Page 22 of Wicked Abyss

  How easily she could shut him out. He could stand it no longer. "My compliments, Calliope. You found a gown sure to please your husband."

  She leveled her gaze on him. "My husband seemed so enamored of my breasts that I displayed them to their best advantage."

  "My clever wife is displaying my dessert."

  She arched her brows. "You assume an after-dinner treat is being offered?"

  "Another advantage to your dress--I can see your treats responding to me. They want me to savor them." A flush spread over her chest.

  Yet more signs of her arousal. As if he wasn't aware of how aroused she'd grown! He could detect the mouthwatering scent of her need. He doubted she wore panties.

  He imagined tossing her on the table, shoving up her skirts, and feeding his length inside her. She'd be so wet and tight for him. . . .

  "I'm still getting used to my new immortality and its effects. At this point, I'm as discerning as an alley cat."

  Which was the only reason she'd responded to him during their encounters. For just a short amount of time--a couple of godsdamned hours--he'd forgotten his looks.

  She added, "But I've gotten a handle on my need. You won't have to worry about 'tending' to me ever again."

  "So that's it? I got to share pleasure with my wife twice?" He shook his head. "The signals I get from you baffle me--yet you called me moody? As ever, you burn hot and cold. My tolerance for it hasn't improved over the last millennia."

  "Kari burned hot and cold."

  "You were hot when keen to get my secrets, then cold as ice afterward. You shut down your emotions utterly. I'd never seen anything so unsettling." When he'd offered up his most dear sacrifice to her, she'd coldly given him her back.

  As blood ran down his face, he'd willed her to turn around and see him. To comprehend that he would do anything for her. Turn around, Kari. Look at me. . . .

  He gritted his teeth, shoving aside that memory.

  Calliope said, "Fey have that talent."

  "Talent? You mean curse." He swigged demon brew. "I'm used to hot and cold from you--but never at the same time. That dress does not fit with your sudden bout of pique."

  "You continue to bring up the past, but you'd have me believe you've let go of your revenge?"

  "My vengeance against you is done. And I am trying to keep my mind from the past. There is a memory, a haunting one that tries to surface. . . . I turn from it every time."


  Because it will make me hate you anew. "As you said, I want to look to the future instead."

  "You want to, but you don't."

  "For ten thousand years, I was one way. For a couple of days, I've been another. I'm a very old demon unused to change."

  "Oh, I believe that more and more," she said. "Speaking of which, did you visit your concubines earlier?"

  Concubines? What other surprising subjects did she ponder when he was barred from her thoughts? He steepled his fingers. "Would that bother you?" Say yes. . . .

  "All monarchs have them. And you did warn me."

  "What are you talking about?" Actually, he had visited them.

  "Since you knew I was your mate from the very start, I've been thinking about our previous dinner conversation in that context. You smugly told me you would have your wife and your harem. I realized you were referring to me all along."

  Again, not his best moment. "Then ask me to get rid of them," he said, though he'd paid them off and released them earlier. "I can be accommodating with my new bride."

  "So you had no plans to send them away on your own?" Her pink nails drummed on her cup. "You make it sound like I could ask you for that favor. And you might be magnanimous enough to grant it."

  Could Calliope possibly want him only for herself? If she could feel for him even a fraction of his bone-deep possessiveness toward her . . . "You hold sway over me. Bid me to send them away, and I will do it."

  She flashed him a look of disgust. "If I have to tell you, then the gesture is meaningless."

  "No? I thought you would never share a male."

  "I'd been talking about my fiance."

  His gut clenched. No one could wound him like this female. "So you wouldn't have shared him, the male you chose for yourself. The one you wanted."

  "In all ways, the life I had planned with him is different from the life you've offered me."

  Sian lowered his hands, digging his claws into his palms. I know this! Some things couldn't be changed. His looks, his home, his alliance. The type of babes he would give her. And just like all those years ago, it was killing him that he couldn't be what she wanted. "Yet I have it on good authority--my touch--that you're still a virgin. You weren't tempted to give him your innocence?"

  "Just the fact that you called my virginity 'innocence' shows how incompatible we are."

  He ground his fangs. "I might enjoy bedding you so much that you wouldn't even have to ask me to be true. And once I claim you, Calliope, I promise you'll want my attentions focused solely on you."

  "I already expressed doubt that you could satisfy twelve females, much less a baker's dozen. This marriage is a joke. I'd ask you for an annulment; unfortunately, I'm the protection price for my kingdom."

  "You mention annulment because you still hope to be with your fiance!" His wife, his mate, longed for another. That crimson haze covered Sian's vision. "I haven't waited ten millennia for you just to hand you over to another male. I should find him and take his head with my bare hands." As Sian had her first husband.

  She bit out, "Spoken like a true Morior."

  "Maybe your former betrothed did try to seduce you, but you resisted his charms. You haven't resisted me though. When you were in the bath, I had you begging for more though I'd barely lifted a finger." He smirked--

  Wine splashed his face. She'd tossed the contents of her cup at him? Through the drops he spied her haughty smile.


  You little witch!" the demon sputtered, swiping wine off his face.

  "You needed to cool off." Lila's grin deepened.

  He narrowed his gaze at her smile. "You've had your fun." He traced beside her, sweeping dishes off the table. "Now I'll have mine." Before she could blink, he'd lifted her to the table, wedging his body between her legs.

  "Enough, demon," she said, sounding breathy and excited--not resolved and indignant. Over their meal, she'd reluctantly gotten turned on each time he'd gazed at her breasts with his penetrating green eyes.

  He eased down to kiss her, but she averted her face. With a growl, he turned to nuzzle her ear--not the ears--till her lids fluttered shut. He'd figured out her weakness before she'd even known it.

  He kissed her neck, nipping the skin there, scorching a path down to her shoulder. "Tit for tat," he rasped.

  Her eyes snapped open when cold liquid poured over her breasts. "You asshole!" He was holding a bottle he must've conjured from somewhere. Chilled wine? She shoved at him, didn't budge him.

  "The better for you to feel the heat of my tongue. We'll see how well you like hot and cold."

  He leaned down, his warm breaths caressing a stiffened nipple. Her own breaths shallowed.

  He licked the tip through the thin material, sending a bolt of pleasure through her. His tongue was hot. He took the peak between his lips, into his searing mouth.

  "Oh, gods!" Her back arched sharply, the sensations dizzying.

  He suckled on that nipple. Nuzzling it. Groaning around it. He moved to her other breast, starting his attentions over. All the while, he pinched the nipple he'd left aching. Between sucks, he said, "I scent how wet you're getting for me."

  She needed to tell him to stop. Her pride urged her to reject him, but her body disagreed.

  Just a few moments more, and then she would push him away. Any second she would.

  He drew back. "You've teased me with these breasts all night. And you accuse me of unfairness?" He unfastened her halter at her neck, and the sodden material fell to her lap. She parted he
r lips to tell him no, but then he cupped her with his big demon hands.

  She pressed herself against his roughened palms. She forgot to breathe when he leaned down again. He sucked one nipple and flicked it with his tongue at the same time.

  "Oh. My. Gods." Each pull of his lips made tension coil low in her belly.

  Kneading her, he moved to her other breast, playing with the peak, tonguing it and suckling. When his suction tugged harder than before, she started to pant.

  He poured more wine over her, drinking it from her breasts. Then he kissed up her chest and neck till his lips were beside her ear. He breathed against it until she was squirming. "Have you ever had a tongue against your pussy?"

  Her ears were twitching like crazy. "N-no." Was she about to? There was a reason this shouldn't go any further. Why couldn't she remember the reason? Her nipples throbbed so hard, she couldn't think.

  He turned to pull up a chair before her, then sat. Because he was going to be down there awhile? How titillating.

  He began easing her skirts higher, revealing her garters and hose. "Are you curious what this feels like?"

  She nodded. But she shouldn't let him do this. Should she?

  With her skirts bunched in her lap, he laid his palms on her thighs and eased them apart. "I'm going to show you what a demon can do with his pointed tongue. I want your honey all over it." She felt air against her soaked curls just as he growled, "Gods almighty."

  She knew he'd make this act heart-stopping, but what if she got even more addicted to him? Would she turn a blind eye to the others he slept with?

  Fuck that. She shoved back and snapped her thighs closed.

  What the hell just happened? "After I've fantasized about this for ages, you wait until I'm breathing your arousal, and then you bar the gates to heaven? Unnecessarily cruel, Lila."

  She crossed her arms over her breasts. "I refuse to be in the rotation among your many females."

  He drew back in bewilderment. "What's brought on this concubine talk?"

  "You said you pursued me because you liked variety and a challenge; I don't want to be a challenge for you, and you don't want to give up your variety." She exhaled. "Maybe we should just get rid of your demon seal, and then you can be with others. You can have heirs with them."

  Though he'd planned this exact scenario, his stomach clenched. "Is that what you want?" His wife would rather he fuck others than share his bed? After she's ruined me?

  Giving himself a shake, he said, "You know what--it doesn't godsdamned matter what you want." He stood, staring down at her. "I won't share you, and you will not share me. There will be no others for either of us. I demand total fidelity."

  She gazed up at him. "You're the one who told me to expect the opposite!"

  "I said careless things to get a rise out of you. I haven't been with another since you came to this castle."

  "Now I know you're lying. You roared right after I arrived, and it sounded sexual."

  "Oh, it was."

  Her lips thinned. "So I heard you coming with someone else."

  Could she actually be . . . jealous? The possibility made his heart thunder. "Did you know that I got your silk shift from the Sorceri?"

  "What does that have to do with anything?"

  "I roared because I was stroking off with your godsdamned shift giving me the scent I needed. You heard me pleasuring myself to memories of our first kiss all those eons ago."

  The pulse point in her throat fluttered. "Really?" she asked, her anger seeming to dissipate.

  By all the gods, she had been jealous! She hadn't been pining over a fiance; she'd been bristling. "I inherited that harem with the crown, but I have no desire to bed someone because she sees it as her duty. I've never been with any of them."

  "You made it sound like you had. You said they catered to your every filthy desire."

  "At our dinner, I enjoyed getting a rise out of you. Otherwise, my pride made me goad you," he admitted. "Calliope, I already released those females earlier. You and I have issues between us--but infidelity will never be one of them. You've gotten yourself a very faithful husband."

  At least that would always remain constant. Unlike my appearance . . .

  Lila thought back to the first time Abyssian had mentioned a harem. Oh, yeah. It'd been right after she'd scoffed at the idea of sleeping with him.

  She'd stung the demon king's pride, so he'd reacted with a lie. This again made him seem . . . normal.

  With all the lies she'd told, she could hardly be upset about his.

  Had he truly used her lingerie to masturbate? She would have liked to see him, naked, stroking his hard length. . . .

  She peered up at his proud face. His gaze glimmered in the firelight, filled with hunger and promising wicked things.

  Things only she would get to enjoy.

  Her jealousy vanished, and in its place rose an undeniable lust for him. He'd said all the right things, sending her back to where she'd been before she'd read the invitation.

  "Your irises are bright teal. Are you relieved I'm all yours?"

  She lifted one shoulder. "Maybe."

  "You were jealous!" He looked delighted.

  Chin jutting, she said, "I'm proud, and I respect myself."

  His eyes grew lively. "My fey mate refuses to share me with others, and she'll let me know her wishes forcefully."

  She sighed. "What are you talking about?"

  "Would I have gotten a glass of wine in the face if you hadn't been bristling? You snapped those lovely thighs closed because my mouth is to pleasure you alone. Message received, little wife."

  She hadn't thought he could look smugger than this morning. Wrong.

  "You will never have reason to bar those gates again."

  "Very well. I was jealous." She blew a curl out of her eyes. "Are you done now?"

  He shook his head, his lips curving. "Oh, not by a league."

  "While you're busy gloating, I can go masturbate."

  "Ah-ah." He pressed closer to her. "Not a chance. I was a tongue's touch from where I'd kill to be. Now that I've soothed your anger, I want to soothe other parts of you."

  Curiosity seized her, and she uncrossed her arms. "Okay."

  His delight deepened. "My fey mate loves her pleasure. And my jealous hell queen won't share me. I'm a very happy male."

  He was never going to let her live this down. But she could take his ribbing.

  He pressed his mouth to hers for a tender kiss. Then he grazed his lips along her neck, to her breasts, to her navel. . . . He rubbed a horn against her torso, murmuring, "Want my scent on you."

  She was panting by the time he took his seat once more.

  "I'm truly about to taste my female." He was usually so arrogant, but in this, he let down his guard. "I'll have you in nothing but those garters and hose." With one claw he sliced off the remains of her dress, leaving it for her to sit on. His gaze roamed over her, and he cast her that awed expression. "If I live another ten millennia, I'll never forget how you look at this moment."

  When he licked his lips with that pointed tongue, urges gripped her. Instinctive needs. She craved her lips on him. Her tongue on his fiery skin. . . .

  "It'll be everything I can do not to come the instant I taste you. My cock's about to explode."

  "Well, don't come. I have plans for that cock."


  Sian's jaw slackened. He tried to answer her. Failed. In a strangled voice, he finally managed, "At your service, beauty."

  Somehow he'd have to hold back his release. Envisioning more of what she'd done to him last night in the bath, he vowed not to disappoint her. For now, he would enjoy his treat. . . . "Show me where you're wet."

  Eyes ablaze and locked on his, she opened her thighs.

  He groaned at the sight. Her little clit was so swollen, it must ache. She rolled her hips, and her plump lips parted for him. Fuuuck.

  In the firelight, her glistening sex was a vision. "Spread your legs wider fo
r me." She trustingly did. With a broken sound, he parted her with two fingers. "Lila." He could see inside her pink sheath. His cock strained for it.

  Sian could tease her until she asked to be claimed. This very night, he could know what ejaculating felt like. The mystery would be revealed.

  No, Sian! She might resent him afterward, and he desired far more from her than just sex.

  He settled between her legs. Trailing his lips up one thigh, he flicked her supple skin with his tongue. Kisses up her other thigh made her rock her hips again, offering up his destination. "Your pussy's getting wetter before my eyes." He inhaled her delectable scent, letting her feel his exhalations against her clitoris.

  "Don't tease me. I want to know what this is like."

  "You want to know? Every night of my life, I've imagined licking an orgasm from you." His tongue lashed her bud.

  She cried out, undulating for more.

  He nuzzled her drenched lips, growling, "Worth the fucking wait." Tasting his mate. Rightness. The balance. She was soft as silk against his mouth.

  Her breaths had shallowed, her breasts quivering. Already on the edge. Surrendering to him, she murmured, "Demon, I'll never get enough of this."

  He briefly pulled back to rasp, "Me neither." He set back in, laving her rosy flesh.

  She gave a sharp moan. "About to come!"

  He nipped her thigh. "You'll come when your husband says you can. Not till you get wanton for me." He covered her entrance with his mouth, his tongue penetrating her.

  "Abyssian!" Her whimpers made him crazed. "Pleasepleaseplease." She grasped his horns.

  He jolted with shock. Don't come! Gods, don't come! When she gave a tug on his horns and rocked to his tongue at the same time, Sian lost his mind.

  "Uhhhhnnnn!" Burying his mouth against her, the demon roared, sending vibrations into her flesh.

  As she gripped his horns, he dug his claws into the stone table, and his wings snapped wide, billowing the hearth fire. He brought his lower wing claws down hard, sinking them into the table on either side of her hips. Thunk, thunk.

  "Abyssian?" She used his horns to raise his face.

  Mouth seamless with her flesh, he gazed upward. She watched as his eyes flooded with black.

  The sight made her even wetter, his wildness spurring hers. "Need to come, Abyssian!" She shamelessly undulated, stroking his horns, desperate to ease this pressure.