Page 19 of Chasing You

  Dropping to my knees, I pushed her legs wide open and smiled. Pulling her forward, I lifted her body and buried my face between her legs as I breathed my hot breath on her bare pussy.

  The fact that she hadn’t put panties back on had me fighting to keep control. Dropping down again, Meagan let out a yelp as I slowly laid her on the floor and moved my body over hers as I continued to dance to the song. Meagan’s face never once broke her smile as I continued to grind and slide all over her, staying in perfect rhythm to the song.

  Hovering over her body, my hand moved up her dress as her eyes burned with passion. “Gray,” she whispered as I pulled the dress over her head.

  Moving my lips to her ear, I whispered back, “No one is here, baby.”

  Picking her up, she wrapped her legs around my body as I continued to dance until the song finally came to a stop and there was nothing but the sound of our heavy breathing. My dick was rock hard, almost to the point of being painful.

  “Baby, if I touch you, will you be wet?”

  Her legs wrapped tighter around my body as she nodded.

  “God, the things I’m going to do to you.”

  She dug her fingernails into my arms as she softly spoke my name. Walking over to one of the tables, I gently laid her down and unbuttoned my jeans. Pushing them down, I took my dick in my hand and stroked myself slowly while Meagan watched.

  “Touch yourself. Show me how wet you are, baby.”

  Meagan sat up and pinned me with her eyes while she parted her lips and gasped.

  Snapping my own eyes down, I watched as she worked her fingers in and out of her body. It had to have been the hottest moment of my life.

  “Gray! I need you. Oh God, I need to feel you.”

  “Meg, I want to fuck you.”

  A fire burned in her eyes as she moved further to the edge of the table and ran her fingers over my dick. “Give it to me, please.”

  It was like another person entered my body. I grabbed her hand and pushed her fingers into my mouth as I tasted her sweet honey. Moaning, I pulled her to me and lined my cock up with her pussy. One quick move and I pushed into her. Meagan screamed out as I felt her pussy squeeze down on me. She was coming already and that threw me into a frenzy. Digging my fingers into her hips, I felt like I couldn’t get enough of her as I moved in and out. She was coming again, or maybe it was the same orgasm, all I knew was I needed more of her.

  “Yes! Oh God. Harder!” Meagan cried out. I loved when we fucked like we couldn’t get enough of each other. It reminded me of the first time we were together, hearing Meagan calling out my name in a raw passion, begging me to give her more.

  “I want you from behind,” I said as I pulled out and motioned for her to lean over the table.

  Doing as I asked, Meagan quickly turned around and laid over the table. “Goddamn, you have the nicest ass.”

  My hands moved over her ass as I spread her legs apart and pushed into her.

  “Fuck,” she hissed as I buried myself deep inside of her. I could feel her body working up to another orgasm.

  “Gray! Oh God! Oh God!”

  Her body trembled as I moved my hand up and pushed my finger quickly inside her ass as she screamed out and came hard. I was about to explode, feeling her fucking ass pulling my finger further into her.

  The sound of our bodies hitting sounded fucking hot, but not as hot as her whimpers and moans.

  “I want your ass, Meagan.”

  Meagan looked back at me with wide eyes as I put pressure on her ass. I swear to God if I hadn’t loved her so much I would have just pushed my cock inside her and taken it. “Slowly baby, we’ll do this slowly.”

  “Wait!” she called out as I slowed down my movements and kissed her back. I reached my hand around to cup her breast. “Have you ever done that with anyone else?”

  Smiling, I shook my head and said, “No.”

  My body trembled with the look she gave me. “Good,” she replied. “Don’t stop, it feels good.” Pushing her ass back for more, I pulled out and pushed in as I started working my finger in her ass.

  Moaning, I tried like hell to hold off from losing control. “Fucking heaven.”

  “Can’t take much more,” Meagan cried out. Adjusting the position of my finger, I felt her body squeeze down on my cock, pulling out one of the most amazing orgasms of my life. I never knew I could come so hard and for long. When my dick finally stopped twitching, I pulled out and Meagan laid across the table, dragging in one long breath after another.

  “Oh. My. God,” I panted out as I tried to focus on my breathing.

  “We . . . totally . . . have . . . to . . . Lysol . . . the table!”

  Laughing, I kissed Meagan’s shoulder and pulled her around to look at me.

  “That was fucking amazing. I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

  Her smile about blew me away. “No, it felt wonderful, and I might add, I liked your touch of dirty.”

  I all of a sudden felt the need to leave this place. As much fun as it was, it hit me where we were. Dancing for Meagan here was one thing but fucking her in a place where so many other women had touched me and I had touched them didn’t feel so great. The guilt quickly swept over me and I tried like hell to push it away. “Let’s get dressed and I’ll clean up a bit and then I want to take you out to dinner.”

  Meagan sucked in her lip as she looked away. Placing my finger on her chin, I lifted her eyes back to mine. “Hey, is everything okay?”

  Tears pooled in her eyes as she nodded her head. “I’m uh . . . I’m going to go get dressed.”

  Watching her walk away, I had the strangest feeling Meagan was feeling the same way I was. The faster we got out of here the better.


  OH HOLY HELL. I just let my fiancé fuck me six ways to Sunday in a damn strip club. And I liked it. A lot! I’m going to be a mother and I liked getting my dirty on.

  I’m going to hell. What kind of mother am I going to be?

  Quickly getting dressed, I tried to get my emotions in check. The last thing I wanted to do was break down and tell Grayson about the baby in a stupid strip club! Ugh. The faster we got out of there, the better.

  I sat in a chair while Grayson cleaned up. My mind was racing in a million different directions. Why was I feeling this way? I loved what had just happened between us, but I didn’t love where we were. All I could think about was all the women who had put their hands on Grayson in this place.

  Ugh. Stop this, Meagan.

  I jumped when Grayson put his hand on my shoulder. Squatting down, Grayson looked into my eyes. “Baby, talk to me. You seem like you’re lost in thought.”

  Pressing my lips together, I closed my eyes and shook my head. “I think just being here is starting to get to me.”

  “Do you regret what we did?”

  Snapping my eyes back open, I shook my head. “No! I loved what happened between us. I loved you dancing for me . . . it was hot as hell. It’s just, I don’t like this place. My mind is wandering and I don’t like where it’s taking me if that makes any kind of sense.”

  Grayson took my hands in his and pulled me up. “Let’s get out of here.”

  My eyes opened to see Grayson picking me up and taking me out of his truck. I had fallen asleep almost as soon as we got back into the truck.

  “I fell asleep,” I whispered as I wrapped my arms around Grayson’s neck as he carried me to our apartment.

  His chest rumbled as he laughed. “I know. Hot sex wears my baby out.”

  Burying my face into his chest, I inhaled a deep breath. I’d always loved the way Grayson smelled. Lying in bed countless nights, I dreamed what it would be like to sleep wrapped up in his arms.

  Once Grayson was in the apartment, he walked us to our room. Gently setting me down, he undressed me. Each time he removed a piece of clothing he kissed me softly. This simple act of tenderness had my eyes welling up with tears.

  Oh lord. What happened to the days when I would just want hi
m to fuck me senseless? Now I’m standing here like a baby about to cry.

  “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are, Meg?”

  My head dropped back as I felt tears build in my eyes. Dipping my hands into Grayson’s hair, I pulled slightly while his lips moved across my hips as he pushed my panties down.

  Was I dreaming? Was this really happening to me? I never in my wildest dreams thought I could be this in love with someone.

  Bringing my head forward, I stared down at Grayson as he worshiped my body.

  “Gray,” I mumbled as I fought to the form words to speak. His eyes looked up to mine and he froze.

  “Baby, why are you crying?”

  Pressing my lips into a thin line, I fought to keep my sobs back as Grayson stood quickly. His hands cupped my face as he searched my face for answers. The love I felt for him was almost overwhelming as I fought to tell him how I felt.

  “It’s just . . . I’ve never . . . you . . . my heart . . . I can’t even.”

  His mouth rose in a crooked smile as his blue eyes pierced mine. “Take a deep breath and blow it out.”

  I closed my eyes and did what he said. Inhaling a deep breath, I calmly blew out while opening my eyes again.

  “For years I put on this show about not caring about finding love; then you came into my life and I found myself doing nothing but thinking of you every second of the day.”

  Grayson’s smile grew bigger as he moved his thumbs softly across my skin. That simple action on his part meant more to me than he would ever know. The way he cared for me had my heart feeling as if it would burst from happiness.

  “I pushed you away because I was afraid of how you made me feel. It was foreign for me to feel like that. I’d always been known as the one who just hooked up with a guy with no intentions of anything serious.” With a slight laugh, I bit my lip. “Most of it was all an act on my part.”

  Grayson kissed my lips softly before pulling back and looking at me again. “The second time I saw you in Noah’s house, I knew you were going to be so much more than just some guy I thought was good looking. I felt it in my heart. In the very being of my soul I felt it.”

  “Meg,” Grayson whispered as he swallowed hard.

  My hands came up and grabbed onto Grayson’s arms. “I can’t imagine my life without you and I’m so terrified you’re going to get scared and run.”

  His eyes widened as he pulled his head back. “Scared? You could never scare me.”

  My stomach quivered as I gave a sideway glance and made a face. “I’m pretty sure I can.”

  Grayson laughed and pulled my lips to his where he kissed me hard and fast. “There is nothing you could ever do or say that would ever cause me to walk away from you.”

  Licking my lips nervously, I looked back into his eyes. “You don’t miss your old life at all?”

  He didn’t even have to think about his answer. “No. I’m madly in love with my new life.”

  Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. I’m fixin’ to spook him.

  “Gray, I have to tell you something, and you have to promise me this isn’t going to change anything.”

  His smile faded and was replaced by a concerned look. “O-okay.”

  “I . . . I um . . . well . . . I ah—”

  “Jesus Christ, Meg, spit it out. You’re freaking me out.”

  My stomach dipped as I fought to hold down whatever food was in my stomach. Just say it Meagan.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  Grayson let out a low chuckle that was quickly replaced by his eyes widening and his expression going blank. He slowly shook his head and whispered, “What?”

  Please don’t make me say it again!

  I stared at him as my stance became restless. Grayson’s arms dropped to his side as he took a few steps away from me.

  No. Please God don’t do this to me. Please don’t take him from me.

  “Say something,” I said as I wrapped my arms around my body.

  His blinked rapidly as he whispered, “Give me a second.”

  Turning, he walked out of the bedroom and left me standing there, naked. This was not how I pictured the first time I told the man I loved that I was pregnant with his child. Glancing down, I saw one of Grayson’s T-shirts on the chair. Reaching for it, I pulled it over my head. Grayson had brought my purse in and had dropped it to the floor so I grabbed it and searched for my cell phone.

  When I heard the front door open and close, I dropped to the bed and cried.

  Pulling up my contacts, I searched for Grace’s number and hit call.

  I was crying so hard that when she answered, I couldn’t even talk between my sobs.

  “G-g-grace,” I fumbled out.

  “Oh holy hell. I’m going to fucking kill him. What did he do?”

  “I’m . . . I’m . . . oh, Grace! I’m pregnant and I just told Grayson and he . . . he . . . he . . .”

  “He what? What, Meg? What!”

  My body shook as I lost control. “He left.”

  I could hear Grace gasp from the other end of the phone. “I’m on the next flight out.”

  I shook my head. “No! Grace, no you’re pregnant.”

  “Meagan Atwood, I’m coming there and we are going to kill him together and bury his worthless body so that no one will ever find him.”

  A small chuckle escaped my lips as I wiped my tears away.

  “He left, Grace.”

  “Oh, honey. Can I just say how excited I am that you’re pregnant, but we’ll talk about that later. I’m online right now and there is a flight that leaves at six a.m. I’m booking it.”

  Tears continued to roll down my cheeks as I shook my head. “Don’t. I think I want to come home and see everyone.”

  “Yes! That’s what you need. We need a girls’ weekend. Come to me, Meg.”

  Nodding, I stood up and reached for my clothes. “I’m leaving our apartment now. I’ll call you when I get to a hotel.”

  I sniffled loudly in her ear as Grace said, “Okay sweets, but are you sure you want to go to a hotel?”

  Pressing my lips together, I felt another round of sobs coming. I needed to get off the phone before I lost it again. “Yes. I have to.”

  “Meg, sweetie, he may have just gotten spooked, you know? I mean if y’all weren’t planning this, I’m sure it just caught him off guard.”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I whispered, “Yeah. Maybe. But he promised me he wouldn’t ever leave me. I have to leave. I’ll call you in a bit.”

  As I finished getting dressed, I walked out into the living room to look around. Grayson was gone. With not so much as a word to me, he just left.

  I slowly walked to the door and opened it. My body felt numb as I headed down the elevators that went to the main lobby and smiled weakly at the doorman before stepping outside. A taxi pulled up right in time for me to walk straight to it. I didn’t even care I was leaving my car behind. Nothing mattered right now.

  Sliding in, I said, “Strater Hotel, please.” Closing my eyes, tears rolled down my face while I silently cried.


  I WAS AT a totally loss for words.


  Meagan was pregnant.

  Fear instantly flowed through my veins and all I could think about was my own father. Would I be a failure like he had been?


  My throat felt as if it was closing as I fought to drag in air. I needed fresh air.

  Not even thinking, I grabbed my keys and headed out the front door. I needed a few moments to get my head on straight before I said anything to Meagan.

  I found myself driving mindlessly before I ended up at a park. I parked my truck and got out and made my way over to the playground.

  Pinching my eyebrows together, I looked around and realized where I had gone. My heart slammed in my chest as a memory played in my mind.

  “What do you mean you have to leave, Daddy?”

  My father looked at me as he placed his hand on the side of my face. “I
love you, Grayson and I’ve made some terrible mistakes in my life and I need to start over.”

  “Start over? What does that mean?”

  His eyes looked down as he shook his head. “Grayson, I want you to do me a favor.”

  “Okay, Daddy! I’ll do anything for you.”

  His eyes looked watery as he blew out a breath. “Someday, you’re going to meet a girl who you will love very much and you both will have a big strong little boy just like how you’re so strong now, buddy.”

  I stood up taller and nodded. “I am strong.”

  “Yeah, buddy, you are. Grayson, don’t ever look back and use me as an example. Grayson, your mother is going to make sure you never end up like me. I promise.”

  “What’s that mean, Daddy?” I asked confused.

  A car horn went off and Daddy looked over his shoulder. Turning back to me, he stood and placed his hand on my head. “You be a good boy for your mommy and I’m so sorry, buddy. I know you’re going to make her proud and me proud when you grow up to be a big strong man.”

  Turning, my father walked toward a girl who was standing waiting for him. They hugged and my father got in the car. Little did I know that would be the last time I ever saw him.

  My eyes snapped open as I buried my face in my hands. “Stupid fucking idiot.”

  Running back to my truck, I pulled out my phone and called Meagan. I wasn’t surprised when it went to voice mail.

  Quickly finding Grace’s number, I hit call and jumped into my truck.

  “Okay, motherfucker, you better have a damn good reason why you made my best friend cry so hard she could hardly talk.”

  I hit the steering wheel and cursed. “Fuck!”

  “Yeah, you fucked up dickhead, asshole, motherfucking, manwhore; wrap your dick next time, jerk face!”

  “Tell him how you really feel, Grace,” Noah said as he took the phone from her.