Page 43 of Call on Me

  The customers in the bar had stopped to watch the ruckus, but as soon as the two jerks were out the door, all the conversation kicked back in like hitting Play after pausing a movie. Sam released a breath and turned to Gib, who was straightening the cuffs of his shirt.

  She shook her head. “I could’ve handled that, you know.”

  He looked up, frown lines between his brows. “No one gets to talk to you like that. I saw them giving you a hard time earlier and could tell he was headed up here to cause trouble. What did they say to you earlier? You looked pissed.”

  She shrugged. “They kept trying to get me to bend over and pick up things off the floor. Then they ordered buttery nipples while ogling me. Juvenile stuff. Idiotic but probably harmless.”

  His jaw flexed. “Customers or not, they don’t get to disrespect you like that.”

  She smirked and stepped around him to get back behind the bar. “Getting respect around here is hard to come by. I have to go other places to get that.”

  “Too bad you can’t bring a single tail to work.”

  She laughed. “No kidding. That’d get people’s attention. Talk back to me, and I’ll paint a stripe across your ass.”

  His gaze flared at that. “That could make it worse. Some people might misbehave for that privilege.”

  She cocked a brow. “People like you?”

  He frowned.

  She sighed and grabbed a rag to start wiping up the drink they’d spilled during the altercation. “Sorry. Guess we haven’t reached the point where we can joke about everything with each other yet.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry. It’s fine. I just hate that things are weird between us now. I miss hanging out with you. And my brother’s married to your best friend. We’re going to run into each other.”

  She focused on cleaning the bar top, using a little too much vigor to wipe up things. Out, damn spot. “Doesn’t have to be weird. We can be friends.”

  “Hard to be friends with someone you want in your bed.”

  She looked up, and something tightened low in her gut when she saw the invitation in his eyes.

  God, it would be so easy to just give in and let him have the control. Sex with him in whatever form would probably be amazing. But she knew what she wanted, had finally figured out what flipped her switches, and she was tired of doing things halfway. “You know the price of admission for my bed, Gib. You’re not willing to pay it.”

  Gibson leaned forward, bracing his arms on the bar and getting way too close for her to concentrate on anything but his dark eyelashes and full bottom lip. He kept his voice low enough for only her to hear. “We don’t have to be in any roles at all. We could just do things the old-fashioned way.”

  She closed her eyes, a hint of his cologne hitting her and bringing her back to those sessions in the training room at The Ranch. Never before had she felt such an utter need to make a man hers like she had when she and Gibson would get into a scene. Something about him stirred those dark desires she’d only toyed with in fantasies before then. But the sessions had been her own kind of torture because they’d kept it so business-like. He’d never taken off anything more than his shirt. There’d been no sex. He’d guided her from the bottom as her trainer and never gave over real control. Not until that last session when she’d somehow broken through that outside layer had she gotten a glimpse of what things could be like if they ever did those things for real, without restrictions.

  And she knew without a doubt that if she agreed to an old-fashioned hookup with Gibson, physically she’d probably be over the moon, but deep down she’d be left unsatisfied afterward because she’d gotten a glimpse of what she’d be missing. She was done compromising. In her endless search to find Mr. Right, she’d spent too many years of her life dating guys who she’d jumped through hoops to please. No more. Even if Gibson was stupid beautiful and looking at her like he’d light her world on fire.

  She poured a Crown and water and slid it his way. “Gib, let’s not pretend that either of us would be satisfied with old-fashioned. You don’t pay that exorbitant fee at The Ranch for nothing.”

  His frown deepened and he straightened, taking the drink in his hand. “I can’t be what you want me to be, Sam.”

  “Why?” The word slipped out before she could stop it. But she’d seen how he’d reacted after that flogging. He’d been on the verge of subspace. Submission did something for him. She hadn’t imagined that.

  His gaze slid away. “Because it’s not who I want to be.”

  She pressed her lips together, considering him for a long moment. She knew some submissive guys struggled with their desires. Many thought big, strong alpha men weren’t supposed to be anything but dominant. But Gibson was so confident in his everyday life, she couldn’t imagine he gave a shit what societal norms or traditional gender roles called for. But for some reason, this was a no-go for him.

  She needed to accept that. She reached out and put her hand on his arm and squeezed. “Hey, that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends. Friends who are not weird with each other.”

  His lips tilted up at the corner, but his eyes didn’t hold the same humor. “Yeah, guess we’ll have to get some practice at that.”

  She nodded. “Definitely. We’ll go have lunch or something soon, okay?”

  “Sure.” He grabbed for his wallet. “What do I owe you for the drink?”

  “It’s on the house for trying to protect me from drunk assholes. Thanks for that, by the way. I would’ve handled it, but seeing his teeth rattle when you shoved him against the bar was pretty entertaining.”

  He smirked. “Anytime.”

  After one last look, he headed back to his table, and she didn’t talk to him again until he and her friends said good-bye for the night. When he walked out of the bar, all the starch drained out of her. She tried to stay busy, keep her energy up, but as the crowd thinned and the night stretched on, the finality of her and Gibson’s situation weighed on her. When the last customer headed out the door, she sagged back against the counter and closed her eyes, rubbing her brow.

  “Everything okay?” Angie asked.

  Sam opened her eyes to find her current manager-in-training cleaning a glass and giving her a concerned look. Sam shook her head. “I’m fine. Long night.”

  Angie nodded toward the back. “You should get out of here, then. Billy and I can lock up. I’ve got the hang of the closing procedures by now.”

  Sam stretched her neck and glanced at the empty bar. Usually she stayed and helped put things back in order, but she’d worked every night this week and the thought of staying any longer suddenly felt like too much. “You sure?”

  “Of course. Your vacation can start now. Go. Get some rest.”

  Sam smiled. “Why haven’t I made you assistant manager yet?”

  Angie grinned. “Because you’re too much of a control freak. But I’ll be more than happy to accept that promotion when you get back.”

  Sam pushed off the bar and patted Angie’s shoulder as she passed. “Consider it done. And if anything happens this week, you can call me—”

  “I’ll call Marvin,” she said, cutting her off. “You’re on vacation, not on call. Forget about us for a while.”

  “You’re a bossy thing.”

  “‘Hello, Kettle, you’re black,’ says Pot.”

  Sam rolled her eyes. “Fine. Point taken. I’m out of here. Don’t forget to lock up the safe and check—”

  “The side door. I know. Go.” She shooed her with her hand.

  Sam didn’t protest this time, and went into the back room to grab her purse and keys. The spring night was cool and dry as she exited the side door and headed through the alleyway toward the parking lot. Her worn Vans were silent on the pavement and after the constant roar of the bar, she welcomed the quiet night around her. But despite the peacefulness, she held her little bottle of mace in her right hand.

  This area of downtown was pretty safe, but she knew not to take that kind of t
hing for granted. You were never really safe. She’d learned that the hard way bouncing around foster homes and group homes, running into people who thought her petite size and vulnerable circumstances made her an easy target. Danger pounced when you let your guard down.

  It’s why her first semester in college, she’d taken a Krav Maga course and learned how to protect herself. It’s why she knew how to shoot a gun. And it’s why when she turned the corner around the building and saw a familiar face heading her way, she didn’t hesitate to raise her hand and aim.

  Idiot Number One from the bar fight was glaring back at her, but he lifted his hands. “Easy now, sugar. I’m not here to cause trouble.”

  “Bullshit,” she said, finger on the trigger of her mace, her heart trying to pound out of her chest. “You need to back off and go home.”

  He smiled. “I was just coming back because I realized I left my wallet at the table. I need to get back inside.”

  “You can come back tomorrow. I’ll let the staff know to put it aside for you.”

  “I can’t wait that long.” He took a step closer.

  She stepped back.

  And ran into something solid … and warm.

  Her body jolted at the impact, but it was too late to react beyond that. A hand came around and clamped over her mouth. Another arm banded around her chest, knocking the mace out of her grip and dragging her back into the alleyway

  “Well, hi, there,” a voice said against her ear, stale whiskey breath burning her nostrils.

  Panic kicked through Sam, and she wrenched her body, trying to break the grip and screaming behind the hand. She’d been through self-defense. She knew there was a way to break this hold, but none of the moves would come to her. All she could think of was to stomp on his feet. But when she tried, her tennis shoes did little damage.

  The first guy followed them between the buildings and came closer, his smile satisfied. “You know, we never did get those buttery nipples. But how about I taste them without the butter for now.”

  He reached out and grabbed the collar of her T-shirt and yanked it down, ripping it and exposing her bra.

  Tears jumped to her eyes, and she kicked and writhed like a wild thing. This was not going to happen. These disgusting men were not going to touch her. Her foot connected with the guy’s crotch and he doubled over, crying out in pain. She felt the small surge of victory, but then he hauled up and slapped her hard in the face, making her see stars and sending her ears ringing.

  “You stupid, fucking bitch,” he seethed, still hunched over, one hand cradling himself. “You think you’re so high and mighty, but you’re not going to be anything when we take you to the van and fuck that attitude right out of you.”

  The man who was holding her tightened his grip, and her throat began to close up with abject fear. Not again. She would not go through this again. She shook her head with a violent, sudden motion, breaking free of the hand over her mouth and let out a piercing scream.

  Idiot’s eyes went wide, and she hoped to God they would run, but he just looked out toward the street. “Come on, get her to the van. Hurry.”

  But before they could drag her a few steps, the door to the bar opened and Angie ran out. When she saw what was happening, Angie lifted her arms and pointed a gun their way. “Let her go or I swear to God I will blow your fucking balls off.”

  The guy holding Sam tensed behind her and then let her go like a sack of grain. Her knees hit the ground hard and the two men ran off, shouting at each other to hurry.

  Angie ran down the back stairs and toward the parking lot, and Billy came running behind her, cell phone to his ear. Billy stopped at Sam’s side. “Jesus, are you okay? I called the cops.”

  Sam braced her hands on the pavement, panting and trying not to hyperventilate, and held her torn shirt to her chest with her other hand. “I’m all right. Check on Angie.”

  But Angie stepped back into the alley a second later, face red with exertion. “I couldn’t get a license plate, but I saw what kind of van they were driving.” She hurried to join Sam. “God, honey, you’re bleeding. Billy, get some ice and a new T-shirt.”

  Billy jogged back into the building, and Sam sat back on her calves, tentatively touching her lip where it’d been split. “I’m fine. They didn’t get a chance to do more than hit me, thanks to you.”

  And no thanks to Sam’s own instincts. Every goddamned lick of training she’d gotten had gone down the tube in an instant. She’d always felt so strong and confident after arming herself with all those self-defense tools. And then when she’d needed them most, she’d been useless. She was just as vulnerable as she’d always been. A victim waiting to happen. The thought shook her down to the core.

  You’re never safe.

  Angie put her arm around Sam. “Come on. Let’s get you inside. You’re trembling.”

  Sam let Angie lead her back into the bar, and Billy brought her ice and a new staff T-shirt. They were babying her, but Sam didn’t have it in her to protest at this point. She just wanted to give her statement to the police and get the hell out of here so she could put herself back together.

  The cops arrived a short time after that and took all of their statements. Sam doubted they would be able to find the guys by description alone, but she hoped the van may give them a good lead. Either way, she didn’t think the men would come back to the bar. The staff would recognize them. Everyone had seen at least one of them during the altercation with Gib. But she’d ask Marvin, the bar owner, to pay for extra security for the next couple of weeks anyway.

  By the time she got in her car to go home, she felt numb. But as she drove toward her place, that numbness gave way to anger. Anger at the men who’d attacked her. And anger at herself for panicking so completely. She was not that person. She was the girl in her Krav Maga class who had taken down an instructor twice her size. She was the domme at The Ranch who had men willing to kneel at her feet. She was not going to be the girl to go home to her empty apartment and cower behind the locked doors and jump at every sound. That wasn’t who she was anymore.

  So when she got to her place, she grabbed the suitcase she’d packed for her vacation and added another black bag that was meant for only one place.

  Tonight she didn’t need to be alone. Tonight she needed to be in charge.

  She tossed the bags in her trunk and got on the road. The Ranch was only an hour away. She couldn’t get there fast enough.

  And look out for the first book in the Pleasure Principle series

  Out January 2016

  Click here to pre-order now or turn the page to read an extract

  OFF THE CLOCK 9780008108250


  “I’m going to wrap my fingers in your hair and slide my other hand up your thigh. You have to be quiet for me. We can’t let anyone know.”

  Marin Rush paused in the dark hallway of Harker Hall, her tennis shoes going silent on the shiny linoleum and the green Exit signs humming softly in the background. She didn’t dare move. She’d been on the way to grab a soda and a snack out of the vending machine. Her caffeine supply was running low, and watching participants sleep in the sleep lab wasn’t exactly stimulating stuff. But that silk smooth male voice had hit her like a punch to the stomach, waking up every sense that had gone dull with exhaustion.

  She’d assumed she was the only one left in the psychology building at this hour besides the two study subjects in the sleep lab. It was spring break and the classrooms and labs were supposed to be locked up—all except the one she was working in. But there was no mistaking the male voice as it drifted into the hallway.

  “I bet you’d like being fucked up against the wall.”

  Holy. Shit. Marin pressed her lips together. Obviously someone else thought they were alone, too. Had students snuck into the building to get it on? Or maybe it was one of the professors. Oh God, please don’t let it be a professor. She should turn around right now and go back to Professor Roberts’s office. Last thing she needed was
to see one of her teachers in some compromising position. She might die of mortification.

  But instead of backing up, she found herself tilting her head to isolate where the voice was coming from, and her feet moved forward a few steps.

  “Yeah, you like that. I know. I bet you’re wet for me right now just thinking about it. Maybe I should check. Keep your hands against the wall.”

  A hot shiver went right through Marin and she swallowed hard.

  “I’m so hard for you. Can you feel how much I want you?” That voice was like velvet against Marin’s skin. She closed her eyes, imagining the picture the stranger was painting—some hot guy behind her, pinning her to the wall, his erection hard against her. She’d never been in that situation, but her body sure knew how to react to the idea. Her hand went to her neck and pressed against her throat, her pulse beating hard there.

  She waited with held breath to hear the woman’s response, but no voice answered the man’s question. Can you feel how much I want you? he’d asked. And hell if Marin wasn’t dying to know. She strained to hear.

  “I tug your panties off and trail my hand up your thighs until I can feel your hot …”

  Marin had a hand braced against the wall and was leaning so far forward that one more inch would’ve sent her toppling over. Your hot …

  “Goddammit. Motherfucker.”

  The curse snapped Marin out of the spell she’d fallen into, and she straightened instantly, her face hot and her heartbeat pounding in places it shouldn’t be. There was a groaning squeak of an office chair and a slew of cursing.

  Whoever had been saying the dirty things had changed his tone of voice and now sounded ten kinds of annoyed. A wadded-up ball of paper came flying out of an open doorway a few yards down. She followed the arc and watched the paper land on the floor. Only then did she notice there were three others like it already littering the hallway.