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Reference Notes
References are given for most quotations and for curious, debatable, or relatively obscure items for which an inquiring reader might want to know the source. I have not documented the better-known facts, events, and general conditions, which can be found in standard histories. With regard to quotations from the chronicles and other contemporary writers such as the Ménagier, La Tour Landry, Chaucer, Langland et al., I have given page references where it seemed important. Otherwise, when the source is named in the text and the work appears in the Bibliography, I have not thought it necessary to cite the page. This applies especially to Froissart, both for the sake of reducing bulk and because I
read or consulted different editions (Berners, Johnes, Kervyn Lettenhove, Luce) at different times, resulting in too many variants.
AN Archives nationales
BN Bibliothèque nationale
CMH Cambridge Medieval History, vol. VII
DBF Dictionnaire de biographie française, 1933– (in progress; at
the time used by the author, this had reached the letter F)
DNB Dictionary of National Biography
KL Kervyn Lettenhove edition of Froissart
LUCE-F Luce edition of Froissart
OCFL Oxford Companion to French Literature
1 THOMPSON: Aftermath, 565.
2 SISMONDI: Républiques, chap. 38. The original is “ne fut point heureuse pour l’humanité.” “A PERIOD OF ANGUISH”: Heers, 111.
3 PERROY: Hundred Years, χ.
4 COMTE D’AUXERRE: Delachenal, I, 207, n. 3.
6 HUNGARIAN HISTORIAN: Otto Zarek, A History of Hungary, trans., London, 1939.
Chapter 1—“I Am the Sire de Coucy”: The Dynasty
2 SOURCES FOR THE CASTLE AND donjon: Viollet-le-Duc, Dict., II, 440–41; III, 113–14; V, 34, 74–75, 79; Larousse, Grand Dictionnaire universel, V, 1869; Dufour; Lefèvre-Pontalis. COMPARISON TO THE PYRAMIDS: q. Dufour, 21.
3 “Coucy à la merveille!”: L’Art de vérifier. “Roi ne suis”: Duchesne, 205. CASTLE BUILT IN SEVEN YEARS: Viollet-le-Duc, Dict., V, 74.
4 “WORTHY OF NERO”: Antoine d’Asti, secretary of Charles, Duc d’Orléans, inheritor of the Coucy domain. Description of the castle written 1410, q. Dufour, 58.
5 “ONE OF THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM”: SO described in a suit over disputed property brought in 1407 by the Duc d’Orléans against Coucy’s grandson, Robert de Bar, based on the claim that the barony must be held as a whole by its seigneur in order that he may “better resist those who come against the said kingdom,” q. Jarry, Orléans, 240. (The date 1447 given by Jarry must be a typographical error.)
6 ff. HISTORY OF THE DYNASTY: Duchesne, 185–274; L’Art de vérifier, 219 ff.; Sars, passim; Duplessis.
7 ENGUERRAND I AND SYBIL: Guibert of Nogent, 148–50.