Page 1 of Midnight Games

  Praise for Elle Kennedy’sKiller Instincts Series

  Midnight Alias

  “Balances the gritty side of humanity with sizzling passion.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “[Kennedy] shows a real flair for penning thrillers that are passionate, gritty, and extremely suspenseful.”

  —Romantic Times (top pick)

  Midnight Rescue

  “If you’re looking for a chilling, hard-core romantic suspense loaded with sensuality, military camaraderie, and dry humor, why not arrange for a Midnight Rescue?”

  —USA Today

  “Romantic suspense just gained a major new player!”

  —Romantic Times (4½ stars)

  “Romantic suspense fans will want to get ahold of this book! . . . Elle Kennedy, please write faster!”

  —The Book Pushers

  “With its dark, edgy tone, passionate love story, and deadly protagonists, Midnight Rescue is a surefire win for fans of romantic suspense.”

  —Romance Junkies

  “This was a very good romantic suspense. It had all the right elements that I look for in a book like this. The hot alpha men. The strong women they pair up with.”

  —Fiction Vixen Book Reviews

  “Anybody looking for action, intensity, and passion will love this novel.”

  The Book Whisperer

  “This is a fast-paced, action-filled, oh-my-God-what’s-going-to-happen-next ride and I never wanted to get off.”

  —Love to Read for Fun

  “Midnight Rescue has daringly bold characters, precarious situations, and fervent sensuality.”

  —Single Titles

  “Action, suspense, adventure, and romance are intertwined superbly to create a wonderful plot. . . . This was an amazing book with a great heroine.”

  —The Romance Studio

  Also Available in the Killer Instincts Series

  Midnight Rescue

  Midnight Alias





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  Copyright © Leeanne Kenedy, 2013

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  Also in the Killer Instincts Series

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26


  Excerpt of Midnight Pursuits


  I could not have written this book without the help and support of several people.

  My research assistant, Amanda, for making every location, gadget, and backstory come alive. Early readers Travis, Heather, and Mandi for their feedback and suggestions. My family and friends for keeping me sane during this process. And of course, my amazing editor and the staff at New American Library for believing in this series and letting me write it!

  Chapter 1

  “He called again last night.”

  Isabel Roma froze. Only for a split second, but a second was all it took to tip off her boss, whose smirk widened. Crap. Noelle was a predator—show her any sign of weakness and the queen of assassins would eat you alive.

  “What’d you tell him?” Isabel asked carefully.

  “Same thing I’ve been telling him for the past five months. You’re deep cover and can’t be reached.” Noelle paused, an honest-to-God grin gracing her bloodred lips.

  Considering that the woman only smiled right before she killed you, Isabel grew a tad worried. Gulping, she crossed her arms over her chest and said, “Spit it out, Noelle.”

  “He wanted me to pass along a message.” That shit-eating grin got bigger. “He said he never took you for a coward.”

  A coward? The insult prickled her skin, even though she knew the accusation had been Trevor Callaghan’s way of provoking a reaction from her. He of all people knew that she was the furthest thing from a coward.

  Bristling, she drifted toward the wet bar on the other side of the lavish living room. She was staying at Noelle’s Paris penthouse until she found a place of her own, but although she was technically homeless, she had zero complaints about her current digs. The gorgeous two-story apartment was located on the Right Bank, an area known for its spacious avenues, ornate nineteenth-century buildings, and wealthy foreign residents. The enormous floor-to-ceiling windows overlooked the breathtaking cityscape, even more beautiful at night with all the lights twinkling like diamonds. Outside, the silver frost clinging to the streetlamps and the layer of white covering the sidewalks created a magical ambience that Isabel would’ve taken more time to admire if she hadn’t been so rattled at the moment.

  With a sigh, she poured herself a glass of Maker’s Mark and took a long swig. The alcohol scorched a path down her throat but did nothing to quell the uneasiness that had been rippling in her stomach ever since she’d landed at the private airstrip this morning, where Noelle had been waiting in a silver Mercedes. In that nonchalant, I-don’t-particularly-give-a-fuck tone, Noelle had revealed that Trevor Callaghan had been hounding her for information ever since he and Isabel had said good-bye in New York.

  Said good-bye? echoed the mocking voice in her head.

  Fine. So maybe they hadn’t exchanged any good-byes. Maybe she’d just left.


  Gritting her teeth, Isabel tried to silence the exasperating voice by taking another gulp of whiskey, but it didn’t work. Guilt continued to trickle into her, along with a pang of shame that made her chest hurt.

  Damn it. Maybe Tre
vor was right. Maybe she was a coward. How else could you explain why she’d abandoned him like that?

  Five months ago, she’d done some undercover work for mercenary extraordinaire Jim Morgan, which had yet again paired her with Trevor. The first time she’d worked with the former Special Forces soldier, he’d been a ravaged, grieving mess—a man with a death wish, a man she shouldn’t have been attracted to but was. The second time around, that attraction had intensified, and Trevor had been a changed man. A healed man.

  They’d connected during that second job, really connected. They’d kissed, for Pete’s sake. And what had she done? She’d deserted him. Left him waiting at her SoHo apartment, hopped a plane, and fled the country.

  How long had he waited?

  Another rush of guilt flooded her belly as the question she’d been wondering these past five months floated into her head. A part of her hoped that Trevor had figured out the score after an hour or two, but deep down she knew he wouldn’t have given up so fast. He would’ve waited for hours, days even, and when she still didn’t return . . . that’s when the worry would have set in. The anger. The bitterness.

  But again, she knew Trevor—no matter how angry he was, he would need to make sure she was all right, which meant moving heaven and earth to track her down.

  According to Noelle, he’d been doing just that.

  “Ditching Callaghan like that was a coldhearted move, honey,” the blond assassin said with a chuckle. “Giving men the slip is more my style than yours.”

  Coldhearted. Was that what she was? No. No, she couldn’t be. The way she’d ended things with Trevor had been callous, but she’d been motivated by the need for self-preservation, not cruelty. He’d gotten too close. Made her believe that happiness could play a role in her future, that she could actually be a normal woman who had normal relationships and a normal life. But she knew better.

  She wasn’t destined for normalcy. The most she could ask for was professional fulfillment, and her undercover work provided that. She was good at pretending to be other people. Maybe it wasn’t the most honorable profession out there, but she excelled at it. And Trevor, with his perceptive brown eyes and understated charm, with that quiet strength he exuded and his rare but gorgeous smiles . . . he was too big of a distraction. Each time she was around him, she lost her head and dropped her guard—and for a woman who’d spent her entire life perfecting a composed, easygoing front, neither of those responses was welcome.

  “You never told me why you bailed on him,” Noelle prompted.

  Isabel shrugged and took another sip of whiskey.

  “It’s all right. I already know the answer.”

  Although the entire exchange was making her uncomfortable as hell, she couldn’t fight a spark of wary curiosity. “Oh, do you?”

  Lithe as a cat, Noelle slid off the arm of the recliner she’d been perched on and strode across the white Berber carpet. Her tight black leggings and even tighter black tank top contrasted with the all-white color scheme of the penthouse. Isabel wondered if Noelle’s interior designer had been making some sort of ironic statement. White leather couch, white armchairs, white carpeting, white walls. The place was very . . . sterile. Cold. Unwelcoming.

  The penthouse suited Noelle to a T.

  “You left because that man scares you shitless.”

  Noelle’s assessment made her frown. “Trevor doesn’t scare me.”


  “Liar.” Noelle reached for an empty glass and poured a healthy amount of bourbon into it. She curled her fingers around the tumbler, red fingernails tapping on the glass. “Callaghan was starting to get to know the real Isabel, but we couldn’t have that, could we, honey? Because the real Isabel is so very damaged, isn’t she?”

  Her shoulders stiffened.

  “Oh, don’t look at me like that, so offended and incensed. I’m not saying anything you haven’t thought a million times before.” The amber liquid in Noelle’s glass swished as she headed back to the sofa. With the grace of a ballerina, the blonde sank into the cushions and demurely crossed her legs, balancing the tumbler on one delicate knee.

  Isabel couldn’t control the rush of indignation that coursed through her. Noelle was a bitch on a good day, but it was rare for one of her “chameleons” to be on the receiving end of that sharp, antagonistic tongue. Isabel had been working for the woman for seven years now, and this was the first time the deadly blonde had unleashed a personal attack on her.

  Damaged? Christ, the woman ought to take a good long look in the mirror. Noelle was the freaking definition of the word.

  “You think if he sees the real you, he’ll realize how flawed you are and run in the opposite direction.”

  She resisted the urge to slap that amused look right off Noelle’s gorgeous face.

  “I left because I’m not looking for a relationship,” Isabel said stiffly. “That’s what he wanted from me, and I couldn’t give it to him.”

  “Mmm-hmmm. What’s the next bullshit excuse?”

  Her jaw tensed. “These aren’t excuses. It’s the truth. Look, he clouds my judgment, okay?” Even she could hear the defensive note in her voice. “Back in Manhattan, I was supposed to help one of the girls I met when I was undercover at the strip club. I was taking her to a rehab facility, but I was late because of Trevor. I was late, and that poor girl killed herself.”

  Noelle offered a long, throaty laugh. “That junkie would’ve killed herself regardless. You think even if you had managed to get her to rehab, the program would have stuck? How naive are you, Isabel?”

  Rather than answer, she raised her glass and downed the rest of her whiskey. This time, the burning sensation only made her feel nauseous. This entire conversation was beginning to piss her off.

  “Enough,” she snapped. “We’re done talking about this.”


  “I’m serious, Noelle.” Isabel took a calming breath, tried to control her rising anger. “Tell me about the fallout from the Ekala job.”

  Noelle sipped her bourbon. “It’s playing out exactly the way we wanted it to. The media is reporting that one of Ekala’s lieutenants orchestrated a coup. You did good.”

  She arched a brow, both surprised and insulted by the praise. “You thought I wouldn’t?”

  “I worried. You excel at short-term gigs. Deep cover was always more suited to Bailey or Abby.”

  “Well, I managed just fine.”

  “That you did. You rid the world of another sadistic fucker. Give yourself a pat on the back.”

  Sometimes it was incredibly hard to decipher whether Noelle was being sarcastic or not. Isabel decided to treat that last remark as sincere.

  Truth was, she was damn proud of herself for the way she’d handled the Nigeria job. Her boss was right—Isabel’s strength was the in-and-out gig. Transform herself into whoever she needed to be, go undercover and get the information she was asked to procure, then disappear without a trace.

  These last five months, however, she’d been deeply rooted in the mission. Posing as an American journalist, she’d infiltrated Tengo Ekala’s camp and cozied up to the man who’d been terrorizing the country ever since he’d come into power. She’d even succeeded in gaining the Nigerian warlord’s respect and admiration, under the guise that she wanted to tell the world about his cause.

  And when the time had come to put a bullet in the bastard’s head, she hadn’t stepped aside to let one of the other women take over.

  For the first time in her career, Isabel had been the one to pull the trigger.

  “Am I officially part of the club now?” she asked drily. “Is there a special assassin membership card I get to keep in my wallet?”

  “Sorry, honey. I’m pulling you out.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “Exactly what it sounds like.” Noelle set her glass down and got to her feet. “I indulged you with the Ekala job, but you’re done now. You’re a master of disguise, and that’s the only service I req
uire from you. You won’t be assigned any more contracts.”

  The cool declaration brought a spark of anger and a pang of relief. Rather than dwell on the latter, she focused on the former. “I just eliminated one of the world’s nastiest warlords without causing so much as a ripple of tension in the international political pool, and you think I’m only suitable for undercover work?”

  “You’re not a killer, Isabel. Never have been, never will be.” Noelle headed for the arched doorway across the room. “Leave the killing to those of us who enjoy it.”

  She couldn’t control her surprise. “You’re saying you actually enjoy taking a life?”

  “When it’s the life of a sick fuck who deserves it? Yes.” The boss’s voice was oddly gentle. “You’re not like me, Isabel. We’ve both suffered. We both came from shitty backgrounds, but see, your crap gave you a bleeding heart. You want to help people. My crap crushed my conscience, plain and simple.”

  This was the most candid Noelle had ever been with her, and Isabel found herself speechless as she stared at the other woman. At five-two, with her long golden hair, ethereal features, and pale blue eyes, Noelle looked like a damn Disney princess, and yet she was the coldest, most lethal person Isabel had ever met. She’d always wondered how Noelle had gotten to be this way and now she finally had an inkling.


  “So we can waste some more time and keep arguing about this,” Noelle said flippantly, “or you can just accept that I’m right. You’re not a killer. Ergo, you’re not taking on any more contracts. Now, when can I expect you back?”

  Isabel blinked. “What?”

  “From Jim Morgan’s compound. I already alerted my pilot that you’ll be using the jet tonight—he’s waiting for your call. So when do you think you’ll be done there? I need you on recon for Bailey in Istanbul, so don’t take too long.”

  “I’m not—”

  “Going to see Callaghan?” Noelle finished. Those blue eyes gleamed. “Bullshit. That’s exactly what you’re going to do, and you want to know why? Because not only are you not a killer, you’re also not a coldhearted bitch. That’s my job, remember?”