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Men and elves of Kalda, hearken to my words and open your minds to the truths that have laid hidden for generations; the beings ascribed to legend and myth exist in reality. Creatures, far more intelligent and powerful than any of us, have claimed this world their own for thousands of generations. These extolled and exalted beings are called in their own tongue, ‘sha’, but we know them in our languages as ‘draco’ and ‘dragon’. Much is uncertain of their origin, for as long as men and elves have lived, the sha have existed and ruled over Kalda.
For tens of millennia, the sha’kalda, the dragons of Kalda, roamed across our world. Thousands of these majestic beings soared through the skies unmolested, and nested upon the mountaintops without disturbance.
Arrayed in a variety of breeds, vastly diverse in color and luster, the dragons distinguished as two families: Mi’na, or metallic and Cru’na, or chromatic. Each family’s specific breeds exhibited their own unique traits and characteristics. The foremost of each family were the Pla’sha and the Lish’sha.
Pla’sha, or the platinum dragons were the most intelligent, wise and charismatic of them all. Lish’sha or the red dragons exhibited the greatest physical strength, and were the most cunning, yet deceptive of their kind.
Both families were governed by a collective body called, the Ril’Sha, consisting of dragons of the highest order from each breed. At their head was the mightiest of all their kind, Ul’Sha, a position that had always been awarded to a platinum dragon.