CHAPTER XXII: Blacky Goes Home Happy
No greater happiness is won Than through a deed for others done. --Blacky the Crow.
Blacky sat in the top of a tree near the bank of the Big River andcouldn't make up his mind what to do. He wanted to get home to the big,thick hemlock-tree in the Green Forest before dusk, for Blacky is afraidof the dark. That is, he is afraid to be out after dark.
"Go along home," said a voice inside him, "there is hardly time now foryou to get there before the Black Shadows arrive. Don't waste any moretime here. What may happen to those silly Ducks is no business of yours,and there is nothing you can do, anyway. Go along home."
"Wait a few minutes," said another little voice down inside him. "Don'tbe a coward. You ought to warn Dusky the Black Duck and his flock that ahunter with a terrible gun is waiting for them. Is it true that it isno business of yours what happens to those Ducks? Think again, Blacky;think again. It is the duty of each one who sees a common danger to warnhis neighbors. If something dreadful should happen to Dusky becauseyou were afraid of the dark, you never would be comfortable in your ownmind. Stay a little while and keep watch."
Not five minutes later Blacky saw something that made him, oh, so gladhe had kept watch. It was a swiftly moving black line just above thewater far down the Big River, and it was coming up. He knew what thatblack line was. He looked over at the hunter hiding behind some bushesclose to the edge of the water. The hunter was crouching with histerrible gun in his hands and was peeping over the bushes, watching thatblack line. He, too, knew what it was. It was a flock of Ducks flying.
Blacky was all ashake again, but this time it wasn't with fear of beingcaught away from home in the dark; it was with excitement. He knew thatthose Ducks had become so eager for more of that corn, that deliciousyellow corn which every night for a week they had found scattered in therushes just in front of the place where that hunter was now hiding, thatthey couldn't wait for the coming of the Black Shadows. They were sosure there was no danger that they were coming in to eat without waitingfor the Black Shadows, as they usually did. And Blacky was glad. Perhapsnow he could give them warning.
Up the middle of the Big River, flying just above the water, swept theflock with Dusky at its head. How swiftly they flew, those nine bigbirds! Blacky envied them their swift wings. On past the hidden hunterbut far out over the Big River they swept. For just a minute Blackythought they were going on up the river and not coming in to eat, afterall. Then they turned toward the other shore, swept around in a circleand headed straight in toward that hidden hunter. Blacky glanced at himand saw that he was ready to shoot.
Almost without thinking, Blacky spread his wings and started out fromthat tree. "Caw, caw, caw, caw, caw!" he shrieked at the top of hislungs. "Caw, caw, caw, caw, caw!" It was his danger cry that everybodyon the Green Meadows and in the Green Forest knows.
Instantly Dusky turned and began to climb up, up, up, the other Ducksfollowing him until, as they passed over the hidden hunter, they were sohigh it was useless for him to shoot. He did put up his gun and aim atthem, but he didn't shoot. You see, he didn't want to frighten them sothat they would not return. Then the flock turned and started off inthe direction from which they had come, and in a few minutes they weremerely a black line disappearing far down the Big River.
Blacky headed straight for the Green Forest, chuckling as he flew. Heknew that those Ducks would not return until after dark. He had savedthem this time, and he was so happy he didn't even notice the BlackShadows. And the hunter stood up and shook his fist at Blacky the Crow.
CHAPTER XXIII: Blacky Calls Farmer Brown's Boy
Blacky awoke in the best of spirits. Late the afternoon before he hadsaved Dusky the Black Duck and his flock from a hunter with a terriblegun. He wasn't quite sure whether he was most happy in having savedthose Ducks by warning them just in time, or in having spoiled the plansof that hunter. He hates a hunter with a terrible gun, does Blacky. Forthat matter, so do all the little people of the Green Forest and theGreen Meadows.
So Blacky started out for his breakfast in high spirits. Afterbreakfast, he flew over to the Big River to see if Dusky the Black Duckwas feeding in the rushes along the shore. Dusky wasn't, and Blackyguessed that he and his flock had been so frightened by that warningthat they had kept away from there the night before.
"But they'll come back after a night or so," muttered Blacky, as healighted in the top of a tree, the same tree from which he had watchedthe hunter the afternoon before. "They'll come back, and so will thathunter. If he sees me around again, he'll try to shoot me. I've done allI can do. Anyway, Dusky ought to have sense enough to be suspicious ofthis place after that warning. Hello, who is that? I do believe it isFarmer Brown's boy. I wish he would come over here. If he should findout about that hunter, perhaps he would do something to drive him away.I'll see if I can call him over here."
Blacky began to call in the way he does when he has discovered somethingand wants others to know about it. "Caw, caw, caaw, caaw, caw, caw,caaw!" screamed Blacky, as if greatly excited.
Now Farmer Brown's boy, having no work to do that morning, had startedfor a tramp over the Green Meadows, hoping to see some of his littlefriends in feathers and fur. He heard the excited cawing of Blacky andat once turned in that direction.
"That black rascal has found something over on the shore of the BigRiver," said Farmer Brown's boy to himself. "I'll go over there tosee what it is. There isn't much escapes the sharp eyes of that blackbusybody. He has led me to a lot of interesting things, one time andanother. There he is on the top of that tree over by the Big River."
As Farmer Brown's boy drew near, Blacky flew down and disappeared belowthe bank. Fanner Brown's boy chuckled. "Whatever it is, it is right downthere," he muttered.
He walked forward rapidly but quietly, and presently he reached the edgeof the bank. Up flew Blacky cawing wildly, and pretending to be scaredhalf to death. Again Farmer Brown's boy chuckled. "You're just makingbelieve," he declared. "You're trying to make me believe that I havesurprised you, when all the time you knew I was coming and have beenwaiting for me. Now, what have you found over here?"
He looked eagerly along the shore, and at once he saw a row of lowbushes close to the edge of the water. He knew what it was instantly."A Duck blind!" he exclaimed. "A hunter has built a blind over here fromwhich to shoot Ducks. I wonder if he has killed any yet. I hope not." Hewent down to the blind, for that is what a Duck hunter's hiding-placeis called, and looked about. A couple of grains of corn just insidethe blind caught his eyes, and his face darkened. "That fellow has beenbaiting Ducks," thought he. "He has been putting out corn to get them tocome here regularly. My, how I hate that sort of thing! It is bad enoughto hunt them fairly, but to feed them and then kill them--ugh! I wonderif he has shot any yet."
He looked all about keenly, and his face cleared. He knew that if thathunter had killed any Ducks, there would be tell-tale feathers in theblind, and there were none.
CHAPTER XXIV: Farmer Brown's Boy Does Some Thinking
Farmer Brown's boy sat on the bank of the Big River in a brown study.That means that he was thinking very hard. Blacky the Crow sat in thetop of a tall tree a short distance away and watched him. Blacky wassilent now, and there was a knowing look in his shrewd little eyes. Incalling Farmer Brown's boy over there, he had done all he could, and hewas quite satisfied to leave the matter to Farmer Brown's boy.
"A hunter has made that blind to shoot Black Ducks from," thought FarmerBrown's boy, "and he has been baiting them in here by scattering cornfor them. Black Ducks are about the smartest Ducks that fly, but if theyhave been coming in here every evening and finding corn and no sign ofdanger, they probably think it perfectly safe here and come straightin without being at all suspicious. To-night, or some night soon, thathunter will be waiting for them.
"I guess the law that permits hunting Ducks is all right, but thereought to be a law against baiting them in. That isn't hunting. No, Sir,that isn't hunt
ing. If this land were my father's, I would know what todo. I would put up a sign saying that this was private property and noshooting was allowed. But it isn't my father's land, and that hunter hasa perfect right to shoot here. He has just as much right here as I have.I wish I could stop him, but I don't see how I can."
A frown puckered the freckled face of Farmer Brown's boy. You see, hewas thinking very hard, and when he does that he is very apt to frown.
"I suppose," he muttered, "I can tear down his blind. He wouldn't knowwho did it. But that wouldn't do much good; he would build another.Besides, it wouldn't be right. He has a perfect right to make a blindhere, and having made it, it is his and I haven't any right to touchit. I won't do a thing I haven't a right to do. That wouldn't be honest.I've got to think of some other way of saving those Ducks."
The frown on his freckled face grew deeper, and for a long time he satwithout moving. Suddenly his face cleared, and he jumped to his feet. Hebegan to chuckle. "I have it!" he exclaimed. "I'll do a little shootingmyself!" Then he chuckled again and started for home. Presently he beganto whistle, a way he has when he is in good spirits.
Blacky the Crow watched him go, and Blacky was well satisfied. He didn'tknow what Farmer Brown's boy was planning to do, but he had a feelingthat he was planning to do something, and that all would be well.Perhaps Blacky wouldn't have felt so sure could he have understood whatFarmer Brown's boy had said about doing a little shooting himself.
As it was, Blacky flew off about his own business, quite satisfied thatnow all would be well, and he need worry no more about those Ducks.None of the little people of the Green Forest and the Green Meadows knewFarmer Brown's boy better than did Blacky the Crow. None knew betterthan he that Farmer Brown's boy was their best friend. "It is all rightnow," chuckled Blacky. "It is all right now." And as the cheery whistleof Farmer Brown's boy floated back to him on the Merry Little Breezes,he repeated it: "It is all right now."
CHAPTER XXV: Blacky Gets A Dreadful Shock
When friends prove false, whom may we trust? The springs of faith are turned to dust. --Blacky the Crow.
Blacky the Crow was in the top of his favorite tree over near the BigRiver early this afternoon. He didn't know what was going to happen, buthe felt in his bones that something was, and he meant to be on hand tosee. For a long time he sat there, seeing nothing unusual. At last hespied a tiny figure far away across the Green Meadows. Even at thatdistance he knew who it was; it was Farmer Brown's boy, and he wascoming toward the Big River.
"I thought as much," chuckled Blacky. "He is coming over here to drivethat hunter away."
The tiny figure grew larger. It was Farmer Brown's boy beyond a doubt.Suddenly Blacky's eyes opened so wide that they looked as if they werein danger of popping out of his head. He had discovered that FarmerBrown's boy was carrying something and that that something was a gun!Yes, Sir, Farmer Brown's boy was carrying a terrible gun! If Blackycould have rubbed his eyes, he would have done so, just to make surethat there was nothing the matter with them.
"A gun!" croaked Blacky. "Farmer Brown's boy with a terrible gun! Whatdoes it mean?"
Nearer came Farmer Brown's boy, and Blacky could see that terrible gunplainly now. Suddenly an idea popped into his head. "Perhaps he is goingto shoot that hunter!" thought Blacky, and somehow he felt better.
Farmer Brown's boy reached the Big River at a point some distance belowthe blind built by the hunter. He laid his gun down on the bank and wentdown to the edge of the water. The rushes grew very thick there, andfor a while Farmer Brown's boy was very busy among them. Blacky fromhis high perch could watch him, and as he watched, he grew more and morepuzzled. It looked very much as if Farmer Brown's boy was building ablind much like that of the hunter's. At last he carried an old logdown there, got his gun, and sat down just as the hunter had done in hisblind the afternoon before. He was quite hidden there, excepting from aplace high up like Blacky's perch.
"I--I--I do believe he is going to try to shoot those Ducks himself,"gasped Blacky. "I wouldn't have believed it if any one had told me. No,Sir, I wouldn't have believed it. I--I--can't believe it now. FarmerBrown's boy hunting with a terrible gun! Yet I've got to believe my owneyes."
A noise up river caught his attention. It was the noise of oars in aboat. There was the hunter, rowing down the Big River. Just as he haddone the day before, he came ashore above his blind and walked down toit.
"This is no place for me," muttered Blacky. "He'll remember that Iscared those Ducks yesterday, and as likely as not he'll try to shootme."
Blacky spread his black wings and hurriedly left the tree-top, headingfor another tree farther back on the Green Meadows where he would besafe, but from which he could not see as well. There he sat until theBlack Shadows warned him that it was high time for him to be gettingback to the Green Forest.
He had to hurry, for it was later than usual, and he was afraid to beout after dark. Just as he reached the Green Forest he heard a faint"bang, bang" from over by the Big River, and he knew that it came fromthe place where Farmer Brown's boy was hiding in the rushes.
"It is true," croaked Blacky. "Farmer Brown's boy has turned hunter."It was such a dreadful shock to Blacky that it was a long time before hecould go to sleep.
CHAPTER XXVI: Why The Hunter Got No Ducks
The hunter who had come down the Big River in a boat and landed nearthe place where Dusky the Black Duck and his flock had found nice yellowcorn scattered in the rushes night after night saw Blacky the Crow leavethe top of a certain tree as he approached.
"It is well for you that you didn't wait for me to get nearer," said thehunter. "You are smart enough to know that you can't play the same trickon me twice. You frightened those Ducks away last night, but if you tryit again, you'll be shot as surely as your coat is black."
Then the hunter went to his blind which, you know, was the hiding-placehe had made of bushes and rushes, and behind this he sat down with histerrible gun to wait and watch for Dusky the Black Duck and his flock.
Now you remember that farther along the shore of the Big River wasFarmer Brown's boy, hiding in a blind he had made that afternoon. Thehunter couldn't see him at all. He didn't have the least idea that anyone else was anywhere near. "With that Crow out of the way, I think Iwill get some Ducks to-night," thought the hunter and looked at his gunto make sure that it was ready.
Over in the West, jolly, round, red Mr. Sun started to go to bed behindthe Purple Hills, and the Black Shadows came creeping out. Far downthe Big River the hunter saw a swiftly moving black line just above thewater. "Here they come," he muttered, as he eagerly watched that blackline draw nearer.
Twice those big black birds circled around over the Big River oppositewhere the hunter was crouching behind his blind. It was plain thatDusky, their leader, remembered Blacky's warning the night before. Butthis time there was no warning. Everything appeared safe. Once more theflock circled and then headed straight for that place where they hopedto find more corn. The hunter crouched lower. They were almost nearenough for him to shoot when "bang, bang" went a gun a short distanceaway.
Instantly Dusky and his flock turned and on swift wings swung off andup the river. If ever there was a disappointed hunter, it was the onecrouching in that blind. "Somebody else is hunting, and he spoiledmy shot that time," he muttered. "He must have a blind farther down.Probably some other Ducks I didn't see came in to him. I wonder if hegot them. Here's hoping that next time those Ducks come in here first."
He once more made himself comfortable and settled down for a long wait.The Black Shadows crept out from the farther bank of the Big River.Jolly, round red Mr. Sun had gone to bed, and the first little star wastwinkling high overhead. It was very still and peaceful. From out in themiddle of the Big River sounded a low "quack"; Dusky and his flock wereswimming in this time. Presently the hunter could see a silver line onthe water, and then he made out nine black spots. In a few minutes thoseDucks would be where he could shoot them. "Bang, bang" went that gunb
elow him again. With a roar of wings, Dusky and his flock were in theair and away. That hunter stood up and said things, and they were notnice things. He knew that those Ducks would not come back again thatnight, and that once more he must go home empty-handed. But first hewould find out who that other hunter was and what luck he had had, so hetramped down the shore to where that gun had seemed to be. He found theblind of Farmer Brown's boy, but there was no one there. You see, assoon as he had fired his gun the last time, Farmer Brown's boy hadslipped out and away. And as he tramped across the Green Meadows towardhome with his gun, he chuckled. "He didn't get those Ducks this time,"said Farmer Brown's boy.
CHAPTER XXVII: The Hunter Gives Up
Blacky The Crow didn't know what to think. He couldn't make himselfbelieve that Farmer Brown's boy had really turned hunter, yet what elsecould he believe? Hadn't he with his own eyes seen Farmer Brown's boywith a terrible gun hide in rushes along the Big River and wait forDusky the Black Duck and his flock to come in? And hadn't he with hisown ears heard the "bang, bang" of that very gun?
The very first thing the next morning Blacky had hastened over to theplace where Farmer Brown's boy had hidden in the rushes. With sharp eyeshe looked for feathers, that would tell the tale of a Duck killed. Butthere were no feathers. There wasn't a thing to show that anything sodreadful had happened. Perhaps Farmer Brown's boy had missed when heshot at those Ducks. Blacky shook his head and decided to say nothing toanybody about Farmer Brown's boy and that terrible gun.