'It's his new word,' she said. ' "Fish." He can't say "sardine." '

  'Thar ... DEEM!' Roger said, glaring at her. 'Fitttthhhhh!'

  The Captain laughed out loud, and pulling out a handkerchief, carefully wiped the spittle off Roger's face, casually going on to wipe the grubby little paws as well.

  'Of course it's a fish,' he assured Roger. 'You're a clever lad. And a big help to your mummy, I'm sure. Here, I've brought you something for your tea.' He groped in the pocket of his coat and pulled out a small pot of jam. Strawberry jam. Marjorie's salivary glands contracted painfully. With the sugar rationing, she hadn't tasted jam in ...

  'He's a great help,' her mother put in stoutly, determined to keep the conversation on a proper plane despite her daughter's peculiar behaviour. She avoided Marjorie's eyes. 'A lovely boy. His name's Roger.'

  'Yes, I know.' He glanced at Marjorie, who'd made a brief movement. 'Your husband told me. He was--'

  'Brave. You told me.' Suddenly something snapped. It was her half-hooked garter, but the pop of it made her sit up straight, fists clenched in the thin fabric of her skirt. 'Brave,' she repeated. 'They're all brave, aren't they? Every single one. Even you--or are you?'

  She heard her mother's gasp, but went on anyway, reckless.

  'You all have to be brave and noble and--and--perfect, don't you? Because if you were weak, if there were any cracks, if anyone looked like being not quite the thing, you know--well, it might all fall apart, mightn't it? So none of you will, will you? Or if somebody did, the rest of you would cover it up. You won't ever not do something, no matter what it is, because you can't not do it; all the other chaps would think the worse of you, wouldn't they, and we can't have that, oh, no, we can't have that!'

  Captain Randall was looking at her intently, his eyes dark with concern. Probably thought she was a nutter--probably she was, but what did it matter?

  'Marjie, Marjie, love,' her mother was murmuring, horribly embarrassed. 'You oughtn't to say such things to--'

  'You made him do it, didn't you?' She was on her feet now, looming over the Captain, making him look up at her. 'He told me. He told me about you. You came and asked him to do--whatever it was that got him killed. Oh, don't trouble yourself, he didn't tell me your bloody precious secrets--not him, he wouldn't do that. He was a flier.' She was panting with rage and had to stop to draw breath. Roger, she saw dimly, had shrunk into himself and was clinging to the Captain's leg; Randall put an arm about the boy automatically, as though to shelter him from his mother's wrath. With an effort she made herself stop shouting, and, to her horror, felt tears begin to course down her face.

  'And now you come and bring me--and bring me ...'

  'Marjie.' Her mother came up close beside her, her body warm and soft and comforting in her worn old pinny. She thrust a tea towel into Marjorie's hands, then moved between her daughter and the enemy, solid as a battleship.

  'It's kind of you to've brought us this, Captain,' Marjorie heard her saying, and felt her move away, bending to pick up the little box. Marjorie sat down blindly, pressing the tea towel to her face, hiding.

  'Here, Roger, look. See how it opens? See how pretty? It's called--what did you say it was again, Captain? Oh, oakleaf cluster. Yes, that's right. Can you say "medal," Roger? Mehdul. This is your dad's medal.'

  Roger didn't say anything. Probably scared stiff, poor little chap. She had to pull herself together. But she'd gone too far. She couldn't stop.

  'He cried when he left me.' She muttered the secret into the folds of the tea towel. 'He didn't want to go.' Her shoulders heaved with a convulsive, unexpected sob, and she pressed the towel hard against her eyes, whispering to herself, 'You said you'd come back, Jerry, you said you'd come back.'

  She stayed hidden behind her flour-sacking fortress, while renewed offers of tea were made and, to her vague surprise, accepted. She'd thought Captain Randall would seize the chance of her retreat to make his own. But he stayed, chatting calmly with her mother, talking slowly to Roger while her mother fetched the tea, ignoring her embarrassing performance entirely, keeping up a quiet, companionable presence in the shabby room.

  The rattle and bustle of the tea tray's arrival gave her the opportunity to drop her cloth facade, and she meekly accepted a slice of toast spread with a thin scrape of margarine and a delectable spoonful of the strawberry jam.

  'There, now,' her mother said, looking on with approval. 'You'll not have eaten anything since breakfast, I daresay. Enough to give anyone the wambles.'

  Marjorie shot her mother a look, but in fact it was true; she hadn't had any luncheon because Maisie was off with 'female trouble'--a condition that afflicted her roughly every other week--and she'd had to mind the shop all day.

  Conversation flowed comfortably around her, a soothing stream past an immoveable rock. Even Roger relaxed with the introduction of jam. He'd never tasted any before, and sniffed it curiously, took a cautious lick--and then took an enormous bite that left a red smear on his nose, his moss-green eyes round with wonder and delight. The little box, now open, sat on the piecrust table, but no one spoke of it or looked in that direction.

  After a decent interval, Captain Randall got up to go, giving Roger a shiny sixpence in parting. Feeling it the least she could do, Marjorie got up to see him out. Her stockings spiralled down her legs, and she kicked them off with contempt, walking bare-legged to the door. She heard her mother sigh behind her.

  'Thank you,' she said, opening the door for him. 'I ... appreciate--'

  To her surprise, he stopped her, putting a hand on her arm.

  'I've no particular right to say this to you--but I will,' he said, low-voiced. 'You're right; they're not all brave. Most of them--of us--we're just ... there, and we do our best. Most of the time,' he added, and the corner of his mouth lifted slightly, though she couldn't tell whether it was in humour or bitterness.

  'But your husband--' He closed his eyes for a moment and said, 'The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.' He did that, every day, for a long time.'

  'You sent him, though,' she said, her voice as low as his. 'You did.'

  His smile was bleak.

  'I've done such things every day ... for a long time.'

  The door closed quietly behind him, and she stood there swaying, eyes closed, feeling the draft come under it, chilling her bare feet. It was well into the autumn now, and the dark was smudging the windows, though it was just past teatime.

  I've done what I do every day for a long time, too, she thought. But they don't call it brave when you don't have a choice.

  Her mother was moving through the flat, muttering to herself as she closed the curtains. Or not so much to herself.

  'He liked her. Anyone could see that. So kind, coming himself to bring the medal and all. And how does she act? Like a cat that's had its tail stepped on, all claws and caterwauling, that's how. How does she ever expect a man to--'

  'I don't want a man,' Marjorie said loudly. Her mother turned round, squat, solid, implacable.

  'You need a man, Marjorie. And little Rog needs a father.'

  'He has a father,' she said through her teeth. 'Captain Randall has a wife. And I don't need anyone.'

  Anyone but Jerry.


  He licked his lips at the smell. Hot pastry, steaming, juicy meat. There was a row of fat little pasties ranged along the sill, covered with a clean cloth in case of birds, but showing plump and rounded through it, the odd spot of gravy soaking through the napkin.

  His mouth watered so fiercely that his salivary glands ached and he had to massage the underside of his jaw to ease the pain.

  It was the first house he'd seen in two days. Once he'd got out of the ravine, he'd circled well away from the mile-castle and eventually struck a small cluster of cottages, where the people were no more understandable, but did give him some food. That had lasted him a little while;
beyond that, he'd been surviving on what he could glean from hedges and the odd vegetable patch. He'd found another hamlet, but the folk there had driven him away.

  Once he'd got enough of a grip of himself to think clearly, it became obvious that he needed to go back to the standing stones. Whatever had happened to him had happened there, and if he really was somewhere in the past--and hard as he'd tried to find some alternative explanation, none was forthcoming--then his only chance of getting back where he belonged seemed to lie there, too.

  He'd come well away from the drover's track, though, seeking food, and as the few people he met didn't understand him any more than he understood them, he'd had some difficulty in finding his way back to the wall. He thought he was quite close, now, though--the ragged country was beginning to seem familiar, though perhaps that was only delusion.

  Everything else had faded into unimportance, though, when he smelt food.

  He circled the house at a cautious distance, checking for dogs. No dog. Aye, fine, then. He chose an approach from the side, out of view of any of the few windows. Darted swiftly from bush to ploughshare to midden to house, and plastered himself against the grey stone wall, breathing hard--and breathing in that delicious, savoury aroma. Shite, he was drooling. He wiped his sleeve hastily across his mouth, slithered round the corner, and reached out a hand.

  As it happened, the farmstead did boast a dog, which had been attending its absent master in the barn. Both these worthies returning unexpectedly at this point, the dog at once spotted what it assumed to be jiggery-pokery taking place, and gave tongue in an altogether proper manner. Alerted in turn to felonious activity on his premises, the householder instantly joined the affray, armed with a wooden spade, with which he batted Jerry over the head.

  As he staggered back against the wall of the house, he had just wit enough left to notice that the farmwife--now sticking out of her window and shrieking like the Glasgow Express--had knocked one of the pasties to the ground, where it was being devoured by the dog, who wore an expression of piety and rewarded virtue that Jerry found really offensive.

  Then the farmer hit him again, and he stopped being offended.


  It was a well-built byre, the stones fitted carefully and mortared. He wore himself out with shouting and kicking at the door until his gammy leg gave way and he collapsed onto the earthen floor.

  'Now bloody what?' he muttered. He was damp with sweat from his effort, but it was cold in the byre, with that penetrating damp cold peculiar to the British Isles, that seeps into your bones and makes the joints ache. His knee would give him fits in the morning. The air was saturated with the scent of manure and chilled urine. 'Why would the bloody Jerries want the damn place?' he said, and, sitting up, huddled into his shirt. It was going to be a frigging long night.

  He got up onto his hands and knees and felt carefully round inside the byre, but there was nothing even faintly edible--only a scurf of mouldy hay. Not even the rats would have that; the inside of the place was empty as a drum and silent as a church.

  What had happened to the cows? he wondered. Dead of a plague, eaten, sold? Or maybe just not yet back from the summer pastures--though it was late in the year for that, surely.

  He sat down again, back against the door, as the wood was marginally less cold than the stone walls. He'd thought about being captured in battle, made prisoner by the Germans--they all had, now and then, though chaps mostly didn't talk about it. He thought about POW camps, and those camps in Poland, the ones he'd been meant to photograph. Were they as bleak as this? Stupid thing to think of, really.

  But he'd got to pass the time 'til morning one way or another, and there were lots of things he'd rather not think about just now. Like what would happen once morning came. He didn't think breakfast in bed was going to be part of it.

  The wind was rising. Whining past the corners of the cow byre with a keening noise that set his teeth on edge. He still had his silk scarf; it had slipped down inside his shirt when the bandits in the mile-castle had attacked him. He fished it out now and wrapped it round his neck, for comfort, if not warmth.

  He'd brought Dolly breakfast in bed now and then. She woke up slow and sleepy, and he loved the way she scooped her tangled curly black hair off her face, peering out slit-eyed, like a small, sweet mole blinking in the light. He'd sit her up and put the tray on the table beside her, and then he'd shuck his own clothes and crawl in bed, too, cuddling close to her soft, warm skin. Sometimes sliding down in the bed, and her pretending not to notice, sipping tea or putting marmite on her toast while he burrowed under the covers and found his way up through the cottony layers of sheets and nightie. He loved the smell of her, always, but especially when he'd made love to her the night before, and she bore the strong, musky scent of him between her legs.

  He shifted a little, roused by the memory, but the subsequent thought--that he might never see her again--quelled him at once.

  Still thinking of Dolly, though, he put his hand automatically to his pocket, and was alarmed to find no lump there. He slapped at his thigh, but failed to find the small, hard bulge of the sapphire. Could he have put it in the other pocket by mistake? He delved urgently, shoving both hands deep into his pockets. No stone--but there was something in his right-hand pocket. Something powdery, almost greasy ... what the devil?

  He brought his fingers out, peering as closely at them as he could, but it was too dark to see more than a vague outline of his hand, let alone anything on it. He rubbed his fingers gingerly together; it felt something like the thick soot that builds up inside a chimney.

  'Jesus,' he whispered, and put his fingers to his nose. There was a distinct smell of combustion. Not petrolish at all, but a scent of burning so intense he could taste it on the back of his tongue. Like something out of a volcano. What in the name of God Almighty could burn a rock and leave the man who carried it alive?

  The sort of thing he'd met among the standing stones, that was what.

  He'd been doing all right with the not feeling too afraid until now, but ... he swallowed hard, and sat down again, quietly.

  'Now I lay me down to sleep,' he whispered to the knees of his trousers. 'I pray the Lord my soul to keep ...'

  He did in fact sleep eventually, in spite of the cold, from simple exhaustion. He was dreaming about wee Roger, who for some reason was a grown man now, but still holding his tiny blue bear, minuscule in a broad-palmed grasp. His son was speaking to him in Gaelic, saying something urgent that he couldn't understand, and he was growing frustrated, telling Roger over and over for Christ's sake to speak English, couldn't he?

  Then he heard another voice through the fog of sleep and realised that someone was in fact talking somewhere close by.

  He jerked awake, struggling to grasp what was being said and failing utterly. It took him several seconds to realise that whoever was speaking--there seemed to be two voices, hissing and muttering in argument--really was speaking in Gaelic.

  He had only a smattering of it himself; his mother had had it, but--he was moving before he could complete the thought, panicked at the notion that potential assistance might get away.

  'Hoy!' he bellowed, scrambling--or trying to scramble--to his feet. His much-abused knee wasn't having any, though, and gave way the instant he put weight on it, catapulting him face-first toward the door.

  He twisted as he fell and hit it with his shoulder. The booming thud put paid to the argument; the voices fell silent at once.

  'Help! Help me!' he shouted, pounding on the door. 'Help!'

  'Will ye for God's sake hush your noise?' said a low, annoyed voice on the other side of the door. 'Ye want to have them all down on us? Here, then, bring the light closer.'

  This last seemed to be addressed to the voice's companion, for a faint glow shone through the gap at the bottom of the door. There was a scraping noise as the bolt was drawn, and a faint grunt of effort, then a thunk! as the bolt was set down against the wall. The door swung open, and Jerry bli
nked in a sudden shaft of light as the slide of a lantern grated open.

  He turned his head aside and closed his eyes for an instant, deliberate, as he would if flying at night and momentarily blinded by a flare or by the glow of his own exhaust. When he opened them again, the two men were in the cow byre with him, looking him over with open curiosity.

  Biggish buggers, both of them, taller and broader than he was. One fair, one black-haired as Lucifer. They didn't look much alike, and yet he had the feeling that they might be related--some fleeting glimpse of bone, a similarity of expression, maybe.

  'What's your name, mate?' said the dark chap, softly. Jerry felt the nip of wariness at his nape, even as he felt a thrill in the pit of his stomach. It was regular speech, perfectly understandable. A Scots accent, but--

  'MacKenzie, J. W.,' he said, straightening up to attention. 'Lieutenant, Royal Air Force. Service number--'

  An indescribable expression flitted across the dark bloke's face. An urge to laugh, of all bloody things, and a flare of excitement in his eyes--really striking eyes, a vivid green that flashed suddenly in the light. None of that mattered to Jerry; what was important was that the man plainly knew. He knew.

  'Who are you?' he asked, urgent. 'Where d'ye come from?'

  The two exchanged an unfathomable glance, and the other answered.


  'Ye know what I mean!' He took a deep breath. 'When?'

  The two strangers were much of an age, but the fair one had plainly had a harder life; his face was deeply weathered and lined.

  'A lang way from you,' he said quietly, and, despite his own agitation, Jerry heard the note of desolation in his voice. 'From now. Lost.'

  Lost. Oh, God. But still--

  'Jesus. And where are we now? Wh-when?'

  'Northumbria,' the dark man answered briefly, 'and I don't bloody know for sure. Look, there's no time. If anyone hears us--'

  'Aye, right. Let's go, then.'

  The air outside was wonderful after the smells of the cow byre, cold and full of dying heather and turned earth. He thought he could even smell the moon, a faint green sickle above the horizon; he tasted cheese at the thought, and his mouth watered. He wiped a trickle of saliva away and hurried after his rescuers, hobbling as fast as he could.