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  “Good,” Dominic said, not letting go of his wife’s hand as the nurse pushed her wheelchair along.

  Marc lowered his voice and said, “Piece of advice?” Dominic raised one eyebrow—enough of a show of interest for Marc to continue. “Follow the baby. I know you want to see your daughter born. I hear it’s one of the most amazing experiences in life. However, once she’s out, keep your eyes on her. Everything after her arrival is like a gory car crash and will leave you with memories that will haunt you. Look away, especially if you want more kids. ”

  Although Dominic still had a worried, protective look on his face, he spared Marc half a smile. “I didn’t realize you had children. ”

  “I don’t,” Marc said. “Just a hoard of nephews, nieces, and sisters who overshare. ”

  Dominic chuckled. “Understood. ”

  They rode up the elevator together. Just before the door opened, Marc reiterated, “Follow the baby. ”

  Abby looked up and over her shoulder at her husband. “What does that mean?”

  Dominic kissed her forehead. “It means Marc is worried that he’ll be carrying my sorry ass out of the delivery room if I pass out. ”

  Abby smiled up at Marc.

  He winked. “Exactly. ”

  When the family came rushing toward Dominic and Abby, Marc retreated to a nearby position. He pressed a button on his earpiece and ordered, “Close off the entrances and stairways leading up to the suite. No one but cleared staff gets in. ”

  Craig relayed the message to the rest of the men. “The stork is perched. Repeat. The stork is perched. Make a nest. ”

  Chapter Two

  “Get out,” Lil said in her sternest voice. “You are making things worse instead of better. Please don’t make me call Marc. ”

  Dominic roared, “I’m not going anywhere. ”

  His sister-in-law didn’t back down. In fact, his refusal brought an angry red heat to her cheeks. “You’re scaring the nurses. The doctor can’t get the information he needs. You need to take a walk and cool off. ”

  Arms folded across his chest and feet planted, Dominic held his ground. “I will not miss the birth of my daughter. ”

  From the bed beside them, Abby said softly, “We have plenty of time. I’m not fully dilated. ”

  Lil continued her reprimand. “At least, we don’t think she is. We’d know if you hadn’t just threatened the doctor’s license and sent him scurrying. ”

  Remembering the arrogance of the doctor, Dominic didn’t regret his outburst. “He brought interns with him. I said no students. Abby is not a case study. ”

  Her expression softening, Lil touched his arm. “It’s common, Dom. It’s how new doctors learn. I’m sure Abby doesn’t care as long as the baby comes out today. Trust me, when I had Colby, I didn’t care if ten people were standing around me. All I cared about was getting her out and getting the right painkillers. Which won’t happen if you don’t let anyone help her. ” With a shake of her head, she looked at the door that led to the attached suite. “Where is Jake? Maybe he can talk some sense into you. ” With that, she stepped out of the delivery room to find her fiancé.

  Dominic turned to his wife, who was flushed and struggling to look brave. Nothing. Absolutely nothing would ever make him leave her side.

  Her next words rocked him back on his heels. “She’s right, Dom. Take a short walk. ”

  “No. ”

  Abby held out her hand to him. He closed the distance between them in one stride and took it in his, bending to kiss her fingers lightly. Abby smiled despite the pain of a contraction. “You won’t miss anything. I’m okay. But you—you look like you’re going to have a stroke. The doctor said it could be hours still. Get a soda with Jake. Give Marie a hug. Nicole is probably dying to see you, too. You’ll feel better, and I can get the epidural I thought I didn’t want but which I’m quickly changing my mind about. ”

  Jake poked his head in, covering his eyes. “Is it safe to come in?”

  Abby laughed. “I’m all covered. ”

  With a flash of a smile, he was beside Dominic. “No offense, Abby, but there are some things I’d prefer remain a mystery for as long as possible. ”

  Abby grimaced as another contraction hit. “None taken. You’ll have your turn soon enough. For now, can you take Dominic for a walk? I want to meet with the doctor before Dominic drives him to quit his profession. ”

  Dominic shrugged. “I’m sure there are others here. Better ones who follow instructions. ”

  Abby made a face and her grip on his hand tightened. “I’m not using another doctor. I like the one I have. I trust him. Now, get out of here for a few minutes and send him in. ”

  “Abby—” Dominic started to say.

  She dropped his hand and pointed at the door. “If I have to get up and get him myself, no one in this room is leaving with the testicles they came in with. ” She glared at Jake. “That includes you. ”

  If he hadn’t been sick with worry, Dominic would have enjoyed the fire in his wife’s eyes and the way she ordered him about. He normally loved her strength and respected her opinion, but this time he didn’t budge. He searched for the words that would convince her he should stay.

  Jake surprised him by giving him a none-too-gentle shove toward the door. Dominic spun angrily on him, but Jake met his glare with his infuriatingly calm stare. “She means it, Dom. Come on. I’m sure she’ll be happier if you let her get properly medicated. ”

  Growling under his breath, Dominic walked with Jake toward the door. He stopped just before stepping outside. “I love you, Abby. ”

  She wiped a hand across her red cheek. “I know. I love you, too. Now send in Lil and the doctor. It’ll only be a few minutes. Go for a quick walk. Calm down, then come right back. I need you, Dom, but I need the doctor, too. ”

  Feeling slightly ashamed that his wife was reduced to scolding him like a child for impeding the process, Dominic nodded and left the room. The waiting room was overflowing with flowers, friends, and family. Marie was playing with Colby and her blocks on the floor while Rosella watched and cooed. Victor and Alessandro were chatting with their wives.

  Nicole came rushing forward with her fiancé, Stephan, in tow. She wrapped her arms around Dominic’s waist. “How is Abby? Is she okay? You look awful. ”

  Dominic hugged his sister to his chest and admitted, “She threw me out. ”

  Nicole patted her brother’s cheek sympathetically. “Oh, she’ll let you back in. Just remember that no matter what she says, she loves you. Even if she stands on the table and screams that she hates you, she doesn’t mean it. ”

  Dominic looked at Jake in concern. “Is she going to do that?”

  Jake shrugged. “How would I know?”

  Nicole continued, “The most important thing is that you made it to the hospital. ”

  For once, Stephan wasn’t sarcastic. “That’s true. Nicole delivered my nephew, Joey, with none of this, in a limo. Don’t worry. Abby will be fine. ” Then a wicked smile spread across his face. “Next time will be easier. I hear Abby wants a big family. ”

  Dominic paled and swayed.

  Nicole swatted Stephan’s arm. “Play nice today. ”

  Jake took Dominic by the arm and said, “Let’s go get you something to eat. ”

  Dominic walked away, shaking his head. “I don’t know if I can do this again. ”

  Lil overheard his comment and, her tone thick with sarcasm, said, “I’m pretty sure it’s tougher on Abby than it is on you, Dom. ”

  The joke was a painful reminder of how he was failing to give Abby what she needed. She was right to throw him out. He couldn’t remember a time in his adult life when he’d felt so emotionally on edge. “You think I don’t know that?” he growled, then instantly regretted his harsh words.

  He was used to being in control.

  Used to being willing to fight for the outcome he wanted.

  Here he felt a bit helples
s, and that wasn’t an emotion he dealt with well.


  I’m a selfish ass. Abby needs me, but I can’t control myself enough to be there for her. And now I’m taking out my anger with myself on Lil.

  She walked over and put a hand on his forearm. “It’s going to be okay, Dom. Delivering a baby is stressful and painful, but it’s also beautiful and completely natural. Abby is at the best hospital in the country and she’s got the best care possible. All you have to do is hold her hand and be there for her. ”

  He put his hand over his sister-in-law’s in a show of gratitude. “I would do anything for her. ”

  With a teary smile, Lil said, “I know you would. So, have something to eat with Victor and Alessandro. Call Jeremy and Jeisa and update them. I’ll come out and tell you as soon as Abby wants you in there. ”

  Dominic nodded and headed toward the Andrades.

  Jake chuckled.

  Lil waved a finger at him. “Don’t you dare laugh at him. You’re going to be just as much a wreck when we have ours. ”

  A humbled Jake joined Dominic.

  In a low tone, Dominic growled to him as Lil walked away. “If I see that doctor going in there with anyone who looks like they are not a nurse, I will hang him out the window by his feet. ”

  Jake gave the room a quick scan and motioned for Marie to come over. She handed Colby to another woman and stood slowly. Her age didn’t stop her from sitting on the floor, but it did slow her ability to stand quickly afterward.

  Marie looked back and forth between the two men and said, “Did she throw you out?”

  Dominic gave a small quick nod and frowned.

  Marie led them both toward a food-laden table that took up an entire wall of the private waiting room. “Didn’t I warn you to be nice to the doctor? What did she say to you?”

  “She told me to get something to eat and calm down. ”

  “Then that’s exactly what you’re going to do. ”

  Dominic picked up a croissant and took a bite. For Abby, he would eat. For Abby, he would stay outside while she spoke to the doctor. He would even work on keeping his temper in check. But remain calm?

  That was asking the impossible.

  The rear door near the hospital’s dumpster was still unmanned when Alethea arrived. The door was locked. She sat in one of the nearby chairs, took out a cigarette, and lit it, even though she didn’t smoke. Smokers were seen but unseen. She let the cigarette burn in her hand, tapping off the excess and posing as if bored. When someone came through the back door dressed in a kitchen uniform, Alethea stubbed out her cigarette and entered the building before the door closed.

  The narrow hallway led to a small break room and then a locker room. There she found a white kitchen-staff uniform and a hairnet. She hunted through the lockers until she found a staffer’s badge at the bottom of one of them. It was always a risk to use someone else’s ID, but most people didn’t read the name on the badge.

  One hospital kitchen was pretty much like any other. Orders were generated via a computer. Luckily there was a computer and printer in the corner of the room. Even though it was early afternoon, Alethea typed in an order for pancakes. She needed something that would be a special order.