Page 29 of The legacy

  Isa shared the pain that led her daughter to death. He heard banging his head hard against the glass and break through the skin that tore and scratched in the explosion of fragments that followed, the right eye perforated and mangled by shrapnel sharp as the blade of a knife, take off the steering wheel that breath hitting her stomach and ribs breaking them, which pierced his lungs. A moment later it was all over and Isa knew that Simon was already dead, but she could still feel the blood streamed down his face and ended up on the tongue exposed, stimulating the taste buds with its sweet taste. Slowly, his awareness was also less and everything became darker. For interminable minutes he saw nothing, but continued to hear noises that came from the nearby road car engines that slowed down at the accident, the first voices of rescuers, the horns of who was in a hurry and had no idea what slow down traffic. The last voice she heard was that of Roberto, who cried and screamed the name of his wife. Then it was nothing.

  But some time after Isa came to his senses. He saw light and heard the silence around him. He felt the same sensation of vertigo that had struck at the beginning of the nightmare experience. It took a few seconds to realize he was still in a body other than his. He tried to focus his attention on what he saw, to get an idea of ​​the person who unconsciously was hosting this time, and visualized a bunch of keys on a wooden table.

  Simon was preparing to leave.


  The first thought is, as usual, my wife Francesca, who, besides being the first to read many steps still fresh writing (at times preposterous as the one in the morning), had to ask myself about the fundamental objection to the plot whereby, after days and days of reflection, I added details to the novel that made him more real, more compelling, less exposed to any critical reader. I can say without doubt that it was not for her, "The Legacy" would have lost 50% of the credibility that I hope I have given him.

  Thanks to my parents for giving me some clarification on the early '80s, particularly in terms of life as a nightclub. For the songs and the Predictor pregnancy test instead thank St. Google.

  Thanks to Alessandra Dell'Amico, author of the trilogy "Silver Dust", for being my third eye in reading the novel and to have acted as a dam against my tendency to tell more than necessary.

  Thanks also to the lawyer Alberto Murgia, emerging writer author of the novel "A Love Story", which I met on an online forum and I have clarified some legal issues related to traffic accidents. Although he is credited with helping to make the novel more real to me especially given advice without asking for fees.

  Thanks to the Cultural Village of Old Viadana (MN), in particular represented by its President Dr. Federici Fabio Canova, for the support which has helped my business first with "M @ rcello" and now with 'L' inheritance. " Not everyone can count on friends like these, and my wish is to have given good reasons to grant the Association the attention, in almost ten years as an active member.

  Thanks to my sister Marica for turning her hairdressing salon in a sort of family library, effectively constituting the principal point of reference for anyone interested in buying my books.

  Thanks to Marina Puerari for believing in me and giving me the opportunity to get known locally with an advertising space reserved for me.

  Finally, I want to thank my publisher, ZeroUnoUndici, for the firmness with which the authors believe emerging, investing in works of perfect strangers with all the risks, but thus providing a cultural service of epochal significance, contributing to the tendency to 'self-propagation scribal art of which I spoke in the preface.


  Jury Livorati was born in Viadana (MN) in 1985 and lives in Cicognara (MN). Married with two children, he graduated in 2009 in Molecular Biology at the University of Parma. After about two years experience as a sales clerk in a supermarket in consumer electronics products, was recently hired by a company of disposable medical devices. Since 2000 he is an active member of the Cultural Borgo Vecchio, dedicated to providing musical. "The Legacy" is his second novel, following "[email protected]", published Boopen Publisher.


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