Page 11 of Night Embrace

  The cruel words had torn through his child's heart. His mother had never been a whore.

  Her only mistake had been to love his father. Feara of the Morrigantes had been worth all the treasures of the earth to him. Her value was beyond measure

  "Push it away,"

  he said, taking deep breaths to calm himself.

  Acheron was right, he had to keep his emotions buried. They were what had led him astray to begin with. The only way he could function was to not remember. Not feel. And yet he couldn't help feeling. He couldn't seem to repress the memories that he had buried fifteen hundred years ago

  "So the son of the whore has returned to beg you, my king, for his shelter. Tell me, King Idiag, should I cut off his head, or just slit his nostrils and then turn this pitiful wretch out into the storm to die like the worthless dung he is?"

  Talon could still hear the laughter of his mother's people. Feel the fear in his young heart that his uncle, like everyone else, would forsake him and Ceara. He had clutched Dark Hunter Series (04) - Night Embrace - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 119 of 460

  his sister close to his chest while she squalled, wanting the food and warmth he had been unable to provide her.

  Barely two months in age, Ceara had refused to suckle the bladder he had tried to feed her with. For three days as they traveled without stopping, she'd done nothing but scream and cry. No matter what he tried, Ceara would not be placated.

  Idiag had stared at him for so long that he was sure his uncle would send them to their deaths. The fire in the hall had crackled while the people held their collective breath, waiting for their king to pronounce judgment.

  Talon had hated his mother then. Hated her for making him beg for his sister's life.

  Making him suffer like this when he was just an untried lad who wanted only to run away and hide from his humiliation. Hide from the screaming baby who never took pity on him.

  But he had made a promise and he never broke his word. Without his uncle's help, another sister would die. When Idiag finally spoke, his eyes were blank. Unfeeling. "No, Parth," he'd said to his guard. "He has suffered much to travail the winter's harshness to reach us, especially with nothing more than rags on his feet. We will give them shelter.

  Summon a wet nurse for the babe." Talon had wanted to collapse in relief.

  "And the boy?"

  "If he survives the punishment his mother ran away from, then he will be allowed to stay here as well."

  Grinding his teeth, Talon remembered the grueling torture they had meted out. The days of beatings and starvation. The only thing that kept him alive was the fear that should he die, Ceara would be turned out after all. He had lived solely for her. Now he lived for nothing at all. Talon forced his feet to carry him down the street away from Dark Hunter Series (04) - Night Embrace - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 120 of 460

  Sunshine's club and her comfort. Away from these memories that had somehow been set loose.

  He had to find his peace. He had to forget the past. To bury it. But as he walked, repressed thoughts and memories tumbled through his mind. Against his will, he remembered the day he had discovered his wife


  Even now, the mere mention of her name was enough to bring him to his knees. She had been everything to him. His best friend. His heart. His soul. She, alone, had given him solace. In her arms, he hadn't cared what the others thought of him. Only the two of them had existed in the world.

  As a mortal man, he had taken her as his first and only lover. "How could I ever lay hands to another woman, Nyn, when I have you?"

  Those words haunted him now along with the memory of how many women he'd slept with since his death. Women who had never meant anything to him. They had merely been passing flings designed to ease a physical craving.

  He had never wanted to know anything about them. Never really wanted to know any woman except his wife. Nynia and the perfect love she had given him had touched something inside him and given it wings. She'd shown him things in the world that he'd never seen before.

  Kindness. Comfort. Acceptance.

  She had confused him, aggravated him, and made him deliriously happy. When she had died, she had taken him with her. He had survived physically, but not his heart. It had died that day too.

  And he'd never thought to desire a woman that way again. Not until he had felt the Dark Hunter Series (04) - Night Embrace - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 121 of 460

  warmth of a graceful artist's hand on his skin. The mere thought of Sunshine was enough to make him feel sucker-punched.

  "Get her out of my head," he said between clenched teeth. He would never again let himself be open to so much excruciating pain. He would never again hold someone he cared for in his arms and watch her die. Never. He had been hurt enough in his life. He couldn't stand any more.

  Sunshine was a stranger to him and she would remain that way. He didn't need anyone.

  He never had. Talon froze as an odd noise on the wind intruded on his thoughts. It sounded vaguely like a Daimon feeding

  He pulled his Palm Pilot out of his jacket pocket and opened up his tracking program.

  Designed to pick up traces of the Daimons' elevated neuron activity that came from their psychic abilities, the tracking program allowed Dark-Hunters to pinpoint any concentration of Daimons after dark. During the daylight hours while the Daimons rested, their brain activity was too human for the trackers to be of any use.

  But once the sun set

  Those little brains of theirs started snapping and humming. Talon frowned at his findings.

  It showed nothing and his Dark-Hunter senses didn't pick up a Daimon either, but his gut instinct was off the radar. He headed toward a dark alley. A woman stumbled out, falling against him. Her eyes were glazed as she glanced up at him. There was a small bite wound on her neck that was healing even as he looked at it and the collar of her blouse held traces of blood.

  "Are you okay?" he asked as he righted her.

  She smiled a smile that was delirious and vague. "I'm fine. Never better." She stumbled away from him and headed into the building to his right. In that instant, he knew what had happened. Unmitigated rage descended on him as he stalked farther into the alley Dark Hunter Series (04) - Night Embrace - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 122 of 460

  where she'd been. He saw the dark shadow and knew it in a heartbeat.

  "Damn you, Zarek. You better lay off the feeding crap while you're in this city." Zarek wiped the blood away from his lips with his hand. "Or what, Celt? You going to hit me?"

  "I'll rip your throat out."

  He laughed at that. "And kill yourself in the process? You don't have it in you."

  "You have no idea what I'm capable of. And you better pray to whatever god you worship that you never find out."

  His expression pure evil, Zarek smacked his lips in a way Talon knew was designed to piss him off thoroughly. It worked.

  "I didn't hurt her. She won't even remember it in three minutes. They never do."

  Talon moved to grab him, but Zarek caught his hand. "I warned you not to touch me, Celt. No one touches me. Ever."

  Talon shrugged off his hold. "You swore an oath, just like the rest of us. I won't have you preying on innocents in my town."

  "Oooo," Zarek breathed. "How cliche, little partner. Wanna tell me to be out by sunup, or better yet, this town ain't big enough for the two of us?"

  "What is your problem?"

  Zarek started past him. Unwilling to let him prey on someone else, Talon shoved him against the wall. His own back throbbed viciously as if he'd been slammed against the wall too, but he didn't care.

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  He wasn't about to let Zarek have free rein over the lives of innocent people.

  Zarek's eyes flared with hatred. "Let go of me, Celt, or I'll rip your arm off. And you know what? I don't care if I lose both of mine in the process. That's the difference between us.

n is my friend and ally. You fear it."

  "Like hell I do."

  He shoved Talon away from him. "Then where is it? Hmmm? You buried your pain the night you left your village in flames."

  Talon paused at the words, wondering how Zarek knew that, but his anger overrode it as he thought about Zarek judging him. "At least I don't wallow in it."

  Zarek laughed at that. "Do I look like I'm wallowing? I was having fun with her until you showed up." He licked his lips again as if resavoring the feeding.

  "You should try it sometime, Celt. There's nothing like tasting human blood. Haven't you ever wondered why the Daimons feed before they take human souls? Why they don't just kill the human quick? It's because it's better than sex. Did you know you can see straight into their minds when you do it? Feel their emotions? For one instant, you actually bond with their life force. It's one hell of a high."

  Talon glared at him. "Nick's right, you are psychotic."

  "The correct term is sociopathic and yes, I am. But at least I have no delusions about myself."


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  He shrugged. "Take your meaning wherever you can find it."

  The man was disgusting. Insufferable. "Why do you have to make everyone hate you?"

  Zarek snorted at that. "What? You want to be my friend now, Celt? If I clean up my act, will you be my buddy?"

  "You're such an asshole."

  "Yeah, but at least I know what I am. I have no pretensions. You don't know if you're a Druid, a Dark-Hunter, or a playboy. You lost yourself a long time ago in the dark hole where you buried the parts of you that once made you human."

  Talon was aghast at such a low, self-serving life-form trying to play sage with him. "You are lecturing me on humanity?"

  "Ironic as hell, isn't it?"

  Talon's jaw ticced. "You don't know anything about me."

  With his silver claws flashing, Zarek slowly pulled a cigarette out of his jacket pocket and lit it with an old-fashioned gold lighter. Putting the lighter back in his pocket, he took a long drag on the cigarette, exhaled the smoke, then cast Talon a sardonic, lopsided sneer. "Ditto."

  With one last, parting grimace, Zarek walked slowly away from him, out of the alley and back toward the street. "Lay off the feeding, Zarek, or I will kill you myself. I swear it."

  Zarek raised his clawed hand and flipped him off without breaking stride or looking back. Talon growled low in his throat as Zarek vanished into the night. How could Acheron stand dealing with him? That man could try the patience of a tree.

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  One day, Artemis was going to have to put Zarek down. In truth, Talon was astounded the order for Zarek's execution hadn't already been handed out. But then maybe that was why Artemis had sent him here. In Alaska, Zarek was on his home turf where he knew the terrain better than anyone and he would be able to avoid an executioner.

  Down here, Zarek was at the mercy of Acheron, who knew these streets like the back of his hand. If the order came down, Zarek would have nowhere to hide. It was definitely a thought. Talon shook his head to clear it of Zarek. The ex-slave was the last person he wanted on his mind tonight.

  His cell phone rang. Talon answered it to find Acheron's thick Atlantean accent.

  "Hey, I'm down on Commerce Street in the Warehouse District. There's a murder scene here that I would like to confer with you about."

  "I'm on my way." Talon hung up and headed to where he'd left his motorcycle.

  It didn't take long to grab his bike and make his way over to the scene. Cops were everywhere, questioning witnesses, marking off the area, and taking notes and pictures.

  A large crowd of locals and tourists had gathered to watch the spectacle. His eyes aching from all the bright police lights, Talon parked his bike and made his way over to Acheron, whose hair was now blond. Jeez, the man changed hair colors more often than most people changed socks. "What's up, T-Rex?"

  Acheron grimaced at the nickname, but didn't comment. He inclined his head toward the body that had been draped with a body bag, but not yet sealed up. "That woman died barely an hour ago. Tell me what you feel."

  "Nothing." As soon as the word left his lips, Talon understood. Whenever someone died, their soul lingered for a brief time before it moved on. There was only one Dark Hunter Series (04) - Night Embrace - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 126 of 460

  exception to that--when the soul was captured and trapped by someone else. "It was a Daimon kill?"

  Acheron shook his head no.

  "Is she a new Dark-Hunter?"

  Again the no shake. "Someone fed on her until they drained the life out of her and could steal her departing soul. Then they ripped her apart with something like a claw. The police are trying to convince themselves that it's an animal, but the depth and precision of her wounds are too precise."

  Talon went cold. "Claws like the ones Zarek wears?"

  Acheron turned his head to stare straight at him. All Talon could see was himself in the dark lenses. "What do you think?" Talon ran his hand along the edge of his jaw as he watched the police work over the area. This was disturbing.

  "Look, T-Rex, I know you have a soft spot for Zarek, but I have to tell you that I found him having lunch a few minutes ago outside of a club. It looked like he was enjoying himself a little too much, if you know what I mean."

  "So you think he killed this woman?"

  Talon hesitated as he remembered what Zarek had said when he had caught him with the woman in the alley. I didn't hurt her. Was that an admission he had hurt someone else or was it a statement that he never hurt the women he fed on?

  "I don't know," Talon answered honestly. "If you're asking me if he's capable, I'd definitely say yes. But I sure would hate to consign a man to Shadedom without more evidence."

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  Shadedom was the hellish existence that came to any Dark-Hunter who died without a soul. Since they no longer had a real body or a soul, their essence suffered eternity trapped between this plane of existence and the next. It was said to be the most grueling torture imaginable.

  "So what do you think?" Talon asked. "Do you believe he did it?"

  A slow smile slid across Acheron's face, but he didn't answer the question. The hair on the back of Talon's neck rose. Something about all this just didn't seem right. For that matter, something about Acheron didn't seem quite right either.

  Acheron took a step away from him. "I'll go talk to my good buddy Zarek, and see what he says." Talon frowned. This definitely wasn't right. Acheron never referred to anyone as his "buddy."

  "By the way," Acheron said. "How are you doing? You seem tense. Uneasy."

  He was. It was like someone had opened a floodgate on his hormones and emotions, and he wasn't sure how to close it again. But he didn't intend to burden Acheron with that. He could control himself. "I'm fine." Talon glanced away from Acheron for a second to watch the arrival of the coroner. "By the way, T-Rex, what happened to your nose stud and

  " His voice trailed off as he turned back and saw nothing but empty space.

  Talon looked about. Acheron was gone. The only trace of his presence was two bloody shoe prints that marked the concrete where he'd stood a second ago. What the hell?

  Acheron had never done that before. Man, this night was getting stranger by the hour.


  there's a disturbance on Canal Street. At Club Running wolf's

  " Talon's heart

  stopped at the words he overheard from a police scanner. Sunshine. Every instinct he possessed told him it involved her. He ran for his bike and quickly headed back toward Dark Hunter Series (04) - Night Embrace - Sherrilyn Kenyon Page 128 of 460

  the club.

  Chapter 6

  By the time Talon reached Sunshine's club again, it was complete chaos on the street
outside the club's entrance and in the alley behind it. A large crowd of people stood around outside where two ambulances were parked while medics tended three wounded officers. Someone had beaten them to a pulp. He paused near one ambulance as he heard the officer giving his report to a detective.

  "He was at least six feet six. Lean, muscular build. Caucasian male dressed in black, with long black hair and a goatee. Mid-to late twenties with this huge silver claw thing on his hand. He looked like the devil himself when we came up on him. Man, he tore through us like we was nothing. I got at least two bullets into him and he didn't even flinch when I shot him. He just kept on coming at us. He must be on PCP or something."

  Talon froze. Zarek. There was no one else who could fit that description. Damn. He shouldn't have left the area while Zarek was here. Zarek must have attacked them just a few minutes after he left.

  "So what happened?" the detective asked.

  "Me and Gabe had a disturbance call about a fight in the alley. We got here in time to see the claw guy fighting two men. We yelled for them to stop, but the guy ignored us.

  He ripped their hearts right out of them. Right in front of us."

  Talon groaned. They had seen Zarek take out a pair of Daimons. Great. Just great. He closed his eyes and cursed. This night was starting to rate right up there with abscessed teeth. "Johnny got here right as I pulled my weapon and ordered the claw guy to stop.

  He turned on us like a wild beast. Next thing I know, I'm on the ground bleeding, you guys are here, and he's gone."

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  "And the bodies?"

  "He must have taken them with him while we were trying to get to the cars for safety. I'm telling you, Bob, the man was insane."

  Talon raked his hands through his hair. Not even in town one night and now Zarek had the entire police force looking for him. How had the man managed to last so long?

  His phone rang again, but the caller ID didn't display the caller's identity. Expecting it to be Acheron since Acheron's phone almost never registered a number, he was surprised to hear Zarek's thick Greek accent on the other end. "The Daimons wanted to party with your girlfriend, Celt. Don't leave her unprotected."

  The phone went dead. An eerie chill went up Talon's spine. How could Zarek have known about him and Sunshine? The man's powers were rating right up there with Acheron's. His instincts on alert, Talon looked up to the roof above his head--to the old abandoned drugstore next door to the club. Silhouetted against the dark sky was a figure. To a human's eyes, the man standing on the rooftop would be invisible, but Talon's honed Dark-Hunter vision saw him clearly.