Page 28 of Wicked Abyss

  As soon as Abyssian returned, she would sit him down. Her resolve to tell him everything hadn't wavered over the night.

  After dressing, she gazed in the mirror and traced her neck. She couldn't see his mark--only demons could--but she felt different.


  Last night, she'd dreamed about her past, reliving milestones in her relationship with her former fiance. Her mind's way of severing all ties with him?

  About time.

  Though the specifics of her pie-in-the-sky wishes had changed, her hopes would all come true--with Abyssian. Unable to stop grinning, she stood in front of the fire and rubbed her hands together.

  "Good morning, love." He appeared in the bedroom. He was freshly showered, his hair still wet.

  Her heart pounded just from the sight of him. My mate. "Good morning," she said. "Were you outside? It's really cold."

  He leaned in and pressed a kiss to her neck. "Is it?" Even his lips were cool.

  "What were you doing?"

  "Arranging a surprise for you."

  "Another one? You're spoiling me, demon. But maybe we could--"

  "I can't wait to show it to you."

  "Um, okay." But after this, they would have their talk.

  "Are you ready?" He clasped her elbow, his hand as cold as his lips. "Close your eyes."

  She trustingly did. He traced her somewhere musty and dank. Her ears twitched. Were those . . . rats squeaking?

  "You can open your eyes."

  She frowned to find them inside a cramped cell in some kind of dungeon. "What is this, Abyssian?"

  Face expressionless, he traced to the other side of the bars. "Your new castle accommodations. The tower was much too nice for you."

  And for my next trick . . . "This isn't funny."

  "Isn't it, Princess Calliope?"

  Oh, shit! Her breath caught in her lungs. She finally managed to say, "Just wait, and let me explain."

  "No explanation necessary. I know you're a spy for Nix and Saetth--your fiance. You came here determined to destroy me."

  "Yes, I did." Surprise crossed his expression. Had he thought she'd deny it? "But then I got to know you. I learned not to fear you, learned to trust you."

  "If true, then I won this round, and all the rounds."

  "What are you talking about?"

  He leaned his shoulder against the bars. "You always suspected I was setting you up for some trick, but you still let me enjoy you, let me use your body to rid myself of that problematic seal. You fell prey to the ultimate setup. Now that I have no seal, I have no need for you."

  How could he act this way just hours after what they'd shared? Could he truly have faked his feelings all night? She shook her head. "Bullshit. You feel more for me. Just like I feel more for you."

  Switching to Demonish, he said, "You were particularly suited to spy here--since you know my tongue."

  In English, she said, "I do. And I was sent here as a spy. But that doesn't change what happened between us. Look at me, demon." She pinned his gaze with her own. "I'm in love with you."

  Seeming to grow even more bored, he said, "Save it. I've heard all your lies. And I know that you've loved Saetth since you were a little girl. Just like Kari loved her fey king. History does repeat itself."

  "I did love Saetth. But then he killed my mother and father and exiled me to the mortal realm. He didn't come see me there for that entire time."

  Abyssian exhaled. "More lies, princess? I delved into your dreams. I saw you kissing him in the mortal realm. Recently, in fact."

  "He finally showed up my last night there--the exact same night the Sorceri caught me," she said, realizing that her story sounded far-fetched. "And I did kiss Saetth, to see what it'd be like. I found it lacking, but I didn't care, because I was desperate to return home--so I wouldn't be vulnerable to Rune. Saetth and Nix offered me a deal. I would journey to hell to spy on you, learning about your alliance and Orion. After they extracted me, I would get to go back to Sylvan as queen."

  "I hate to be the one to tell you this . . ." Abyssian trailed off. "That's not true; I relish telling you this: I have it on good authority that Saetth, the male you love, your 'brave' king, was in league with Nix to sacrifice you. You were his virgin offering to the king of hell. No one was ever coming to extract you."

  So her cousin had known everything. She'd figured, but it still stung.

  "Tonight he's hosting a gala for the most powerful families from all the fey kingdoms. He'll select one daughter from among them to be his bride."

  That prick had never intended to marry her. He'd sent her out to do his dirty work, then sat back to reap the rewards!

  "What do you think about him now?"

  "If all of this is true, then I think I'm going to kill him."

  "I'm not one to get in the middle of a lovers' spat. I'd tell you that you two will work it out--but you're never leaving this dungeon again." He ran the backs of his claws across the bars. "Actually, now that I think about it, I should imprison him in here with you. After all, you are made for each other--socially, royally, sexually."

  She was too pissed to flinch. "Another prison? That's your solution?" She bit out, "Get this through your thick demon skull: I--love--you."

  "It isn't returned, little fey. Fooling you is my greatest trick of all. In this life, you are the one who'll yearn for me. Do you really think I'd want something more from you--one of Magh's descendants?"

  "I'm so sick of paying for that!"


  What did that mean? Grappling for control, she said, "Abyssian, you're only saying these things because you're angry. I get it--my temper's about to blow. And I don't do my best thinking when I've just been locked in a creepy dungeon. But let's talk about this."

  "Angry? Do I look it? What color are my eyes?" They were green. And his lips curled with amusement. "I'm in a great mood. I always am on the brink of war."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "Sylvan blood is soon to wet my ax, and I can hardly wait." He conjured his weapon, twirling it in his hands.

  No, he wouldn't. . . . "You vowed to me--"

  "That I wouldn't attack your kingdom as long as you were my wife in truth. You no longer are, because we are no longer married. I have forsaken you forever."

  Shock stole her breath. Tears threatened, but she would never let him see how much this was breaking her heart. Karinna had gone emotionless with this demon? Lila could too.

  Abyssian had seen nothing.

  "You went from prisoner to queen right back to prisoner." His grin deepened. "You wanted to match wits with me? You lost, Calliope. You lost everything."

  "We won't come back from this." She strode up to the bars, her teal eyes glinting. "Think very carefully about what you say next."

  When will I learn? He'd been tempted to seize on certain things she'd said, ignoring her blatant lies. "I'm only speaking the truth," he told her. "Take comfort that you're still a princess, because you're no longer a queen. Of course, once I invade Sylvan, you won't be a princess even there. In time, I'll install one of my many demon heirs on the throne."

  She gripped the cell bars. "I'd planned to talk to you about this today."

  "After a month in my company, you'd selected this very day? How convenient." He shook his head. "You were a liar in your last life, and nothing's changed."

  "This is exactly why I couldn't tell you--because your eyes only see the past. I knew you'd never give me a chance to prove myself, and I was right."

  "Alas, I can't stay and talk. I'm off to Tenebrous to meet with my allies." Now that Sian considered the situation more closely, he realized Rune must have known Calliope's identity. The archer had kept tabs on that bloodline for ages. In investigating Saetth anew, Rune couldn't have failed to put everything together.

  Yet Sian's closest friend had concealed that knowledge. Why? He blamed Rune for his pain almost as much as he did Calliope!

  Sian would send a message, calling the archer t
o Tenebrous. After confronting Rune, he would rally the Morior to action. "The time has come to plot our Sylvan invasion."

  "Abyssian, you're hurting a mate who adores you. You're killing my love with your stubborn distrust--with your inability to see anything other than the past. My only mistake was falling for you." Releasing the bars, Calliope said, "But I can remedy that. Just as Kari did, I will shut down my emotions. I will strangle my feelings for you until they're dead forever." The teal faded from her eyes. "Remember what could have been, demon."

  Though the change gave him chills, he shrugged. "You would say and do anything to get out of your cage, my fey pet."

  In an eerily monotone voice, she said, "You tricked me, just like Saetth did. You're no better than he is. Anything Kari did to you--anything I did--wasn't nearly enough. I only wish I could remember."

  That bitch! Somehow he kept his expression impassive. "I did try to warn you, my queen of nothing--my soon-to-be princess of nowhere. Any who challenge me will lose."

  "Demon, you've lost this round just by virtue of one fact."

  He ground his fangs, but the words still escaped: "Which--is?"

  "You think the game is over."

  He stiffened. On the verge of losing his composure, he traced to his tower.

  He surveyed his bedroom. Her scepter rested on the mantel, the diamond beside it. Her robe lay across the foot of the bed. He inhaled her scent on a pillow.

  Their existences had become intertwined.

  When will I fucking learn?


  That asshole!

  The master of trickery had struck again.

  Now that he'd gone, Lila thought of all the things she could've said. She could've reminded him about the promise represented in that diamond and about his vow never to hurt her again.

  Not that she would have made a difference. When he'd first busted her, she'd regretted not coming clean--until he'd revealed his true feelings. He'd never intended something more with one of Magh's descendants.

  So why play with her? Why not just bargain to lose his seal?

  Maybe he'd been so warped from losing his mate that he'd turned evil. Maybe he just loved his games. Maybe he was a typical Morior.

  Why would she have rushed to volunteer information about her identity when he was such a fan of Rune's mission?

  Fists clenched, she paced, her attempt to shut down her emotions failing epically. Think about escape, Lila. Anything other than Abyssian's treatment of her.

  If she couldn't divert her mind, she would lose it. Once she started crying over him, she might never stop.

  Even as her heart was splitting, fury inundated her. Fury was easier. It kept her standing. I fucking fell for him.

  Abyssian wasn't the only target of her hostility. Saetth and Nix had set her up, leaving Lila at the mercy of a cruel demon. If Abyssian was to be believed, Saetth had been fine with damning her. No one had expected her to like it here in hell, trapped with a hated Morior.

  She'd once been a powerless "hothouse rose." Then a pawn of Nix and Saetth. Then a demon's prisoner. Now she was queen of nothing.

  After all of her struggles, was she right back where she started?

  She stopped pacing. Saetth and Nix had targeted Lila because of her association with Abyssian in a past life. For deeds done eons ago, the demon had happily punished Lila.

  She kept paying for Karinna's sins while enjoying none of that princess's advantages.

  Karinna had been the heir to the Sylvan throne. If she and Lila were one and the same . . . then Lila had precedence over even Saetth.

  Which meant Lila was the rightful ruler.

  Which meant . . . Saetth was sitting on her throne.

  I want it back.

  Rulers who returned from war or exploration after being assumed dead always fought to reclaim their thrones.

  Maybe I've just been exploring for ten millennia. I took a tour of the afterlife.

  And those rulers executed anyone standing in the way. Would Lila? Could she finish the job her parents had started?

  She had the mettle to become a king killer--her life in the fey court had been good for one thing--but logistics presented a problem. She'd have to escape this prison, then figure out how to reach Sylvan, even before she could face off against a lethal swordsman.

  If she somehow defeated Saetth to take the throne, she'd then have to prepare Sylvan's defense against the Morior.

  She'd figure it the fuck out. Step one, Lila. Escape. She inspected her cage for weaknesses--


  Her gaze whipped up at the sound. The fawn appeared not far down the dungeon corridor. They stared at each other.

  Pulse racing, Lila asked, "Can you . . . free me?"

  The cell door groaned open. Whoa.

  When the creature seemed to be awaiting her, Lila swallowed. Three times in her dreams she'd refused to follow the deer over the edge of the cliff.

  Something told her she was about to get one more chance. Could she accept whatever fate Graven had planned for her?

  Lila sensed she was on the verge of discovering a great truth. Or at least of understanding why she'd been reincarnated.

  The feeling that everything was connected struck her. Did the solution shimmer just beyond her fingertips?

  Anticipation mixed with uneasiness as the fawn led her out of the dungeon. In the main part of the castle, the moving doors and corridors and stairways of the labyrinth took them deeper into Graven's heart.

  At the lowest landing, the fawn disappeared into a wall. Lila didn't even pause, just walked right through it.

  Her eyes adjusted to the light, her mind slow to register the sight before her. "Oh, my gods."

  Within a massive atrium burned a blue inferno. The flames must be eight stories high! Black blooms swirled above them. Dark drops--blood?--rained down from some unseen source, hissing in the heat.

  The fire seemed alive. Ancient and primal. Its shape swelled and contracted, like a beating heart.

  How could anything be so beautiful?

  Awestruck, tears welling, she breathed, "You're the hellfire that beckoned Abyssian's ancestor."

  The flames soared even higher.

  The fawn approached the inferno, never slowing as it continued into the fire. Blue flames closed behind it, the creature consumed.

  Fear skittered up Lila's spine. She was supposed to . . . follow.

  In a daze, she started forward. Was this a gallows walk? Or the solution to all of her problems?

  At the edge of the hellfire, she squared her shoulders and ignored her pounding heart. She wouldn't refuse Graven again.

  Holding her breath, she took that terrifying step. . . .


  The dimension of Tenebrous

  Perdishian Castle

  You knew," Sian bit out as he swung his fist into Rune's face. The archer went reeling from the unexpected blow.

  Eyes black with rage, Rune charged him. Sian charged back. They collided in the middle of Perdishian's empty war room with the impact of two dragons.

  "You knew she was Saetth's fiancee," Sian yelled. "And a spy!" This would be a close fight. Both could trace, both were around the same size. Sian was stronger than he'd ever been and older than Rune, but the archer was quick.

  "Not at first." Rune traced forward, his fist a blur as it connected with Sian's throat. And again. "But I found out in time."

  Bellowing, Sian blocked and struck.

  Pummeling each other, the two crashed into the walls until the black-stone keep quaked. Their blows echoed throughout the room.

  "Why would you not tell me?" Sian swung, catching Rune in the jaw. "You were my friend!"

  Rune bared his fangs, shoving Sian back. "I still am!"

  "Then why?"

  "Because I wanted to give her time to tell you." Strike.

  Block. "I never would have let myself feel more for her!"

  "I didn't do this lightly. You forget--I wanted t
o put an arrow in her heart."

  "You won't godsdamned touch her!" Sian roared and traced, launching his fist with all his new might.

  Rune hurtled across the room, crashing into the glass wall.

  A crack forked out across the blast-proof expanse. If that glass broke, they would be sucked into the ether. . . .

  Lila woke to the plaintive howls of hellhounds.

  Blinking open her eyes, she sat up. She was naked on the floor of the bedroom?

  The last thing she remembered was stepping into the fire. She patted her arms, legs, and face. Not burned? How long had she been out?

  The sun was low in the sky. She must've been unconscious for hours. So what had happened to her during that interim? And how had she gotten here?

  She stood unsteadily, her head as heavy as a bowling ball. Courtesy of the fire, her brain had been saturated with new information, her body with magic.

  Lila was . . . changed.

  In her mind's eye, she could see every inch of this dimension and castle as though looking into a terrarium. This was how Abyssian viewed his realm! No wonder he'd been able to find her so quickly after her escape.

  For some reason, she knew Graven hadn't transferred Abyssian's abilities to Lila. No, she had her own, equal to his--because she was the queen of hell, and Pandemonia was half hers. She felt it in every cell in her body.

  Using her new talents, she searched for his presence. She detected Uthyr in the throne room, but the demon was gone. No doubt off to plan his fucking war.

  The ground trembled as if with her fury. She frowned. Could she learn to control her surroundings? Closing her eyes for focus, she imagined one of Graven's staircases sweeping left. It obeyed! She shifted another one to the right.

  As she got the hang of this power, she opened and closed moving walls like a kid playing with a car window.

  She made a small volcano erupt--with just a thought. Amazing! She fanned the winds over the sea. When the terrace curtains fluttered, the late-afternoon sun struck the diamond on the mantel, the concentrated sparkle catching her eye.

  The demon had pledged his future to her. He'd promised to let go of the past. How could he break her heart, without a seeming care?

  What if he returned and tried to imprison her again? This is my home now. The castle had chosen her to challenge, and Lila had boldly stepped into an inferno. In reward, Graven had anointed her with power.

  If Lila wielded magic like Abyssian's, then maybe she could banish him from this realm. Hell hath no fury like a hell queen scorned. She burned to make him pay.