are a sure cure for sick headache, liver and stomach troubles,dyspepsia constipation, and all kindred complaints. Taken in seasonthey will break up a cold, prevent la grippe, check fever, and regulatethe digestive organs. They received the highest honors at the World'sFair.



  "I was troubled a long time with sick headache. It was usuallyaccompanied with severe pains in the temples, a bad taste in my mouth,tongue coated, hands and feet cold, and sickness at the stomach. Itried many remedies, but until I began taking Ayer's Pills received nobenefit. A box of these pills did the work for me, and I am now freefrom headaches and am a well man."--C. H. HUTCHINGS, E. Auburn, Me.


  AYER'S SARSAPARILLA purifies the blood.

  Transcriber's Note

  "=" is used in the text to indicate bolded text.

  Inconsistencies have been retained in spelling, hyphenation, punctuation,and grammar, except where indicated in the list below:

  - "Sicil ian" changed to "Sicilian" on Page 4 - Quote removed before "One" on Page 7 - Quote added after "strong-minded." on Page 8 - "become" changed to "became" on Page 10 - Comma changed to a period added after "form" on Page 14 - Quote added after "afternoon." on Page 20 - Quote removed after "voice." on Page 20 - "Christain" change to "Christian" on Page 23 - "gentlemen" changed to "gentleman" on Page 24 - "has" changed to "had" on Page 27 - Quote removed from before "Startled" on Page 31 - Quote removed after "seige?" on Page 32 - Quote added after "five." on Page 33 - "ere" changed to "here" on Page 34 - "on" changed to "an" on Page 35 - "oustretched" changed to "outstretched" on Page 37 - "widdow" changed to "window" on Page 41 - Quote removed after "honor!" on Page 42 - Single quote changed to a double quote after "properly." on Page 43 - Quote removed after "then!" on Page 44 - "semed" changed to "seemed" on Page 44 - Question mark changed to an exclamation mark followed by a quote after "us" on Page 47 - Double Quote removed after "princess." on Page 49. - Single Quote added before "The" on Page 49. - Double quote changed to a single quote after "cordial," on Page 49. - "particulary" changed to "particularly" on Page 54 - Quote removed after "coldly." on Page 55 - Quote added before "but" on Page 60 - Comma changed to a period after "gold" on Page 62 - "of" added after "lap" on Page 64 - Quote removed before "The" on Page 66 - Quote added after "here?" on Page 67 - Quote removed before "Go" on Page 68 - Comma changed to a period after "Jean" on Page 70 - "comm" (blotted word) changed to "communed" on Page 72 - Quote added after "alive?" on Page 74 - Comma changed to a period added after "chastised" on Page 77 - Comma changed to a period added after "up" on Page 83 - Quote added after "lady," on Page 86 - Exclamation mark changed to a question mark after "Chon" on Page 87 - Quote added after "morally." on Page 87 - "said the" added before "viscount" on Page 88 - Double quote removed and single quotes placed around quotation within a quote on Page 89 - Quote added after "up." on Page 90 - Quote added after "to-morrow." on Page 94 - Period changed to a question mark followed by a quote after "coach." on Page 95 - Single quote added after "is." on Page 95 - Quote and indent removed before "Blue" on Page 98 - Period changed to a comma after "angel" on Page 99 - Duplicate "he" removed after "for" on Page 99 - Period removed after "countess" on Page 100 - "Clapping" changed to "clapping" on page 100 - Period changed to a comma after "Well" on Page 100 - Quote added before "and" on Page 100 - "Gramont" changed to "Grammont" on page 102 - "abscence" changed to "absence" on page 102 - Quote added before "and" on Page 103 - Quote added after "meet!" on Page 104 - Duplicate "with" deleted on Page 106 - Illegible word replaced with "****" on Page 113 - Quote added before "but" on Page 117 - Quote added after "knows." on Page 117 - Single quote added after "for!" on Page 118 - "gentlemen" changed to "gentleman" on Page 120 - Comma changed to a period added after "timidly" on Page 120 - Quote removed after "up," and placed after "Therese," on Page 120 - Quote added after "them," on Page 129 - "every" changed to "Every" on Page 130 - "harpischord" changed to "harpsichord" on Page 130 - "undestand" changed to "understand" on Page 132 - "freight" changed to "fright" on Page 134 - Period changed to a comma after "castle" on Page 134 - "pain ful" changed to "painful" on Page 140 - "Lorenze" changed to "Lorenza" on Page 140 - "from back" changed to "back from" on Page 140 - "prepartions" changed to "preparations" on Page 145 - "Here" changed to "Her" on Page 145 - Single quote added before "Are" on Page 147 - Double quote changed to a single quote after "me." on Page 147 - Quote removed after "living." on Page 147 - "Saint-remy's" changed to "Saint-Remy's" on Page 150 - Period changed to a question mark followed by a quote after "highness" on Page 150 - Duplicate "shall" removed after "I" on Page 150 - Quote added after "me!" on Page 151 - "harmany" changed to "harmony" on Page 153 - "Anthing" changed to "Anything" on Page 157 - "to" changed to "too" on Page 161 - "employe" changed to "employee" on Page 161 - Quote added after "master." on Page 165 - "why" changed to "Why" on Page 172 - "fredom" changed to "freedom" on Page 172 - Quote removed after "help," on Page 173 - Period changed to a question mark followed by a quote after "driver" on Page 175 - "Balsmo" changed to "Balsamo" on Page 178 - "emenience" changed to "eminence" on Page 179 - Quote removed before "He" on Page 184 - Quote added after "be." on Page 185 - "to day" changed to "to-day" on Page 186 - Quote added after "destroyed" on Page 186 - "Parliment" changed to "Parliament" on Page 186 - Quote added before "that" on Page 188 - Quote removed after "beat." on Page 189 - "materializng" changed to "materializing" on Page 191 - "shepherdessses" changed to "shepherdesses" on Page 192 - Quote added after "Well," on Page 195 - Quote removed after "favorite." on Page 195 - Illegible word replaced by "****" on Page 195 - Quote added after "concerned." - Quote added after "display." on Page 201 - Quote added after "storm." on Page 204 - Comma changed to a period after "prince" on Page 204 - Period added after "$2.00" on Page 211 - Illegible text replaced by "****" on Page 212 - Illegible text replaced by "****" on Page 212 - Comma changed to a semicolon after "secret)" on Page 216 - "hundred" changed to "hundreds" on Page 217 - "has" changed to "have" on Page 218 - Period changed to a comma after "Secrets" on Page 222 - Period changed to a comma after "Items" on Page 222

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