Why did you take those photographs at Barrett House?


  How long is the superimposition going to take? This place is a little too public. I want to get out of here.

  Im hurrying as fast as I can. She adjusted the camera aimed at the skull on the pedestal, and then made a minor adjustment on the second camera aimed at one of the photographs of Ben Chadbourne Logan had given her at Barrett House.

  How long is this going to take? he repeated.

  It depends. Setting up sometimes takes the longest, and I havent used this equipment before. I think Ive got it right.

  How does it work?

  Havent you got something else to do?

  Just interested. Am I bothering you?

  I suppose not. She made another adjustment. As you can see, the one camera is focused on the skull, the other on the photograph. The angle on the skull and the photograph both have to be the same. Then both cameras are connected to a mixer, an editing machine that Ive connected to a VCR. The VCR plays the images on the monitor. The mixer can create a split screen where a line runs vertically and horizontally between the images at the same time or half of each image. The line can be moved to show less of one image and more of the other. Thats called a wipe. Rut what I need to do is cause a fade.

  And whats that?

  Its sort of like a dream sequence in a movie. You know, when one image blurs and then suddenly becomes another? One image is superimposed on an-other and then I equalize the fade so that you can see the photograph and the skull both as if the persons skin is transparent.

  Can you show me now?

  Here it comes. She brought the two images up on the monitor and started to work.

  Why did you pick the

  Be quiet. Im busy.


  She was only vaguely aware of him beside her during the next period of painstaking adjustment.


  Too much.





  And still again.

  Christ. Logan leaned forward, his gaze on the ghostly merged image. Its almost spooky.

  Nothing spooky about it. Its just a tool.

  May I talk now?

  You appear to be doing it. She made another adjustment.

  Why did you choose the photograph with Chadbourne smiling?

  The teeth. Teeth are rarely perfect and each set has its own irregularities. If the teeth are a match, we hit the jackpot. Thats why I had to have the skull be-fore Gary started pulling the teeth.

  And do these teeth match?

  Oh, yes, she said with satisfaction. Definite match. Perfect match. Cant you see?

  They look good to me, but Im no expert. And Im being distracted by that ghostly effect.

  It all matches. She pointed. See how the bite line on the skull is even with the lip line on the photo-graph. She tapped the nasal opening. And this is the same size and shape as the nose. The eyeballs are cen-tered in the orbits of the skull. There are several other checkpoints and they all match.

  So what happens now?

  I print out several copies of this picture on the screen and go to the next photograph.

  But you told me this was a definite match.

  For an ordinary person. Not for the President of the United States. Every feature has to be verified. I need a better side shot of the ear canal and the muscle attachment at the side of the

  I get your point. Logan held up his hand to stop the flow of words. Can I help?

  You can go talk to Gary and pacify him until I finish. Hell be pouncing on me any minute.

  I hear. I obey. He rose to his feet. Pacifying seems to be all Im good for these days. Its annoying not to be able to take action myself.

  I prefer you in passive mode, she said dryly. Every time you take action, I sink deeper into this quicksand.

  No comment. He strode across the lab toward Kessler.

  She looked back at the screen. She had known the superimposition would validate the work shed done on the skull, but it still sent a ripple of excitement through her. One more block in the wall of evidence she had to build. Were getting there, Ben, she whispered.

  She hit the print button on the Sony video printer.

  3:35 A.M.

  It was raining.

  She hadnt realized that when she was working in the lab. Now she leaned against the open doorway of the front entrance, looking out over the manicured lawns of the campus. The cool, humid air felt good in her lungs as she took a deep breath.

  She should be tired, but she was still pumped from working on the match.

  You shouldnt be out here. Joe was leaning against the brick wall a few yards from the door. Go back inside.

  I need some air.

  Did you finish?

  I finished the superimposition. Garys barely started on extracting the DNA. She looked at his clothes. Youre wet.

  Not much. The overhead ledge protects me. It kind of feels good. He grimaced. I guess Im a little hot under the collar.

  I noticed. But you shouldnt blame Logan. It was my decision to do the job. I knew there was a risk. The fee was just too good.

  Ill bet he didnt let you know how risky before he drew you in.

  It was still my decision. Why was she de-fending Logan? Joe was right to condemn Logans methods and she had been as angry as Joe when she found out how she had been used. She changed the subject. Its late. You shouldnt be here. Diane will be worried.

  I called her.

  If you told her you were with me, then that wouldnt stop her from worrying. She had to have seen CNN.

  I didnt tell her.

  You lied to her?

  No, I just told her I was working late.

  Thats almost a lie. Id be furious if you werent honest with me.

  Youre not Diane. She prefers to be kept in the dark when something unpleasant raises its head. Shes never become accustomed to being married to a cop. Shed much rather I quit the force and find some-thing with a little more prestige to do.

  Well, I cant argue the situation isnt as un-pleasant as it comes, but Id still want to brain you. Marriage should be a partnership.

  There are all kinds of marriages.

  I dont suppose I should be surprised. You dont tell me everything either. She glanced away from him, staring into the distance. For instance, you never mentioned youd killed anyone in the line of duty.

  Youve had enough violence in your life. You didnt need any more.

  Was that your decision? Just like the one you made to protect Diane? Keep the delicate females away from any hint of unpleasantness.

  Did I want to protect you? he asked roughly. Hell, yes. But I also wanted to protect myself. I knew youd be like this. I didnt want you to look at me and see Fraser.

  Id never do that. I know you. Im sure you did only what you had to do.

  Then turn around and let me see your face.

  She braced herself, turned, and looked at him.

  Shit, he said through his teeth.

  I just have to become accustomed to the idea. I feel as if I dont really know you.

  You know me better than anyone on this earth, just as I know you better than anyone else does.

  Then why didnt you tell me about

  All right, Ill tell you. His hands clenched into fists at his sides. You want a body count? Three. Two of them were into drug running. The third just liked killing and reminded me of Fraser. Ive often won-dered if that one really was self-defense. Maybe I didnt want to take the chance of him walking. His voice lowered. And I never lost a minutes sleep over any of them. Does that make you feel like you know me any better?

  Joe, I dont

  Do you want me to talk about my stint in the SEALs? No, I can see you dont. Three is enough for you. You dont want the grim reapers shadow any-where near you. I knew that and accepted it.

  Why didnt I hear about those deaths?

  Because I saw that you didnt
want to know about them. Figuring that out was easy. You never watched or read local news after Bonnie. I just had to make sure no one in the department talked. He gazed into her eyes. And Id do it again. You werent ready to face the idea that I wasnt Andy Griffith am-bling around Mayberry. You may never be ready. His glance shifted past her to the hall leading to the lab. And Im not pleased with our Mr. Logan for stirring up this hornets nest.

  Then you shouldnt have threatened him.

  Do you think I dont know that? I was stupid. I was angry and I let you see it. He smiled recklessly. Or maybe Im lying to myself. Maybe I meant to do it. It could be I was sick and tired of But how the hell long do you think I can keep everything inside without He took a long breath. Dont blow what weve got, Eve. Weve been together a long time. Like you said, you know me.

  Do I? she whispered.

  Okay, well start over. Ill be honest with you even if it tears you apart. Satisfied? He turned away from her. Because Im not. But then, Im used to that. Its become a way of life to me.

  What do

  This isnt getting us anywhere. Ive got to go check out the perimeter. He started down the steps. But dont worry, if I find any bad guys, Ill handle them with kid gloves. We wouldnt want any more blood on my hands, would we?

  He was angry with her. Maybe he had a right. He was her friend, closer than a brother, and she had pushed him away and closed him out. Joe knew her too well not to be aware of everything she was feeling.

  But she didnt know him that well. She had thought she did, but shed had no idea of all that hed hidden from her.

  Face it, she hadnt wanted to know. Policemen dealt with violence every day and, if she had let her-self think about it, she would have known it would touch Joe.

  I didnt want you to look at me and see Fraser.

  She had denied it, but hadnt that been her first thought when Logan told her about the deaths in Joes past? It wasnt rational, it wasnt fair, but the thought had been there.

  Another ripple Logan had set in motion to disturb her life. Only this time it was more like a tidal wave.

  Block it out. She had enough to worry about just then. Easy to say. The idea of angering Joe wasnt easy to block out.

  And what if it wasnt only anger? What if she had hurt him? Joe was tough, but he could be hurt. God, she didnt want to hurt him.

  She couldnt dismiss the idea, but she had to put it on the back burner and consider all the ramifications later. Joe was too important to her. If she began to worry about him, she wouldnt be able to do any-thing else.

  So go back in and see if you can help Gary. Get this business over with so you can go back to living a normal life with normal problems.

  She turned and strode down the hall toward the lab.

  Kessler glanced up as she reached him. You okay?

  Sure. I just needed some air. How are you doing?

  Not good. He looked back down at the molar he was cutting. The poor bastard may be toothless before I get enough for a sample. This is the third one Ive cut into.

  Do you need me to help?

  And share the credit? She smiled. I promise Ill never tell.

  Sure. Ive heard that before. Go away.

  Whatever you say. But she didnt move, watching as he carefully cut through the enamel on the tooth. Ive been thinking. After we get the sample, it might be a good idea if you went away for a while. Maybe to your place on the shore.

  Ah, are you trying to save my neck, Duncan? Maybe feeling a little stirring of guilt?


  Good. A little guilt is good for the soul. His gaze was narrowed on the tooth. But dont flatter yourself that Im doing this for you. This job is going to make me a star. Ive always wanted to be the center of at-tention.

  Yeah, sure, thats why you work like a demon and live like a hermit.

  It takes one to know one. Another fifty years and youll probably be living in your lab, eating cold Dominos pizza.

  And lying about wanting to become famous? Admit it, youre just curious.

  Partly. He carefully started opening the tooth.

  And whats the rest of it?

  Did you know I spent my early childhood in Munich during the thirties?

  She shook her head, gazing at him in surprise. Youve never talked about it.

  No, we talk only about our jobs, dont we? The bones, the deadhellip; He adjusted his glasses on his nose. My mother was Jewish but my father was of good Aryan stock with high government connections. The Nazis put pressure on him to divorce her, but he refused. He owned a small bakery and for two months he had to replace the windows that were broken every day. He held out and still refused. Then one night he didnt come home from the shop and we were told hed been run over by a truck. He lost a leg and spent nine months in a hospital. By the time he was up and about, it was all over. The shop was out of business and the Nazis had begun to round up the Jews. We managed to get to Switzerland and then later to America.

  Oh, God, thats terrible, Gary. Im sorry.

  I wasnt sorry. I was mad. I watched those sons of bitches striding around the neighborhood, running over everyone who got in their way. Bullies. Taking away everything that made life worth living. God, I hate bullies. He nodded at the skull. And the people who did this are like those damn Nazis, running over the whole damn world. They make me sick. Ill be damned if they get away with it this time.

  She swallowed to ease the sudden tightness in her throat. Why, Gary, you sound downright noble.

  Hell, yes. Besides, this may be my swan song, and I want it sung loud and clear.

  Swan song? Are you planning on retiring?

  Maybe. Im past retirement age. Im an old man, Eve.

  Eve shook her head. Not you, Gary. He chuckled. Youre right, Im not old. When-ever I look in the mirror, I see the young stud I was at twenty. Maybe a few more wrinkles, but I dont often notice them. Its like that superimposition you do. No matter whats on the top layer, that young man is underneath and I know hes there. Do you suppose every old geezer is as self-deluding as me?

  Youre not self-deluding. We all see what we want to see. We all have a vision of ourselves. She tried to smile. And, dammit, youre not old and youre not going to retire. I need you.

  True. It takes a benevolent and exceptional man to deal with someone of your headstrong nature and many faults. I may have to stick around just to keep you in Shit. He pushed the tooth aside. Another blank. Go away. Youre bringing me bad luck.

  Well, thats a profoundly scientific notion. She turned away. Call me if you need me.

  Not likely. He bent over the skull again as she walked away.

  Any progress? Logan straightened in his chair across the room.

  Not yet.

  I saw a cot in the back room. Why dont you try to take a nap?

  She shook her head. I need to be here in case he changes his mind about not needing help. She sat down beside him and leaned her head back against the wall. Its my responsibility. I brought him into this.

  He seems to be enjoying himself. Logans gaze was fixed on Kessler. In a cerebral way.

  Cerebral? Hell, he thinks hes Schwarzkopf or Eliot Ness or Lancelot or some other She drew a deep breath and said fiercely, And youd better see that nothing happens to him, Logan. I should have gone to your man at Duke. All I thought about was who was best for the job. I didnt think about how dangerous this could be for Gary.

  As soon as we get the DNA sample and an affi-davit, well whisk him away out of the limelight.

  Like you whisked my mother?

  I told you she was safe, Eve. You talked to her.

  Shes not safe. She wont be safe until this is over. None of them would be safe. Joe and Gary and her mother had been drawn into the net, and Eve had done it.

  All right, shes not as safe as Id like her to be, Logan said. But its the best I can do right now. He paused. Kessler appears to have upset you. What did he say?

  Nazis and swan songs and a young man in the mirror. Nothing much. Nothing important.