Page 50 of The Dragons' Legacy

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  Despite the Kaldean Alliance’s victories, there were some dragons in the Empire that did not fear the powerful stone. However, there were many within the various draconic breeds that sued for peace.

  These dragons were motivated out of fear, fear of being exiled to a barren world for the rest of their long lives. They were given the choice to fight alongside the human and elven counterparts or be sent to other lush realms where they could exercise their compulsory desires of domination. These realms were devoid of men and elves, a trait the leaders of the Kaldean Alliance thought necessary. Otherwise, the last thousand years might repeat themselves in a different theater.

  After a hundred years, few draconic breeds were left on Kalda; nevertheless, the red dragons remained in abundance. Throughout this passage of time, the crimson tyrants had positioned themselves away from the battlefields and theaters of war. They had controlled their campaign of domination from their secret places, but this would soon change

  Without the aid of their draconic masters in battle, the armies of the Empire were slowly weakened. The abalimyr were almost equally matched with the Masters of Twenty and the Cess’nal in battle. This left the humans of the Empire to futilely fend off the onslaught from the rest of the Alliance’s forces.

  Eventually the Kaldean Alliance took back the continent which Kardorth is located. They then turned their attention to reclaiming the continent to the southwest, Selgas. The battles for that land were fierce and bloody; the warriors of the Empire fought with a unconquerable zeal. Many fell on each side but not before the most capital parts of the continent were claimed by the Alliance. However, this victory was short lived.

  Unknown to the Kaldean Alliance, the red dragons willingly allowed those possessions to fall into their hands. The day after their victory the continent was destroyed by a powerful magic; it dissolved everything in its path and within a few moments the entire continent vanished from the face of Kalda. It was this deception and devastation that provoked the Kaldean Alliance to create the Au’misha’k.
Dan Zangari & Robert Zangari's Novels