Page 15 of White Trash Damaged

Page 15

  Author: Teresa Mummert

  “I’ve been stressing a lot lately with the tour and new manager, and it isn’t fair to take that shit out on you. ”

  “I think we could both use a little break from all of this craziness,” I said as I took a step back from his arms. His eyebrows pulled together in worry as he tried to figure out where I was going with this.

  I fumbled with the hem of my shirt before I took in a quick, deep breath and tugged it over my head and let it fall to the ground beside me. Tucker stepped forward, his fingers tangling in my hair as he pressed his mouth against mine hard. I let my lips part as I slipped my fingers under the edge of his shirt, running them over the ridges of his stomach. He groaned and released my hair, yanking his shirt over his head before his body was back against mine like a magnet.

  “You sure about this?” he mumbled against my lips. I grabbed the button of his jeans, letting him know I wasn’t going to change my mind. His hand slid up my side, and his fingers traced the delicate fabric of my bra.

  I was tired of worrying, and I needed to get lost in the moment, needed to forget our past. Tucker slowly lowered me to the grass, his fingers brushing the hair from my forehead as he stared into my eyes.

  “I love you, Cass. I know things have been difficult with all that is going on, but I don’t want you to do something you aren’t ready for. We have forever, sweetheart. I promise. ”

  “I love you, Tucker. ” I closed my eyes, smiling like a fool as the sunshine warmed my face. He rolled beside me, taking my hand in his.

  “When all this is over, I want a big yard like this. No people for miles. Just us,” he said.

  “I never want to leave this place,” I whispered. His fingers squeezed mine and my heart sank. “We should make the time worthwhile. ” I grinned as I raised up on my elbow beside him. I leaned over and gave him a kiss, coaxing his lips open with my tongue. He groaned again, his arms circling my waist and pulling me down on him. I straddled his body as one of his hands slid up my side and tangled in my hair. The other gripped onto my butt and held me tight against his body. I slowly rocked my hips against his, and he let out a small moan in the back of his throat as he deepened our kiss. I missed having time alone with Tucker. We needed more of it to grow as a couple, but I was willing to take any opportunity I could get. My hands slid over his toned chest. I could feel his heartbeat pounding back against my fingertips. I loved that even with thousands of girls screaming his name at his concerts, I was still able to make him feel excited. It was empowering. His hips began to move with mine, his jeans rubbing hard against me. I panted into his mouth, getting lost in how amazing his touch felt. His lips left mine as he kissed a trail over my jaw to my throat. His fingers slid over my shoulder. He pushed the cup of my bra below my breast as his thumb, calloused from playing his guitar, ran over my nipple, causing it to pebble under his touch.

  “If we don’t stop now, I won’t be able to. ” His words sent a burst of heat radiating through my core. I didn’t want him to stop, but I didn’t want our first time of making love since we got back together to be in a field. I reluctantly sat up, struggling to catch my breath as I pulled my bra back into place.

  “We should go. ” I slid off Tucker and grabbed my shirt, pulling it down over my head. Tucker sat beside me, reaching over and pulling a piece of grass from my hair and tossing it aside.

  The ride back was short, but I forgot how much I loved being on the back of Tucker’s bike. It felt good to hang on to him and just escape. I wished we had more moments like this.

  When we got back to the bus, we didn’t have much time before the concert, and I was incredibly excited to hear my words being sung onstage to thousands of people. Tucker had been working on it for a few days and had yet to let me hear him sing it. I was nervous to hear my words coming from his mouth, in front of thousands of people, no less. I was practically bouncing off the walls. Backstage, Eric questioned whether I was on drugs. I laughed and told him that for the first time in a long time, I was just high on life.

  “I feel like I am finally figuring out who I want to be,” I said.

  “I’m glad. I was worried how this whole tour thing would work out,” Tucker said.

  I wrapped my arms around Tucker’s waist and squeezed him.

  “Nothing worthwhile is ever easy,” I said.

  “That’s good. You should put that in your next song. ” He smiled down at me. We stared at each other for a long moment before his smile faded and his body tensed under my arms.

  “What is it?” I pulled back slightly to get a better look at his face.

  “We’re gonna meet up with Donna after the show. She will be stopping by to check out the bus and get ready to move in. ”

  “I don’t understand why she would want to live on a bus with a bunch of crazy rock stars. ”

  “Hey . . . you live with a bunch of crazy rock stars. ”

  “Yeah, but that is because I am in love with one of them. I bet she doesn’t last a week with you guys. ”

  “It’s not the guys I’m worried about. ” He raised an eyebrow.

  “I’m excited to have another girl around. It’s her that wishes otherwise. ”

  “She will love you. How could she not? She just needs to get to know you. ”

  “We’re on,” Terry called from behind us, and I frowned, hating how little time I got to actually spend with my boyfriend even though we were living together.

  “Good luck. ” I gave Tucker a kiss on the cheek, and he playfully patted my butt before following after his other bandmates. I made my way over to the refreshment table and grabbed a soda, popping it open and taking a large gulp. My nerves were taking over, and suddenly I wanted to disappear. I was terrified that the crowd would hate my song, that it wouldn’t feel like a genuine Damaged song. I wanted to run back out to the bus and hide in our bunk.

  “They’re starting. ” Sarah laughed, pointing back to the stage. She was covered in a thin layer of sweat and looked as if she was glowing.

  “I’m heading out there, just taking a break. ”

  “Are you scared?” She walked over to me and grabbed my drink, guzzling it down before tossing it in the trash a few feet away.

  “I don’t know how you do it. You get up on a stage in front of thousands and just pour your heart out. What if they don’t like you?”

  “Fuck what they think. This is about doing what I love, following my dreams. If they like it, that’s just icing on the cake. If I lived my life worried about everyone else, I would go insane. ” She laughed, and I shook my head.

  “You are wise beyond your years,” I joked, and Sarah got a faraway look in her eyes.

  “Let’s go watch your dreams come true. ” She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the stage.

  The crowd was going wild for Tucker as usual. He began with an old favorite, “Loved. ” I hummed along and got lost in the lyrics as he smiled down at his adoring fans who reached out to him, even though they were nowhere near close enough to touch him. He was a sexy rock god, and he was mine.

  “What are you grinning about?” Sarah nudged me with her elbow as she laughed.

  “I’m just . . . happy. It feels nice. ”

  “I’m happy for you. ” She grinned. Tucker sat down on a stool in the center of the stage as the lights dimmed and a spotlight shined on him. He adjusted the mic and began to play the first few chords of “Empty Sheets,” my song. I froze, my heart racing in my chest as the crowd fell silent and he began to sing. His eyes closed and I held my breath as he sang the first lyric. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever heard, and my chest swelled with pride at the thought of us making such beautiful music together. My gaze fluttered over the crowd at the women who held their hands to their chests and swayed. Some openly cried as the emotions overtook them, others clung to their significant others in a tight embrace. It was surreal to see so many taking my words to heart, and as T
ucker glanced in my direction, everyone else faded away.

  The world was ours, and I looked up at the man I loved as he poured as much of his own heart into the song singing it as I had while writing it. I could feel him pouring his emotions into my words, and I was moved by the way he connected with them, with me.

  “I love you,” I mouthed, and his lips quirked up in a grin before singing the next line. Everything fell into place in that moment. The past, the struggles, the fears all evaporated, and I felt like I belonged, like I had a purpose.

  As the song ended and Tucker strummed his guitar one last time, the crowd erupted into cheers. Happy tears spilled onto my cheek as I clapped along with them. Tucker stood, smiling as he leaned over the mic.

  “I love you, too. ” He shot me a wink, and my heart melted. It didn’t matter that thousands of women thought he was professing his love to them; I knew he was speaking only to me.

  It was surreal seeing something I had created with the painful memories of my past be turned into something beautiful, and having Tucker help me through it made it a bonding experience for us.

  Chapter Eleven

  I SLEPT LIKE A rock the night after the show and was barely able to pull myself out of our cramped bunk by noon the next day. Keeping up with the schedule was torture on my body, and I was beginning to feel like an old lady.

  I got myself ready for the day fairly quickly and sat around for the next hour trying to think up lyrics to a new song, but my mind was blank. The guys were off meeting with their new manager, and I didn’t expect them back anytime soon, so I decided to clean the bus. It only took me three hours to get it sparkling, and I had worked up a major appetite. I decided I would whip up a nice dinner. I had bought a few boxes of stuffing mix and instant mashed potatoes. It was the closest you could get to a home-cooked meal when you had only a microwave at your disposal, and I wanted the new manager to feel welcome.

  I heard Tucker’s bike approach, and I jumped up to look out the small window by the kitchen table. He was being followed by a large SUV. I smoothed my hair and bounded out of the bus to greet them.

  “Cass, this is Donna, the new manager. Donna, this is my girlfriend, Cass. ” I looked over the woman in her pencil skirt and button-down white-collared shirt.

  “Nice to meet you. ” I gave her my biggest smile. She was incredibly attractive, standing about half a foot taller than I did with long, wavy, dark-brown hair that she kept pinned back on the sides. Her eyes were the brightest green I had ever seen—they had to be contacts.

  “Likewise,” she replied as her eyes danced over the bus.

  “Come on in. I was just getting ready to make dinner. ” I smiled at Tucker, and he cleared his throat.

  “Actually, were going out for dinner. ” He gave me an apologetic shrug.

  “Oh. ” I smiled at how adorable he was when he didn’t want to disappoint me. “No problem. Let me grab my shoes and we can head out. ”

  “This is a business meeting, dear,” Donna cut in. I looked to Tucker, but he was staring at his feet, clearly trying to sidestep the awkwardness inherent in the situation at hand.

  “That’s fine. I’ll just have dinner with Filth. Those boys have been looking a little skinny lately. ” I maintained my smile, struggling to keep from looking like my feelings were hurt. I knew things would change when Donna arrived, I just didn’t realize that it would happen so quickly. I hoped that things would smooth out quickly.

  “I can bring you something back if you want?” Tucker’s hand grabbed my side as his thumb rubbed small circles over my hip.

  “No, it’s fine. Don’t be silly. Have fun. ” I leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the lips, feeling awkward with this stranger watching us.

  “I won’t be long. I promise. ” He shot me a wink. The rest of the band didn’t say a word, and I suddenly felt like an outsider in our odd little family.