A glossary of names, people, places, objects, and terms found in The Dragons’ Legacy. Pronunciations and brief descriptions or definitions included.
Abalimyr (AH-bay-le-meer): elvish for “vampire.”
Akrin (ak-RIN): a master transmuter and council member of the reformed Sorothian Magical Order.
Alacor (al-a-CORE): a powerful necromancer, and grandmaster of the Soroth Necrotic Order.
Alath (ah-LATH): the city of mages, located in the Kingdom of Los.
Agen (a-jen): a necromancer acolyte.
Amendal Aramein (ahmn-DAHL ah-RAY-mein): an old conjurer from Soroth well-known for his magical prowess and deranged mental state.
Anken’mar (ayn-KEN-mahr): a platinum dragon exiled to Draco Isola. Also known by the title, vik’sha.
Ar’ismal’tur (ahriss-mahl-THU-er): an old platinum dragon.
Arcane magic: a type of destructive magic, usually wielded by wizards.
Arelo (are-low): the captain of the guard for the Soroth Necrotic Order.
Arpran (are-PRAIN): a type, or channel, or magic that can heal, regenerate, and prolong life.
Arpranist (are-PRAIN-ist): a mage practicing the arpran magical discipline.
Arintil Aramein (air-in-TILL, ah-RAY-mein): an old conjurer from Soroth and Amendal Aramein’s older brother. He occupies the conjurer seat on the Sorothian Magical Order’s council.
Aron (ay-ron): a warrior and trusted member of Cornar’s adventuring band.
Amulet of Draconic Control: an ancient device created by the Irum’mak’sha toward the end of the dragon wars. It consists of three pieces: the metallic housing, the activating scroll, and the Ruby of Lish. It has the power to control red dragons. Coupled with the tethering stone, it can open a one-way portal to other worlds.
Au’misha’k (ow-MI-shoo-k): the draconic name for “Amulet of Draconic Control.”
Balden (BALL-din): a half-elf necromancer trained by Iltar and born in Keth.
Baekal (buh-call): a female elementalist (wizardry sub-discipline), and Igan’s wife.
Barsion (BAR-zhi-ON): a type, or channel, of protective magic used primarily to create defensive barriers, but it can also restrain.
Barsionist (BAR-zhi-ON-ist): a mage practicing the barsion magical discipline.
Belsina (BELL-see-nah): Iltar’s maid.
Brandir (bran-deer): a prominent discerner for the Soroth City Watch, specializing in homicides and crimes committed by mages.
Brandleberry (bran-DULL-berry): a tart berry native to Kalda.
Brantilis (bran-TAL-ess): a barsionist who once lived in Soroth, and a Sarin royal.
Cadru (ka-drew): Captain Kenard’s first mate.
Cedath (cee-DAH-th): a thief who taught Tilthan, Nath and Nemral their adventuring trade.
Cess’nal (CHEZ-nahl): a title designating the most elite elven warriors. It is also the name of a type of armor crafted during the dragon wars.
Cilgan (kill-GAN): the corrupt Baron of Sereth.
City Watch: a civil organization within most cities devoted to keeping the peace. Their ranks include: watchmen and discerners.
Cheserith (chez-err-ITH): the red dragon responsible for enticing the dragon wars (the Thousand Years War).
Cheserithean Empire: The ruling empire during the Thousand Years War, lead by a draconic council consisting of chromatic dragons. It ruled nearly all of Kalda for nearly one thousand years.
Clodin (clow-din): a middle-aged necromancer and former apprentice to Iltar.
Cordel (CORE-dell): a warrior hired to guard the Soroth Necrotic Order, and a pupil of Cornar.
Conjurer: a class of mage specializing in opening magical portals.
Cornar (CORE-nahr): a notorious warrior and adventurer. His signature weapons are a double-bladed short sword and a serrated dagger.
Delrin (DELL-rin): a guard stationed at Iltar’s tower in Soroth.
Discerner: the title for a detective in the City Watch.
Desolate Lands, the: the nickname given to the easternmost continent on Kalda. Much of the continent is covered in sand and littered with weathered ruins.
Devourer, the: a name used to describe the strongest Ma’lisha.
Dith (DI-th): a young conjurer from Soroth, taught by Amendal Aramein.
Draco Isola, Dragon’s Isle: an island in the northwestern hemisphere of Kalda. It was a battle site during the Thousand Years War, and since then been a burial ground for the platinum dragons.
Dusel Nadim (DOO-sel, NAH-deem): the man who wrote the books, The Thousand Years War, Volume 1 & 2 shortly after the dragon wars.
Durash (doo-rah-sh): a small city near the northeast coast of the Kaldean Mainland.
Esmid (ez-MID): a fabled child abductor rumored to be a vampire because he drank his captives’ blood.
Fanisar (fan-uh-see-ur): a bladed staff weapon. Variants exist throughout Kalda among both humans and elves. Typical fanisars in the human realm consist of a single shaft, between three and four feet in length, a curving blade at one end, and a weight at other end; often sphere-shaped.
Fench (FEN-ch): a strange but unique creature conjured by Amendal. He is often mistaken for a fairy because of his transparent wings
Furnapel (fur-nah-pell): an orange fruit covered in fuzz, with flesh resembling an apple.
Galstra (gal-str-ah): a stone variant of granite native to Soroth, often gray.
Grand Phineal: a thousand phineals, a length used for denoting large distances and often abbreviated G.P. on road signs and in conversations.
Grasil (gra-sill): a warrior and trusted member of Cornar’s adventuring band.
Gwenyth (gwhen-ith): a female illusionist from Soroth.
Hagen (hay-gen): a trusted friend to Iltar, distinguished by his high-pitched voice and overly dramatic demeanor. He is an illusionist
Heralds of Magic: mythical beings who brought magic to Kalda. The earliest dragons encountered by humans and elves are rumored to be the heralds
Heleron (hell-ERR-on): a god many to whom Sorothians and sailors pledge faith. His persona is typified as a merman with a trident.
Hemolin (HEE-moh-lin): a mythical creature with nine legs and eyes circling their bodies, said to be brown or black. In some legends they sit upon the shoulders of their masters. They are said to possess the ability to detect decay, and a variant of this is claimed in the Esmid legends: the ability to smell dirty children.
Hemrin (hem-rin): a warrior and trusted member of Cornar’s adventuring band, who has incredible luck.
Hex: one of Iltar’s trusted friends and a wizard specializing in elemental magics.
Igan (eye-gahn): another of Iltar’s trusted allies and a wizard specializing in the arcane sub-discipline of wizardry.
Illusionist: a mage specializing in creating illusions or enhancements.
Ilnari (ILL-nah-ree): an elf who lived during the Karthar Empire. He was Kardorth’s Supreme Commander.
Iltar (ILL-tar): a necromancer from Soroth. He was born to an illusionist named Gwenyth and a Grand Mage from Alath named Adrin.
Irum’mak’sha (ee-room-mahk-shah): draconic title for the twelve dragons holding the highest knowledge of each magical discipline.
Isle of the Ancient Ones: an island from various myths claimed to be the birthplace of humanity on Kalda.
Jalel (jah-lee-el): a necromancer, Alacor’s brother and the youngest member on the Soroth Necrotic Order’s council.
Jalim (jah-leem): a warrior-guard who protects Iltar’s tower in Soroth.
Kalda (call-duh): the world where dragons were birthed.
Kaldean Alliance, the: a union between virtuous humans, elves and dragons, including the platinum, gold and copper breeds. They fought against the Cheserithean Empire.
Kalder (call-deer): a warrior-adventurer, second in command to Cornar. He typically wields a large two-handed sword.
Kalish (cah-lish): the draconic name for the world where the red dragons were banished. It literally translates in
Kaldean common as “the red realm.”
Kallan (call-en): a necromancer and council member of the Soroth Necrotic Order.
Karthar: a region along the northeastern continent of the Mainland. Much of it is uninhabited by humans and is a forbidden land decreed by the early kings of Los. The neighboring nations enforce the borders, barring travelers or adventurers from entering the Karthar region.
Karthar Empire, the: an empire which rose to power twelve hundred years before Iltar’s quest to find the Au’misha’k. The empire reigned over the entire continent known as the Mainland until it was overthrown by rebels based in Alath.
Klath (claath): a port city off the Aglin Gulf, located on the Kaldean Mainland in the Kingdom of Los.
Klis (clis): a small nation on the Kaldean Mainland, with a capitol city of the same name.
Kenard, Joselin (KIN-aard): a sea captain hired by Iltar.
Keth: a port city on the Isle of Merdan. Settled after the Karthar Empire’s fall. Originally a port of the elves native to Merda, but the leaders of Merda gave the port to refugees attempting to start anew.
Kilan: a scholar from the Order of Histories, and friend to Iltar.
Kildath (kill-daath): a large city-nation located on the Kaldean Mainland.
Kingdom of Los: the largest of three powerful nations on Kalda; the others being Kildath and the Western Sovereignty. After the fall of the Karthar Empire, the Kingdom ruled all the Kaldean Mainland until the ninth king divided the borders, establishing a new Kildath and the Western Sovereignty. Since then many other nations have sprung from each of the three countries. Established by Dorin, the Mage-King, Los has been a peaceful realm devoted to protecting all humanity.
Klindala (klin-dah-lah): a large island chain off the east coast of the Kaldean Mainland. Ruins cover much of the islands, remnants of the extinct dynasty dating back before the Karthar Empire.
Ko’delish (KOH-dah-leesh): draconic for “darkness.”
Krindal (krin-dahl): an old necromancer archeologist from Soroth.
Lorith (LOHR-ith): a middle-aged conjurer, taught by Amendal, and a member of Iltar’s adventuring band.
Lish’sha (lish-shah): draconic for “red dragon.”
Mage: a general designation for anyone who can wield magic. Mages are often identified by their particular discipline: arpranist, barsionist, conjurer, illusionist, necromancer, transmuter and wizard.
Mages’ Parasite: a humanoid creature whose primary form of sustenance comes from magic. They are gray-skinned with large pores, several inches in diameter, lining their bodies. Long forked tongues absorb the magic and are the primary digestive organ.
Ma’lisha (mah-li-shah): draconic for “immortal demon.” They are the first vampiric beings who came into existence during the Dragon Wars.
Midar (meh-darh): a warrior trained by Cornar, and a temporary guard for the Soroth Necrotic Order.
Midal (meh-dahl): a scholar from the Order of Histories.
Milarn (meh-lahrn): an ancient elven city.
Melar (meh-lahr): an ancient elven city rumored to be on the Mainland.
Melnor (mehl-nore): a necromancer on the Soroth Necrotic Order’s council.
Menal Asterin (MEH-nahl aas-TIR-in): a Guardian of Soroth, trained by Cornar, who protects the Governor of Soroth.
Merda (MUR-dah): an ancient elven city on the eastern side of Merdan.
Merdan (MUR-dahn): an island in the southwest ocean of Kalda, Kalishir Ocean
Messel (meh-sull): a popular tea made from the inner bark of a tree of the same name.
Merath (MEHR-ath): an elven city on the eastern coast of the Kaldean Mainland, one of two remaining elven cities on Kalda.
Nath (nah-TH): a member of Tilthan’s thieving troupe.
Necromancer: a mage specializing in corrosive and manipulative magics.
Nemral (NEHM-rall): a thief, and the newest member of Tilthan’s small band.
Nilia (nil-eeah): a young woman in Cornar’s employ, a maid who always dreamed of being a conjurer.
Nordal (NORE-dahl): a warrior trained by Cornar, and a member of Iltar’s adventuring band. Originally from Klath.
Order of Histories: an organization of scholars from Soroth dedicated to keeping records and cataloging.
Pagus (pah-gus): a necromancer acolyte.
Phineal (PHEN-ee-ahl): the standard length of measurement on Kalda; the equivalent of seventeen and a half inches or forty-three centimeters.
Principality of Soroth: a nation made up of various islands: Soroth, Sereth, Sarn, Silgarn, Seriel, Sorgil, Scagarn, Sogil, Sorti, Sangarn, Scain, Sengarn, Seril, Sargon, Seron, Spilath, Scon, Scagil. Each island has their own democratic system. Representatives from each island sits on a national council arbitrated by the Governor of Soroth.
Prindelin (prin-dell-en): a tree native to Soroth with gray bark.
Quance (qwahn-ce): a hard bread often ate on ships.
Qui’sha (key-shah): draconic for “half breed.”
Renal (rhee-nahl): a young wizard, apprentice to Hex.
Rilum’ama (rhel-oom-ah-mah): draconic for “tarrasque.”
Ril’Sha (reel-SHAH): draconic name for “council.” Anciently, the Ril’Sha was the ruling body of all dragonkind, with a representative from each draconic breed. After the dragon wars, the Ril’Sha consisted of seven to twelve platinum dragons.
Riner (rhee-near): the governor of Soroth.
Rogulin Crystal: a type of blue crystal native to Kalda with magical capabilities. It is exotic matter.
Rosten (roast-in): Soroth’s port magistrate.
Ruby of Lish: twenty-one sided gem made from the body of a red dragon and the key component for the Au’misha’k.
Salcion (SALL-key-on): an aquatic mammal.
Selgas (sehl-gahs): an ancient continent in Kalda’s southwestern hemisphere that has since been destroyed.
Sha (shah): draconic for “dragon.”
Sha’kalda (shah-call-duh): draconic for “dragons of Kalda.”
Sharon: a female thief.
Shiz’nak (shiz-nahk): draconic for, “tethering stone.”
Sereth (sair-eth): Third largest island of the Principality of Soroth, but second in population. Ruled by the Baron of Sereth.
Soroth (SORE-oth): the largest landmass in the island chain comprising the Principality of Soroth. Its largest city shares the same name.
Soroth, Guardians of: an elite guard responsible for protecting Sorothian officials and the royals of the neighboring islands.
Soroth Necrotic Order: the magical society established by Rovin and his brother, Cordis, and lead by a council comprising seven necromancers. It replaced the Sorothian Magical Order during Iltar’s youth.
Sorothian Magical Order: the original magical society established on Soroth, where all forms of magic were taught. It differed from many other orders because of its acceptance of necromancy.
Tarrasque (tahr-seck): an ancient beast rumored to rendering the Desolate Lands uninhabitable. They are creatures of immense power and rival dragons in their physical strength.
Tel’k’shak (tell-kack-shahk): draconic for, “Key of the Stars.” An orange rock with diffusion properties, allowing whoever possess it to pass through barsion magic.
Tethering Stone: a magical object capable of opening a spherical portal to another world, created by the Irum’mak’sha during the dragon wars. Various texts claim it was made from rogulin crystals and imbued with draconic magic. The portals are one-way, encased by barsion magic on the tethered world’s side. In order to cross back and forth one must possess a Tel’k’shak, or Key of the Stars.
Thousand Years War, the: a series of conflicts spanning over a millennium. It began when Cheserith rebelled against his fellow Ril’Sha, seeking to lay claim to his right to rule all Kalda. It brought about a permanent schism between dragonkind. Among men it is commonly known as the “Dragon Wars.”
Tigan (tee-GAHN): a young necromancer acolyte.
an (till-thaan): a notorious thief from Klath, and leader of small band of thieves.
Tinal (TEE-null): a young wizard taught by Igan.
Tor: a large port city on the Kaldean Mainland, and capitol of the Western Sovereignty.
Torgath (tore-gahth): an ancient elven city.
Toroth (TORE-oth): a necromancer on the Soroth Necrotic Order’s council.
Transmuter: a mage specializing in transforming matter through transmutive magic.
Traylx (tray-licks): a large subterranean insect similar to an ant. Typically half the size of a man, with brown scales. They have eight limbs and often walk on their hind four. Yellow pouches line their underbelly that create bursts of light.
Velkor (vehl-CORE): a necromancer on the Soroth Necrotic Order’s council.
Vik’sha (vick-shah): draconic for “exile.”
Wizard: a mage specializing in destructive elemental and arcane magics.
Xil’gault’nirl (zil-gahlt-neer-el): an old platinum dragon.
Author’s Afterword
Dan Zangari
The idea for what has turned into this series of books, there will be several more to follow, started over twenty years ago. I spent my college years absorbed in the worlds of Dungeons & Dragons™ in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s. As a result I would read anything and everything that dealt with fantasy fiction books. After I was married and had my son, Robert, I started thinking of a universe that I could create, not really thinking at the time of putting the stories down on paper. They were more for the enjoyment of me and my young son.
Over the years these stories coalesced into a more organized depiction of the universe and the beginnings of a series that I called at the time the Chronicles of Lorn, after the small continent where they stories revolved. In the early 2000’s I put pen to paper, or more precisely fingers to keyboard, to write storylines for three books. I then drafted chapters of the first book. I showed them to a friend of mine that I worked with, being a full time engineer at the time. She was an author herself which is why I showed them to her, to get her opinion. She read them carefully and made several good recommendations to me on writing style and character development. The biggest suggestion she had was to expand the story line. I had originally planned on writing a trilogy, thinking that would be a good sell. Her suggestion expanded the idea further.
I continued to slowly write over the next four to five years. Robert graduated high school and went on a church service mission for two years. After his return I was still plodding along with these stories, and not making much progress. He expressed interest in helping with ideas and made several great suggestions on added characters and more story lines. Later after he married he sat with me and we outlined an approach to get the books done quicker. I am good at the broad stokes and bright colors approach and he is good at filling in the details. Once we teamed up the ideas and writing picked up at an accelerated pace. We also expanded the initial books from three to four, then to six and finally eight (However it might increase to ten; the further events in this epic story are still being detailed and shaped). The Dragons’ Legacy is the first in this re-titled series, Tales of the Amulet.
One of the other things Robert did was help to clearly define our created universe. Before his intervention I had vague references to earlier places and events. We solidified these with a comprehensive history that leads to other stories that precede this current series. We have defined the origins of the dragons, elves and humans in our universe. You will need to be patient and wait of those books. Another aspect was the creation of a historical timeline that nails down events. This helps when we are referring to past history in any given book so that we are consistent with those events and their dates as they relate to the present time in a story.
Furthermore, stories that progress forward in time from the “present” dates in this series are being developed and follow the storylines of this series and the past history mentioned above. The intent is to weave a tapestry of stories that flows from the beginning of our created universe through thousands of years of fictional history.
The intent of all of these stories are to provide enjoyable reading for those who enjoy not only fantasy but science fiction. As these stories progress several aspects of science are interwoven with the magics found in most fantasy settings. Our intent is to provide a different type of science fantasy that has not been seen before.
–Dan Zangari
Salt Lake City, 2012
About the Authors
Dan Zangari is the creator of the Legends of Kalda fantasy universe, a work-in-development since the early 1990’s. He received a Bachelor’s of Science in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Southern California and a Masters Degree in Systems Management. His love for science fiction and fantasy prompted the creation of this fantasy universe. When he’s not writing he enjoys reading, watching movies, spending quality time with family and serving in his local church congregation.
Robert Zangari is the co-author of the various books which belong to the Legends of Kalda universe. He studied Bio-Medical Engineering at the University of Utah; however, his love for stories and storytelling took him down a different career path. When he’s not writing he enjoys spending time with his wife and daughters, playing video games, practicing martial arts and immersing himself in a good story
Other titles by the Authors
For an up to date list of publications, visit https://www.legendsofkalda.com/books.html
Published by LOK Publishing
Tales of the Amulet
The Elven Secret
Short Stories
The Last Barsionist
Novels Coming Soon…
The Mages’ Agenda
Treachery in the Kingdom
The Red Ruby
Short Stories Coming Soon…
The Mysterious Assassin
Return of the Elves
The Cleansing of Merda
Assembly of Heroes
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