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About this same time, the tension within the two draconic families erupted, dividing the Ril’Sha. A battle ensued and the Ul’Sha was slain by the red dragon who represented his breed, Cheserith. He took his claim of the Ril’Sha and banished those survivors who stood against him.
As the new Ul’Sha, Cheserith, asserted his right to dominion of Kalda and all beings that inhabited her. In the minds of those who comprised this revolutionized Ril’Sha the abominable notion arose: “Lesser beings need not tread upon her face, for only those who soar through her breath are worthy of her bosom.”
Soon after, those exiled from Cheserith’s Ril’Sha rallied their breeds to restore the affairs of their highest order. This first skirmish led to all out war, and dragonkind was torn asunder forever.
For many years the dragons battled in the skies of Kalda. It was a war which was known throughout the ages as the Thousand Years War; but among the humans of the day, and those thereafter, they called it the Dragon Wars; for dragon fought against dragon. But the dragons were not the only ones affected by this conflict.
Upon learning of Cheserith’s deceit and usurpation of the Ril’Sha, elvenkind and those magically adept humans allied themselves with the metallic dragons who opposed the dominating council. For much of the beginning of the war, human and elf fought side by side their draconic comrades.
For a short time, the alliance of men, elves and dragons prevailed against Cheserith’s Ril’Sha and their collective breeds; but the red dragons in all their cunning and guile turned the tide of the war. They enticed those men who had been aloof; then, within a few years, much of the human realm was organized against what was called, the Kaldean Alliance.
United under an imperial charge, the humans of Kalda blindly followed and to a point, worshiped the dragons which comprised the Ril’Sha. Deified, Cheserith built an empire. His fellow Ril’Sha commanded armies of men who obeyed their every beck and whim. A certain few they elected to manifest their will among humanity. These humans’ minds and bodies were twisted with vile magic, turning mere men into powerful, supernatural and immortal beings; abominable creatures known as Ma’lisha in the draconic tongue or abalimyr in elvish. These abalimyr helped to push back the armies of human, elven and draconic warriors who fought for Kalda’s freedom.
Blood and carnage veiled Kalda for several years as fierce battles raged across the sprawling plains of our world.
With the aid of the platinum and golden dragons, the human and elven warriors were protected and armed with weapons and armor; tools of war which were produced through a blend of magic and metallurgy. One such draconic-crafted weapon was based upon an ancient elven mythos, the fanisar; a bladed staff which can be broken down into three pieces and linked by a woven chain. However, these draconic weapons are bound by channeled magic, and their blades composed of the finest destructive magical energies.