Then these spirits prayed that the meaning of this vision might be mademore clear. But to that prayer there came no answer.

  Barbara went apart into a wilderness where thorns grew and there enduredthe agony of temptation. On the one hand lay the pure life of joy which,like the difficult path that had been shown to her, led upwards, everupwards to yet greater joy, shared with those she loved. On the otherhand lay the seething hell of Earth, to be once more endured throughmany mortal years and--a soul to save alive. None might counsel her,none might direct her. She must choose and choose alone. Not in fear ofpunishment, for this was not possible to her. Not in hope of glory, forthat she must inherit, but only for the hope's sake that she might--savea soul alive.

  Out of her deep heart's infinite love and charity thus she chose inatonement of her mortal sin. And as she chose the great arc of Heavenabove her, that had been grey and silent, burst to splendour and tosong.

  So Barbara for a while bade farewell to those who loved her, badefarewell to Anthony her heart's heart. Once more, alone, utterly alone,she laid her on the couch in the great chamber with the translucent domeand thence her spirit was whirled back through nothingness to the hellof Earth, there to be born again in the child of the evil woman, that itmight save a soul alive.

  Thus did the sweet and holy Barbara--Barbara who came back--in atonementof her sin.

  For her reward, as she fights on in hope, she has memory and suchvisions as are written here.


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