[Day the Eighth]


  "Since God hath so ordered it that I am to give a beginning to thepresent day's discourses, with my story, I am content, and therefore,lovesome ladies, seeing that much hath been said of the tricks playedby women upon men, it is my pleasure to relate one played by a manupon a woman, not that I mean therein to blame that which the man didor to deny that it served the woman aright, nay, rather to commend theman and blame the woman and to show that men also know how to cozenthose who put faith in them, even as themselves are cozened by thosein whom they believe. Indeed, to speak more precisely, that whereof Ihave to tell should not be called cozenage; nay, it should rather bestyled a just requital; for that, albeit a woman should still bevirtuous and guard her chastity as her life nor on any account sufferherself be persuaded to sully it, yet, seeing that, by reason of ourfrailty, this is not always possible as fully as should be, I affirmthat she who consenteth to her own dishonour for a price is worthy ofthe fire, whereas she who yieldeth for Love's sake, knowing hisexceeding great puissance, meriteth forgiveness from a judge not toosevere, even as, a few days agone, Filostrato showed it to have beenobserved towards Madam Filippa at Prato.

  There was, then, aforetime at Milan a German, by name Gulfardo, in thepay of the state, a stout fellow of his person and very loyal to thosein whose service he engaged himself, which is seldom the case withGermans; and for that he was a very punctual repayer of such loans aswere made him, he might always find many merchants ready to lend himany quantity of money at little usance. During his sojourn in Milan,he set his heart upon a very fair lady called Madam Ambruogia, thewife of a rich merchant, by name Guasparruolo Cagastraccio, who wasmuch his acquaintance and friend, and loving her very discreetly, sothat neither her husband nor any other suspected it, he sent one dayto speak with her, praying her that it would please her vouchsafe himher favours and protesting that he, on his part, was ready to dowhatsoever she should command him. The lady, after many parleys, cameto this conclusion, that she was ready to do that which Gulfardowished, provided two things should ensue thereof; one, that thisshould never be by him discovered to any and the other, that, as shehad need of two hundred gold florins for some occasion of hers, he,who was a rich man, should give them to her; after which she wouldstill be at his service.

  Gulfardo, hearing this and indignant at the sordidness of her whom hehad accounted a lady of worth, was like to exchange his fervent lovefor hatred and thinking to cheat her, sent back to her, saying that hewould very willingly do this and all else in his power that mightplease her and that therefore she should e'en send him word when shewould have him go to her, for that he would carry her the money, norshould any ever hear aught of the matter, save a comrade of his inwhom he trusted greatly and who still bore him company in whatsoeverhe did. The lady, or rather, I should say, the vile woman, hearingthis, was well pleased and sent to him, saying that Guasparruolo herhusband was to go to Genoa for his occasions a few days hence and thatshe would presently let him know of this and send for him. Meanwhile,Gulfardo, taking his opportunity, repaired to Guasparruolo and said tohim, 'I have present occasion for two hundred gold florins, the whichI would have thee lend me at that same usance whereat thou art wont tolend me other monies.' The other replied that he would well andstraightway counted out to him the money.

  A few days thereafterward Guasparruolo went to Genoa, even as thelady had said, whereupon she sent to Gulfardo to come to her andbring the two hundred gold florins. Accordingly, he took his comradeand repaired to the lady's house, where finding her expecting him, thefirst thing he did was to put into her hands the two hundred goldflorins, in his friend's presence, saying to her, 'Madam, take thesemonies and give them to your husband, whenas he shall be returned.'The lady took them, never guessing why he said thus, but supposingthat he did it so his comrade should not perceive that he gave them toher by way of price, and answered, 'With all my heart; but I wouldfain see how many they are.' Accordingly, she turned them out upon thetable and finding them full two hundred, laid them up, mighty contentin herself; then, returning to Gulfardo and carrying him into herchamber, she satisfied him of her person not that night only, but manyothers before her husband returned from Genoa.

  As soon as the latter came back, Gulfardo, having spied out a timewhen he was in company with his wife, betook himself to him, togetherwith his comrade aforesaid, and said to him, in the lady's presence,'Guasparruolo, I had no occasion for the monies, to wit, the twohundred gold florins, thou lentest me the other day, for that I couldnot compass the business for which I borrowed them. Accordingly, Ibrought them presently back to thy lady here and gave them to her;wherefore look thou cancel my account.' Guasparruolo, turning to hiswife, asked her if she had the monies, and she, seeing the witnesspresent, knew not how to deny, but said, 'Ay, I had them and had notyet remembered me to tell thee.' Whereupon quoth Guasparruolo,'Gulfardo, I am satisfied; get you gone and God go with you: I willsettle your account aright.' Gulfardo gone, the lady, finding herselfcozened, gave her husband the dishonourable price of her baseness; andon this wise the crafty lover enjoyed his sordid mistress withoutcost."