Page 12 of White Trash Damaged

Page 12

  Author: Teresa Mummert

  “I don’t think this is me. ” I frowned as I tugged on the hem of the sorry excuse for a dress.

  “You who? The waitress? Come on. Live a little. You may discover there is more to you than that girl you left behind. ” Sarah tugged me into the cramped bathroom, her body pressed between the wall and my back as she smiled into the mirror in front of me. As my eyes left hers and drifted over myself, my breath caught in my throat. I didn’t recognize the girl staring back at me. Scratch that, it was a woman staring back at me, and she was hot.

  “How in the hell did you do that?” I leaned over the sink, inspecting my flawless makeup. I was certain Sarah was going to paint me up like I belonged in one of the bands, but instead it looked . . . natural. I still felt like me.

  “Tucker is going to go crazy. ” Her lips pulled up in a smile, but her eyes were full of sadness.

  “I don’t think Eric is going to mind finding you in his bus either. ” I laughed as she pinched my side, causing me to squirm.

  “Come on. I’m sure he is elbow-deep in groupies. ”

  “No. ” I shook my head as I thought back to the little time I had spent with Eric. “I honestly think he enjoys being all miserable and cranky. ”

  “Well, he is in good company then. ”

  “You know, if you ever want to talk about it . . . ”

  Sarah brushed a curl from my face and grabbed my arm, pulling me from the tiny room.

  “Let’s go see if we can catch the guys as they come offstage. ”

  She dragged me out of the bus and into the packed building that was now overflowing with groupies and fans. I felt like I was naked in a room full of people. I let my hair fall over my face to help hide myself as we twisted through the maze of halls and through security.

  Damaged was finishing up the last song of their set, and as I listened to Tucker’s smooth voice sing about love, I completely forgot what I was so worried about. Sarah and I sang along. We swayed to the music as Sarah stared at Eric with a far-off look in her eye.

  “I see you staring,” I joked as I bumped her with my shoulder. She shot me a playful glare, tucking her hair behind her ear.

  “Nothing in the rules about looking. ”

  The chorus faded out as the crowd grew impossibly loud, begging for an encore. Tucker waved to the crowd and thanked them for coming, and as his eyes fell on me, his words caught in his throat. I could feel the blush crawl over my body from my toes all the way to my cheeks as his lips curled up in a flirtatious grin.

  “Maybe one more song. How does that sound?” He spoke into the microphone and everyone went wild. Sarah and I yelled and clapped along with them, getting lost in the moment. Tucker turned to the band and they all nodded before they began to play. It took a moment to recognize the song as it was being played with guitars and a steady tapping of the drum, but when Tucker began to sing, my heart melted.

  Visions of the first time Tucker and I had made love flashed in my thoughts, and I could tell by the look in his eye that he was lost in the memory of us together as well.

  I had a big dopey grin plastered across my face as he sang the last line in front of thousands of people, but I was the only one he saw. I had never felt so treasured and beautiful as I did when I saw the way Tucker looked at me.

  We were a million miles from our turbulent past, and I couldn’t wait to be even further into our future. The idea of a family of our own still terrified me, but I had no doubt in my mind that when that time did come, Tucker would be an amazing father. All of my worries and fears of coming on this tour washed away.

  As he stepped down from the stage, he hesitated, his eyes taking in the tiny black dress. His fingers slid over my hip, and he squeezed gently.

  “You look incredible. ” His tongue rolled over his lips and warmth spread from my belly as his eyes darkened.

  “You signing, Tuck?” Terry called from behind us, and Tucker let his forehead fall against mine as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  “Don’t you go anywhere,” he said as he took a step back and made his way to his fans.

  Chapter Nine

  GOOD GUYS FINISH last. ” Terry laughed, hitting Eric on the chest. “Ain’t that right, Cass?”

  “Um . . . I don’t know. ” I shrugged.

  “Don’t be such a fucking pervert,” Sarah scolded him before her gaze landed on Eric. “They do if they want to hit it again. ” She winked, and he grinned wickedly back at her as Tucker slid between them. His hand gripped the side of my neck, and he pulled my lips against his in a sensual kiss. My knees went weak and his other hand looped around my lower back and he held me against him as his tongue slid across my lower lip.

  “How am I supposed to keep my hands off you when you wear things like this?” He cocked his head to the side as his eyes danced over my barely concealed body.

  “It was Sarah’s idea. ” I tucked a curl behind my ear.

  “Smart girl. ”

  Sarah patted Tucker on the back as she and the guys walked by us to head backstage. His hand slid lower onto my butt, and he gave it a gentle squeeze.

  “You’re going to miss your party. ” I looped my arms around his neck, desperate to be closer.

  “Fuck the party. ”

  I pushed my lips against his, letting my fingers tangle in his dark messy hair. He groaned against my mouth, and I could feel how badly he wanted me as he pushed his hips against mine.

  “If she won’t fuck you, I will, Tucker,” a crazy fan screamed from the other side of the guardrail, effectively ruining our romantic moment.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered in my ear with his cheek pressed against mine. I closed my eyes, inhaling coconut and soap before taking a step back. I hated not being able to hug and kiss my boyfriend in public. It was definitely something that would take some getting used to.

  Tucker gave me an apologetic look as he took my hand, lacing our fingers together and pulling me toward the door to backstage.

  The party was in full swing, and bodies spilled into every hall. Tucker placed his arm over my shoulder and kept me tucked into his side as we navigated our way to the main room. It didn’t take long to locate the band. Chris was standing on a chair and yelling out dirty jokes to anyone who would listen, which, unsurprisingly, was a lot of girls in skimpy clothes. I suspected that he could recite the dictionary and they would still be in awe.

  My self-consciousness flew out the window as I watched a woman bouncing topless on the shoulders of Derek from Filth. My heart sank, and I hoped that Sarah was not anywhere near him.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I realized I was squeezing Tucker’s hand and relaxed my grip.

  “Just worried about Sarah. ”

  Tucker nodded, running his hand over his hair from back to front.

  “What is it?” I asked, angling toward him so I could read his face.

  “Nothing. ”


  Tucker sighed and took a step back from me, his eyes going to the drop ceiling before landing back on me.

  “She’s an awesome chick, and I am glad you have found a friend. ”

  “But?” I took a step closer to him.

  “She’s had it rough, and she can get kind of . . . intense. ”

  I laughed and I saw his face change from concerned to downright confused.

  “She’s had it rough?” I asked, making sure I had heard him correctly.

  “Look, I know you didn’t have it easy either, and you turned out just fine. More than fine. But not everyone handles stress and heartache the way you do. I’m not saying she is a bad person. She’s a cool chick. ”

  I cocked an eyebrow at his choice of words and he rolled his eyes.

  “You know what I mean. She’s a nice person. Just be careful. She tends to push people away. ”

  “I’ll be careful. ” I leaned forwar
d and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Thanks for looking out for me. ”

  “That’s my job. ” Tucker looped his arm around my neck and pulled my head to his as we continued to navigate through the crowd.

  “I don’t need anyone to take care of me,” I reminded him as my eyes fell on Sarah and Eric.

  “Yeah, I know. You have told me that before,” he joked as he followed my gaze, and the smile slipped from his face.

  “You have a problem with those two getting together?”

  His arm flexed behind my neck and I knew the answer to my question.

  “Those two are a ticking fucking time bomb, sweetheart. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. ” As soon as the words left his mouth, he nodded to Eric who returned the gesture. “Let’s go watch the train wreck. ”

  On our path to the others we grabbed a few beers from some random groupie who had no problem running her hand over the front of my boyfriend’s jeans while his arms were around me. He took a step back out of her reach. I raised my glass and Tucker placed his arm in front of mine, keeping me from spilling my beer all over her, but the look on his face was one of amusement.

  “She has it coming. ” I tipped the cup to my lips and downed half the contents in a single gulp.

  “Choose your battles wisely. We have had enough to last us a lifetime. ” He tilted his cup to his lips and took a drink.

  “I know. I’m sorry. This is a lot to get used to. ”

  “Trust me. I get it. ” We had made our way to Sarah and E and we both said hello politely. “Just remember who is bunking with me tonight. ”

  “Oh, shit. I don’t want to listen to that shit. ” Eric looked revolted.

  “You can stay on our bus,” Sarah suggested as she took a drink from her cup.

  “Yeah, I’m sure Derek would give you a warm welcome,” Tucker said to no one in particular. He was right. Sarah and Derek had a volatile relationship, and the last thing Damaged needed was a rift between them and their opening act. We still had to finish out this tour in some measure of peace.

  “Fuck Derek,” Eric replied, and Tucker clenched his jaw. Eric was the type of guy that went against the grain and refused to listen to reason.

  “‘Fuck Derek’?” a voice called from behind us, and I was thankful that it was Terry and not another member of Filth.

  I could tell it rattled Sarah who slid farther away from Eric.

  “You need a refill?” I asked over the music that began to fill the awkward silence.

  “Sure. ” She smiled as she grabbed my hand, tugging me out of Tucker’s arms. I didn’t want to have any part of Damaged’s heated conversations, and I knew Sarah had realized that she had placed Eric in a bad position.

  “What are you doing?” I asked when we had gotten far enough away that we weren’t in danger of being overheard.

  “I just want what you and Tuck have. It’s not fair. ” She was clearly already drunk, but she still grabbed a bottle of Jack and poured a few shots into her glass, holding the bottle up to offer me some. I shrugged and let her fill my solo cup about halfway with the amber liquid.

  “I get it. ” I took a small drink, cringing at the nasty warmth of the alcohol.

  “My ex is dictating my happiness. It’s not fair. I just want to be able to live my life and be happy. ”

  “I’ve been there. Trust me. I had a pretty rocky relationship before Tucker. ” I relaxed my throat and took a bigger drink, wishing I hadn’t brought up my past.

  “Yeah? How’d you get him to leave you alone?”

  “Tucker killed him. ” All of the air left my lungs, and I immediately regretted my words.

  “You are so twisted. ” She laughed and downed her shots in one sip.

  I was thankful she assumed I was joking and I wouldn’t have to go into the horrid details of that final night with Jax.

  “Another?” She grabbed the bottle, shaking it in her hand as the contents sloshed against the glass.

  I glanced back at the guys who looked like they were still in the middle of a heated conversation, and I had no desire to play referee to a bunch of angry rockers.