[Day the Fourth]


  Lauretta, having made an end of her story, was silent, whilst thecompany bewailed the illhap of the lovers, some blaming Ninetta'sanger and one saying one thing and another another, till presently theking, raising his head, as if aroused from deep thought, signed toElisa to follow on; whereupon she began modestly, "Charming ladies,there are many who believe that Love launcheth his shafts only whenenkindled of the eyes and make mock of those who hold that one mayfall in love by hearsay; but that these are mistaken will verymanifestly appear in a story that I purpose to relate, wherein youwill see that report not only wrought this, without the lovers havingever set eyes on each other, but it will be made manifest to you thatit brought both the one and the other to a miserable death.

  Guglielmo, the Second, King of Sicily, had (as the Sicilians pretend)two children, a son called Ruggieri and a daughter called Costanza.The former, dying before his father, left a son named Gerbino, who wasdiligently reared by his grandfather and became a very goodly youthand a renowned for prowess and courtesy. Nor did his fame abideconfined within the limits of Sicily, but, resounding in various partsof the world, was nowhere more glorious than in Barbary, which inthose days was tributary to the King of Sicily. Amongst the rest towhose ears came the magnificent fame of Gerbino's valour and courtesywas a daughter of the King of Tunis, who, according to the report ofall who had seen her, was one of the fairest creatures ever fashionedby nature and the best bred and of a noble and great soul. She,delighting to hear tell of men of valour, with such goodwill receivedthe tales recounted by one and another of the deeds valiantly done ofGerbino and they so pleased her that, picturing to herself theprince's fashion, she became ardently enamoured of him and discoursedmore willingly of him than of any other and hearkened to whoso spokeof him.

  On the other hand, the great renown of her beauty and worth had won toSicily, as elsewhither, and not without great delight nor in vain hadit reached the ears of Gerbino; nay, it had inflamed him with love ofher, no less than that which she herself had conceived for him.Wherefore, desiring beyond measure to see her, against he should finda colourable occasion of having his grandfather's leave to go toTunis, he charged his every friend who went thither to make known toher, as best he might, his secret and great love and bring him news ofher. This was very dexterously done by one of them, who, underpretence of carrying her women's trinkets to view, as do merchants,throughly discovered Gerbino's passion to her and avouched the princeand all that was his to be at her commandment. The princess receivedthe messenger and the message with a glad flavour and answering thatshe burnt with like love for the prince, sent him one of her mostprecious jewels in token thereof. This Gerbino received with theutmost joy wherewith one can receive whatsoever precious thing andwrote to her once and again by the same messenger, sending her themost costly gifts and holding certain treaties[237] with her, wherebythey should have seen and touched one another, had fortune but allowedit.

  [Footnote 237: Or, in modern parlance, "laying certain plans."]

  But, things going thus and somewhat farther than was expedient, theyoung lady on the one hand and Gerbino on the other burning withdesire, it befell that the King of Tunis gave her in marriage to theKing of Granada, whereat she was beyond measure chagrined, bethinkingherself that not only should she be separated from her lover by longdistance, but was like to be altogether parted from him; and had sheseen a means thereto, she would gladly, so this might not betide, havefled from her father and betaken herself to Gerbino. Gerbino, in likemanner, hearing of this marriage, was beyond measure sorrowfultherefor and often bethought himself to take her by force, if itshould chance that she went to her husband by sea. The King of Tunis,getting some inkling of Gerbino's love and purpose and fearing hisvalour and prowess, sent to King Guglielmo, whenas the time came fordespatching her to Granada, advising him of that which he was mindedto do and that, having assurance from him that he should not behindered therein by Gerbino or others, he purposed to do it. The Kingof Sicily, who was an old man and had heard nothing of Gerbino'spassion and consequently suspected not that it was for this that suchan assurance was demanded, freely granted it and in token thereof,sent the King of Tunis a glove of his. The latter, having gotten thedesired assurance, caused equip a very great and goodly ship in theport of Carthage and furnish it with what was needful for those whowere to sail therein and having fitted and adorned it for the sendingof his daughter into Granada, awaited nought but weather.

  The young lady, who saw and knew all this, despatched one of herservants secretly to Palermo, bidding him salute the gallant Gerbinoon her part and tell him that she was to sail in a few days forGranada, wherefore it would now appear if he were as valiant a man aswas said and if he loved her as much as he had sundry times declaredto her. Her messenger did his errand excellent well and returned toTunis, whilst Gerbino, hearing this and knowing that his grandfatherhad given the King of Tunis assurance, knew not what to do. However,urged by love and that he might not appear a craven, he betook himselfto Messina, where he hastily armed two light galleys and manning themwith men of approved valour, set sail with them for the coast ofSardinia, looking for the lady's ship to pass there. Nor was he farout in his reckoning, for he had been there but a few days when theship hove in sight with a light wind not far from the place where helay expecting it.

  Gerbino, seeing this, said to his companions, 'Gentlemen, an you bethe men of mettle I take you for, methinketh there is none of you buthath either felt or feeleth love, without which, as I take it, nomortal can have aught of valour or worth in himself; and if you havebeen or are enamoured, it will be an easy thing to you to understandmy desire. I love and love hath moved me to give you this presentpains; and she whom I love is in the ship which you see becalmedyonder and which, beside that thing which I most desire, is full ofvery great riches. These latter, an ye be men of valour, we may withlittle difficulty acquire, fighting manfully; of which victory Idesire nothing to my share save one sole lady, for whose love I havetaken up arms; everything else shall freely be yours. Come, then, andlet us right boldly assail the ship; God is favourable to our empriseand holdeth it here fast, without vouchsafing it a breeze.'

  The gallant Gerbino had no need of many words, for that the Messinese,who were with him being eager for plunder, were already disposed to dothat unto which he exhorted them. Wherefore, making a great outcry, atthe end of his speech, that it should be so, they sounded the trumpetsand catching up their arms, thrust the oars into the water and madefor the Tunis ship. They who were aboard this latter, seeing thegalleys coming afar off and being unable to flee,[238] made ready fordefence. The gallant Gerbino accosting the ship, let command that themasters thereof should be sent on board the galleys, an they had nomind to fight; but the Saracens, having certified themselves who theywere and what they sought, declared themselves attacked of themagainst the faith plighted them by King Guglielmo; in token whereofthey showed the latter's glove, and altogether refused to surrenderthemselves, save for stress of battle, or to give them aught that wasin the ship.

  [Footnote 238: _i.e._ for lack of wind.]

  Gerbino, who saw the lady upon the poop, far fairer than he hadpictured her to himself, and was more inflamed than ever, replied tothe showing of the glove that there were no falcons there at thatpresent and consequently there needed no gloves; wherefore, an theychose not to give up the lady, they must prepare to receive battle.Accordingly, without further parley, they fell to casting shafts andstones at one another, and on this wise they fought a great while,with loss on either side. At last, Gerbino, seeing that he did littleto the purpose, took a little vessel he had brought with him out ofSardinia and setting fire therein, thrust it with both the galleys
aboard the ship. The Saracens, seeing this and knowing that they mustof necessity surrender or die, fetched the king's daughter, who weptbelow, on deck and brought her to the ship's prow; then, callingGerbino, they butchered her before his eyes, what while she called formercy and succour, and cast her into the sea, saying, 'Take her; wegive her to thee, such as we may and such as thine unfaith hathmerited.'

  Gerbino, seeing their barbarous deed, caused lay himself alongside theship and recking not of shaft or stone, boarded it, as if courtingdeath, in spite of those who were therein; then,--even as a hungrylion, coming among a herd of oxen, slaughtereth now this, now that,and with teeth and claws sateth rather his fury than hishunger,--sword in hand, hewing now at one, now at another, he cruellyslew many of the Saracens; after which, the fire now waxing in theenkindled ship, he caused the sailors fetch thereout what they might,in payment of their pains, and descended thence, having gotten but asorry victory over his adversaries. Then, letting take up the fairlady's body from the sea, long and with many tears he bewept it andsteering for Sicily, buried it honourably in Ustica, a little islandover against Trapani; after which he returned home, the woefullest manalive.

  The King of Tunis, hearing the heavy news, sent his ambassadors, cladall in black, to King Guglielmo, complaining of the ill observance ofthe faith which he had plighted him. They recounted to him how thething had passed, whereat King Guglielmo was sore incensed and seeingno way to deny them the justice they sought, caused take Gerbino; thenhimself,--albeit there was none of his barons but strove with prayersto move him from his purpose,--condemned him to death and let strikeoff his head in his presence, choosing rather to abide withoutposterity than to be held a faithless king. Thus, then, as I have toldyou, did these two lovers within a few days[239] die miserably aviolent death, without having tasted any fruit of their loves."

  [Footnote 239: _i.e._ of each other.]