Page 30 of Call on Me

  Pike looked over at Oakley. “You’ve done good, mama. She was born to sing.”

  “I’ll say,” said a voice behind them. “Damn.”

  Oakley startled at the interruption and turned, finding Braxton smiling their way. Geoff and another man were walking in behind him.

  Pike rolled his chair back and stood. “Hey, you’re early.”

  Braxton crooked a thumb. “Mr. Garrett came in on an earlier flight. Thought we’d check to see if y’all are wrapping up.”

  Oakley stiffened at the words. The name. She rose out of her chair like it’d caught fire.

  “Yeah, grabbed a direct instead of that route that stops in Albuquerque. Hope it’s not a problem.” The stranger stepped around Braxton and into the low light of the room. He held his hand out to Pike. “Liam Garrett. Nice to meet you.”

  Oakley couldn’t move. Liam. Her daughter’s voice rang through the room, and the man who’d fathered her stood steps away. Everything inside her went cold and still.

  “Pike Ryland. Great to meet you.” Pike shook Liam’s hand firmly. Then he cocked his head toward Oakley. “And this is Oakley Easton. She’s here working on a charity project with me. We were just finishing up.”

  Liam’s gaze snapped her way, and she was almost surprised he remembered her real name. When they’d been together, he’d called her by her stage name, had told her it’d help her get used to answering to that name.

  She felt frozen to the spot, all the anxiety from her teen self surging in her and making her throat want to close. Her muscles wouldn’t move.

  “Kris?” he said softly.

  Pike frowned her way. “No, it’s Oakley.”

  But Liam wasn’t listening. He walked over to her. She’d always remembered him as this tall, imposing figure—intimidating. And though he still carried himself with that air, she now saw that he was shorter than Pike and not nearly as formidable. He was still attractive, his shoulder-length dark hair now shot with streaks of silver, but her stomach turned at the thought that she used to let this man touch her.

  He stopped in front of her and shook his head. “It is you, isn’t it?” His gaze raked over her, making her want to put some furniture between them. “I can’t believe it. Still as beautiful as can be.”

  She swallowed past the constriction in her throat. “Liam.”

  “You two know each other?” Pike asked, frown deep.

  Oakley’s attention slid Pike’s way. And as if he could read her mind, awareness dawned on his face. He wet his lips and looked toward Reagan, who was hitting the final verse of the song.

  Panic was a living, breathing thing in her, but she needed Liam to not focus on the kids. She forced a smile. “Yes, we used to work together a very long time ago.”

  Liam’s gaze held hers, and she could see it there—that old possessiveness. “Yes, very closely.”

  She wanted to vomit right on his expensive Italian leather shoes.

  Braxton, completely unaware of the tension, grinned Oakley’s way. “How’s that?”

  Liam tucked his hands in his slacks and rocked back on his heels, but his attention never left Oakley. “What? She didn’t tell you. Kris was going to be a big star. Best singer we had in Pop Luck.”

  “Holy shit,” Geoff said, coming up behind Braxton. “You were in that girl group?”

  Pike put his hand up, halting any more questions. “Hey, guys, why don’t we get going? We were just wrapping up, and Oakley’s got this covered.”

  But right at that moment the music ended and Reagan’s voice rang through the speakers. “Mr. Pike, how was that?”

  Oakley forced her expression into neutrality, all the safety guards she’d put in place crashing around her.

  Pike hit a button and leaned over a microphone. “Beautiful, sweetheart. I think we got it on the first take. Why don’t y’all start getting your stuff together? We can finish this up tomorrow.”

  Liam spun around at that as if noticing there were children in the other room for the first time. He narrowed his eyes at the scene. “That was a kid singing?”

  Pike stepped in front of the window, subtly blocking the view of Rae. His jaw twitched. “Yeah, just a little charity project thing.”

  Liam peered through the window with far too much scrutiny. “That girl’s got a voice on her. She have an agent?”

  Murder flashed across through Pike’s eyes, and she got the feeling he was about to pounce on the guy.

  Oakley surged forward at that. “Hey, Pike, I’m going to get them gathered up. I can lock up behind you.”

  Liam put a hand on her arm as she tried to pass. “Hey, you should come with us. We can catch up.”

  His grip was too firm, too familiar. She pasted on a smile. “Sorry, I’ve got a prior commitment.”

  “I’ll be in town for a few days.”

  “All booked up, I’m afraid.” She tugged her arm free and headed toward the door.

  But Pike caught her hand on the way and guided her to him. He leaned down and kissed her, brief but not chaste. “I’ll call you later, baby. Keys are in my office for you to lock up.”

  The move startled her at first, but then she realized what he was doing. He was trying to help. Trying to let Liam know in no uncertain terms that she was not available. When she caught sight of Liam’s face, his eyes were calculating, sizing things up, but his pleasant smile was stiffly in place.

  Oakley gave Pike’s hand a quick thank-you squeeze. “Looking forward to it.”

  Then she hurried into the other room, her only mission to get her daughter as far away from the man in the other room as possible. But her hands didn’t stop shaking until she saw the men leave and the door shut behind them.

  Not until she was on the bus back to Bluebonnet did she let herself breathe a little.

  A few minutes later her phone buzzed with a text from Pike.

  Pike: U ok?

  No. Not at all.

  Oakley: Yes

  Pike: I’m so sorry. I had no idea it was him.

  Oakley: How could u?

  Pike: I want to knock his fucking teeth in. The way he put his hands on you …

  Oakley: Don’t mess up your chance for the tour. He’s an asshole but not worth giving up Darkfall’s spot. Just do what you need to do and get him the hell out of town.

  Pike: Let me come over tonight after I’m done with this.

  She was so tempted to say yes. She knew her mind would be whirling all night, but they were going to see each other tomorrow night and Rae was home.

  Oakley: School night. Let’s just get together like planned tomorrow.

  There was a long pause.

  Pike: OK.

  She could hear the hurt in the simple reply, but she couldn’t deal with that right now. She just wanted to get home, get to bed, and forget today ever happened.


  Pike sat across the table from Liam in the busy club, gripping his glass of Maker’s Mark and trying to resist the urge to grab the fucker’s head and bang it on the table. Pike was used to smarmy assholes. The industry was full of them. But Liam took it to a new level. And knowing this guy had taken advantage—no, had raped—a teenager who was in his care and sent her on her way when he got her pregnant made Pike want to do painful, maiming things to the man.

  But Geoff and Braxton were yucking it up with Liam and playing the game. This tour was the biggest chance they’d gotten in a long time, and Pike was trying to keep his cool enough not to fuck it up for everyone. Once they got past this stage, they wouldn’t have to deal with Liam. But it was digging under Pike’s skin that he was going to do something to help put money in this asshole’s pocket.

  Liam kicked back the last of his Crown and water and ordered another, his voice getting louder and sloppier with each drink. A few more and the guy would be plastered. Pike hoped he’d fall right out of his chair and onto his face.

  “So, Pike,” Liam said, pointing with his empty glass, the ice cubes clanging. “You with Kris, huh

  Pike’s jaw clenched. “Excuse me?”

  Liam waved a hand. “Sorry, sorry. I mean Oakley.” He leaned over to Geoff. “Can you believe anyone would name their kid that? Backwoods hillbilly motherfuckers. You met her parents yet?”

  Pike gritted his teeth. “No.”

  Liam nodded and grinned. “Just fucking her then?”

  Braxton straightened and looked to Pike, a what-the-hell look on his face.

  Pike took a long sip off his drink, letting the burn of it keep him focused and calm. “You’re drunk, Liam.”

  Liam shrugged and leaned back. “Just giving you fair warning, my friend. That girl’s a clingy one. And emotional. Can go a little crazy when you’re ready to drop her. Believe me. I know that pussy’s sweet but—”

  Pike’s chair clattered behind him as he shoved it back and got to his feet, anger whipping through him like fire. “Maybe she was clingy because she was a fucking child, you sick bastard.”

  Liam’s eyes flashed with something deadly, but Geoff jumped up and put a hand on Pike’s arm before he could go after the fucker. “Hey, guys, I think maybe we’ve all had one too many. Why don’t we—”

  Liam just laughed and put his hand up. “Yeah, let’s calm down. Sounds like she’s fed you some lies. She was a consenting adult in my bed and more than a little willing.”

  Pike jerked forward, and Geoff’s grip tightened on him.

  Liam smiled, all charm and smarm. “I’m just trying to help you out, friend. No need to get all riled up about a girl who will be ancient history once the tour starts.”

  Pike was seething. In his head, he was already picturing what Liam’s smug face would look like with two black eyes and a broken nose. But Geoff and Brax were sending him pleading looks. Pike raked a hand through his hair and sat back down. “Just keep her name out of your mouth, man.”

  Liam lifted his palms, sporting a good-natured smile but with victory in his eyes. “Didn’t mean to offend.”

  Pike ordered another drink. This was going to be a long fucking night.

  Oakley shuffled to the door in her pajamas, the incessant knocking making her head hurt. Pike had texted her late last night to tell her that he was going to stop by today, but she hadn’t realized he’d meant this damn early. She pulled open the door. “Pike, isn’t it kind of—”

  But her words left her when she saw the man standing on the other side of the door. Liam gave her a sly smile and held out a single white lily. “These still your favorites?”

  She tried to shut the door, but he put his foot forward, blocking her. She gripped the handle. “I don’t want you here.”

  His expression turned cajoling. “Come on, Kris. It’s not like I’m going to hurt you. I’m just here to talk. You up and disappeared on me all those years ago. You know how worried I was when you didn’t come back? How heartbroken?”

  “You got the letters that said I was resigning from the group. You knew I was fine.”

  “Letters with no return address. And what’s with the Easton last name? Divorced?”

  “It’s my mother’s maiden name. I wanted to disappear. Now let me.”

  She tried to shut the door again but he put a hand out and pushed his way inside, cooly aggressive. That was his way. “I will. After we talk.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about.”

  He peered around her living room. “Sure there is. Looks like money’s tight. Didn’t have to be this way, you know. Leaving the group doesn’t look like it worked out for you.”

  “I’m doing just fine.”

  “Still got that voice of yours?” He waved a dismissive hand. “Never mind, I know you do. I can tell by the way you talk. It’s still there. I bet it’s only gotten sexier with age.” He gave her an up-and-down look. “Like other things.”

  “You need to leave.”

  “We could revive your career.”

  She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to keep her calm. She didn’t think Liam would physically hurt her. That wasn’t his style. But she needed to get him out of here before Reagan woke up. “I don’t sing anymore. Lost interest.”

  The lines tightened around his mouth and actual remorse seemed to cross his face. “Because of me?”

  “Contrary to popular belief, everything isn’t about you, Liam.”

  He stepped closer and set the lily on the side table, his gaze softening. “Look, Kr—Oakley, I’m sorry about how things went down at the end. I should’ve realized how scared you were. You were always so mature for your age, so I just assumed you could handle it. I should’ve been there for you and gone to the clinic to be by your side. I never meant for that to be the end of us or your career.”

  The words were sweet, his tone gentle. He knew how to say all the right things. But he’d always been good at that part. “Apology accepted. But I have no interest in resurrecting my career. And why would you even want to? Seems like you’ve got a good gig managing a tour.”

  “Yeah, but it’s a temporary role. I want to manage artists again. Things haven’t gone so well the past few years. I need a star who can break out. You could slide right into the lane with the singer-songwriters that are popular right now. You’ve got the chops for it. And we used to be so good together.”

  She crossed her arms and frowned. “Liam, stop feeding me the line of bullshit. I’m no breakout star and you know it. You’re here because even after all these years, you can’t stand the fact that someone’s in my bed and it’s not you.”

  His lip curled. “Well, I was wondering why you’re wasting your time with some punk-ass drummer. You know how many girls he’s going to stick his dick in by night two of the tour? I saw him flirting with everything that moved at the club last night. He’s an overgrown child with no impulse control and not fit for a woman like you.”

  Her teeth ground together. “How would you know what kind of woman I am?”

  He leaned down, his cologne the same heavy musk from all those years ago. “Because I made that woman. Built her piece by piece just the way I wanted her. I bet you let him take control. You were always so eager to please.” He dragged a knuckle over her cheek, making her shudder. “But I know how to please you back, how to take care of you, how to love you. You don’t need a boy, you need a man.”

  She jerked away from his touch. “That boy is more man than you’ll ever be.”

  Liam leaned back and smiled, his hands sliding into his pockets. “Give me one night, and I’ll remind you how good we were together.”


  The questioning voice came from the top of the stairs. Everything inside Oakley screamed a long silent cry.

  Liam straightened like an arrow and turned his head, his eyes landing on Reagan.

  “Hey, baby, I’ll be up in a minute, okay?” she said, her voice high and tight.

  “Who’s that?” Rae asked, eyeing Liam shrewdly.

  Liam broke into a genial smile. “I’m Liam Garrett, an old friend of your mom’s. I heard you sing yesterday. You’ve got quite a voice, young lady.”

  Reagan crossed her arms. “Thanks.”

  “Reagan, go back to your room. I’ll be there in a minute.” Oakley’s heart was bruising her ribs with the force of her frantic heartbeat. She silently prayed that Liam would be too distracted to put two and two together.

  “Okay,” Rae said begrudgingly.

  “Wait,” Liam said before Rae could turn her back. “How old are you?”

  Oakley’s heart dropped.

  “Eleven and nine months.” Reagan turned around then and headed back to her room. Oakley tried not to fall apart.

  When Reagan’s door clicked shut, Liam slowly turned back to her, wonder on his face. “You kept the baby?”

  “She’s not yours,” she said flatly.

  “The fuck she isn’t. I was the only one in your bed back then.” He carded a hand through his hair, his composure faltering. “You fucking disappeared and had my kid?”

  That did it. Oakley lost all
sense of self-preservation and stepped forward, poking her finger hard to his chest. “No, I had my kid. If you’d like your abortion money back, I’ll write you a check. That’s all I owe you. Now get the hell out of my house.”

  He didn’t budge. “She’s got your voice. And she’s beautiful. And young. You know how perfect she could be for the market right now? I could help her. Help you.”

  She shoved him hard. “Oh my God, you find out you have a kid and the first thing you see is dollar signs? Fuck you, Liam. I want you out and away from me and my family.”

  He grabbed her wrist in a painful grip before she could shove him again. “You hid a pregnancy from me. Kept my child away from me. How do you think the courts would feel about that if I file for joint custody?”

  Blind fear trampled over her. “They’d never give you that. You’d have to admit to statutory rape.”

  “We were recording in Vegas that summer. Age of consent is sixteen. I checked when you got pregnant. Didn’t want you running to the police in some snit.”

  Her arm shook beneath his hold. “Please, Liam. Just let us be.”

  “I loved you, Kris,” he said, his voice gentling. “You were all I wanted. I would’ve made you a star. Instead you chose this life? Single motherhood and letting some playboy musician warm his dick in you when he’s got nothing to do in between tours? You’re better than that. My kid deserves better than that.”

  “I deserved better than you,” she said, her anger surging despite her fear. “And that playboy musician has taken better care of me in bed and out of it than you could’ve ever managed. You can’t imagine the things he does to me, how good he makes me feel.”

  Rage filled his eyes, letting her know that old jealousy button could still be pushed. Even after all these years, he thought he owned her. And that told her all she needed to know. Vulnerability spotted, gun aimed. She stepped closer, her voice low and calm.

  “You knew you couldn’t get a real woman to touch you so you manipulated a child into your bed. That way you could look like you actually knew what you were doing. You’re fucking pathetic.”