Page 33 of Affliction

Chapter 65-66


  Nathaniel requested an addition. He wanted my hands tied. I said, 'But with my hands tied and the gag it takes away my no, my safeword. '

  'That would be the idea,' he said.

  I debated, but it was something that Nathaniel had wanted for a long time, and with Nicky to partner him it seemed like a better idea. I totally and completely wouldn't have done it if it had been Nathaniel and Asher. He was a true sadist and a serious power tripper; I would never willingly put myself in a position with Asher to not be able to say stop. But Nicky, I trusted him more, so . . .

  I sat on the bed between them, Nicky's hand squeezing the breath from my throat, controlling me with all that strength, while Nathaniel fitted the gag, forcing my mouth wide and wider like Nicky's kiss had done, so that the gag was like a continuation of the kiss. By the time Nathaniel had the gag fitted and tied behind my head, my body needed to breathe again and I was fighting the panic. I tapped out. Nicky released, and I found out that I could breathe both around the ball gag and through my nose.

  Nathaniel came back around where he could see my face. 'Is it okay?'

  I nodded.

  He smiled and kissed my forehead. Then he picked up one of the straps that he and Nicky had threaded under the mattress earlier. It had a black nylon cuff on it that closed with Velcro on the end of it. The moment I'd seen the Velcro cuffs I'd known he brought them for me, not for him, because I liked the Velcro. I could, if I had to, get out of them, but up to that point they were secure and gave the illusion of me being trapped, but it was an illusion. Nathaniel liked leather cuffs, or handcuffs, because he liked more than just the illusion of being trapped.

  To my questioning look he'd said, 'You like to be tied up when you're under stress, too. '

  To that I hadn't known what to say, so I wisely let it go.

  I lay down on the bed with Nathaniel on one side and Nicky on the other. Nathaniel fastened the first cuff securely around my wrist. My wrists were tiny enough that we actually had trouble finding handcuffs that fit me, but the Velcro went down nice and snug. My arms were out to the side, not directly overhead. I'd discovered that my shoulders didn't like being tied overhead for long, at all.

  Nicky fastened the second cuff in place, though he had to take it down in size twice. He'd never tied me up before.

  Nathaniel moved so he could look deeply into my eyes and said, 'Comfortable?'

  I pulled on the cuffs, because I liked to struggle and often the fighting against the ropes, or whatever, was what caused real scrapes and bruising. I nodded.

  He smiled, and it was a good, warm, happy smile.

  Nicky was already settling down on the other side of me. Nathaniel mirrored him. My breasts already had red circles of Nathaniel's teeth in them, but as the two men grinned at each other and both moved their mouths down to my breasts, I was betting I was about to get fresh marks.

  They started by sucking my nipples hard enough that I writhed and made small, happy protesting noises through the gag. Then they both wrapped their hand around the softness of my breasts, mounding them up so they could a better mouthful, and then as if they'd practiced it they put as much of my breast into their mouths as they could and bit down. I screamed through the gag, because it wasn't the gradual buildup that Nathaniel had done, but a zero to all-out. If I could have safe-worded, I would have, but then Nicky growled with my breast still deep in his mouth so that the sound vibrated around my breast. I looked down to find that his eyes had slid to lion amber, and there was that thrill of fear in me. I trusted him implicitly, but . . . but . . . that was the game.

  Nathaniel more purred than growled, but the sound vibrated against my breast as well. His eyes were still lavender and human, but the look in them was not my submissive boy. A mix of personalities in the dungeon can change things, and I realized that something about Nicky brought out a more dominant side of Nathaniel.

  They growled with my breasts in their mouths, teeth eased a bit, and then they both bit down so hard and sudden that I screamed, and even through the gag it held pain.

  They both stopped and drew back. Nicky traced the edge of his bite marks where they went below the earlier ones that Nathaniel had made. 'I got a little blood on this side. Mmmm . . . ' It wasn't much blood, just tiny red droplets filling in the indentations of his teeth, but he leaned over and licked the wound, and even that hurt.

  I made protesting noises.

  'No fair,' Nathaniel said. 'I didn't get to taste any blood. I was good. '

  'I'll share, or you can make your own. '

  Nathaniel looked up at me with a positively evil smile, and then slipped his mouth back over my breast. I was already making protest noises when he bit me. Hard enough that I screamed for real even through the gag.

  He drew back to survey his handiwork. 'Now I have blood,' he said, happily. He leaned down and started licking the tiny red droplets on his side. Nicky bent to the wound he'd made and they both lapped and sucked at the blood. It had hurt for them to make the tiny wounds, but the sensation of them licking the wounds wasn't pain; it switched over to a painful pleasure, so that I made small noises through the gag that were halfway between protest and yummy noises.

  Nathaniel looked up and asked, 'Was that too hard a bite?'

  I nodded, yes, it was too hard.

  'Now you've spoiled it,' Nicky said. 'If you hadn't asked we could have done it again. '

  'We have to untie her sometime and I don't want her really mad at us. '

  'Good point. '

  Nathaniel moved lower on the bed.

  'What are you planning to do?' Nicky asked.

  'We're going to run out of time and I want Anita to enjoy the first time we use the gag on her, so I was thinking oral sex and then intercourse. '

  'Sounds good, expect I want to do breath play while you eat her out. '

  'She can't tap out now. It's a lot more dangerous this way,' Nathaniel said.

  Nicky moved up the bed so he was looking directly into my face. 'Do you trust me to do this?'

  I studied his face. His eye was human blue again. He seemed calm, steady. I did trust him. I finally nodded.

  He rewarded me with a wonderful smile. 'You get started. I'll wait until she's close. '

  'Hand me a pillow,' Nathaniel said.

  Nicky handed him one and Nathaniel used it to prop me up just enough so that it was easier on the neck, and then he settled between my legs. I gazed down my body to see him give that evil smile again, before he began to lick delicately between my legs. He licked around the edges of me and then did a quick lick right down the middle that made me squirm, and then he settled down to business and licked and rolled that one sweet spot, burying his face deep against me, so he could trace and lick around every edge and crease of me. The warmth began to build inside me. My breathing sped up.

  Nicky spoke low to me. 'He really is good at eating pussy. ' He caressed my neck, gently, and then he settled his big hand around me, firm and tight, and as the warm pleasure began to build between my legs from Nathaniel's mouth, Nicky squeezed. He squeezed harder and more sudden so that I went from breathing to not, like a switch clicked over.

  He stared down into my face while he choked me and Nathaniel ate me out. 'I love how dark your face is getting,' Nicky whispered.

  The pleasured weight between my legs built, but I couldn't breathe and my body had trouble concentrating on both. Some people say that suffocation while you orgasm is a high, but to me it was already a distraction so that where I would have tipped over the edge, I stayed on the verge while my body fought not to panic. Nicky eased his grip, studying my face. I took a gasping breath, mostly through my nose.

  'It's actually keeping you from orgasming, isn't it?' he asked.

  I nodded.

  'I want you to orgasm, so we can fuck you and you can feed on me, but I also want to choke you again. '

  Nathaniel licked
me deep and quick and that building weight of warm spilled over to pleasure. I screamed my orgasm through the gag, grinding myself against Nathaniel's mouth, riding the orgasm as he kept sucking me, bringing me in waves so that I wasn't sure it was just one, or a dozen. When he'd reduced me to an eye-fluttering, boneless, happy, floating afterglow, Nicky whispered against my cheek, 'Are you ready?'

  I tried to think, Ready for what? Then I felt his hand at my throat, and even that couldn't make me control my fluttering eyelids enough to see his face. He wrapped that big hand around me and then squeezed. The choking was somehow intermingled with the orgasm's twitching pleasurable afterglow, so that my body didn't fight for air, there was no panic to think through, it was all one flowing piece of sensation.

  I felt Nathaniel move the pillow and then felt him hard and ready as he pushed against my opening and then slid inside. The feel of him inside me after the oral sex, with Nicky still choking me, was amazing, but it was like my body couldn't concentrate on both at the same time.

  Nicky let go of my throat, and I breathed in deep, almost like a sigh. Nathaniel found his rhythm and began to slide gently in and out of me. He had his eyes closed, head slightly to the side the way he did sometimes when he was trying to last and having to fight his body to do it. He found that spot just inside the opening and caressed himself over it again and again and again, until he brought me screaming, writhing, and spasming underneath him. He made a sound that was almost a cry of his own, his body shuddered, and then with one last thrust I felt him go inside me. It made me cry out again.

  He pulled himself out of me and that made us both writhe again. He rolled over to one side of me and gasped, 'Oh, my God. '

  Nicky said, 'My turn,' and then he moved between my legs, and even with Nathaniel having done the prep work he still had to push his way inside. 'She always stays so tight. '

  'Not always,' Nathaniel said, 'but most of the time. '

  Nicky shoved his way inside, and then he leaned over me so that I was staring directly into his face. 'I know you like rough sex. I pounded into you in the shower earlier, but I like knowing that I'm about to pound the fuck out of you and you can't say no, and you can't tell me be gentle. I know you wouldn't tell me that anyway, but I really like that you can't tell me to stop. ' And then he did what he said, and started to pound himself in and out of me so that the sound of our flesh hitting together sounded almost like he was spanking me, but faster and harder than any hand. He used the strength of himself, the length, the width, all of himself, grabbing my hips, and holding my ass up at an angle so he could be up on his knees while he pounded himself into me as hard and fast as he could. I was almost, almost there, when he said, 'Can you please choke her one last time while I fuck her. I don't trust me doing it with the gag and the ropes. '

  Nathaniel crawled up beside my shoulders and looked down at me. 'Yes?'

  I nodded.

  He put his much smaller hand around the front of my throat and squeezed. Nicky went back to pounding himself in and out of me so hard and fast that I couldn't keep track. 'Tighter,' he said. 'Make her face change colors. '

  Nathaniel squeezed tighter, and that otherworldly strength was there. His hand was smaller, but he squeezed and I felt the blood rushing into my face.

  'Hold her up,' Nicky said, and he lost his rhythm for a moment.

  Nathaniel used his other hand in my hair to raise my face up so Nicky could watch. That seemed to satisfy him, because he found his rhythm again, hard and fast and deep, and he changed just enough angle so it was deeper, and it threw me over the edge into orgasm while Nathaniel's hands were still on me. I couldn't cry out my orgasm, but my body spasmed for me, and Nicky cried out, as he went inside me.

  Nathaniel let go of me and eased me back against the pillows.

  Nicky was above me, staring into my face, with his body still buried as deeply as it could go inside me. My eyes were fluttering back and forth so I couldn't focus as much as I wanted, but there was an eager, dark happiness to Nicky's face. I think he was watching the color change in my face.

  'I love that you trust me this much,' he whispered.

  The gag kept me from saying it back to him, but I did trust him that much, I really did.


  Real food was had. We left Nathaniel back under the covers to sleep. Edward and I decided to divide and conquer. He would go talk to the local PD and see what they'd learned from the crime scenes and freshly discovered bodies. I'd go to the hospital and question Little Henry and see Micah. Nicky came with me, but Claudia kept Lisandro with her, so that when dark fell he could help manage the Harlequin vampires. They had a poor opinion of shapeshifters in general and had a hard time understanding that the people in charge of our bodyguards were all wereanimals, when vampires were so obviously superior. Yeah, they were beginning to get on everyone's nerves. She gave me Domino back as a partner with Nicky and me.

  'Claudia, I'm not sure any of the weretigers can. They're great in practice and as regular bodyguards, but none of them have seen combat or the kind of slaughter we walked into last night. '

  'I need Lisandro to help me with the Harlequin, and that's that, Anita. You don't want Dev, and Pride and Nicky don't work well together. Emmanuel is good, but he's not seen the hard stuff either. Domino wasn't trained to be some white knight super-warrior like the gold tigers; he was trained as a mob bodyguard and enforcer who can be pretty brutal. '

  'But it's not the same kind of brutal as what we faced last night and today. '

  'Look, I don't have time or energy to debate this; Domino is your guy for now. ' She stood there hands on hips, all six foot six of her, in the conference room where we'd eaten. Her long black hair was in a tight ponytail; no makeup distracted from the high cheekbones and strong features of her face. She was what the Mexicans would call guapa, handsome rather than pretty; there was just too much of her, from the broad, muscled shoulders to the long, muscular legs and all the parts in between to be pretty, or even beautiful, though she was that.

  'How much trouble are you having integrating the Harlequin with our guards?' I asked.

  'Look, I want to keep all the guards I can around Jean-Claude. The Harlequin are fearsomely good when they aren't being whiny bitches. Jean-Claude coming here on the spur of the moment is a security nightmare, and now you tell me the rogue master vampire is a necromancer that can raise zombies and inhabit their bodies in daylight. This just gets better and fucking better,' she said.

  I wasn't sure I'd ever heard Claudia curse before, which meant she was even more upset than she was letting me see.

  'I'm all better; Jean-Claude can fly home. '

  She gave me a look of such scorn that I had to fight not to squirm. 'He'll never leave now, not until you're out of danger. '

  'Danger is sort of my job description,' I said.

  'And don't think that doesn't piss me off, too. '

  'Okay,' I said, 'is this just about security issues, or are you pissed about something else?'

  'I don't know what you're talking about; just go and catch this bastard, so we can all go home. '

  'That's the plan,' I said. I left the conference room with Nicky in tow. We were going to pick up Domino from his room at the end of the hallway.

  'What's got her panties in a twist?' I asked.

  'I don't know, but she's been on edge for about two weeks,' Nicky said.

  'This much on edge?' I asked, looking up at him.

  He shook his head. 'No, not this bad. '

  'Good, because I was about to feel stupid for not noticing that one of our head guards was having some kind of personal issue. '

  'Claudia won't let it interfere with the job, whatever it is,' he said.

  I nodded, and knew he meant it, but I also knew that even with the best of intentions personal stuff bled onto everything sometimes. But since she didn't want to talk about it, I would let it go; unless it interfered with her job it really wasn
't any of my business.

  Nicky knocked on the room door at the end of the hallway, just by the door marked EXIT. The door opened and it was Domino. He looked slender beside Nicky and Dev. Domino was five foot ten but he was more slender in his build, which made him look taller than he was, because when you looked at him your eye didn't stop at the shoulders or the chest like it did on the other two weretigers. His two most striking features were his hair and his eyes. The hair was mounded on top in a soft mass of black and white curls; he'd recently started shaving the bottom layer of hair close to his head, so that it was almost a skater cut. The multicolored curls were natural, though he got a lot of club kids and Goths asking him where he'd gotten the great dye job. His hair showed his mixed tiger heritage, half white clan and half black. He was one of only a handful of black weretigers that had lived through the near-extermination of that clan. He'd been found in an orphanage by the white tiger clan; no one knew who his parents had been, only what they had been. He had two tiger forms, one white, one black, and he could also do tigerman form in both. His mixed heritage had made the white tiger clan treat him as not good enough to mate with, for fear of bearing an impure child. The clans mated with each other to keep the genetics healthier, but most babies looked like one side or the other and went to be raised with the clan that they most resembled. Domino was one of only two that I'd met who couldn't hide his mixed heritage.

  His eyes were pure black tiger, like orange flame. They were startling enough that people thought they were contacts, like they thought the hair was dyed. In his black tiger form, those orange tiger eyes were Halloween beautiful. In white tiger form, they marked him as impure, because in every form his tiger eyes stayed the same, like all the clan tigers they were born with the eyes. Though there were clan tigers that had human eyes, they were considered weak by the other tigers and usually only had the form of a giant tiger as their beast.

  His smile filled those jack-o'-lantern-colored eyes with such happiness. It made me feel guilty that I hadn't gone out of my way to greet him when he got to town and that I hadn't wanted him to bodyguard me today.

  'Hey, Domino,' I said, and went to him.

  He wrapped me in his arms, and I hugged him around the waist. He didn't have all his weapons on yet, which made it easier to hug, but meant it would take him longer to get ready to go; like so much about dating my bodyguards, it was a mixed blessing.

  I went up on tiptoe still wrapped in the hug, so that he didn't have to bend very far for us to kiss hello. His lips were soft and the kiss softer. It might have grown into something more, but my phone rang and the ring tone was the Hawaii Five-O theme, which was what I used for most police that I worked with occasionally.

  Domino knew the ring tone and let me go without a question. He moved back into the room to get his weapons. We followed and shut the door behind us as I answered the phone. It was Hatfield.

  'Blake, everyone here is congratulating us on killing the rogue vampire, but before I celebrate I wanted to ask you and Forrester. Is it dead?'

  I liked Hatfield a lot in that moment. 'No, I'm like ninety-five percent sure it's not. '

  'I thought you'd say that. ' She didn't sound happy about being right, but it was honest emotion.

  Domino had his gear laid out on the neatly made bed as if he planned to pack it all neatly away. He was casual about a lot of stuff, but not about his job. He'd been trained as a mob bodyguard and enforcer, because the master of the city of Vegas was a mob boss who dated back to the days of Bugsy Siegel. Domino had been playing catch-up in some areas of the guards' training, because we had more ex-military and ex-police and mercenaries, running our crew, but for sheer brutality he'd probably seen his share. I'd met Max, the Master of Vegas. His first job in the mob had been as a leg-breaker himself, which meant in his day he hadn't been squeamish about getting his own hands dirty, and expected the same willingness from his people. Domino slipped his vest on and began tightening the straps.

  'I wish I believed the big bad vampire died in the fire and explosion, but this thing can jump bodies. To truly kill it we have to keep it in one place long enough to die. '

  'How do we do that?' Hatfield asked.

  'If we can find the original body and destroy it, then chances are that'll do the job. '

  Domino started putting his weapons in place. He got to carry more weapons when he came out with me as a sort of junior marshal, because he didn't have to hide that he was armed. Hiding weapons in everyday clothes could be a challenge.

  'How do we find the body?' Hatfield asked.

  'I'm going to question Little Henry at the hospital and Deputy Gutterman about the sheriff's attack and see if I can get a clue to a location. '

  'Can't you just ask the vampires in custody tonight?'

  'Yeah, but once night falls this rogue is going to be even stronger and harder to find and kill than he was earlier today, so I'd really like to find the original body and take care of things before the sun goes down. '

  Nicky picked up a pocket-sized . 308 pistol from the bed. He made some soft remark, but I knew that it was some remark on size and implying penis size comparison in some way. It was a guy thing. I knew that Domino had nothing to be ashamed of in that area. He got his Beretta . 45 out of the holster at his side and made some soft remark back, probably belittling Nicky's size since he carried a nine-millimeter as his main gun.

  Hatfield had been quiet while I watched the men. She finally said, 'Okay, agreed. What can I do to help?'

  'Ted is on his way to you guys to see what we learned from all the new crime scenes we found. '

  'I'll call him and be waiting. What do I tell the brass who want to declare the danger over?'

  'Tell them to wait until after tonight. From the time the sun goes down until it rises again will be the test. If nothing happens, then maybe we got him, but I think it will be worse tonight. '

  'Why?' she asked.

  'What do serial killers do when they're cornered?' I asked.

  'Suicide, or kill more people faster, usually. '

  'Yeah,' I said.

  'Oh,' she said. 'Damn, that is not a good thought. '

  'If you want unicorns and rainbows, you're in the wrong line of work,' I said.

  She gave a small, not entirely happy laugh. 'Well, that's the God's honest truth. '

  'Yep,' I said.

  Domino had his weapons in place. He slipped his lined leather jacket over it all. It didn't close enough to hide the vest, or his own nine-millimeter Glock in a MOLLE-rigged strap on the front of the vest, but as long as he was with me he could flaunt the guns and still not be charged with brandishing a weapon in public. What constituted brandishing differed depending on which police officer charged you with it and basically meant that they thought you were scaring the civilians by carrying openly. They bitched at civilians if they carried concealed, and they bitched if they carried openly; sometimes I thought the gun laws were designed to be confusing. But my badge, my warrant of execution, and the way the law was currently written covered them, and suddenly they didn't have to play by civilian rules.

  'I'll call Forrester,' Hatfield said.

  'We're headed to the hospital,' I said.

  'Give my best to Sheriff Callahan and your fiance. '

  'Will do, and thanks. '

  'Callahan is a good man and a better sheriff. He was one of those old-fashioned ones who would go out and visit with the people in his township. You know, he has to be voted in for sheriff every time. '

  'No, I didn't know that, actually. '

  'He really cares about his people, and he makes sure they know it. He's been sheriff up there at least ten years now. '

  It sounded like Micah and the Coalition. 'I didn't know that either,' I said.

  Nicky held the door; Domino went first, doing the bodyguard look-see, and then nodded. I went through, Nicky closed the door behind us, and we headed for the elevators.

p; 'We're about to get in the elevator, so I may lose you,' I said.

  'Bye then, and I hope we find the body before sundown,' she said.

  'Me, too,' I said.

  We hung up. The elevator doors opened. We got in and went out to hunt vampires. Sometimes you do it with a gun, sometimes by talking to the people they leave behind. We call them survivors, but once the vampires get you, the person you were dies, like any traumatized part of you never leaves that room, that car, that moment, and you walk forward a ghost of your former self. You rebuild yourself over the years, but the person you were isn't the person you become. The great bad thing happens, and you become a ghost in your own life, and then you become flesh and blood and remake your life, but the ghosts of what happened don't go away completely. They wait for you in low moments, and then they wail at you, shaking their chains in your face and trying to strangle you with them.

  I'd see Micah first and try to help him untangle the chains of guilt and love he felt for his father. Then I'd talk to Henry. He was a combat vet, special forces; he knew trauma before the vampires took him, but this trauma had killed his father. Did anything that came before prepare him for that? Somehow I doubted that even special forces training could really prepare you for losing someone like this, and the survivor guilt, which had probably been part of the ghost he brought back from combat, had gained a brand-new shiny link to its rattling chain.

  Real ghosts are so much easier to deal with than the kind we carry around in our heads. Most people haunt themselves more effectively than any spirit.