himself there. “Well then, let’s abort that plan. You can be the book on my nightstand.”

  Giggling softly, I shook my head. “That would probably land you in the same boat. What about your parents? Wouldn’t they be upset if you had a girl in your room?”

  “No. My dad would probably high five me, actually. He likes seeing his son do “manly” things like playing sports and dragging females around by the hair.”

  I snorted. “By the hair?”

  “Yes. We’re very caveman-like at our house. Hey, since we’re having dinner at your place, tonight, you should come over and eat with us tomorrow night. You can meet my family, too, and I’ll even show you my nightstand. You can try it on for size.”

  Bumping my shoulder into his, I laughed. “That sounds fun. We can totally do that. If you survive tonight, that is.”

  “Is it going to be that bad? Does your dad honestly hate me already?”

  “I don’t think he hates you at all. I think he simply is distrustful of guys, in general. My parents are very . . . close . . . physically.”

  “I should hope so,” Seth replied with a laugh.

  “No, I mean like, all the time. It’s like they’re on their own island and forget that other people are around. They’re really into each other, literally.”

  “Okay, and what does that have to do with me?”

  “Well, putting it bluntly, my dad thinks all guys just want to get in my pants, because that’s how he always thinks about my mom.”

  Seth glanced down at my jeans. “Sounds like he’s a smart guy; and I agree, your pants are awesome. Designer? I have to say they look a bit too feminine for my taste and definitely too small. Yeah, I think your pants are safe from me.”

  Rolling my eyes, I giggled and leaned closer. “I’ll be sure to tell my dad that. He’ll rest so much easier.”

  Seth stared at my lips, suddenly cupping my chin and pulling me closer, briefly pressing his lips against mine and I sighed as the tiny sparks fluttered through me.

  “What was that for?” I asked, our lips still merely a breath apart.

  “Because I like you.” He pressed his lips against mine again. “A lot,” he added afterward.

  “I like that you like me ‘a lot’,” I replied, leaning in to capture his lips this time.

  “Mr. Masterson and Ms. Mangum, please save it for later. Class, open your books to chapter two and let’s discuss proper sentence structure.”

  Seth and I broke apart, but as soon as our books were open he slipped his hand into mine under the table.

  I couldn’t help smiling. Things between us were off to a good start and I was anxious to get to know him better.

  Chapter Ten

  Lunch and practice weren’t too brutal, actually. Jett invited me to sit by him at the restaurant, earning me a hateful stare from Megan, but Seth made a big show of scooting into the booth before me so he was next to Jett. Since everyone else was around, the conversation never got awkward. Mostly everyone was teasing Jett about my kicking his butt. I wanted to tell them that he’d thrown the fight, but I knew that could cause problems for people who’d bet on him, so I kept my mouth shut.

  Cheer practice went well after school and I’d even stayed after an extra hour to work with Stephanie. Apparently my years of dance lessons were paying off because I seemed to be grasping everything fairly easily.

  Glancing at the clock on my desk, I wrapped my towel tighter around me and made my way over to the closet, hoping to find something that looked incredibly amazing without seeming too fancy or like I was trying too hard. My parents would catch onto that immediately and I’d never hear the end of it.

  The “incredible” outfit ended up being a pair of designer jeans and a form fitted pink tee that showed off my curves. Next, I carefully did my makeup and styled my hair in loose waves before bounding down the stairs to the kitchen.

  “Don’t you look nice?” my mom said, smiling.

  “Thanks. What can I help with?”

  “I’m just finishing up with the food. If you’d like to set the table, that would be great.

  Feeling pretty awesome, I snapped my fingers and the silverware drawer popped open. Quirking my index finger at the eating utensils they raised from the drawer.

  “Magic to set the table? I haven’t seen you do that in a while,” Mom said.

  “Do you think Seth would still want to date me if he knew I had a whole Beauty and the Beast magical plate and utensil routine like the Disney movie? I could be the floor show for dinner.”

  “I think the routine is cute. I loved when you reenacted it for me when you were younger.”

  “Sadly, I don’t think he’d be that impressed, seeing how he’s a warlock and all. He could probably do the same thing himself.”

  “Maybe he already does!” my mom said in a shocked sounding whisper and we both laughed.

  “Actually, I think we’d be more likely to catch my new friend, Frankie, doing it than Seth. Frankie is much more flamboyant, although I’d pay to see Seth do something like it.”

  “You really like him, don’t you?” There was a knowing look in Mom’s eyes.

  I shrugged, trying to play it cool. “I barely know him; but what I do know, I really like. He’s considerate, and funny.” I glanced at her. “And a really good kisser—but don’t tell Dad!”

  “He’s kissed you already?” I couldn’t tell if she was horrified or excited.

  “Yeah, but it wasn’t really a planned thing. He was kind of having a disagreement with his friend who sort of likes me, too. I think he did it just to piss him off, initially; but then it was just like . . . I don’t know . . . Wow! It was really good.”

  “No wonder you’ve been beaming. That’s your first kiss, isn’t it?”

bsp; “Well, unlike Sleeping Beauty, I never happened to come across a handsome prince while I was being hidden in a cabin in the woods. So, yes.”

  “Oh my goodness.” Mom’s hand fluttered to her chest. “My little girl is growing up.”

  “Little, my eye. I’m taller than you are, Shorty.”

  Mom laughed. “Barely, by like half an inch. People probably don’t even notice.”

  “They don’t,” I agreed. “All they see is how gorgeous you are—and how young you look. Everyone thinks you’re my sister. It’s the same with dad. And can I just say how gross it is to have girls my age tell me how hot my dad is? Ew.”

  Mom laughed. “Your dad is extremely good looking. It’s hard for women not to notice. From the time I first met your father, I was amazed at how women constantly ogled him. He doesn’t even notice it, but I do.”

  “I get it. I just don’t like it.”

  “Well you should, because so many of your wonderful traits come from him.”

  “Yes, I will forever more be the queen of the barbecue.” I briefly let a fireball dance in my hand before extinguishing it.

  Laughing, Mom shook her head. “Such high ambitions.”

  “Don’t you know it? So, how are you enjoying your new job at the clinic?”

  “I actually like it a lot. It’s different than working shifts at a hospital, but I do like the hours much better. It works out for me to be off work by the time you’re done with cheer and whatnot. Plus, it’s fun to work in a pediatric office.”

  “You’ve always enjoyed children.”

  “Yes, I have.”

  “How come you and Dad never had more?”

  Moving to rinse her hands in the sink, she shrugged as she dried them on a towel. “I think we spent so much time worrying about exposure after we had you—it concerned us that we might have another baby who could potentially manifest powers at such a young age. It’s hard to be out in public with a child who keeps spontaneously bursting into flames. After you were in control of your powers, then your dad became obsessed about teaching you how to protect yourself. I guess no time seemed like a good time. Why? Did you want a sibling?”