“Nah. I can live with a lot less and be perfectly happy.” Rafe wiped his hands off on a wet towel. “So what is the name of your intimate apparel company?”

  She knew the lingerie line had really snagged his attention.

  “The press will be checking it out and linking the two of us before long, now that a paparazzo has caught us together. A picture of a beautiful woman dining with me won’t be enough.”

  Jade smiled. “Thanks for the compliment.” But that’s just what she’d been worried about. She cleaned her hands with the warm, soapy cloth and removed her bib. “Sweet and Sassy Secrets. Maybe they’ll think you’re looking to invest in my silky intimates.” She meant her lingerie company, but the roguish gleam in his eye and his wolfish smile said he was thinking of something a lot hotter than that. She felt her whole body flush.

  “Most likely,” Rafe said, still grinning.

  If he didn’t hook up with women much—that the press caught sight of, anyway—she figured they’d really be interested in who she was. She thought back to what she and Rafe had been doing earlier. What if a paparazzo, this one possibly, had photographed them kissing on the beach? She’d been too busy worrying about Rafe’s cut foot and the lie she was living to think of anything else or notice anyone on the beach.

  “When we were on the beach, do you think a paparazzo was taking any shots?”

  “Maybe. Sometimes one captures shots of starlets who come to the beach. If one had, what a story that would be. Me rescuing a beautiful woman and…the rest.”

  Jade groaned out loud. The rest was what she was worried about. “My reputation is ruined.”

  He laughed.

  “Thanks so much for lunch, Rafe. I…need to head back to my place and get cleaned up.” She was still feeling salty and sandy and needed to wash the sea out of her hair and off her skin.

  “Want to do something tonight? Besides the run? A movie? Dinner? I mean, if you’re alone and want to do something else.” He looked so hopeful, and she felt like such a heel.

  Jade thought about it and decided seeing too much of him would not be a good idea. The more she was with him, the more she was afraid she’d be caught up in her lies and give away her secrets, including the one she had to keep at all costs. Why she was truly here. At the same time, she needed to continue to see him, but not to the extent that he got the wrong notion.

  She didn’t want to hurt Rafe. Before he’d rescued her, he was just a billionaire in a bunch of news stories she’d looked up. No one real. But he’d treated her so nicely that she was having an even harder time with this than she’d thought she would.

  If she weren’t in her current predicament, she would have eagerly taken him up on the offer of spending more time together. He was gallant and generous, fun to be with, and she wanted nothing more than to see him again. But only if she’d had a clear conscience.

  “The run will be fine.”

  Rafe paid the bill. “I’ll take you to my favorite place to run.”

  “That works for me.” He’d know the safest places, and she hadn’t gone for a run since she got here, so she was itching to stretch her legs as a wolf.

  “I’ll pick you up at eight.”

  “Okay.” Jade thanked him for lunch.

  Before she could suggest meeting him later at his place, he drove into the public-beach parking lot and asked which car was hers. She pointed out her classic 2002 Firebird convertible in canary yellow.

  Rafe eyed it appreciably. “I love your car.”

  She got out of his Ferrari before he could open the door for her and patted the frame. “I have to say the same about yours.”

  Looking pleased, he smiled. “Seven then?”

  “What happened to eight?” She thought he had mistaken the time, but the sparkle in his eyes and the smile on his lips said otherwise. He was cute, she had to admit.

  “I can’t wait that long.”

  Jade laughed. “All right. Seven then.” She climbed into her car, waved good-bye, and drove off, hating the deception all over again and wishing that this could have been a real date with someone like Rafe. But she couldn’t stop thinking about Toby. She was afraid he’d fuss because he wasn’t with her, and she hoped Lizzie wouldn’t become exasperated and treat Toby poorly.

  With her heart in knots, Jade pulled into the parking lot of the Lace & Lavender Bed & Breakfast, a two-story colonial with a wraparound porch surrounded by lavender gardens that had a view of the beach. Her brother was paying for the expensive room so she could stay near Rafe’s home. She was planning to get cleaned up, take a nap to make up for the restless sleep she’d had last night, and go on another walk. She couldn’t do anything about anything right now, and exercising helped to calm her nerves.

  As she parked, the man who had photographed her and Rafe at the Crab Shack jumped out of a Jeep and ran to join her, startling her. She was instantly wary.

  “Hi, I’m LK Marks, a photojournalist, and I wanted to get your name for the article I’m writing for Gossip Galore.”

  She hadn’t recognized him on the beach because his photo on his website showed a younger man by about twenty years. He was forty-five instead of twenty-five, with a receding hairline, a few wrinkles beneath his eyes, a smattering of gray hairs mixed in with the black, and about twenty or so pounds heavier. “About?” As if she didn’t know.

  “Rafe Denali. This is the first time I’ve ever captured him on a date. So if you don’t mind, I’d like to get the real story.”

  “I do mind. But thanks for asking.” Jade said it in a really sweet way—smiling and meaning it, not wanting to antagonize the man—and headed inside.

  To her annoyance, Marks followed her. She raised a brow, surprised at his boldness, even though she knew she shouldn’t have been. That was his job. He wouldn’t get anything noteworthy if he was shy and went along with what she was willing to tell him.

  “I think we both know your little swim in the Pacific Ocean was a means to get Mr. Denali’s attention.”

  So he had witnessed everything. Had he been stationed near Rafe’s house, watching to see if the billionaire took a spin with the woman he’d taken up to his place? Jade wanted to groan.

  “And then having lunch with him? Is that why you stayed here? Near where he lives? So you could just happen to catch his eye and then risk your neck to get more than that?”

  Again, she smiled amiably. “What would the odds be of that?”

  “Yeah. You’d have to keep walking up the beach for days to catch his eye. Check around to see where he frequented in case you could run into him.”

  Her heart was beating harder. She was glad he wasn’t a wolf and couldn’t hear it. She hoped Marks hadn’t been spying on her all along.

  “I wouldn’t have thought the one-piece and short shorts would have caught his attention. Me? I like the skimpy bikinis.”

  “Then maybe you should return to the beach to catch what you’re really after. Good day, Mr. Marks.”

  “I like your wheels. You’re a classy dame. And you’ve been nice and respectful to me. I’ll be nice too.” He tipped his head to her and left the bed-and-breakfast.

  Jade wondered if he meant he was going to be nice in his version of their story or if he meant something else. She didn’t need this right now and hoped her brother didn’t learn of it.

  Dressed in a bright-yellow-and-orange sundress, Fiona Miller, the bed-and-breakfast owner, was standing behind the check-in counter, a cell phone in her hand. “I was going to call the police if he continued to hassle you.” Then she frowned. “You had trouble on the beach?”

  “You know I’m from the Texas Panhandle. No rip currents there.” Jade shrugged and was about to turn to head to her room when Fiona commented again.

  “Rafe Denali, one of California’s most confirmed billionaire bachelors, really rescued you?”

  “Yeah. Who would have guessed?”

  “Wow. I wish it had been me. Not that I want to drown or anything, but…wow. I don’t
know how many times I’ve walked up that beach, looked up at his house, and wished he was watching me.”

  “I wasn’t expecting needing to be rescued, and especially not by someone like him.” Jade didn’t want anyone to believe she’d pulled a stupid stunt in the hopes that Rafe would come down and rescue her.

  Fiona smiled, but she looked like she didn’t believe her.

  “So,” Fiona said, leaning against the counter. “Did he invite you to the social he’s hosting? I’ve heard it’s this Friday, and as usual, he doesn’t have a date. Since you already had lunch with him…”

  Jade wished she’d arranged to drive to Rafe’s house instead of having him pick her up. She suspected Mr. Marks was going to watch her every move. And Fiona would speculate even more about what was going on between Jade and Rafe.

  Jade shook her head. “Wouldn’t have a thing to wear. Thanks. I’m off to get cleaned up. I’m still covered in salt and sand. Talk later.” She hurried off to the stairs. Fiona was nice, but she hadn’t been that chatty before. Jade figured she was thrilled to have someone staying at her place who had hooked the billionaire for a date. And who knew what else.

  “Later,” Fiona called after her in a singsong fashion.

  Jade was trying to think of another way to get Aidan’s address. What if Rafe had it on a computer? But he would undoubtedly have it password protected. Getting to it without Rafe being right there with her would be a problem too. Unless she was invited to the ball; she could check out the computer while everyone was busy socializing. Still, she didn’t have any hacking skills. And what if he didn’t have a contact list on his computer anyway?

  But as soon as Jade opened the door to her room, she saw her back patio doors were wide open. The ocean breeze was blowing into the room, and she smelled the scent of her brother.

  Chapter 5

  Rafe met with Sebastian and Derek in his private gym to tell them Edward was checking into Jade and her pack’s background in Amarillo. He loved this house. He had everything he could want—the pool, the beach, even a small ballroom where he could have his charity balls.

  Though Derek had his own personal gym, he liked dropping by to spar with Rafe and Sebastian. Edward too, when he wasn’t on a job for Rafe. Or some of the other men who served in various capacities, all trained as bodyguards in case Rafe needed more than one.

  “I understand there’s a close-up shot of her face while she was taking a shower and no body to go with it,” Derek said, punching a bag while Sebastian and Rafe did martial arts training.

  Rafe smiled. “Edward tell you?”

  “Hell yeah. I knew Edward was looking into the mermaid wolf, and I knew he’d need a picture of her before he could do a thorough search. I just never thought the picture would be of her taking a shower. ’Course, I asked how the hell he got a photo like that, and he assured me you took the shot.”

  Rafe laughed. “You already saw her.”

  “Not enough of her!”

  “I haven’t seen the picture,” Sebastian said.

  Rafe stopped, moved off the mat to get his phone, then showed Sebastian the shot of Jade, thinking he needed to get another one that wasn’t so hot. Though he couldn’t imagine taking any of her that wouldn’t look just as sexy.

  “Hell, Boss, where’s the rest of her?” Sebastian asked.

  Rafe shook his head.

  “So what do you want me to do about the little lady?” Sebastian asked, much too interested.

  “I just need you to know that there’s a game afoot. I’m disappointed, of course, that we didn’t meet under different circumstances.”

  Frowning, Sebastian studied the picture further. “Where did you take this? Poolside?”

  “Of course.”

  The shower in Rafe’s bathroom had the same glass privacy wall as the pool shower, so the guys couldn’t tell which shower Jade had been using.

  “I’ll have to check your surveillance camera footage and see what you left out.”

  Rafe laughed. Sebastian wouldn’t be able to see what Rafe had because the cameras were only positioned to catch anyone climbing the gates or walls. Rafe wanted his privacy. What if someone broke into his home and stole his surveillance tapes? And saw him shifting as a wolf? And shared that with the world? So there were no security cameras on the inside or around the pool shower, just on the walls and entryways.

  “So what do you want me to do?” Sebastian asked.

  “Just act your usual charming self.”


  Rafe raised a brow as they got back to their training.

  “Around her? You want me to act my usual charming self? I can see me losing my job in a heartbeat.”

  Rafe let out his breath. “Nothing can come between us if she’s here for nefarious reasons.”

  “So it’s okay if I see her socially afterward? Once the truth is out in the open? If she’s not really up to something too bad? Just something small?”

  A slow smile appeared on Sebastian’s face, and Rafe realized he was giving his personal assistant the look that said he was ready for a wolf fight—and not in play.

  Sebastian continued to smile. “That’s what I figured. The lady is all yours.”

  Derek had stopped punching the bag, waiting to see how this all played out. Then he swore under his breath and started hitting the bag again. “Hell, here I thought I had a shot at her.”

  * * *

  “What are you doing here?” she growled when she saw her brother sitting on her patio watching the view. He was trying to appear relaxed, but he was drumming his fingers impatiently on the table, his body tense.

  Jade didn’t want her brother to hear her sprinting heart, the fear racing through her blood. She had never expected Kenneth to sneak into her room. Was he here to threaten Toby further?

  “I paid for the place. Seems only fair that I can drop in when I feel the need.”

  To watch her? Make sure she was doing what he wanted her to?

  “You’ve got a good start. Eating with him. What’s next?”

  “We’re running tonight.” She hated having to tell Kenneth anything, afraid he’d think she wasn’t doing enough, fast enough.

  “How’s that going to help you learn where Rafe’s brother is?”

  “Kenneth, if you have a problem with gambling debts, I told you I’ve got money saved. You can have it. Just give me Toby back.”

  Her brother was out of his chair in an instant with his hand at her throat, pinning her to the wall. He didn’t squeeze her throat, just locked on it, his eyes narrowed in anger. “You don’t know anything about it. It’s none of your affair. Just do this and you’re free.”

  Her blood had turned to ice. She’d never seen her brother in such a rage. “Toby—”

  “Yeah, and the damn brat.”

  “He’s your nephew, your flesh and blood,” she said, tears in her eyes. She hated showing how emotional this made her when all she wanted to do was hurt him, like he was hurting her.

  “He’s no kin of mine.” Kenneth released her. “I’m watching you. So just keep that in mind. And get the job done.”

  Then he left.

  Wiping the tears off her cheeks, Jade tried to compose herself. She couldn’t look like she’d been crying when Rafe saw her next. She checked her neck, but Kenneth had been careful not to bruise her.

  How much did her brother owe Grayton? If Kenneth wasn’t accepting her savings in payment, he probably owed way more than she could afford.

  But she still couldn’t understand what Rafe’s brother had to do with any of this.

  Her room phone rang, and she jumped a little. She grabbed it up, answered, and Fiona said, “I just wanted to check to see if everything is all right. A man just walked through the lobby, and when I asked if I could help him, he said he was your brother and was just dropping by to check on you. I hadn’t seen him come in earlier, must have been in the little girl’s room for a sec. I know a Kenneth Ashton paid for your room. Was that your brother?”

  “Yes, thank you. He said he’d be checking in every once in a while.”

  “Okay, good. Had me worried for a moment.”

  Jade couldn’t believe her brother had dropped in on her. If only she could get ahold of Lizzie and offer to pay her the savings to turn Toby over to her. But Jade knew Lizzie had every intention of being the coleader of the pack, and freeing Toby was not the way to earn Kenneth’s affections. Damn him.

  * * *

  Around six, Jade got a call from Rafe, saying he was downstairs. She was surprised he had arrived so early. She couldn’t help worrying that her brother was somewhere just out of sight, watching their every move. She suspected some of his men might be, but the fact that Kenneth was here meant this had to be really serious business. Not that taking her son hostage wasn’t serious enough.

  As soon as she met Rafe in the lobby, Jade saw Fiona smiling, her cheeks flushed as she talked to him.

  Rafe was smiling, congenial, but as soon as he saw Jade coming down the stairs, he said, “Got to go.” He slipped his arm around Jade’s shoulders, which she really hadn’t expected, and headed for the door.

  “Have a nice night,” Fiona called out.

  “Thanks,” they both said.

  As soon as they were outside, Jade whispered a warning to Rafe. “That photojournalist who took a picture of us at the restaurant? His name was Mr. Marks, and he met me here and asked all kinds of questions. He’s probably watching us now.” She didn’t want to pull away from Rafe, but she didn’t want to give Marks the impression something really was going on between them. She didn’t want to give Rafe that notion either.

  Rafe led her to his Ferrari, and when she got in, he shut the door for her and stalked to the driver’s side. Once he was seated and took off for his place, he said, “No problem. As long as it doesn’t bother you, I don’t have any trouble with it.”

  “I don’t, but I didn’t want you to have any.” She sat back against the seat. “You didn’t wait until seven.”

  “I came early, just in case you wanted to get some dinner,” Rafe said. This time he was dressed in jeans, sneakers, and a black T-shirt.