“Storytellers, like you.”

  “You can’t blame me for that one.”

  “But it is true,” Izzy said.

  Kathy nodded. “So what are you going to do?”

  “Well, I think I should be able to juggle my schedule so that all my classes are in the afternoon.”

  “By this, do I take it you’re going to keep going to his studio?”

  Izzy smiled. “Well, I’ve got to let him finish my portrait, don’t I? And he did say he’d start showing me things after it was done, so I should give it at least that long.”

  “Good for you,” Kathy said.


  Newford, October 1973

  “No, no, no!” Rushkin cried.

  Izzy cringed as his gravelly voice boomed in the confines of the studio. “My God, you’re hopeless.”

  She’d been coming to the upper floor of the coach house every morning for a month now, and while she herself had seen a marked improvement in the quality of her work, even in such a short space of time, she had yet to win one word of praise from her teacher. So far as Rushkin was concerned, she could do nothing right. She’d gotten worse, rather than better. She wasn’t even fit to clean a real artist’s brushes, or sweep up his studio – both of which were tasks she performed for him every day, as well as making him lunch, fetching his groceries and supplies, and running any number of other errands.

  “What can you possibly be thinking of?” he demanded. “But that’s the problem, isn’t it? You don’t think.”

  He had yet to ask her her name.

  “I think a bug would be more able to follow instructions than you.”

  “I … I was trying to do what you told me …” Her voice trailed off at the withering look he gave her.

  “You were trying, were you? Well, if this is the best you can come up with when you’re trying then perhaps you should be considering some other career. Anything but the arts. Anything that doesn’t require you to have the half a brain you need to follow a simple set of instructions.”

  He tore the canvas from her easel and flung it across the room. Izzy watched in dismay as it struck a pile of Rushkin’s own canvases and they all went tumbling to the floor. Ignoring the clatter and possible damage to his paintings, Rushkin picked up the new canvas that Izzy had primed earlier this morning from where it leaned against the legs of her easel and set it up between the trays where the other had been. He grabbed the brush from Izzy’s hand.

  “Look,” he commanded, pointing to the mirror that he’d set up in front of her easel the day before.

  He pushed her forward so that her own reflection was prominent. “What do you see?”


  “No. You see a person, a shape, nothing more. The sooner you stop relating what you see to what you think it should be and simply concentrate on the shapes and values of what you are seeing, the sooner you’ll be able to progress.”

  He fell silent then. Studying her reflection for a few moments, he began to build up a figure on the canvas with quick deft strokes. Three, four – no more than a dozen – and Izzy could see herself, already recognizable, her own image looking back at her from the canvas. She looked as though she was standing in a cloud of mist.

  “Now what do we have on the canvas?” Rushkin asked.


  The brush moved again in his hand, adding darker values to the hair and skin tones, highlighting the idea of a cheekbone, exaggerating the shadow that held an eye.

  “And now?”

  The familiarity was gone. With two strokes he’d changed the image of her into that of a stranger.

  But oddly enough, the final effect made the image on the canvas seem more like her than it had been only moments before.

  “This is what you want to find,” he told her. “Use what you see as a template, an idea, but draw the final image from here –” He tapped his head. “– and here –” Now he laid a hand against his belly. “– or what you do is meaningless. You want to paint so that the subject on your canvas is something the viewer has never seen before, yet remains tantalizingly familiar. If you want to paint exactly what you see, you might as well become a photographer. Paint what you feel.”

  “But your work’s realistic. Why should I have to –”

  She never saw the blow coming. He struck her with his open hand, but it was still enough to send her staggering. Her cheek burned and her head rang. Slowly she lifted a hand to her stinging cheek and stared at him through a blur of tears.

  “What did I tell you about questioning me?” he shouted.

  Izzy backed away. She was numb with shock, and scared.

  Rushkin’s rage held for a moment longer; then the anger that had twisted his features into an even more grotesque appearance than usual fled. A look of contrition came over them and he seemed as shocked as she was at what he had just done.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I … I had no right to do that.”

  Izzy didn’t know how to respond. Her adrenaline level was still high, but her fright had now turned to anger. The last person to hit her had been a boyfriend she’d had during her last year of high school. After she finally managed to break up with him, she’d vowed never to let anyone hit her again.

  Rushkin dropped her paintbrush into a jar of turpentine and shuffled over to the recamier. When he sat down, head bowed, gaze on the floor, he looked more than ever like a stone gargoyle, a small figure, lost and tragic, looking down at a world to which it could never belong.

  “I’ll understand if you feel you have to go,” he said.

  For a long moment, all Izzy could do was stand there and look at him. Her cheek still stung, her pulse still drummed far too fast. Slowly her gaze lifted from the dejected figure he presented to look about the studio. Rushkin’s masterpieces looked back at her from every wall and corner, stunning representations of an artist still at the peak of his career. She heard Kathy’s voice in her head, repeating something she’d said that afternoon Izzy had told her about her odd meeting with Rushkin.

  I think you’re all mad. But that’s part and parcel of being an artistic genius, isn’t it?

  Izzy didn’t know if it was madness, exactly. It was more like living on a tightrope of emotional intensity. Many of the great artists, if they didn’t have volatile temperaments, were at the least eccentric to some degree or another. It came, as Kathy had put it, with the territory. No one forced a person to associate with the more cantankerous representatives. People befriended artists such as Rushkin for any number of reasons, understanding that they would have to make compromises. The gallery owner stood to make money. The student hoped to learn.

  So Izzy had taken Rushkin’s verbal abuse, because the trade-off had seemed worth it. He might be overbearing and self-centered, but God, could he paint. And even if she was no closer to winning his approval than she’d ever been to winning the approval of her parents, she was at least learning something here, which was more than had ever happened at home.

  She would never forget the day that she was taking a break from weeding the vegetable garden, sitting under one of the old elms by the farmhouse, sketchbook on her knee. Her father had come upon her and flown into one of his typical rages. He hadn’t hit her, but he had torn up the sketchbook, destroying a month’s worth of work. For that, and for all the other ways that he tried to close up her spirit in the same kind of little box that held his own, Izzy would never forgive him.

  Her attention turned from the offhand gallery of Rushkin’s work that surrounded her, back to Rushkin himself. Her cheek didn’t sting so much anymore and her shock was mostly gone. The anger was still present, but it had been oddly transferred to her father now. Her father, who, after he’d torn up her sketches that afternoon, had told her that “all art is crap and all artists are fags and dykes. Is that what you want to grow up to be, Isabelle? A man-hating dyke?”

  In that sense, even with the red imprint of Rushkin’s hand on her cheek, she still felt as though they were compatriots in some
great and worthy struggle, allies standing together against all those small-minded people such as her father who couldn’t conceive of art as being “real work.” Her father’s anger originated in his disdain for her and what she’d chosen to do with her life; Rushkin’s was simply borne out of his frustration that she wasn’t doing it well enough. Not that she shouldn’t be doing it, but that she should be doing it better.

  “It … it’s okay,” she said.

  Rushkin lifted his head, a hopeful look in those pale discerning eyes of his.

  “I mean, it’s not okay that you hit me,” she said. “It’s just … let’s try to carry on.”

  “I’m so very sorry,” he told her. “I don’t know what came over me. I just … it’s that I feel time is running out and I have so much I want to pass on.”

  “What do you mean, ‘time is running out’?” Izzy asked.

  “Look at me. I’m old. Worn out. I have no family. No coterie of students to carry on my work. There’s just you and me, and I can’t seem to teach you fast enough. I get frustrated, knowing that I’m trying to force a lifetime of learning into whatever time we might have left.”

  “Are you … are you dying?”

  Rushkin shook his head. “No more than we all are. Life is a terminal illness, after all. We have our allotment of years, and no more. I’ve lived long enough that my course is almost run now.”

  Izzy gave him a worried look. How old was he, anyway? He didn’t look to be more than in his mid-fifties, but then, when she considered the dates on some of the canvases that hung in the Newford Museum of Fine Arts, she realized he probably had to be in his late seventies. Perhaps even his early eighties.

  As though to emphasize that point, Rushkin, moving with obvious difficulty, rose stiffly to his feet.

  “Let’s have our lunch early,” he said, leading the way downstairs.

  Izzy trailed along behind him, her emotions in a turmoil, worry overriding them all. When they got to his ground floor apartment, he insisted on making them soup. While they had lunch, he opened up for the first time in all the weeks Izzy had known him, telling her about living in Paris in the early part of the century, being in London during the Blitz, the well-known artists he had known and worked with, how he’d paid the bills while he was still making a name for himself by working on ocean steamers, in dockyards, construction sites and the like. Having no education, he’d only done physical labor, and because of his size, he’d had to work twice as hard as anyone else to prove himself capable of holding his own.

  “I don’t know when it was that I learned the secret,” he said.

  “What secret is th–?” Izzy began, then caught herself.

  Rushkin gave her one of those smiles that were supposed to show his humor, but only distorted his features into more of a grimace.

  “We’ll make a new rule,” he said. “Upstairs, when we’re working, no questions. You’ll do as you’re told and we won’t ever hear the word ‘why,’ or I won’t be able to maintain the teacher-student relationship the work requires. We’ll never get anywhere if I have to stop and explain myself every two minutes. But when we leave the studio, we should recognize each other as equals, and equals have no rules between them except for those of common sense and good taste. Agreed?”

  Izzy nodded. “My name’s Izzy,” she said.


  “You’ve never asked me my name.”

  “But I thought I knew your name: Isabelle Copley.”

  “That is my name. Izzy’s just a nickname that my friend Kathy gave me and it kind of stuck.” Izzy paused, then asked, “How did you know my name?”

  Rushkin shrugged. “I can’t remember. If you didn’t tell me, someone else must have. But ‘Izzy.’” He shook his head. “I think I will refer to you as Isabelle. It has more … dignity.”

  “Let me guess,” Izzy said, smiling. “Nobody calls you Vince. It’s always Vincent, right?”

  Rushkin smiled with her, but his eyes seemed sad to her. “No one calls me anything,” he said, “unless they want something, and then it’s Mr. Rushkin this and Mr. Rushkin that. It makes for dismal conversation.” He paused for a moment, then added, “But I can’t find fault with my fame. When I first began my career I had one dictum that I set myself: to be paid for my work, but not to work for pay. Fame makes it that much easier to follow that maxim.” He gave her a sharp look. “At least it does so long as I recognize when I am beginning to paint the obvious, rather than painting what I must express. People would rather you did the same thing over and over again and it becomes very easy to fall into their trap – particularly when you’re young and hungry. But the more you do so, the nearer you are drawn to something you should not be a part of: that homogeneity that is the death of any form of creative expression.”

  When he paused this time, the silence drew out between them. Looking at him, Izzy got the feeling that he was traveling back through his memories. He might have even forgotten she was there and what they were discussing.

  “You were saying something about a secret,” she said finally.

  Rushkin took a moment to rouse himself; then he nodded. “What do you know about alchemy?”

  “It’s something they did in the Middle Ages, I think. Trying to turn lead into gold, wasn’t it?”

  “In part. I consider the search for the philosopher’s stone, which would turn all base metals into gold, to be more of a metaphorical quest than a physical one, especially since alchemists also searched for a universal solvent, the elixir of life and the panacea – a universal remedy. There are so many connections between these elements, they are all so entwined with one another, that they would seem to my mind to all be part and parcel of the same secret.”

  Izzy gave him an odd look. “Is this the same secret you started out talking to me about?”

  “Yes and no.” Rushkin sighed. “The trouble is, we don’t yet share enough of a common language for me to clearly explain what I mean.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Exactly my point.”

  “But –”

  “What I am trying to teach you in the studio are not just artistic techniques and the ability to see. It’s also another language. And until you gain more expertise in it, whatever I tell you at this time will only confuse you more.” He smiled. “Perhaps now you can understand why I get so frustrated at our slow speed of progress.”

  “I’m trying as hard as I can.”

  “I know you are,” Rushkin told her. “But it’s a long process all the same. And while you’re still young, I grow older every day. More tea?” he added, lifting the teapot and offering it in her direction.

  Izzy blinked at the sudden switch in topics. “Yes, please,” she said when she registered what he’d asked.

  “Look at that sky,” Rushkin said, pointing out the window to where an expanse of perfect blue rose up above the city’s skyline. “It reminds me of when I lived in Nepal for a time …”

  By the time Izzy left Rushkin that day, she felt that she’d gained a real insight into him, both as a person and as an artist. She’d managed to get a glimpse of what lay hidden underneath the face of the angry artist he presented to the world, and found there a much more human and kinder man. She was in such good spirits as she took the bus back to the university for an afternoon class that she completely forgot about what had happened in the studio earlier that day.

  Until the next time he hit her.

  get the rest of the book here


  Table of Contents


  In Which We Meet Jilly Coppercorn

  Coyote Stories

  Laughter in the Leaves

  The Badger in the Bag

  And the Rafters Were Ringing

  Merlin Dreams in the Mondream Wood

  The Stone Drum



  A Wish Named Arnold

  Into the Green

  The Graceless Child

  Winter Was Hard

  The Conjure Man

  We Are Dead Together

  Mr. Truepenny’s Book Emporium and Gallery

  In the House of My Enemy

  The Moon Is Drowning While I Sleep

  Crow Girls


  Held Safe by Moonlight and Vines

  In the Pines

  Pixel Pixies

  Many Worlds Are Born Tonight


  Pal o’ Mine

  That Was Radio Clash

  Old Man Crow

  The Fields Beyond the Fields

  Copyrights & Acknowledgements

  About the Author

  Memory & Dream excerpt



  Charles de Lint, The Very Best of Charles De Lint



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