Page 21 of Call on Me

  “Pike, what’s going on? I was just talking. I didn’t mean—”

  He turned to her and cupped her chin. “I’m in control tonight, remember? And I’m not waiting another minute to get to The Ranch.”

  She opened her mouth to say something, but instead he brought his lips down on hers, and his palm slid to her breast with the urgency of a groping teenager but with the skill of a man who knew exactly what he was doing. All the words in her head evaporated. He tasted of Mexican beer and her own arousal, and she couldn’t remember having ever tasted a sexier combination. Her eyes fell shut and she groaned as Pike gripped her neck and deepened the kiss.

  Long, slow, and sensual, he took over her mouth and all of her senses. His scent, his taste, the way his five o’clock shadow scraped against her skin. Every part of her sprang to life, blood roaring in her ears like breaking waves. He seemed to fall into the moment with her as well, threading both of his hands in her hair, tugging and angling her just how he wanted. Like he wanted to consume her. Like he couldn’t bear to be separated for even a breath.

  So they were going to do this. Fuck in the front seat of his truck in the middle-of-nowhere Texas. Somehow she couldn’t find it in her to protest.

  He broke away from the kiss, panting, eyes like coal in the misty moonlight. “Hold that thought, gorgeous.”

  Then he was grabbing something out of the backseat and hopping out of the truck. Her head was spinning, her blood pumping, but nerves resurfaced. She shoved open her own door and leaned out. “What are you doing?”

  He appeared on her side and put up a hand. “Don’t get out. I’m going to carry you.”

  “What? Where? Why?”

  He grinned and tucked his arms beneath her. “Don’t forget who and when.”

  He lifted her with ease even as her protests continued. “Is this the part where you admit you’re a mass murderer and this is your favorite place to bury the bodies?”

  “No, this spot would be too obvious.” He bumped the door shut with his hip. “And I’m carrying you because it’s too dark to be able to check for snakes and you’ve got open-toe shoes on.”

  “Snakes?! Pike—”

  But he cut her off with a kiss again and carried her toward the back of the truck. He set her down on the open tailgate. A thick Mexican blanket had been double-folded and spread in the back, shielding her from the metal. That’s when it finally sunk in as to what he was doing. What they were going to do.

  “Oh, no. No way, Pike. We can’t out here. We’re not that far from the road. Anyone could see—”

  “Take off your clothes, Oakley,” he said, bracing his hands on each side of her. “I only want you wearing moonlight and fog.”

  Anxiety crackled through her, and she peered toward the path they’d forged through the brush. The canopy of the tree and surrounding shrubbery offered some cover, as did the low blanket of mist, but she could still make out the road from here.

  “We can’t—” But then she looked back to Pike and the words died on her lips. His mussed-on-purpose blond hair was bathed silver in the gleam of the moon, and his eyes were promising all of her dirtiest fantasies. She couldn’t look away and she couldn’t speak.

  He leaned forward and brushed a kiss over her lips. “Trust me, Oakley.”

  She gave a mute nod, captured in his spell.

  He leaned back and pulled off his T-shirt, exposing his honed chest and all of that inked skin. Jesus H. Christ. The man looked like some surreal being who’d emerged from the fog around them—an angel, a demon. Maybe some combination of both. She reached out and traced a vine tattoo that tracked over his shoulder. In this light, it was almost as if the twining patterns of his ink were breathing, all the colors swirling. Beautiful. And it was all wrapping up a package she was liking more and more. A man she was liking more and more.

  He put his hand over hers, a quirk of a smile on his lips. “Exploring my dumb tattoos.”

  “I’m thinking of changing my stance on this whole ink situation.”

  The metal gave a groan as he climbed onto the tailgate with her then scooted her back into the bed of the truck. “Yeah?”

  She pretended to consider the question. “I might have to taste them first. You know, to make an educated decision.”

  He moved his hands to her buttons and started unfastening them as he put his mouth on her neck, kissing a line along her throat. His hand slid into her open blouse and cupped her breast. “Good idea. You don’t want to make a hasty judgment. You need to fully explore this new theory.” He pushed her bra strap off and lifted the full weight of her breast in his palm, sending need sizzling down her nerve endings. “I’m not sure about my stance on pretty pink nipples.”

  Hot goose bumps chased over her skin. “By all means, do what you need to do to form an opinion.”

  He lowered his head and took her into his mouth. He sucked with surprising pressure, and it was as if a direct line connected that spot to her pussy. Her clit jumped to attention and Oakley moaned. Pike pressed his teeth into her sensitive flesh, and she gripped his head, her noises getting louder. Fuck, how could that feel so good?

  “Mmm,” Pike said against her skin. “Sounds like you like a little roughness, Ms. Easton.”

  She let her head rest against the truck’s back window, lost in the laving of his tongue along her stinging nipple. “Or maybe I just like you.”

  The words slipped out, but she realized they had been the wrong thing to say almost immediately. Had revealed too much.

  Pike lifted his head to meet her gaze, something intense burning there. Something tender. “I like you, too, Oakley. More than you want me to.”

  She closed her eyes and turned her head away. “Don’t. Please. I’m not one of those girls who needs you to tell her what you think she wants to hear.”

  His grip on her tightened. “I know. That’s why I told you what you needed to hear, not what you wanted to.”


  “Take everything off. I need to see all of you when I fuck you.”

  The words were coarse, as was his tone, but it was exactly what she needed in that moment. Something to bring this back to what it was supposed to be. Physical release. Adventure. Nothing more, nothing less.

  He backed away and she tugged off her top and bra. The night air licked at her skin, but she was beyond worrying about their exposed status at this point. She needed that edge. If she could focus on the thrill of it, the daring act, she wouldn’t have to worry about the other stuff creeping in—her stupid instincts trying to attach some sort of significant feelings to someone she was sleeping with. It was just remnants of an upbringing that tied sex exclusively to lifelong love. This wasn’t about Pike.

  She kneeled up and tugged off her skirt, baring herself in full to him. He’d watched her every move like a jungle cat waiting to pounce and now he let his gaze travel over her with hungry interest. “You look good on your knees, mama.”

  “We could get arrested if someone catches us.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” He stood, his heavy black boots clomping on the bed of the truck, and shoved his pants to his thighs, revealing that impressively hard cock. “Better try to be quiet then.”

  Good God. She licked her lips. What a view. Pike looming over her, cock in hand, tree branches swaying above him, moonlight gilding his cut shoulders—it was enough to send another rush of needy arousal flooding through her. Any errant thought or worries were forgotten. Never before had she seen the appeal in submitting to some guy, but right now, she wanted to worship.

  His lips curled into a wry smile, mischief lighting his eyes, and he pointed to his dick with both hands.

  She smiled back at him and rose fully on her knees. “Look at that. Guess it can be effective.”

  He slid his fingers into her hair and gripped. “Going to kick me, beautiful?”

  The harshness of his grip made her nipples tighten, her body rev. Maybe he was right. The rougher he was, the more she liked it. It was so opposite
from every other sexual experience she’d ever had. Liam had shown his ugly side after she’d gotten pregnant, but he’d always been gentle with her in bed, like she would break. Her youth and innocence his kink. Sick fucker. She licked her lips again. “No.”

  “What do you want then?”

  The answer jumped into her head unbidden. She barely swallowed it back before she could say it. Where the hell had that urge come from?

  Pike tilted his head, his eyes shrewd, evaluating. “What were you going to say?”


  “Oakley,” he warned. “Tell me. No filters tonight. No judgment.”

  She couldn’t break the eye contact. Her heart hammered, her palms went sweaty. But Pike’s steady gaze and command had her good sense falling into the fog somewhere. “I was going to say maybe you should make me.”

  Desire flashed over his features like a starving man who’d had a steak waved in front of him, but his expression went instantly wary. “That’s an intense game, baby. Be careful. Might not want to jump into the deep end right away.”

  “Have you played it before?” she asked, honestly curious.

  He considered her carefully. “I’ve watched other people play it. Haven’t done it myself.”

  She smirked. “Women can’t even fake resisting you?”

  The tilt of his mouth went wry. “Smart-ass.”

  “Come on, don’t you want to see what it feels like to meet a little resistance for a change? I’m not some fragile thing. I know what I’m asking. Tonight’s supposed to be our daring night, remember?”

  He stared at her another long moment. “We’re in the middle of nowhere. There’s no one here to intervene. No dungeon monitor. No staff. You understand the situation you’re putting yourself in?”

  A tremor went through her hands at his serious tone. “You’ll listen to my safe word if I need it.”

  “You trust that?” he asked, his grip tightening on her hair but something stripped and naked in his eyes.

  “I do.”

  Some emotion moved over his face, an ache there, but he quickly smoothed his expression into something harder. “You gonna suck my cock, Oakley?”

  She caught the change in tone, the shift in the air. Game on. She tilted her chin up. “Fuck off. Take me home.”

  He grabbed her skull with both his hands, stepping closer until the head of his cock brushed over her lips. She could taste the musk of his skin, smell the scent of sex. Her mouth watered. “You’re not going anywhere until you give me what I want. You’ve been a fucking cock tease the whole drive over. Now you’re going to deliver on that promise.”

  “You teased me first.” She tried to turn her head away, but he held her fast.

  “Oh, and I plan to deliver on that promise as well. Those pretty thighs are going to spread wide for me. But first you’re going to suck me like you mean it. Use teeth and I will leave your naked ass out here in the woods with the snakes.”

  “Such a fucking romantic,” she said, channeling some dark part of herself, falling into the role-play, feeling the freedom of it.

  “Open,” he said, nudging himself against her lips. “Do a good job and maybe I’ll let you come when I fuck you.”

  She resisted for a moment, but then he grabbed her jaw and squeezed, making her open. He pushed the head of his cock in as soon as her lips parted. She choked for a second, the invasion sudden, but it only added to the illicitness of what they were doing. Her belly dipped and a rush of heat went through her.

  He groaned as he slid along her tongue, seating deep. And she held back a moan at the feel and taste of him inside her mouth—salt and smooth skin and man. She let her eyes open barely, unable to resist the intimate view of Pike. She wanted to map every part of him. His sac loomed heavy in her line of sight, obvious and masculine and fucking sexy. She’d always found that part of a man to be obscenely arousing—a secret fetish of hers that she could probably blame on discovering Devon’s stash of gay porn magazines when she was a teenager. Stealing away to peek at those pages, she’d developed quite an appreciation for all the secret parts of the male anatomy. But in her brief sex life, she’d never let herself openly explore because it was hard to know what a guy would like.

  But she’d talked to Pike on the phone, remembered what he’d said about how he touched himself, how he liked it. It was like a flashing green light to indulge. She knew she was supposed to be the resistant captive in this scenario, but the temptation proved too much. She lifted her hand and cupped him, letting the weight and heat fill her palm. Then she let her nails draw along the tender skin.

  A pleased sound rumbled through Pike. “Fuck.”

  She rolled her tongue around the head of his cock, taking her time and enjoying the feel of him guiding her back and forth over his length. Then she let her fingertips trail under his scrotum to rub along the span of skin behind it.

  Pike’s knees flexed and drops of salty fluid touched her tongue. She lifted her gaze to him, needing to see for herself how this was affecting him. But when their eyes met, it left no question. The look he was giving her seared her like hot coals. He pulled her off his cock and got ahold of her hair again. “You touch something, you taste it. That’s the rule.”

  Her pussy clenched as if he’d directly stroked it. He was giving her the go-ahead to explore. He took his cock in his free hand and angled it higher so she could have access to all of him. The view was all male and in full color. Pike kept things neatly trimmed, so she could see the details of every forbidden part of him. She let him guide her forward and she put her lips to his scrotum and then drew her tongue over the flush skin. He tasted of musk and heat, and some primal part of her wanted to bury herself in his scent.

  He grunted and gave his cock a squeeze like he was staving off orgasm. “Don’t be shy, baby. Let’s not pretend you’re a good girl who doesn’t want it.”

  She dipped lower, taking his balls in her mouth and rolling her tongue around them. Then she drew her fingers over his perineum again and ventured farther back. She definitely had never dared to go that far with any other guy, but Pike had already told her he played with plugs sometimes, and she couldn’t help her curiosity. She teased the tip of her finger lightly over his opening.

  Pike’s hold on her hair faltered. “Fuck me, you’re going to be fun when we do role reversal.”

  She hummed against his skin, the words inspiring decadent visions of Pike restrained to a bed and spread out for her to explore and experiment however she wanted. Hell, he was doing what he promised, making her want another night already.

  She let her lips kiss a path along the spot where thigh met pelvis and then licked across the knuckles of the hand he had wrapped around his erection. Finally, she kissed the head of his cock and sucked.

  He tugged her away from him. “Enough. Hands and knees. Thighs spread, ass in the air.”

  “And what if I don’t want to?”

  He squatted down, getting eye to eye with her. “Tell me no, Oakley, and see what happens.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “No.”

  He grabbed his discarded T-shirt and gathered her wrists in his fists and wrapped the material around it, knotting it swiftly and efficiently.

  “What are you doing? You can’t—”

  He grabbed her shoulders and spun her around, the blanket going with her. Then he splayed his palm on her back and forced her down until she was braced on her elbows, ass in the air. “I can. And I will. You’re fucking mine.”

  He gripped her thighs and spread her knees wider, exposing every bit of her to him and the moonlight. He dragged his fingers along the lips of her sex, which were embarrassingly wet by now.

  “I can see how much you hate this. How much you can’t stand the thought of me taking you. Look at you.”

  He rubbed her clit with rough fingers, the movement almost too much to bear. She didn’t want to go off too soon, but everything felt on edge, poised to explode. She tried to squirm away, but he grabbed her hip an
d smacked an open palm right over her pussy.

  She cried out, more from the shock than anything else, and vicious, aching need nearly steamrolled her. Holy shit. She pressed her forehead to the blanket and groaned. Arousal leaked onto her thighs.

  He laughed low behind her, a smug, pleased sound. “It’s a crime you’ve put yourself on ice for five years, baby. Look how responsive you are. Numb, my ass.” He hit her again, this time on the spot where thigh met curves. Three sharp hits that sent her system reeling. “You weren’t numb. You just needed someone who wasn’t afraid to give you some bite.”

  She inhaled a deep breath, letting the reverb of the slaps move through her. He was so right. She’d been celibate by choice, convinced that her libido had faded, but that had been because sex had never been all that great for her. Decent, sure. But it’d all been soft and sweet and unremarkable. Never before had she felt so physically tuned in with someone else. Whether Pike was being gentle or rough, her body seemed wired for his touch.

  He spanked her again, matching hits going from left to right. Her skin began to tingle, the moisture in the air clinging to her and mixing with a building sheen of sweat. She rocked in the position, tilting herself closer to him.

  His callused hands moved over her skin with a gentling touch, hands that knew how to smash drums or make them softly rumble and could do the same to her body. “You make me want to turn your whole backside pink, baby. Look how hot and wet you’re getting.”

  He pinched her thigh and she moaned. Hell, maybe she had some undiscovered masochistic streak. Or maybe it was just Pike. Anything he did to her seemed to be a turn-on. She was in so much damn trouble. But right now, she didn’t care. She’d worry about that stuff later. Right now she just needed him. “Please.”

  “Please what?” he asked, gravel in his voice as he drew his fingers over her slickness, the sound of his fingers on her flesh obscenely erotic.

  It was on her lips to beg him to fuck her, but then she remembered the game they’d started and wanted to finish it. “Get the hell away from me and let me go home.”

  He wiped her arousal onto the back of her thigh as if to show her just how turned on she was. “Is home Oklahoma?”