Page 7 of Random Ramblings

  The Holy Temple

  The final line in each stanza is taken from a promise given in my patriarchal blessing regarding the temple.

  I cast my troubles to the floor

  As I pass through the golden door,

  Forgetting every trial and fear

  For there is only comfort here.

  Wearing white, and within clean,

  My spirit soaring, my heart serene,

  I here rejoice in all I do.

  “And this shall be a joy to you.”

  Silence sweet around me falls.

  My quiet feet the saviour calls

  And to his side I hasty tread.

  Arms open wide, he offers bread

  Of life, and hungry I partake,

  One among those blessed who make

  Covenants and promises true.

  “And this shall be a joy to you.”

  Humbly in this sacred place

  Where heaven and earth in joy embrace

  I serve dear ones that we may be

  United in eternity.

  My father’s house, this Temple pure

  Is where I find His blessings sure

  And where I feel His love anew.

  “And this shall be a joy to you.”

Anna Jones Buttimore's Novels