It'll be enough, he told himself, watching as the pods disappeared steadily behind his decelerating starships, vanishing into the endless dark between the stars. It'll be enough. And in about five weeks, the Manties are going to get a late Christmas present they'll never forget.

  Appendix I:

  Ship Schematics

  Appendix II:


  Aberu, Captain Ingeborg, SLN—operations officer, Frontier Fleet Task Group 3021.

  Abruzzi, Malachai—Permanent Senior Undersecretary of Education and Information, Solarian League.

  Adenauer, Commander Dominica, RMN—operations officer, Battlecruiser Squadron 106; later operations officer, 10th Fleet.

  Agnelli, Chief Steward Joanna, RMN—Aivars Terekhov's personal steward.

  al-Fanudahi, Captain Daud ibn Mamoun, SLN—a Battle Fleet analyst assigned to the Office of Operational Analysis.

  Alcoforado, Captain Filipa, RMN—CO, HMS Theseus. Shulamit Onasis' flag captain.

  Alonso y Yáñez, Fleet Admiral Engracia, SLN—CO, Frontier Fleet, Solarian League Navy.

  Alquezar, Joachim—Prime Minister of the Talbott Quadrant, leader of the Constitutional Union Party.

  Anisimovna, Aldona—Manpower Inc. board member; a senior operative of the Mesan Alignment.

  Appleton, Lieutenant Martin, RMN—XO, HMS Roland.

  Archer, Sir Roger Mackley—"Gwen" Archer's father.

  Archer, Lieutenant Gervais Winton Erwin Neville ("Gwen"), RMN—Michelle Henke's flag lieutenant.

  Armstrong, Captain Victoria ("Vicki"), RMN—commanding officer HMS Artemis; vice Admiral Gold Peak's flag captain.

  Askew, Lieutenant Maitland ("Matt"), SLN—assistant tactical officer, SLNS Jean Bart.

  Attunga, Marguerite—a reporter for Manticoran News Service, Inc.

  Bardasano, Isabel—Jessyk Combine cadet board member; senior intelligence specialist, Mesan Alignment.

  Billingsley, Master Steward Chris, RMN—Michelle Henke's personal steward.

  Blaine, Vice Admiral Jessup, RMN—CO, Task Force 302, Lynx Terminus Station.

  Boltitz, Helga—Henri Krietzmann's senior personal aide.

  Bouchard, Lieutenant Commander Jerod, RMN—astrogator, HMS Artemis.

  Bourget, Commander Hildegard ("Hildy"), SLN—XO, SLNS Jean Bart.

  Boutin, President Alain—System President, New Tuscany.

  Bouvier, Captain Adelbert, RHN—Republic of Haven Navy POW camp liaison responsible for Camp C7.

  Braga, Lieutenant Commander Antonio, RMN—staff astrogator, Battlecruiser Squadron 81.

  Brangeard, Lieutenant Toussaint, RHN—CO dispatch boat RHNS Comet.

  Brescatore, Captain George, RMN—CO, HMS Sabertooth.

  Breshnikov, Captain Adolf, SLN—CO, SLNS Restitution. Evelyn Sigbee's flag captain.

  Brinkman, Chief Steward Clorinda, RMN—Naomi Kaplan's personal steward.

  Bristow, Lieutenant Oliver, SLN—sensor officer, Meyers Astro Control.

  Brulé, Anne-Louise—an employee of the New Tuscany Ministry of Information.

  Brunner, Lieutenant Simon, RMN—astrogator, HMS Reprise.

  Byng, Admiral Josef, SLN—CO, Frontier Fleet Task Group 3021.

  Cardot, Alesta—Minister of Foreign Affairs, New Tuscany.

  Carlson, Captain Frederick, RMN—CO, HMS Quentin Saint-James. Sir Aivars Terekhov's flag captain.

  Carmouche, Captain Tanguy—a fictitious New Tuscan merchant captain portrayed by Oliver Ratté.

  Carus, Commander Joseph, RMN—CO, HMS Javelin; SO, Destroyer Division 265.2.

  Casterlin, Commander Sterling, RMN—astrogator, Battlecruiser Squadron 106; later astrogator, 10th Fleet.

  Challon, Armand—Deputy Minister of War, New Tuscany.

  Challon, Victor—a powerful oligarch and politician in the New Tuscany System Parliament.

  Chandler, Commander Ambrose, RMN—Augustus Khumalo's staff intelligence officer.

  Chang, Rear Admiral Liam, SLN—CO, Battlecruiser Squadron 302.

  Chase, Lieutenant Commander Julie, RMN—CO, HMS Lodestone.

  Chatterjee, Commodore Ray ("Bear")—CO, Destroyer Squadron 301; SO, Destroyer Division 301.1.

  Cheng, Admiral Hai-shwun, SLN—CO, Office of Operational Analysis, Solarian League Navy.

  Chernevsky, Anastasia—head of naval research and development, Mesan Alignment.

  Clifford, Petty Officer First-Class Cheryl, RMN—acting quartermaster, HMS Hexapuma.

  Coker, Petty Officer2/c Alan, SLN—sensor technician, Meyers Astro Control.

  Coleman, Commander Theresa, MAN—Frederick chief of staff, Task Force One.

  Colenso, Admiral Jennifer, MAN—CO, Task Force Two.

  Conner, Captain Jerome, RMN—CO, HMS Penelope. Senior officer, Battlecruiser Division 106.1.

  Cortez, Admiral Sir Lucian, RMN—Fifth Space Lord, Royal Manticoran Navy.

  Cramer, Commander Wesley, RMN—CO, HMS Devastation.

  Crandall, Fleet Admiral Sandra, SLN—CO, Task Force 496.

  d'Arezzo, Midshipman Paulo, RMN—assigned HMS Hexapuma for midshipman's cruise.

  Da Orta e Diadoro, Jacinta—Interior Minister, Solarian League.

  Dallas, Commander Albert ("Al"), RMN—XO, HMS Artemis.

  Danville, Surgeon Lieutenant Pryce, RMN—ship's surgeon, HMS Tristram.

  Denton, Lieutenant Commander Lewis, RMN—CO, HMS Reprise.

  DesMoines, Commander John, RMN—CO, HMS Roland. "Bear" Chatterjee's flag captain.

  Detweiler, Albrecht—CEO, Mesan Alignment.

  Detweiler, Benjamin—Albrecht Detweiler's son; Mesan Alignment director of military affairs.

  Detweiler, Collin—Albrecht Detweiler's son; Mesan Alignment director of intelligence operations.

  Detweiler, Daniel—Albrecht Detweiler's son; Mesan Alignment director of nongenetic R&D.

  Detweiler, Evelina—Albrecht Detweiler's wife; a senior genetic researcher for the Mesan Alignment.

  Detweiler, Everett—Albrecht Detweiler's son; Mesan Alignment director of genetic R&D.

  Detweiler, Franklin—Albrecht Detweiler's son; Mesan Alignment director of political strategy.

  Detweiler, Gervais—Albrecht Detweiler's son; Mesan Alignment director of foreign affairs.

  Diego, Commander Wilton, RMN—tactical officer, HMS Artemis.

  Drewson, Captain Ellis, RMN—CO, HMS Kodiak.

  Duchovny, Captain Agafia Denisevna, RMN—CO, HMS Horatius.

  Dusserre, Damien—Minister of security, New Tuscany.

  Edwards, Lieutenant Commander William ("Bill"), RMN—communications officer, Battlecruiser Squadron 106; later communications officer, 10th Fleet.

  Epstein, Lieutenant Commander Jessica—senior tracking officer, Perimeter Security Command, Manticore Binary System.

  Fernandez, Lieutenant Commander Kyle, RMN—communications officer, HMS Artemis.

  Filareta, Fleet Admiral Massimo, SLN—CO, Task Force 891.

  FitzGerald, Commander Ansten, RMN—XO, HMS Hexapuma.

  Flynn, Commander Sheila, MAN—chief of staff, Task Group 1.1.

  Fonzarelli, Lieutenant Vincenzo, RMN—chief engineer, HMS Tristram.

  Foreman, Commander Clement, MAN—operations officer, Task Group 1.1.

  Garcia, Rear Admiral Jane, RMSN—senior officer, Monica Traffic Control.

  Gold Peak, Countess—see Michelle Henke.

  Gold Peak, Admiral—see Michelle Henke.

  Goulard, Commander Rochelle ("Roxy"), RMN—CO, HMS Kay.

  Guédon, Admiral Josette, NTN—chief of naval operations, New Tuscan Navy.

  Gutierrez, Lieutenant Mateo, Owens Steadholders Guard—Abigail Hearns' personal armsman.

  Gyulay, Shona—Prime Minister, Solarian League.

  Haftner, Abednego—Henri Krietzmann's chief of staff.

  Halstead, Captain Raymond, RMN—one of Project Apollo's project officers.

  Harahap, Damien—a former officer of the Solarian League Gendarmerie now working for Valery Ottweiler.

>   Harrison, Commander Dwayne, RMN—tactical officer, battlecruiser HMS Ajax.

  Hearns, Lieutenant Abigail, GSN—Miss Owens. Assistant tactical officer, HMS Hexapuma. Later tactical officer, HMS Tristram.

  Hemphill, Admiral Sonja, RMN—Fourth Space Lord, Royal Manticoran Navy.

  Henke, Vice Admiral Gloria Michelle Samantha Evelyn, Countess Gold Peak—Elizabeth Winton's first cousin; fifth in succession for the throne of Manticore; CO 10th Fleet.

  Henke, Rear Admiral Gloria Michelle Samantha Evelyn, Countess Gold Peak—CO, battlecruiser squadron 81. Later vice admiral.

  Hennessy, Lieutenant Commander Coleman, RMN—Sonja Hemphill's chief of staff.

  Henning, Lieutenant Commander Vivienne, MAN—staff astrogator, Task Force One.

  Hongbo, Vice-Commissioner Junyan—Lorcan Verrochio's senior OFS subordinate, Madras Sector.

  Horn, Commander Alexandra ("Alex"), RMN—XO, HMS Ajax.

  Houseman, Commander Frazier, RMN—XO, HMS Penelope. Acting chief of staff, Battlecruiser Division 106.1.

  Huppé, Honorine—Minister of Trade, New Tuscany.

  Hurskainen, President Stanley—President of the Mannerheim System Republic.

  Imbar, Efron—a reporter for Star Kingdom News.

  Inbari, Lieutenant Commander Mazal, RMN—staff astrogator, Cruiser Squadron 94.

  Jackson, Lieutenant Thor, RMN—astrogator, HMS Roland.

  Jackson, Lieutenant Aphrodite, RMN—electronic warfare officer, HMS Reprise.

  Jacobi, Captain Rachel, MAN—CO, freighter Wallaby.

  Jeffers, Lieutenant Sherilyn, RMN—electronics warfare officer, HMS Tristram.

  Jenkins, Captain Vladislava, SLN—logistics officer, Frontier Fleet Task Group 3021.

  Johansen, Lieutenant Commander Barnabé, RMN—astrogator, HMS Quentin Saint-James.

  Kaminski, Lieutenant Albert, RMN—communications officer, Battlecruiser Squadron 81.

  Kaneshiro, Missile Tech 1/c Naomi, RMN—missile tech, HMS Tristram.

  Kaplan, Commander Naomi, RMN—tactical officer, HMS Hexapuma. Later CO, HMS Tristram.

  Karlberg, Commodore Emil—senior officer, Nuncio Space Force.

  Kenichi, Captain Otmar, RMN—CO, HMS Marconi Williams.

  Khumalo, Vice Admiral Augustus, RMN—senior officer, Talbot Station.

  Kingsford, Fleet Admiral Winston Seth, SLN—CO, Battle Fleet, Solarian League Navy.

  Kittow, Captain Joshua, RMN—XO, HMS Quentin Saint-James.

  Kolokoltsov, Innokentiy Arsenovich—Permanent Senior Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, Solarian League.

  Kolosov, Lieutenant Peter, RMN—XO, HMS Reprise.

  Kolstad, Commander Felicidad, MAN—operations officer, Task Force One.

  Krietzmann, Henri—Minister of War, Talbott Quadrant.

  L'anglais, Captain Prosper—CO, New Tuscan merchant ship Hélène Blondeau.

  Lababibi, Samiha—former President of the Spindle System; Treasury Minister, Talbott Quadrant.

  Landry, Lieutenant Commander Bridget, RMN—CO, HMS Dagger.

  Laszlo, Commodore András—senior officer, Spindle System Navy.

  Laycock, Captain Mariane, RMN—CO, HMS Julian Lister.

  Le Vern, Lieutenant Herschel, RMN—logistics officer, HMS Quentin Saint-James.

  Lecter, Captain (JG) Cynthia, RMN—chief of staff, Battlecruiser Squadron 106; later chief of staff, 10th Fleet.

  Lewis, Commander Ginger, RMN—chief engineer, HMS Hexapuma.

  Lewis, Commander Stillwell ("Stilt"), RMN—operations officer, Cruiser Squadron 94.

  Low Delhi, Baroness—see Admiral Sonja Hemphill.

  Lynch, Commander Horace, RMN—tactical officer, HMS Quentin Saint-James.

  MacArtney, Nathan—Permanent Senior Undersecretary of the Interior, Solarian League.

  MacKechie, Major Esmé, RMMC—CO, Marine detachment, HMS Artemis.

  MacMinn, Captain Eachann, RMN—CO, HMS Duke of Cromarty.

  MaCuill, Captain Willard, SLN—staff communications officer, Frontier Fleet Task Group 3021.

  MaGuire, Master Chief Alice, RMN—bosun, HMS Ajax.

  Manfredi, Commander Oliver, RMN—chief of staff, Battlecruiser Squadron 81.

  Markussen, Leontina—Minister of Education and Information, Solarian League.

  Maslov, Lieutenant Isaiah, RMN—EWO, HMS Artemis.

  Masters, Captain Eric, MAN—CO, MANS Chameleon; Karol Østby's flag captain.

  Matsuko, Dame Estelle—Baroness Medusa, Imperial Governor, Talbott Quadrant.

  McClelland, Commander Martin, MAN—staff electronics warfare officer, Task Force One.

  McCormick, Lieutenant Clinton, RMN—tracking officer, Perimeter Security Command, Manticore Binary System.

  McGill, Lieutenant Heather, RMN—tactical officer, HMS Reprise.

  McIver, Commander Dabney, RMN—chief of staff, Battlecruiser Division 106.2.

  Medusa, Baroness—see Dame Estelle Matsuko.

  Metcalf, Jansen—Mesan ambassador to New Tuscany.

  Mikhailov, Captain Diego, RMN—CO, HMS Ajax.

  Miskin, Commander Edward, RMN—CO, HMS Galahad.

  Mizawa, Captain Warden, SLN—CO, SLNS Jean Bart; Josef Byng's flag captain.

  Molyneux, Lieutenant (JG) Gladys, RMN—junior tactical officer, HMS Tristram.

  Monahan, Ensign Rachel, RMN—midshipwoman assigned to midshipman's cruise, HMS Reprise.

  Montella, Lieutenant Atalante, RMN—communications officer, Cruiser Squadron 94.

  Morgan, Captain (JG) Frank, GSN—CO, HMS Gawain. Jacob Zavala's flag captain.

  Musgrave, Senior Chief Petty Officer Franklin, GSN—bosun, HMS Tristram.

  Myau, Surgeon Lieutenant Zhin, RMN—ship's surgeon, HMS Quentin Saint-James.

  Nagchaudhuri, Lieutenant Commander Amal, RMN—communications officer, HMS Hexapuma.

  Nelson, Rear Admiral Gordon, SLN—CO, Battlecruiser Squadron 201.

  Ning, Captain Kwo-Lai, RMN—CO, HMS Romulus.

  Noorlander, Harbrecht—Treasury Minister, Solarian League.

  O'Malley, Vice Admiral Quentin, RMN—CO, Task Group 302.1.

  O'Reilly, Lieutenant Wanda, RMN—communications officer, HMS Tristram.

  O'Shaughnessy, Gregor—Dame Estelle Matsuko's senior civilian intelligence analyst.

  Ødegaard, Lieutenant Commander Mateuz, RMN—staff intelligence officer, Cruiser Squadron 94.

  Olson, Lieutenant Commander Lori, RMN—operations officer, Destroyer Squadron 301.

  Onassis, Commodore Shulamit, RMN—senior officer, Battlecruiser Division 106.2.

  Orban, Surgeon Lieutenant Commander Lajos, RMN—ship's doctor, HMS Hexapuma.

  Østby, Commodore Karol, MAN—CO, Task Group 1.1.

  Ottweiler, Valery—a senior diplomat for the Mesa System.

  Oversteegen, Rear Admiral Michael, RMN—CO, Battlecruiser Squadron 108.

  Pélisard, Nicholas—Minister of War, New Tuscany.

  Pershing, Lieutenant Commander John, RMN—CO, HMS Raven.

  Petersen, Lieutenant Linda, RMN—astrogator, HMS Javelin.

  Pettigrew, Sensor Tech 1/c Isaiah, GSN—sensor tech, HMS Tristram.

  Pickering, Captain Henry, RMN—CO, HMS Daedalus.

  Pope, Commander Tom, RMN—chief of staff, Cruiser Squadron 94.

  Quartermain, Omosupe—Permanent Senior Undersecretary of Commerce, Solarian League.

  Rajampet, Fleet Admiral Kaushal Rajani, SLN—chief of naval operations, Solarian League Navy.

  Ratté, Oliver—an employee of the New Tuscany Ministry of Information.

  Razumovsky, Captain Lex, RMN—CO, HMS Malachai.

  Redmont, Admiral Pierre, RHN—CO, "Bogey Two," Battle of Solon.

  Redondo, Consuela—a reporter for the Sphinx News Association.

  Richardson, Lieutenant Osama, RMN—chief engineer, HMS Reprise.

  Roach, Captain Hal, RMN—XO, Charleston Center for Admiralty Law.

  Rochefort, Lieutenant Léopold, NTN—communications officer aboard space station Giselle.

  Roelas y Valiente, Marcelito Lorenzo—Foreign Minister, Solarian League.

  Ronayne, Brangwen—Attorney General, Solarian League.

  Rützel, Lieutenant Commander Tobias ("Toby"), RMN—CO, HMS Gaheris.

  Sackett, Commodore Lemuel—senior officer, Montana system Navy.

  Sarkozy, Surgeon Lieutenant Ruth, RMN—ship's doctor, HMS Vigilant, transferred to HMS Hexapuma following Battle of Monica.

  Sarnow, Admiral Mark, RMN—senior officer naval forces assigned to the Silesian Confederacy.

  Saunders, Captain Victoria, RMN—CO, HMS Hercules.

  Schroeder, Captain Federico, SLN—staff astrogator, Frontier Fleet Task Group 3021.

  Seacrest, Captain (JG) Ellen, RMN—CO, HMS Lancelot.

  Séguin, Captain Gabrielle, NTN—CO, NTNS Camille.

  Shaw, Captain Terrence, RMN—Sir Lucian Cortez' chief of staff.

  Shoupe, Captain Loretta, RMN—Augustus Khumalo's chief of staff.

  Sigbee, Rear Admiral Evelyn, SLN—CO, Battlecruiser Squadron 112.

  Simpkins, Lieutenant Hosea, GSN—astrogator, HMS Tristram.

  Sloan, Chief Petty Officer Tamara, RMN—HMS Reprise.

  Stackpole, Lieutenant Commander John, RMN—operations officer, Battlecruiser Squadron 81.

  Sung, Commodore Roderick, MAN—CO, Task Group 2.1.

  Sybil Moorehead—Joachim Alquezar's chief of staff.

  Sywan, Mang—Minister of Commerce, Solarian League.

  Szegdi, Commander Lindsey, RMN—CO, HMS Ivanhoe.

  Taketomo, Kunimichi—Minister of Defense, Solarian League.

  Taliadoros, Kyrillos—Aldona Anisimovna's genetically enhanced bodyguard.

  Tallman, Lieutenant Commander Alvin, RMN—XO, HMS Tristram.

  Teague, Captain Irene, SLN—a Frontier Fleet analyst assigned to the Office of Operational Analysis.

  Teke, Captain Rachel, RMN—CO, HMS Slipstream.

  Terekhov, Captain Aivars, RMN—CO, HMS Hexapuma. Later commodore. (See Sir Aivars Terekhov, below)

  Terekhov, Commodore Sir Aivars, RMN—CO, Cruiser Squadron 94. (See Aivars Terekhov, above)

  Tersteeg, Lieutenant Commander Maxwell, RMN—electronics warfare officer, Battlecruiser Squadron 106; later, EWO, 10th Fleet.

  Terwilliger, Captain Vincenzo, RMN—CO, HMS Black Rose; Quentin O'Malley's flag captain.

  Thimár, Admiral Karl-Heinz, SLN—CO, Office of Naval Intelligence, Solarian League Navy.

  Thimár, Rear Admiral Karlotte, SLN—chief of staff, Frontier Fleet Task Group 3021.