Page 15 of Ruthless Game

  She didn't make the mistake of disobeying him. She had to have read his intent, but she took her sweet time getting back into the pocket where it would be difficult for either man to make a grab for her without exposing himself for a good thirteen feet of sheer open territory. Rose took one last, suspicious look around, stepped inside the house, and closed and locked the door.

  Kane didn't move, watching the two men outside. It took Carlson several minutes before he dared to move, slowly easing this body over sand and dirt as he made his way back to Fargo. Kane let out his breath. If Fargo was really going to make his way into the town, he would do it after he reported to Whitney, and the report was always given at a specific time. Kane spent a great deal of time watching, and it was apparent that Whitney's schedule was tight. He had two hours before Fargo would take off, giving Carlson the opportunity to make a try for Rose--and he was damn sure the man would make his try.

  Carlson and Fargo both crouched low, appeared to argue, and then headed toward their camp. Kane continued to watch them for some time, turning over and over in his mind the problem of ethics. If Fargo went after a woman, and he followed and prevented it, he would be leaving Sebastian and Rose open to attack. He rubbed his chin on the back of his hand.

  "Is something wrong, Kane?" Rose asked.

  What the hell was he supposed to say to that? He had to make a choice, and it was a damned ugly one. Of course, there was no choice, but still, he would have that woman and anything that happened to her on his mind for all time. Unless ... He could go hunting now, kill both men, and he and Rose could make a run for it on their own without his unit's backing.

  "Do you think the baby's strong enough to make a run for it, Rose?"

  She remained silent. He turned his head to look at her. "Be honest."

  "I don't know. He's way early, and very small. I think the hospital would have him in an incubator. But his lungs work and he's eating. He looks as if he's put a little weight on. I'd prefer to give him a few more days, but if we had to go ..." She trailed off. "Why?"

  He looked away, rubbed his pounding temples, and then handed her the rifle. He'd tell her later, when he had to go out and check to see if Fargo was really going to try to get a woman from town. Maybe the man was all talk. He hoped the man was all talk. Rose took the rifle silently and set it aside, holding out her arms for the baby.

  "Don't ever scare me like that again, Rose." He went on the attack to distract her. "You know damn well what an invitation you were extending to Carlson." In any case, he found he was angry with her. What the hell had she been thinking? The more he thought about it, the angrier it made him.

  "Your daddy is such a baby," Rose sniffed, cuddling Sebastian to her. "I don't see why you should have all the fun, Kane. The man wasn't giving me any respect at all. I was trying to give him a heart attack, not you."

  "Well, don't do it again." Kane scowled his blackest scowl, hoping for sheer intimidation. He'd noticed before that it hadn't worked well on her, but now that all the pregnancy hormones were leaving her body, she might recognize that he was a dangerous man--one not to be trifled with.

  She sent him one of her mystifying smiles. It was baffling to him the way she used the secretive smile to answer his orders.

  He slid out from the ledge and towered over her. "You would have made one hell of a spy." When her smile widened, he glared at her. "That was not a compliment, Rose."

  "Really?" She laughed and walked right around him, undeterred by his solid mass. "I thought it was a wonderful compliment." She sank into a chair and deftly brought the child to her breast.

  The hard-on was instant and aching. She was beautiful sitting there with her soft skin exposed and their child feeding. He didn't look away anymore, and Rose never tried to hide herself from him. Sebastian's nursing was much stronger than it had been, which made both of them happy. He'd been born early but showed every sign of being healthy.

  "In a few days, he should be strong enough to leave," Kane pointed out.

  "I agree." She nuzzled the little boy's head. "He's improving every single day."

  He couldn't take his eyes off of her. "You're so damn beautiful, Rose. The things you do to my body without even trying are a sin."

  She sent him that same mysterious smile. "I was hoping you wouldn't mind teaching me a few things. Although I'm grateful I can do things to your body without trying, I was expecting something a little more concrete and hands-on."

  He pressed a hand to his heart. "Okay. That just isn't fair."

  She sat there, the baby to her breast, looking up at him with those dark bedroom eyes and delivered her statement in a matter-of-fact, talk-about-the-weather tone. She had a siren's mouth and the longest lashes he'd ever seen on a woman. She had to know she was putting all sorts of erotic images in his head--or maybe she didn't. There was no amusement, no teasing, just her calm statement of facts.

  "Why? Am I doing something wrong?" She looked confused.

  He bent his head and kissed her, one hand sliding over her breast, feeling her soft skin. "No, sweetheart, you're doing everything right. I'll be more than happy to show you anything you'd like me to."

  She nodded her head. "The only way to learn is to gather knowledge."

  Kane winced. "What the hell." He frowned at her, slightly offended at her pragmatic approach. "I'm not a science project, Rose."

  "Really?" She tilted her head to look up at him, her dark eyes running over his frame, dwelling for one long moment on the hard evidence of his arousal. "I rather thought of you as a very delicious science project."

  Maybe the idea of being a science project wasn't so bad after all. He liked the way she was looking at him with such interest. Yeah. He could definitely handle being her project, especially if she thought of him as delicious. He was still cupping her breast in his palm, his thumb sliding back and forth over the firm mound. He felt the shiver of awareness going through her.

  Rose deftly switched the baby from her right side to her left. He kept his hand supporting her breast while the baby latched on. "There's something really beautiful about a woman feeding a man's baby," he murmured, grateful she didn't hide her body from him.

  "Do you think so? I was afraid that after having a baby you wouldn't find me attractive. It seems that men always lose interest in a woman after she gives birth to a child."

  He straightened, shocked. "Why would you think that?"

  Little frown lines appeared around her mouth. He had a mad urge to kiss them away. Instead, he waited for her answer, intrigued by her thinking.

  "It's not as if I know anything about relationships; none of us do," Rose admitted. "We read newspapers and it seems as if everyone gets a divorce after they have children. Either that," she looked him in the eye, "or men can't be faithful, in which case, there's no reason to bother with getting married."

  He would have laughed, but he could see that not only was she serious, but she was worried as well. Trusting him with her future was a difficult thing when Rose had been locked up her entire life. She'd only had a few months of freedom. She needed reassurance. She was being courageous in taking the steps she was taking at giving their son two parents. He was a stranger to her.

  Kane crouched down beside the chair, stroking his thumb one last time over her breast, trailing his fingers over the baby's head before framing Rose's face with both hands. "I think any long-term relationship will have rough patches, Rose, but my loyalty to you will be absolute. I can't say what it's like for other men, but I'm wired to be a one-woman man. That woman is you. Everything about you appeals to the man I am. I find you amazing. Having my child only makes you more beautiful to me, not less so. Even your breast-feeding the baby is damned sexy."

  She studied his eyes for a long time before he was rewarded with her slow smile. "You're a little bit crazy, but I like you that way."

  "I won't always be easy to live with, Rose. I can be a bit of a dictator, and I suspect that's the last thing you want after being a prisoner for so
many years. I've always known what I wanted, and I want you, but I also want you to feel as if you have choices."

  Sebastian's eyes had closed. Only occasionally was he actually suckling in his sleep, and she gently removed him and put him upright on her shoulder, patting him. "I think we need to read more in that pregnancy book. I only got as far as the birth of the baby, not when the mother could safely have sex again, because I'm beginning to think that's a very important chapter."

  Kane leaned in to kiss her. He loved the taste and scent of her. He loved her response, the way she opened her mouth to him, gave herself to him, the tentative following of his lead, such a mixture of innocent and unknowing temptress. His hand cupped the back of her head, all that silky hair sliding against his palm. Her mouth was warm and sweet and addictive. He could spend the rest of his life kissing her.

  Deliberately he let her take her time exploring, her tongue sliding gently along his, until he needed more. He deepened the kiss, a little more aggressive, feeling need rising, enjoying the way it took his mind and body, took his breath and exchanged with hers. Her soft, breathy moan went straight to his groin. There was no stopping, not now when she'd set off a craving that could never quite be sated. He kissed her again and again until they both were gasping for air.

  He lifted his mouth inches from hers, staring into her dark, melting eyes. She touched her tongue to her lips, and he glanced down, following the movement. A drop of milk had leaked from her bare nipple, and he leaned down before he could stop himself and licked it off. Her body shuddered.

  "That doesn't feel the same," she whispered.

  "It isn't supposed to," he said, and with his tongue traced the path the drop had taken down the slope of her breast. "A little anticipation is good for the soul."

  Rose laughed softly. "I'm going to remind you of that over the next few weeks."

  "Weeks?" he echoed faintly.

  "I just gave birth."

  "Oh. Yeah. That." Kane pulled himself back and sat on the floor beside the chair. "For a moment I forgot everything but what it felt like with your body surrounding mine."

  She smiled down at him, warmth in her eyes. Warmth and something else, something he'd never expected to see in a woman's eyes. He saw the beginnings of hunger in her eyes, but there was more now. Heat mixed with satisfaction washed over him. She was looking at him as if she might be falling in love with him. He couldn't imagine why, but he'd take whatever he could get.

  He grinned at her. "I'll just sit here, staying out of trouble, while you put our son to bed."

  "That's a good idea. I don't have a lot of willpower when it comes to you," Rose confessed in her direct way. She blushed a little when she made the admission.

  No way was he letting that go. He stood up and pulled her out of the chair. "What did you have in mind?" His voice had gone low and husky, and every nerve ending was standing at attention.

  She put Sebastian in his arms and dropped her hand low, resting it on the heavy bulge in the front of his jeans. "A lesson, of course. I don't like wasting time."

  He nearly dropped the baby. "Rose." He groaned her name. "Sweetheart, this is a little like playing with a stick of dynamite." Ten minutes in her company, and he was ready to explode. "I can't make love to you, although, believe me, I want to."

  She smiled that mysterious smile that made his blood go hot. "Go put the baby down, Kane."

  He didn't hesitate; after all, he was going out later to kill or be killed, and he might just die a happy man. He gently placed the sleeping boy in the warmer and went back to Rose. His heart nearly stopped beating when he walked into the room and saw her. She had tossed a pillow on the floor and was kneeling there, waiting for him. Her hair was a little wild, her eyes dark and fathomless but excited. She moistened her lips and crooked a finger at him.

  "This is every man's dream, honey," he announced as he walked toward her. "Are you certain this is what you want to do?" He kicked off his shoes and dropped his hands to the buttons of his jeans.

  "Let me."

  The soft command in her voice was nearly his undoing. There was immense pleasure just in the knowledge that a woman would be eager, even find joy, in pleasing her man. Her fingers slipped each button open, brushing over the thick length of him, sending waves of heat rushing through his groin.

  "You have to tell me what to do," she whispered as she slipped her hands into the waistband of his jeans and began to slide them down his thighs. "And remember, I'm a perfectionist. I want to learn to give you the most pleasure possible. That's important to me, Kane. I want to do this right."

  His cock sprang free as she pushed his jeans and shorts to the floor. He steadied himself with a hand on her shoulder to step out of them before kicking them away.

  "As much as a man loves to see his woman kneeling at his feet, this might be more comfortable for you if I lie on the bed, Rose. You'll have more control." He held out his hand to pull her up.

  She gave him that tiny little frown. "But this is for you."

  He shook his head. "No, this is for both of us. If you're not comfortable with it, and you don't enjoy it, then we both lose. Take your time a little exploring my body. I took my time with yours, remember?"

  She flashed a small smile as she put her hand in his and allowed him to pull her up. "I doubt I'll ever forget what you did that night. I didn't know I could feel that way. I honestly never expected to feel pleasure. Rockets went off, and it was my first time. Everyone warned me it would hurt, but you ..."

  "It did hurt." Gripping her upper arms, he walked her backward into the dark bedroom.

  "For a second. I can't remember anything but the pleasure. I want that again. And I want to give it to you."

  Using one hand, he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. "Don't do anything you aren't comfortable with, Rose."

  She put one hand on his chest and pushed. He sank back onto the bed, his heart skidding to a halt as she removed her top and bra, allowing her heavy breasts freedom. She robbed him of all breath as she dropped onto the end of the bed and crawled over his body. The sheer unexpected attack, the erotic image of her moving like a cat, arching her back, her lithe body rolling from side to side as she crawled up and over him, sent his temperature soaring and lust rolling off him in waves. Her breasts trailed invitingly over his legs, leaving her heart-shaped bottom swaying with enticement.

  The sensual brush of her hair against the inside of his thighs sent another rush of heat through his veins. Rose did the unexpected. She ran her hands over his thighs and bent her head and kissed the inside of his leg. Again his cock jerked in anticipation. Her hair brushed his sensitive erection, electrifying his nerve endings. He closed his eyes as her fingers sank into the heavy muscle of his thighs, kneading deep. He felt the featherlight touch of her soft lips sliding over his legs. The contrast between the two sensations was extraordinary, or maybe it was simply that she seemed to be totally immersed in her exploration of him.

  Rose took care in kissing her way up his legs and over his hips, using hands and mouth to memorize every detail of his body. His hips bucked against her involuntarily, but she didn't speed up, in spite of the evidence of his body's hunger. She'd stated she was a perfectionist, and he believed her. She didn't leave one square inch of his hips, groin, or legs unattended. By the time he felt her breath bathing his cock, he was on fire.

  Her tongue seemed a velvet rasp over the mushroom head, a small lick, not tentative, and then ... He held his breath, fingers bunching the comforter into his fists in an effort to lie still while she played. She needed this, a sense of control and knowledge. He had taken exquisite care to explore her body, to learn every inch of her erogenous zones, and clearly she was repaying him with a bonus.

  He watched her through narrowed eyes. She was so damn beautiful. She had a look of intense concentration on her face. He gasped as she nearly swallowed him. Her mouth was hot and tight and silky smooth. There was no way to catch his breath, with the sensations rocking hi
m. And then she was doing that slow licking, moving over the base of his cock, down lower, massaging with gentle fingers, committing his body to her memory, taking in his reaction as she used tongue and fingers.

  No one had ever made him feel so important--or so turned on. The explosion was building to gigantic proportions, and she hadn't even really paid all that much attention to his cock. Her hands slipped under him, fingers massaging and kneading his butt. At the same time, she leaned down and engulfed his thick, hard erection again. She did something with her tongue, flicking and teasing along the underside, where his most sensitive spot was, and he couldn't control his reaction.

  His hips bucked again, this time a little more wildly. She didn't grab the base of his shaft to stop him; she simply cradled his butt in her hands and urged him into her. She pulled back several times but seemed eager--more than eager--to keep exploring her ability to bring him pleasure. And she was damned good at it for an amateur, mostly, he was certain, because she was so enthusiastic. She wanted his pleasure, and to know that she could give it to him.

  Where the hell did you learn this? Because if there was a book floating around, he was going to read the thing.

  Silly man. I'm just following your example. You're the teacher; you did this to me, our first time together, remember? Her voice was almost as much of a silken caress as her lips.

  She was back to licking. Sometimes her lips slid up and down him and then she'd make slow circles designed to drive him insane. He closed his eyes and let the small explosions behind his eyelids carry him on a gathering tide of ecstasy.

  Rose wasn't mechanical; she was loving him, just as he had done to her their first time together. She wanted this experience for him, not for herself and, he realized, that was her secret. She was giving herself to him in the same way he had given himself to her. Fully. Without reservation. He had made the commitment to her that night, giving her not only their son but his unswerving loyalty for life. As simple as it sounded, he had tried to show her, without words, that he would love her and stand for her. The act had been physical, but the way he had gone about it had represented so much more.