Page 22 of Stay With Me

Smiling, I thought about last night when I had a drink with my Pappou.

  “Tomorrow is the planting season,” he said with a smile.

  “The planting season?” I had a feeling this was my grandfather’s way of saying I needed to get Kilyn pregnant quickly.

  Taking a drink, he nodded. “Athanasios, do you know how love works?”

  With a laugh, I tilted my head and replied, “I would hope I know a little something.”

  He shook his head, “Nah, you know nothing.”

  Laughing, I motioned for him to speak. “Tell me, Pappou.”

  With a smile, he leaned closer to me. “I’ll tell you what my Pappou told me the night before I married your Yiayia. You build love from the ground up. It takes watering and care. The sun will shine on it most days.” He nodded as if lost in a thought. Lifting his hand he pointed up. “But . . . those clouds, oh, those clouds will move in and storms will come. You have to be her shelter, Athanasios. She is a strong woman, but she needs you by her side always. You tend to her with love and passion. A woman likes a strong man in and out of her bed.”

  I looked away, smiled and nodded. “I will always tend to our love.”

  “Good,” he responded. “Now, when can I expect a child from your Irish beauty?”

  The music began as Gus tapped me on the back. “This is it, dude.”

  I spun around and took in a deep breath.

  My little cousin, Nichole, came skipping down the aisle. She was singing something as she threw rose petals up in the air. With a chuckle, I watched as she came to stop right in front of me.

  “Athanasios! Kilyn looks like a princess!”

  Everyone laughed.

  Leaning down, I asked, “Does she look as beautiful as you do?”

  Nichole’s face lit up. “Yes!” She moved in closer and whispered, “Don’t tell anyone, but I think she looks the prettiest out of everyone. I don’t want to hurt any feelings.”

  I crossed my heart and replied back. “I won’t tell anyone.”

  Standing, I watched as Sara motioned for Nichole to stand to the side. As she turned to leave she stopped and quickly spun around. “Oh! I heard Kilyn telling Claire that you were going to love what she had on under her dress too! I think it’s another dress because they were both really happy about it.”

  My mouth fell open as I stared at her and Gus busted out laughing next to me.

  Nichole spun around in a twirl and skipped over to Sara.

  I cleared my throat and tried not to look at my parents.

  Gus leaned in and said, “Jesus, I hope like hell that was captured on the video. I want so badly to see your face.”

  Hitting him with my elbow, I said, “Shut up, Gus. Just stand there and be quiet.” I smiled when I saw Claire walking down the aisle. She looked beautiful. It took everything out of me not to start laughing when a few of my mother’s cousins began to act like they were spitting on her. Claire must have jumped ten feet in the air as she looked at them with a horrified expression. When she made it up to the front she flashed me a smile.

  “Is she okay?” I asked.

  With a nod, she replied, “I’ve never seen her so happy or look so beautiful.”

  Heat surged through my body and I swear everyone could hear my heart pounding.

  The music changed and the music began to play. “Here we go,” Gus mumbled as I tried to calm my racing heart. He placed his hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. I was glad he was here with me and able to be my best man.

  The moment she appeared in front of me I was left breathless. She smiled as soon as she saw me. It was like we were the only two people as our gaze locked on each other.

  It felt like it took them forever to walk down the aisle. I was so lost in her beauty I wasn’t even paying attention to my crazy family.

  Stopping in front of me, Scott lifted her veil and kissed her on both cheeks. Taking my hand, he placed her hand in it. “Take care of her.”

  With a nod of my head, I replied, “Always, sir.”

  Placing my attention back on the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen, I couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear. “You truly are stunning. No amount of words could describe how beautiful you look.”

  She pressed her lips together before finding her voice. “You look so very handsome.”

  “Is it how you pictured it?”

  With a chuckle, she answered, “So much better.”

  We turned to face the pastor and took the two steps up to him.

  I wasn’t even sure what all he said. All I knew was the love of my life was standing next to me and was about to become my wife.

  Life could never get better.

  The wedding ceremony flew by in a blink of an eye. Then it was pictures. That was fun trying to get my family to stop talking long enough for the photographer to get everyone in one picture.

  Kilyn and I had requested a few minutes alone together before joining everyone for the reception. We stood there on the edge of the water and watched as Sara ushered everyone up to the house.

  Turning, I cupped her face in my hands. “Finally. I’m alone with my wife.” Pressing my lips softly to hers, I whispered, “Hello, Mrs. Drivas.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Say that again.”

  “Which part, Mrs. Drivas?”

  With a giggle, she wrapped her arms around my neck. She went to kiss me when we heard cheers from the house.


  Laughing, I rested my forehead against hers. “Are you ready for a party like none other?” I asked.

  “I think so. I do have something I need to tell you though.”

  Pulling my head back, I smiled. “You made plans to have a boat come up and take us away?”

  Her smile made my knees weak. “Nope.”

  “Um, let’s see. You told my mother no baklava?”

  She frowned. “Ugh, I wish I could tell her that. Although, I’ve gotten good at avoiding it without her catching on.”

  I threw my head back and laughed. “Oh, man. I don’t know. I give up, tell me.”

  Reaching into her bouquet, she pulled out a folded up piece of paper.

  Cheers came from the house again as I heard my brother Thad yelling at us.

  “Thano! Kilyn! Come on, everyone is waiting for you two!”

  Glancing back that way, I held up my finger, motioning for him to give us another minute.

  I glimpsed back to the folded paper and took it in.

  “What is it?”

  Her teeth sunk into her lip before she said, “Open it.”

  Taking the paper from her, I unfolded it. What I saw I was not expecting.

  Lifting my eyes, I smiled.

  “Is this . . . are we?”

  She nodded. “I guess it was the luck of the Irish and your Yiayia’s damn fertile loving hands she kept placing on my stomach all the damn time.”

  Pulling her into my arms, I spun her around as she laughed and I called out, “Opa!”

  When I put her down, I looked into her green eyes. I tried like hell to keep my tears back, but I lost the battle. “A baby? We’re having a baby?”

  “Yep. Are you truly happy? I know this wasn’t planned and I honestly have no idea how it happened.” She lifted her eyes in thought. “Well, I mean I do, but you know what I mean.”

  “I’ve never been so damn happy in my life.”

  She giggled. “Good, because I’m happy too!”

  My eyes searched her face. “Man, I love this life.”

  Her grin grew bigger. “Me too.”

  Reaching down, I swept her off her feet and carried her up to the house.

  When we walked through the gate, I called out, “Guess what!”

  Kilyn looked at me with horror.

  Winking, I said, “The bride and groom have arrived!”

  It didn’t take long before we were surrounded by family.

  The rest of afternoon and evening was filled with lots of laughing, drinking, dancing, and eating.

n they announced it was time to have the bride and groom dance, I walked up and took the mic from Nicholaus.

  “First I want to thank everyone for traveling here for our wedding. It meant a lot to Kilyn and myself to have you all here. When Kilyn left it up to me to pick the song we would dance to, I knew immediately which song it would be.”

  I glanced over to my beautiful bride. “When Kilyn entered my life, I was living in darkness. Afraid to let life in. But the more I got to know this beautiful woman, the more I realized I didn’t want to be in the dark any longer. She had a love for life that was infectious. Just being around her made me happy. It still does.”

  Kilyn looked at me with such love in her eyes, I swear I fell in love with her even more. “When Kilyn told me she loved me, I thought it was the best moment of my life. When she said yes to my marriage proposal, I thought it was the best moment of my life. But today . . . today, I realized something. We have so many more best moments ahead of us and knowing that makes me the happiest son of a bitch on the planet.”

  Cheers erupted again as Thad handed me a glass of champagne. Lifting it, I looked directly at my beautiful bride. She lifted her glass and winked. “So, before I dance with my beautiful bride, a toast!”

  Everyone lifted their glass as I shouted, “Gia Mas!”

  The room once again erupted in cheers of gia mas and opa.

  I turned to the DJ and motioned for him to start the song as I jumped down off the chair and quickly made my way over to Kilyn. When the first notes of “I Love This Life” started, Kilyn jumped up and down.

  “Yes!” she shouted as I picked her up and spun her around.

  Setting her back down, I placed my hand on the side of her face and smiled.

  “Stay with me forever.”

  Her hand covered mine as she smiled and replied, “Forever.”

  Placing my lips up next to her ear, I said, “We’re having a baby.”

  Her head fell back as she laughed and screamed out, “Opa!”


  THANO AND I stood at the end of the sidewalk that led to the house I grew up in.

  “Are you ready?” he asked as I pulled in a shaky breath.

  Nodding, I replied, “I think so.”

  As we slowly started toward the front door, I realized that the only reason I stayed away from this house was because it was easier for me to forget the memories rather than deal with my parents’ death.

  Falling in love with Thano and finding out I was going to be a mother, I knew I needed to finally face my last fear.

  We stopped, and I looked up at the large wooden door. My body trembled as I lifted my hand and placed the key in the lock. When I turned it and heard the click, it felt as if it rattled my entire body.

  I faced Thano, fear etched on my face.

  “I’m right here, ladybug.”

  Taking his hand in mine, I pushed the door open and took a step inside. Ahead of me was the familiar staircase I ran up and down for so many years. Instead of being filled with sadness, I was overcome with a sense of peace and happiness.

  As I walked in, a memory of my father standing at the bottom of the steps yelling for me to hurry up or I would miss piano flooded my mind.

  Covering my mouth with my hand, I didn’t try to hold back my tears. I let them fall freely as Thano squeezed my hand to let me know he was still there.

  Turning, I made my way into the family room. Everything was exactly how I remembered it. Even my mother’s favorite candle sat on the coffee table. Dropping Thano’s hand, I walked up to the fireplace mantel and grabbed the box of matches. Striking it, I lit the candle and let the aroma fill the air.

  I laughed when I saw the unfinished puzzle in the corner.

  “My father loved puzzles,” I said as I walked over to it.

  Glancing over to Thano, I saw him walk up to the baby grand piano and pick up a picture of when I was five.

  “You look so adorable in this picture. I like the pigtails.”

  I wiggled my eyebrows. “Oh, yeah? Pigtails, huh?”

  His eyes darkened. “I think you should wear them tonight.”

  I shook my head. “You’re terrible. We are in my parents’ house and you’re talking about sex.”

  “I didn’t say anything about sex. You’re the one who took it there.”

  With a shrug, I smiled. “I’m pregnant. I’m allowed to take it there.”

  When he walked up to me, his smile faded some. “How are you holding up?”

  “Honestly, it’s not as bad as I thought it would be. I’m glad I kept the housekeeper coming, though. Everything looks so neat and clean. Bless her soul, she didn’t move a thing.”

  Thano looked around. “Show me the rest of the house.”

  I did just that. Each room we entered I was swept away almost immediately in a memory. We saved my parents’ room for last. Slowly opening the doors, I walked in. It was then the sadness swept across my body. The knowledge that my mother would never hold my son or daughter in her arms hit me as I felt my legs give out.

  Thano had his arms around me and walked me over to the love seat that was positioned in the reading nook of the room. “Sit down, baby. Take a deep breath and slowly blow it out.”

  His thumbs wiped my tears away as I whispered how sorry I was. He placed his hand on my eight-month pregnant belly and smiled.

  “Kilyn, you never have to say you’re sorry. I won’t even pretend to understand how this makes you feel. All I can say is I’m here for you and I always will be. I’ll never leave your side.”

  I gazed into his eyes and saw nothing but love. Placing my hand on his cheek, I closed my eyes. “Thank you for being so patient with me.”

  “Kilyn, there was nothing to be patient about. You needed to do this on your own time.”

  With a nod, I pulled in a deep breath and slowly let it out. “I think I know what I want to do with the house.”

  “You do? That’s good.”

  Standing, I looked around my parents’ room and in that moment I swear I felt their presence.

  “I want to do like what you suggested a few months back. Turn it into a place where young women who have been sexually assaulted or physically abused can come and stay. They can get counseling and live here until they get on their feet.”

  Thano stood and walked up behind me, kissing me on my neck. “I think that is a wonderful idea, Kilyn, and one your parents would be very proud of you for.”

  Spinning around, I faced him. “Will you help me make it happen, Thano?”

  “Oh, ladybug. Eísai i zoi mou. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.”

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, my eyes fell to his soft lips. “Fíla me, Athanasios.”

  With a huge smile, he replied, “And kiss you I will.”

  “No! No! No! You do not make the spanakopita with frozen spinach! Are you insane?” Katerina called out as Dimitris moaned.

  Shaking his head, Dimitris walked by and said, “Here we go again. I’m going to watch the football game over at Athanasios and Kilyn’s house.”

  I giggled as my father-in-law stomped out of the kitchen. Phoebe stood next me mixing something up for a dessert she was making.

  Bumping my arm, she asked, “Kilyn, how is everything going with your parents’ house?”

  Nodding, I replied, “Good. Thad has been so amazing with helping to clear stuff out of the house. I don’t think Thano and I will ever be able to repay him.”

  She huffed. “Don’t even mention his name.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  She rolled her eyes. “We broke up.”

  All conversation stopped as seven other women turned and looked at her as they all gasped. I stopped stirring the salad I was making and looked around the kitchen. It still baffled me how they could all be talking to each other, yet know what other people were saying in a totally different conversation. Katerina told me it was a Greek thing.

  “What is this?” Aunt Maria said as she push
ed Cousin Maria out of the way. Walking up to Phoebe, she pointed to her.

  “Did he do something stupid? I’ll kick him in the—”

  Katerina moved across the room, holding up her hands. “Okay! Okay! Step back, this is my son we are talking about.”

  I tried to ignore the sharp pain that radiated down my back, but I gasped. Everyone turned and looked at me.

  “I um . . . I forgot to add the olives to the salad.”

  Yiayia made a tsking sound. “Again? When are you going to have that baby? I could die before I get to see my great-grandchild. Don’t forget the oregano, like you did last time.”

  With a forced smile, I secretly grabbed the oregano. Gesh. Would I ever live it down that I forgot to add oregano and Greek olives to the Greek salad?

  Katerina turned back to Phoebe. “What happened? I’ll kill him if he did anything to hurt you.”

  “Oh, no, it wasn’t anything like that. I asked him about marriage and he said he wasn’t ready for it. I told him I was. I want to have a baby.”

  All the women nodded their heads while some even commented about how old Phoebe was getting. Even though she was almost twenty-four.

  I was currently the only person still making my dish, while everyone else tried to figure out why Thad was afraid of commitment.

  Dumping the olives that I bought at the market into the salad, I said a prayer I had the right ones this time. I bought the ones that were clearly marked Greek and even asked a woman who to me looked Greek, but was actually Italian. We both agreed they were Greek olives.

  Finally, they all went back to their cooking and Phoebe stood next to me again. Peeking over to her, I asked in a hushed voice, “So, if you and Thad are not together, does it bother you being here at his house?”

  She gave me a weak smile. “A little, but I’ll sneak out before dinner. I really love being here with everyone, though. I’m going to miss this.”

  My heart broke for her and all I really wanted to do was hit Thad in the balls for being so stupid.

  Looking down at my beautiful creation, I grabbed a handful of feta cheese and began sprinkling it over my salad. With a satisfied smile on my face, I picked up my wooden spoon and started to mix my cheese in when the pain hit me again.