"You have already become friends with mortal Lucent."
"I meant with the Blue Glamor. But I have no wish to presume."
The woman hesitated. “That has its appeal. But friendship with mortals is difficult."
"No fault?"
The Glamor paused. “For the duration only. No further obligation. That is tempting."
"Let's do it."
That was all there was to it. It was not an oath, merely an understanding, but it was significant. Symbol gave her body in sexual embrace to men far more freely than she gave her friendship to anyone, and she suspected that it was a similar case with Glamors.
"Accurate,” Lucent said. “Now we had better sleep. We have talked much of the night."
"Agreement.” They lay down and closed their eyes, but it took Symbol some time to sleep. She was amazed by the Blue Glamor's revelations. For most of her life she had not even believed the Glamors existed. Then she had had proof of them. Now she was getting to know them personally. Not only was there a Glamor for each Chroma, it seemed there was one for each general species. The Glamors might be human, but they represented other types of life.
What did the Red Glamor represent? And the others?
"Invisible represents Millipedes,” Lucent said, answering her thought. “It was not entirely coincidental that Throe, who traveled in the Air Chroma zone, was given a tractable millipede to ride, courtesy of the invisible Glamor, though it was actually the Black Glamor he traveled with. We coordinated. Green represents the mollusks, whose most notable species is the squid. Translucent represents the fish. Yellow represents the demons."
"The demons!"
"They have interests too, and lack human powers of comprehension. Abuse a demon, and Yellow will be on the scene."
"Astonishment! I thought demons were just anonymous malign spirits."
"Negation. They are as valid as any, when understood, and actually the earliest colonists of Charm."
"That leaves the Red Glamor. What obscure species does she represent?"
"The four legged ones."
Symbol pondered. “There's a four legged species on the planet?"
"Human beings."
"Humans! But we are two legged!"
"Negation. We walk on our hind two legs, and have adapted the front two for grasping and carrying. Four legs, regardless how they are used."
"Wonder! I never thought of it that way. But are humans being abused on this planet?"
"Actually humans do most of the abusing of other species. We are working to change that. The other species trust the Glamors to represent their interests, and we are doing our best. But humans are willful, and it is a considerable challenge. I never realized that until I tried to protect insects from human depredations."
"I used to step on bugs. No offense."
"Do not do it hereafter.” For a moment the glowing image of the Blue Glamor showed in her mind; the woman was not joking.
"Never hereafter,” Symbol agreed. This aspect too had been a mind stretching revelation.
It was too much to assimilate all at once. Symbol gave up the effort and fell into sleep.
In the morning they washed and ate and resumed the quest for the Silver ikon. They checked the volcano they had skipped before, as it was now quiescent; it was not the one. They proceeded on toward the dawn side of Charm. Cone after cone yielded no ikon. “Whoever thought there would be so many silver cones!” Symbol said.
"Agreement. I never thought to count them. I thought they were rare."
"They may be. It's a big world."
Worse, it was taking more time to jump from cone to cone. Lucent had started to tire the day before; she was tiring further now. She needed to rest briefly between efforts. That worried Symbol; it seemed there were limits to the Glamor's power. It was disquieting to discover that.
There was a flicker as they paused for lunch. “Swale!” Symbol exclaimed, extending her hand. “We are stymied so far. How goes it elsewhere?"
Not well, the succubus said in her mind. No ikons yet found, and the Glamors are tiring.
"So are we. We don't know why."
Bad news: Havoc may have figured it out. The ikons of the Glamors have been removed from their sites near their volcanoes. He conjectures that they transmit magic power from the cones to the Glamors. Now the Glamors are deprived of that, and their resources are fading. We may not be able to complete this mission.
"Disaster,” Lucent said, reading the thought.
But if we return the ikons to their sites, the Glamors’ powers should be restored, Swale said.
Symbol was alarmed. “But we need those ikons to make the threads to complete the tapestry!"
Problem, Swale agreed. If you tire too far, return. We may have to do this in stages.
"Better than failure,” Symbol agreed as the succubus departed. She faced Lucent. “At least now we know why you are slowing."
"Agreement. Havoc has discovered something we never suspected."
Symbol had what might be a foolishly bright notion. “You draw power from your ikons, which draw it from their volcanoes. Could you draw it directly?"
"If you went to a Blue Chroma zone, could you absorb some of the magic on your own, the way mortals do? That might extend your powers."
"Brilliance! I must try that."
"Can you conjure us there now? Maybe if you sleep there, it will help more. Because of the extra time."
"Gather your things."
Symbol did, and took Lucent's arm. Then they were in blue, the plants glowing in the night. “Oh, I feel it!” Lucent exclaimed. “Wonderful!"
In moments they had a new bower, and resumed their effort to sleep. “Gratitude,” Lucent murmured.
"Welcome,” Symbol said, pleased. The Glamors had had no way to know of this effect before, because their ikons had been undisturbed. Probably they could have figured out this way around that liability themselves, but it was nice to have been able to help.
"It is also the usefulness of a friend,” Lucent said.
In the morning they resumed checking silver cones, faster than the evening before; the Blue Glamor had definitely been invigorated.
Swale came. No fortune?
"No silver ikon yet,” Symbol told her. “But we have a breakthrough of another nature: time spent in a Glamor's own Chroma restores her. Maybe not as well as having the ikon in the right place, but enough to extend our search."
Excitement! I will tell the others. She was gone.
"I told you you were useful to others,” Lucent reminded her.
"Appreciation.” Symbol was pleased again. Normally her greatest use to others was sexual; she had never anticipated that her mind would count.
They continued, but as the morning progressed, the Glamor faded. “I must restore,” she said. “Regret."
"Needless. This is a considerable job."
They went to the nearest Blue Chroma zone and rested. In an hour the Glamor felt sufficiently restored to tackle the silver cones again. But after two more she faded again. They were going to have to have a longer restoration. The magic output of the Glamor was faster than the input, without the channeling of the ikon.
The day was declining. “We can camp for the night,” Symbol said.
"One more cone,” Lucent said tightly.
Symbol realized that the woman felt guilty for losing her ability to perform. “Agreement."
They made it to the cone, but Symbol could feel the shakiness in the Glamor. She was weaker than she admitted; further trips this day could become dangerous. Symbol didn't want to argue, but was seriously concerned.
They entered the cave, found the altar, checked it—and found the ikon in the eighth pocket. It was a silver seven-legged spider.
"Wouldn't you know it!” Lucent exclaimed. “The fly finds the spider!"
"Yet you probably understand and appreciate the ways and needs of the spider population better than the
other Glamors do. Spiders may prey on flies, but birds prey on both."
"Affirmation. The Silver Glamor is surely not my enemy."
"Now let's go back to Triumph City, our mission accomplished."
"Negation. I am out of power."
"Then to the nearest Blue Chroma zone."
"I think we shall have to walk,” Lucent said apologetically.
Symbol considered. She was sure the Glamor was serious, and that any attempt to use her power would be futile if not dangerous. But she had no idea where the nearest Blue Chroma zone was. It might take days to reach it. But what choice did they have? “Then let's start walking,” she said, putting the ikon in her mouth. “You retain physical strength?"
"Affirmation. I can defend us, utilizing my Amazon training, but will have very little magic. We had best stay out of trouble."
"We have done that before.” Symbol thought of something else. “Do you still relate to the insects?"
"Affirmation. They will come at my beck."
"Then we have sufficient support."
They left the cave and descended the mountain. Symbol discovered a spring to her step and vigor in her body. The ikon was lending her strength. That was ironic: the Blue Glamor needed her ikon, while Symbol was getting a benefit from the silver ikon. Still, if what Gale had said was right, that could be important. Gale had survived a volcanic eruption, thanks to the ikon she carried. Ennui, too, had been charged by the loom ikon, becoming a vigorous and sexual creature. What could this one do in that respect for Symbol, who was a naturally sexy creature?
But as they came to the surrounding jungle, a party of silver men appeared. They had the look of zone authorities. “Who are you, and why do you intrude on sacred territory?” one demanded.
It was up to Symbol. “We are travelers who seem to have lost our way. We are tired and would appreciate news of the easiest path hence."
They were suspicious. Symbol knew they were trying to read the minds of the two women. They would not have much luck, as the Glamor surely could mask her thoughts, and so could Symbol. “You are a long way from an Air Chroma zone, or a Translucent zone. You could not have strayed here."
It was time for another story. “You are perceptive,” Symbol said with a winning smile. “I—have a certain expertise with men, but need protection when traveling, so keep company with an Amazon. We thought to pass the cone, but I have not found much business here, and wish only to move on to a more populated region where I can trade for food and a night's lodging.” She opened her shirt, showing nothing, because it was invisible. “What I offer is familiar, but some men are intrigued by its invisibility. Would you know of any nearby village where I might relate, no fault?"
The three exchanged glances. “Perhaps.” They were, after all, men. The desire of men for new sexual experience was essentially insatiable. That was the single greatest source of power for women.
"My friend is prepared to trade similarly, though this is not her specialty.” Symbol reached out to open Lucent's Amazon shirt, showing a translucent breast. Amazons were reputed to be diffident about sex unless they had reason, but lusty when actually engaged in it. So Lucent was playing the role of the bodyguard who acceded to her client's preference, for the sake of convenience.
"One night only,” the lead man said. “Three contacts for each of you, and on your way in the morning."
"Agreement, with our appreciation."
It was a good night. The three Silver Chroma men were indeed intrigued by otherChroma shapely bodies, and fed them well, and were reasonably good lovers. The beds were soft, the facilities excellent. These were upper class officials, not at all brutish, so there was no question of rape, merely of acquiescence. Symbol's reference to no fault meant that the traveling women were not only amenable, but would not be speaking of the liaison to others in this vicinity, so Silver wives had no need to be informed.
And it was true: she discovered that the ikon she carried enhanced her sexual vigor amazingly, so that not only did she perform in a manner that truly gratified the men, she did not have to make a pretense of her own climaxing. She was as ardent as they were, and derived pleasure as compelling as theirs. In short, she enjoyed the sessions, and it showed. The men had perhaps expected tolerance rather than enthusiasm, and reveled in her ardor.
Early in the morning they were, as promised, on their way, using a back path to a navigable river. There they made a deal with a Silver boatman: both women freely available and amenable as long as they remained in the boat. Symbol started him off, and Lucent took him on two hours later, some distance downstream. Thereafter it was all Symbol's play, as the ikon kept her going and she was the more shapely woman. By afternoon they were well out of the silver zone and into nonChroma. They had learned from his chatter that there was a Blue Chroma zone several hours’ walk from the river. They each kissed him and gave him a final feel, but he was not able to take the matter further, having exhausted his sexual prowess in the course of the day. He paddled happily back upstream as they stood on the bank.
"Men's ambitions tend to be bigger than their penises,” Symbol remarked as they walked along the new path. “They think they can indulge constantly without limit, but they soon fade. That's why continuous amenability is seldom arduous, particularly when the women outnumber the men, as can be the case with kings or wealthy men. The harem concept is not purely the will of the male."
"Exception: a male Glamor can be continuous, if he wishes. He could tire a harem. Green tried it once with five country women, posing as a truly lusty herdsman, and outlasted them all. Thereafter they called him Green Thumb, not realizing how apt the color was. Now we call him simply Thumb."
Symbol found this more than intriguing, in her present state. “Could he do it repeatedly with a single woman?"
"Red tackled him once. They called it off after thirty repetitions in two hours, as neither was fading. Both were getting bored."
"Desire. That might be an interesting experience."
"Negation: you could not endure knowing-sex even once with a Glamor, and unknowing sex would be subject to mortal limitation, lest he betray his nature. We required Green to stop playing in that manner with mortal women, lest they catch on. That could complicate mortal relations for all of us."
"Unfortunate.” Symbol realized that she probably suffered from an unrealistic notion herself: she would like to make continuous love to Havoc, but knew that her sheath would soon become abraded if he actually were able to do it. Any other man, even a Glamor, would be worse. Still, it intrigued her, foolishly. If an ikon could protect a person from a volcanic eruption, why not from repeated plumbings? “Could there be a way of dulling the knowing, so that it would become possible, one time?"
"Theoretical. We have often had relations with unknowing mortals, but I think never tried with dulled ones."
"Wine: could that do it?"
Lucent glanced at her. “You really wish to try?"
"Affirmation. It's a challenge."
"You have made me curious. I will mention it to a male Glamor, who surely will be glad to experiment."
"Appreciation.” Of course by the time anything came of this, if it did, she would have delivered the ikon, and thus be back on her own resources. Still, she hoped it happened. What an accomplishment it would be, to have knowing sex with a Glamor!
They moved on, but the pace was slowing. Soon Lucent stumbled. Symbol caught her, realizing that she was after all fading physically as well as magically. Symbol, in contrast, felt as strong as ever. The ikon buoyed her. So she put her arm around Lucent's waist and supported her increasingly, lending her ikon-strength to make up for the Glamor's null-ikon weakness.
Then they encountered more men. Symbol quailed. “Bad news,” she murmured, recognizing the type immediately. There were four of them, and they had all the attributes of brigands.
"Normally I wait for the rape before taking vengeance,” Lucent said. “But at the moment I lack the strength.” She was already c
hanging herself to mask her Amazon nature, because brigands would know better than to try to rape an Amazon. That was a matter of natural selection: those brigands who didn't know better were dead.
"Then take it now,” Symbol said.
"Maybe punishment rather than death, since they will not complete the rapes."
"Agreement.” But Symbol wondered what form the punishment would take.
The men were already closing on them. They did not speak; they simply grabbed the two women and ripped off their clothing. They paused to admire the invisible and translucent bodies, squeezing breasts and buttocks. Then two men put pain holds on the victims while the other two dropped their pants. It seemed the pain was not merely to prevent resistance, but to make the women scream, which they obligingly did. The men liked this affirmation that the victims were not enjoying any part of the experience. They were truly the feces of the species, deserving of the very worst.
A swarm of bees arrived. Big ones, each the size of a human fist. In a moment it was the brigands who were screaming, but they could not escape the multiple stings. The bees clustered in two areas: faces and groins. They stung eyes, tongues, penises, and testicles. Blinded and impotent, the four men writhed on the ground, their screams muted by their grossly swelling tongues. As for their genitals: they were coming to resemble bagged clusters of gourds. Punishment enough!
Lucent lifted a hand, and a bee landed. “Appreciation, dear,” she said. “You have served well.” The bee lifted, doing a little dance of joy, then flew away with its companions.
"You may be tired,” Symbol said as they repaired their clothing and resumed their walk. “But by no means helpless."
"Accurate. Never quarrel with a Glamor."
"Never!” Symbol agreed.
The Glamor continued to weaken, until Symbol was practically dragging her along. But there was no other way. At least Symbol's ikon-enhanced strength was up to it. Finally she simply lifted Lucent in her arms and carried her like a child, her head fallen, her arms and legs dangling. Their roles had completely reversed.
As dusk came, the land developed a tinge of blue. They had reached the Blue Chroma zone. Symbol was vastly relieved; she felt fine, despite her labor, but hated seeing the Glamor like this. She forged on into the blue, trusting that greater concentration of magic was better.