Page 35 of Call on Me

  He smiled up at the ceiling. “Yeah?”

  “Love’s a pain in the ass, isn’t it?”

  He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms fully around her, his world shifting into just the right place, maybe for the first time in his life. “The worst.”

  A few lazy minutes passed, and he was just about to suggest they find the bathtub before they fell asleep like this, when her quiet voice cut through the silence.

  “Still want to marry me?” The question came out in a soft rush, like maybe she’d been working up the nerve to say it.

  He sighed. “I’m not going to rush you this time, mama. I know I scared you. I’m just happy to have you here with me. I can act on impulse sometimes and forget that not everyone wants to take chances like that. You have Reagan, and there are lots of things we don’t know about each other. I understand why you told me no.”

  “That’s not what I asked.”

  He ran his fingers through her hair, staring up at the ceiling and forcing himself to be honest, even if he risked freaking her out again. “I know in my gut you’re it for me. But I can wait as long as you need. We can do things the normal way, take our time.”

  Her fingers curled against his chest. “I’m kind of over normal.”


  “Ask me again, Pike.”

  He shifted to sit up, needing to see her face. “What?”

  She sat up with him, wrapping the blanket around her shoulders, and met his gaze, her eyes as calm as he’d ever seen them. “Ask. Me. Again.”

  That’s when what she was asking him finally clicked. He sucked in a breath. Ask her again. Hope bloomed in him, big and bright.

  Without hesitation, he buttoned his jeans, hopped off the couch, and dropped to one knee. He took her hands in his and cleared his throat, the emotion trying to well up and block his words.

  “Oakley Easton, I love you. I want you to be my first love and my last. My mission in life is to be the one putting that smile on your face every day. I promise you, I will give you and Reagan absolutely everything I have to give. Will you marry me?”

  Tears filled her eyes and a wide smile broke across her face. She pushed the blanket from her shoulders and slid to her knees in front of him, naked and beautiful and more than he’d ever dreamed he could have. “James Pike Ryland, I love you back. So much that it takes my breath away if I think about it too hard. I love everything about you—including your reckless disregard for what’s normal. Yes, I want to marry you. Not next month or next year. But this weekend. I don’t need extra time to confirm what I already know for sure in my heart. You are going to be a wonderful husband … and an amazing father. Both to Rae and the children we may one day have. Our family will be filled with love and laughter because we’re in it together—all the rest of the details will work themselves out.”

  He closed his eyes, the words pinging something deep within him. Family. Children. His.

  He lifted his hands, cupping her cheeks, and pressing his forehead to hers, overcome with all the … feeling. Fuck. Was he crying?

  “I’m totally ruining my badass image here,” he said on a choked laugh.

  She lifted his head away from hers and then kissed the escapee tears off his cheeks. “You have never been more irresistible to me than right now.”

  He smirked. “Sadist.”

  “No, that’s you.” She pressed her mouth to his. “And I love it.”

  He circled his arms around her and sat back, pulling her into his lap. “So this weekend, huh?”

  She nodded. “Sunday.”

  He lifted a brow. “Already have ideas, I see.”

  “I’m getting better at leaps of faith. That doesn’t mean I don’t have a plan.”

  He kissed her mouth. “Just tell me where to show up and I’ll be there.”

  “No fear, huh? Commitment? Forever? No other women for the rest of your life?”

  A few months ago, those words would have sent him into a cold, blind panic. Now all he could do was grin. He brushed his thumb over Oakley’s lips. “Haven’t you figured it out? I’m already yours. Have been since the moment I laid eyes on you.”

  “When I was being rude and trying to kick you out?”

  “You were so annoyed and so fucking cute. I wanted to climb right over that desk and undo you.”

  She adjusted her position until she was straddling him, her breasts pressed up against his chest. She bent down and kissed along his throat and then brushed her lips against his ear. “Mission accomplished, James. I’m completely and totally undone.”

  His blood stirred and he cupped her ass, lifting her up a bit to get his jeans open again and freeing his erection—his body as hungry as if he hadn’t just been inside her a few minutes ago. “Not quite yet. But you’re getting there.”

  He shoved his jeans down and off then seated her exactly where he wanted her, inhaling her soft sigh as he lowered her down onto his cock.

  “God, it’s like I can never get enough of you,” she said, burying her face in his shoulder and shuddering with pleasure.

  “You’re insatiable. Didn’t they tell you mothers aren’t supposed to act like this?”

  He could feel her grin against his neck. “Fuck they. No, better yet, fuck me.”

  “Your wish is my command, love.”


  Oakley leaned against the wall of the dressing room. “I can’t feel my feet. Is that normal?”

  “I think the term is cold feet, not numb feet,” Devon said dryly.

  “I’m just wondering if maybe we should’ve done this on our own and without the pressure of an audience.”

  “And it would’ve been a short-lived marriage because Dev would’ve murdered you for not inviting him,” Hunter said, tossing Devon his necktie.

  “Damn straight.” Devon caught the tie and efficiently knotted it around his neck.

  “You both think I’m crazy, don’t you?” Oakley slipped out of her heels and reached down to rub the feeling back into her feet. Her hands were shaking, though, and making it a difficult process.

  “Yes,” Hunter agreed. “But I like crazy. Plus, neither of us would judge you.”

  Devon’s brow had a wrinkle in it, though. She remembered that look from when she was younger and he went into big-brother mode. She walked over to him in her bare feet. “Hey, you okay?”

  Devon sighed and tucked his hands in the pockets of his black slacks. “You sure he’s a good guy, Oak?”

  “He’s the best guy,” she said without hesitation. “Like down-to-the-bone good.”

  “Don’t talk about his bone, dollface,” Hunter chimed in. “You’ll have Dev picturing things.”

  Oakley smirked. “Well, that bone is certainly good, too.”

  Dev rolled his eyes. “I liked you better when you were too embarrassed to say anything about sex around me.”

  She smiled and grabbed his hands. “Dev, I know you’re looking out for me. I love you for that. And I realize that from the outside looking in, I seem crazy. But you remember when you first met Hunter back in college?”

  Dev slid his gaze over to his lover, the corner of his mouth twitching. “Not easy to forget.”

  “I remember, too. I watched it happen and was so worried about you. You had the hots for a straight guy. I tried to talk you out of it. I tried to tell you that you’d only get hurt. From the outside looking in—”

  “It was crazy,” Dev finished.

  “And I was wrong because you knew your heart, and whatever was between you two, you felt in your gut.” She put her hand to her belly, the soft fabric of her white summer dress warm beneath her fingers. “I feel that with Pike, right here, like I know. Like I’ve been waiting all my life to feel this.”

  Devon sighed and put his arms out to gather her against his chest. He sat his chin on top of her head like he’d done so many times when they were growing up. “Baby sis, you are the smartest and strongest woman I know. I just want you to be happy. You deserve that kind of
forever love. And if you know this is it for you, I support you with everything I have.”

  She closed her eyes and breathed her brother in, that familiar scent of his cologne giving her peace. “Thank you.”

  He kissed the crown of her head. “And if you’re just marrying him for his money and hot body, I can support that, too.”

  She snorted. “I’ve done just fine supporting myself, thank you very much.”

  He leaned back and looked down at her. “I know. You’ve always worked hard and landed on your feet. Your numb, cold feet.”

  She grinned and wiggled her toes. “I can feel them again. I think the shoes are a size too small. Think anyone will care if I’m barefoot?”

  “Well, your flower girl is sporting a blue Mohawk, so I’m thinking no one’s going to be looking at your feet.”

  Oakley laughed. “She wanted to be my something blue.”

  There was a knock at the door, and Tessa poked her head in. Oakley still couldn’t believe that so many people had gotten here on such short notice. Apparently, Gibson had put all of Pike’s friends on notice when he’d helped Oakley set up her trip. Tessa sent her a warm smile. “Ready to go? They’re all set to start.”

  Oakley took a long, deep breath, finding no qualms or hesitation inside her. She nodded. “I am so ready.”

  Pike stood at the end of the aisle in the lush garden that he and Oakley had chosen for their ceremony. It was small and intimate, a little oasis in the Vegas desert. He’d figured that with neither of them having a connection to their families, outside of Oakley’s brother, that they wouldn’t need much room. But right now it was packed full of people, no seats left. A fact that stunned the hell out of him.

  When he and Oakley had decided on Friday that they would get married, he’d had no idea that Gibson had put all his friends on standby. The minute the news had gotten out, plans had started flying. In a matter of hours, a wedding had been planned. Kade had offered company jets to fly everyone to Vegas and had one of his restaurants in the area handle the catering. Jace’s wife, Evan, offered to do the photography. Foster had happily agreed to be best man. Colby and Keats would provide live music. And all of the rest of the friends he’d made through the years at The Ranch and his two bandmates had been there to help with whatever was needed. Foster had even managed to get Mama Flora and her boys on a plane.

  Pike didn’t know how to process all that support and kindness. The kid whose family didn’t want him now had a crowd of people who loved him. A family.

  And now he’d start his own with Oakley.

  The music started up, Colby and Keats on acoustic guitars, and Pike straightened his shoulders, beyond ready to see his woman walk down the aisle. But the first member of the wedding party made his way out first—and made Pike laugh out loud.

  Coming down the walkway was a very annoyed Monty. Someone had dressed him in a doggie tux, and Monty was currently doing his best to get ahold of the bowtie so he could tear it to shreds. Monty only made it a few steps down the aisle before plopping on his belly, legs out behind him, as he apparently staged a protest.

  Reagan was following behind, blue faux-hawk gleaming in the sunlight, and Converse on her feet despite the dress she was wearing. God, he loved that kid. She sent Pike a big grin and swept Monty up in her arms to get him out of the way. When she reached the end of the aisle, she pushed up on her toes to give Pike a kiss on the cheek. Monty joined in and gave him a sloppy lick.

  Reagan giggled and pulled Monty back. She looked up at Pike. “Make sure to bend your knees so you don’t faint. I saw that on TV.”

  He chuckled. “I’ll be sure to do that.”

  Pike watched her, a strange pride swelling as Rae walked to her seat. He and Oakley had sat down with her yesterday to explain what was happening. Instead of her being upset or worried that Pike was a threat to her tight bond with her mom, Rae had taken it in stride, telling them, “I knew y’all were in love like the movies.”

  He knew it wouldn’t necessarily be an easy transition for her. She’d had Oakley to herself all her life, and he didn’t want to impede on their relationship. But he hoped that in time she’d come to see him as a part of her family, as a person she could come to, as a dad. The thought of being that to anyone still rocked him off balance, but now instead of wanting to run, he couldn’t wait to take on the challenge.

  The music changed and Pike turned his attention to the back of the garden. He hadn’t seen Oakley since last night and already it felt like too long. So when she stepped into the sunlight, hair braided with flowers, barefoot, and looking as beautiful as he’d ever seen her, he had to stop himself from sprinting down the aisle and sweeping her into his arms.

  Her gaze met his and for a moment, they were the only two people in the garden. A slow smile spread over her lips, and she let Devon guide her forward. The crowd had stood for her arrival and none of them could look away either. His girl was an angel—a fierce, kick-his-ass-when-he-needs-it, never-give-him-an-inch angel. And she wanted to be with him. She loved him.

  When they reached the end of the aisle, he took Oakley’s hand from Devon’s hold. Her hand was warm in his, her eyes as calm and content as he’d ever seen them.

  “You look beautiful,” he said, low enough for only her to hear.

  She touched the lapel of his jacket. “So do you.”

  He put his hand over hers, holding it against his chest. “Ready for forever, mama?”

  The joy that lit her eyes made the colorful garden pale around them. “Only if it’s with you.”

  He closed his eyes, breathing in her words, her love, the spaces inside him that had been empty and dark for so long filling with her light. He’d been to almost every corner of the world. But he’d never been here.

  He was home.

  Suddenly, forever didn’t seem like long enough.


  “What are you wearing?”

  Oakley smiled into the phone. “My husband’s vintage Guns N’ Roses T-shirt and a pair of white cotton panties.”

  “Fuck, that’s hot. Is he there with you now?”

  Oakley rinsed out her toothbrush. “No, he’s busy being some kick-ass drummer, the jerk.”

  “That must be hard, him being on the road so much. Has to get lonely.”

  “Mmm, it definitely does.” She flipped off the light in the bedroom, plunging herself into darkness, her body already stirring in anticipation for what she knew was in store. This had been her and Pike’s routine over the last few weeks while he traveled. They’d talk during the day about what was going on in their lives, and he’d have his daily chat with Rae when she got home from school. But at night, he and Oakley would find each other in the dark—touching through the distance.

  This call was a bit of surprise, though. He’d told her he’d be in New York tonight and may not be done until after she was asleep. But she should’ve known he’d find a way. He rarely missed a night. Though after the summer they’d had, it never felt like enough.

  After the wedding, he’d asked again if she and Rae would come with him for the summer leg of the tour. Reagan had been over the moon about it, and Oakley had fallen into that new-city-every-night routine again more quickly than she would’ve suspected. During the day, they’d all spend time together, see a little of whatever city they were in, and then at night, they’d watch Pike play. It’d been fun and exciting and a whirlwind. And to Oakley’s surprise, Reagan had thrived despite the chaos of being on the road. The guys in the band had taught her some new things on her guitar, and Pike was trying to teach her drums. She seemed determined to learn every instrument out there. And while Reagan occupied herself with that, Oakley had gotten some quality time to work on her songwriting, strumming out new songs on the brand-new Martin guitar Pike had given her for a wedding present.

  But schooltime had come up soon enough, and Rae had needed to be back home. Oakley had needed it, too. Both to get back to work so she could start her new position and to take care o
f the legal stuff she needed to put in place to protect Reagan from Liam.

  It had gutted her to leave Pike after three months of nonstop togetherness. And she could tell it had torn him up, too, that they’d had to leave. But he also had a commitment to his band and to his fans.

  “You want some company, then?” Pike asked, his voice low, tempting. “I bet I can make you feel good.”

  “You sound mighty confident. I’ll warn you. The bar’s set high. My guy is a pretty fantastic lay.”

  “I bet I can do better.”

  “Oh yeah? Try me.”

  The phone went quiet for a few long seconds, and Oakley toed off her socks, preparing to get in bed and curl up with the sound of Pike’s voice.

  “Still there?” she asked.

  No answer.

  Well, hell. Damn cell signals. She pulled her phone from her ear, but before she could check the status, a hand clamped over her mouth from behind. She screamed but the hand muffled the sound.

  Lips brushed her ear. “Be a good girl and I won’t have to hurt you.”

  She gasped—both out of relief that it wasn’t some psycho and shock that Pike was actually here. She turned in his hold, feeling for him in the dark. “Oh my God, are you actually here or am I just having that hot dream again?”

  He chuckled and his hand coasted over her hair as if reminding himself what she felt like. “I’m really here, mama. Fuck, you smell good.”

  She reached over and clicked on a lamp, needing to see his face. She blinked in the sudden light and then shifted back into his embrace. His hazel eyes were still smudged with liner and his hair mussed, but he looked as gorgeous as ever. She ran her fingers over his jawline. “You look like you just got off stage. How are you here? Did you get a break between shows or something?”

  “I hopped on a plane right after the show. I couldn’t wait.” He brushed her hair away from her eyes. “I needed to see your face. I needed you.”

  She closed her eyes, inhaling his familiar scent, her entire body awakening to his presence. What a gift to have him here unexpectedly. She’d thought she wouldn’t be seeing him until Halloween. “How long do I have you?”