She seemed to be because she pulled at his T-shirt. He quickly discarded it and began kissing her beautiful breasts. The rosy nipples peaked, begging him to taste and tease. He swirled his tongue around one and made her arch her back. She was so responsive, and he knew from the smell of her that she was already wet for him.

  He slid his hand down her shorts, expecting panties, but she wore none. A smile curved her lips again, probably because he looked a little surprised at first. He smiled right back. A she-wolf after his own heart.

  He inserted his finger into her slick, wet heat and pulled it out to rub her sensitive bud. Then he began kissing her again—bolder, more insistent, keeping up the strokes—as she gripped his bare shoulders, her touch fanning the fire burning in him. She arched against him while the yacht rose and fell beneath them.

  He felt her nearing completion as she barely breathed, and he licked her neck and her throat, keeping up the pressure, the strokes, until she cried out. He covered her mouth with his and kissed her deeply again, his hand caressing her breast, the need to plunge his cock into her so great that he had to bite back the inclination.

  He finally pulled away, tied her halter top, and brought her up to a sitting position so he could just hold her, get through the bumpy ride, and try to put his own desire out of his thoughts.

  “Did you…”

  “No,” he said quickly and kissed her cheek, having to be satisfied for now.

  She sighed and clung to him. “Thank you for…taking my mind off the storm.”

  “If it would help, I could take you to the master suite.”

  She smiled. “I think…this is safer.”

  “For now.” He had to agree. But he also didn’t believe this would end here.

  * * *

  Jade had loved the cruise, and though she knew damn well she shouldn’t have gone as far with Rafe as she had, it just felt so right, so perfect. When they arrived back at his place, he checked with his men about Toby, but still no word. Jade thanked him for the grand day, and she swore he wished she’d retire to bed with him, as if he was really considering mating her. But he couldn’t. Not unless he could love her son as much as he could care for her.

  Then Rafe got a call, and she waited anxiously, hoping he’d finally have word about the men checking out the farmhouse.

  “Okay, thanks.” Rafe pulled her into his arms and hugged her. “The farmhouse is vacant and furnished, but had a For Sale sign out front. One of my men checked with the real estate office that had listed it, though the listing agent already had an offer on the house. The agent took my man out there to show him the place in case the deal fell through. He smelled wolves, but they hadn’t been there for a couple of days. Looks like they used it for a brief time and then left. He checked the fridge and kitchen cabinets as if he were looking to buy, but he found no food at the house. If the contract on the house went through, the new owners would want to move in right away, so the wolves couldn’t have stayed there much longer anyway. I’m so sorry, Jade.”

  Her stomach tightened with distress, but she was glad she had Rafe and his men trying to locate her son.

  With a lingering kiss good night, she left him alone to speak with Sebastian about his real estate business.

  That night, she had another horribly restless night, dreaming of the beautiful cruise and having full-out sex with that hot wolf, but then the dream turned into a nightmare as she saw her son whisked away from her, and she couldn’t reach him before he vanished. She was still struggling to find him when she heard a strange sound in the distance, bringing her to full awareness.

  It was morning and someone had sent her a text message.

  She grabbed her phone, expecting it to be from Kenneth.

  When Jade found a text from Lizzie, it took her a moment to comprehend that it wasn’t from Kenneth. Her heart began racing, and she quickly read the text. Not believing what she was reading, she read it again.

  Your brother isn’t going to mate me, and he’s shown interest in a new she-wolf who isn’t a member of the pack. Do you believe it?

  Like Jade cared. But yeah, she believed it. She didn’t know why Lizzie thought Kenneth wanted her. But all that was important to Jade was her son and his safety. If Lizzie felt betrayed and was ready for revenge, Jade hoped to use this change of events to her advantage.

  Jade quickly texted her back. Do you have Toby?

  I could kill Kenneth, you know?

  I don’t blame you. He’s used you all along. Where is Toby? Is he with you?

  Yes, but Kenneth plans to sell him to a human family desperate for a toddler as soon as he figures out how to grab the doctor. He says you’ll appreciate that he’s doing this. Thank him even. That Toby will be where he belongs.

  Ohmigod, no. Had Kenneth never intended to return her son to her? Jade’s stomach was twisting into knots. She was already out of bed, fumbling to get dressed and praying Lizzie wasn’t trying to deceive her. Once Jade was dressed, she was heading toward Rafe’s bedroom when she heard the men out on the back patio talking. She rushed to go there instead, praying that the texts weren’t really from her brother, using Lizzie’s phone.

  You know he flipped the wrong car and he owes money to Grayton, don’t you? Grayton lends money to poor fools who get themselves into gambling debt. But it was one of Grayton’s cars that Kenneth’s men stole and sold. Grayton found out who had it stolen.

  Where is Toby?

  With me. But I have to run if I’m going to keep Kenneth from selling Toby. I’ll need money.

  Jade bit her lip. Hell, the woman had been in on the whole thing until she thought she was about to lose out. And now she wanted money?

  Jade threw one of the patio doors open, startling the men. Rafe jumped out of his seat and joined her. She showed him Lizzie’s texts, then texted, How much?

  A million bucks.

  Edward was on his phone immediately. Aidan joined them to see what was being said. Sebastian was standing, tense, waiting to get word of what he needed to do next.

  Rafe glanced back at Edward and said, “It’s Lizzie, texting about handing Toby over for money.”

  Jade wanted to tell her no way could she get that much money together in a hurry, but she figured Rafe might be able to. She didn’t want to risk telling Lizzie no and then having her sell Toby to someone else who had the money. Not that she thought anyone would pay that much for a young boy.

  Tell us where you are, and we’ll pick you and Toby up. Then you’ll be paid and you can disappear.

  No. There’s no guarantee you’ll pay me. You could just…make me disappear.

  I want my son back, unharmed. You know I’ll do anything.

  Jade paced across the patio, waiting for a response and staring at the phone. “Come on. Come on.”

  Jade texted her again. Lizzie? We have to bring you both under Rafe’s protection.

  What if Rafe wants to kill me? Kenneth says he thinks you might have made a deal with Rafe, and Rafe’s got men trying to find us as we speak.

  This was so not good. Jade texted her again. Under Kenneth’s coercion, you took my son away from the house. Kenneth needed you to do it, right? Jade felt Lizzie hadn’t taken her son under any kind of coercion—she did it because she thought she’d be on Kenneth’s good side. But Jade was trying to coax Lizzie into believing she didn’t think ill of her.


  All right. And you’ve been taking good care of Toby, correct?


  Jade prayed Lizzie was telling the truth. Okay, then we’ll help you get away from Kenneth, while protecting both you and Toby. All right?

  He’s coming.

  Wait! Where are you?

  Jade stared at her phone, hating that she hadn’t learned a location, hoping Kenneth wasn’t behind the request for money instead.

  Jade was certain that no human family would be willing to pay a million dollars for a three-year-old boy. But Lizzie might try to sell him on her own, if she thought that would be sa
fer than dealing with Rafe and trying to get his money.

  Since no messages were forthcoming, Jade stopped pacing and looked up at Rafe. “Lizzie said he was coming. I hope she didn’t get caught.” She ground her teeth, and he wrapped his arm around her.

  “What did we get, Edward?” he asked him.

  “We’ve got a location on the phone Lizzie was using,” Edward said. “Only a half hour from here.”

  Ohmigod, Jade couldn’t believe it. She’d thought everyone was waiting for her to get the location from Lizzie.

  “I’ve called it in. A couple of other guys are meeting us there,” Edward said as they all moved back into the house.

  “I can’t believe they’re that close,” Jade said, completely shocked. She figured they’d be far away.

  She stalked toward the garage.

  “We didn’t think they would be either. Most of my men have been looking for Lizzie and Kenneth’s men in and around Texas since they know the place better,” Rafe said. “And our kind are territorial. I didn’t believe Kenneth would be foolish enough to be right here in the neighborhood, so to speak. I thought he’d made sure we couldn’t track Lizzie and Toby.”

  “Maybe Lizzie’s phone wasn’t being protected. I don’t know.”

  “Shouldn’t you stay here?” Aidan asked, as she hurried to leave.

  Jade wasn’t staying put. “I know Lizzie. I can convince her to give me my son.” Not that this was open to discussion.

  “I don’t like it, but we’ll do it your way,” Rafe said, rushing along with everyone else out to the car.

  On edge and terrified they’d reach Lizzie’s location too late or that the text had really been from Kenneth, Jade frowned at Aidan. “Shouldn’t you stay at Rafe’s place?”

  “Are you kidding? The only reason I’d stay would be to watch over you.”

  “You’re the one my brother wants for his own nefarious reasons,” she reminded him as they climbed into a Hummer limo. For a minute, she just stared at all the features it had: a refrigerator, glasses for drinks, and tiny white lights for illumination. It looked like a party-mobile.

  “Bulletproof windows, bulletproof armor and tires,” Edward explained when he saw her jaw drop.

  “And the drinks?” Jade asked, moving into the back with Rafe. Aidan sat up front, while Edward drove.

  “For thirsty guests.” Rafe pulled her into his arms on the bench seat, and she leaned against him, though she couldn’t relax.

  What if Kenneth killed her son as revenge because she’d gotten Rafe and his people involved? And killed Lizzie for betraying him?

  Rafe rubbed her arm with a soothing caress. “We need to be prepared in case this is a setup.”

  “Which is why I thought Aidan should be left behind,” Jade said.

  “And you.” Aidan glanced over the seat at her. “Now that Kenneth most likely believes you’re courting Rafe, he could easily think that if he took you hostage, Rafe would want to pay to get you back.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. That would be such a long shot. My brother wouldn’t take the risk. Let’s say somehow he did get ahold of me. Then he’d have me and my son. Period. He could still try to sell Toby. Me? All I could do is cause trouble for him.”

  Rafe kissed her on the top of her head. Jade knew her son could be a real problem for him and his friends. Even though she and Rafe had some real chemistry between them, the issue of Toby couldn’t easily be settled.

  “Would he kill you if he asked for ransom and Rafe didn’t pay it?” Aidan asked.

  She let out her breath in exasperation. “A few days ago, I would have said no. But he took my son to force me to learn where you were, and then I find out he’s been dealing in stolen cars, has an out-of-control gambling addiction, and plans to sell my son instead of returning him to me. I can’t be certain.”

  “Aidan’s got a point. No way could I let him get ahold of you, but if something did happen like that, I’d sure as hell pay the ransom. The problem is that your brother is way too unpredictable. Who knows what else he’s been doing or plans to do,” Rafe said, rubbing her arm consolingly.

  “What about your other men? Are they still looking elsewhere for Kenneth, or is everyone going to converge on the same place?” Jade asked.

  Rafe shook his head. “We’ve told a couple more of my men to join us in case we need their help, but the rest are still searching for anyone in your pack, including Kenneth, in case he’s not with Lizzie, or in case they’ve already left the area by the time we get there.”

  “Where are they exactly?” she asked. The homes in the area they were driving through were smaller, with smaller yards.

  “Looks like the location is near a small shopping plaza,” Aidan said.

  Jade was staring out the windows, trying to see if she could recognize any pack cars. Then she saw Lizzie’s red Camaro. “There! That’s her car!”

  “I heart Lizzie?” Rafe asked, when he saw the license plate.

  “Yeah. That’s it. That’s her! In the pink blouse and flowery pants.”

  She was getting out of the car to meet with a middle-aged blond-haired couple who were leaving a blue Ford sedan.

  Lizzie quickly greeted them, so eager to do her business that she didn’t see Edward pulling up behind her car, blocking her in. There was no sign of Toby, and Jade prayed he was in the backseat.

  The man offered his hand to Lizzie.

  Jade was out of the car before Edward had even come to a full stop, and Rafe bolted after her. She practically flew to the other side of the car as Lizzie screamed in shock to see her.

  Lizzie attempted to bolt while Jade tried the door handle, but the car was locked. Thank God Toby was sound asleep in his car seat.

  Aidan chased Lizzie down in the parking lot.

  “You can’t take me in. I was babysitting him. Her brother made me,” Lizzie blurted out, struggling to get free of Aidan’s iron grip on her arms.

  “Did he make arrangements with these people and then you took advantage of the situation because you knew it was in the works, or did he intend to sell Toby to someone else?” Aidan asked, tying her hands behind her back with a plastic tie.

  “These people.”

  “Where are the keys to your car?” Jade asked, ready to punch her.

  “In my pocket,” Lizzie said quickly.

  Jade dug out the keys and ran back to where Rafe was still safeguarding the car and Toby. Her hand was shaking so hard that Rafe offered to unlock the car for her. Tears spilled down her cheeks, and she was mad at herself for being so emotional. She didn’t want Toby to see her so upset and be worried.

  Rafe unlocked the door and moved back so Jade could reach inside and unbuckle Toby. He woke as she was struggling with the harness, frustrated that she couldn’t unfasten it because she was rushing. She took a calming breath, and Toby suddenly said, “Mommy,” his voice groggy.

  Edward motioned with a badge to the couple and started questioning them about buying a toddler from the woman who had stolen him from his mother. They were stammering and stuttering about it being legitimate.

  Jade got her son out of his car seat, grabbed his leopard blanket, and headed for the safety of Rafe’s car while Rafe unfastened the car seat.

  “Mommy, where were you?”

  Someday, when he was older, she could explain what had happened. Right now, she only wanted to hold him tight, shower him with kisses, and fight the tears that kept threatening to spill.

  “And you’d pay for the boy in a public parking lot and make the transfer here?” Edward asked the couple, sounding like he didn’t believe them one bit.

  “We…we thought it was a good idea at the time,” the man said.

  Another car pulled up, and two men got out. Both were wearing black suits. Rafe nodded to them.

  “We’ll let you off with a warning,” Rafe said to the couple as he removed the child’s seat to put it in his vehicle. “But,” he continued, carrying Toby’s seat to his car, “we’ll get your
information first. We’re on a special task force to take down people like this woman and her partners. If we learn you’ve tried to buy another child through irregular means, you’ll be going to prison for a very long time.”

  Jade wanted them all to go to prison. But she knew that since Rafe and his men were lupus garous, they couldn’t be involved with the police.

  The men in suits started to take down information from the couple, and once they were released, they didn’t hesitate to leave.

  Toby hugged Jade and she kissed him all over the face. “Toby, are you okay?”

  He nodded and hugged her tight. She scooted into the backseat of Rafe’s car, worried her brother might show up when he discovered Lizzie was gone. Jade imagined Lizzie wasn’t supposed to be out with Toby, but in the text, Lizzie had warned that Kenneth was coming. Was that a lie? Just a way to stop the texting and do what she planned to do? Sell Toby on her own once she learned Kenneth was interested in another woman?

  “Drive Lizzie to the safe house. One of you take her car,” Rafe said to the other men. “Learn where Kenneth Ashton is. We’ll take the boy and his mother from here.” He didn’t say back to his home, but Jade suspected that’s what he meant.

  She couldn’t have been happier to have her son safe in her arms. But she feared that if she left to go somewhere else, Kenneth would hunt her down.

  Edward stayed with them as their bodyguard and driver, and Aidan returned to the passenger seat of the car. Then Rafe climbed in with Jade and Toby, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and holding her close, as if she wasn’t now holding her little boy in her lap.

  She leaned against him as Toby told her the stuff he’d eaten, how Uncle Ken was mean to him, and how Lizzie was nice and played with him lots. She said they were going on an adventure. “Where were you, Mommy?”
