Page 18 of Enemies of a Sort

  Chapter Ten –

  Nika’s men dismantled the disarmed bomb as Chadrick did a quick patch job on Giuseppe’s legs. It was a grizzly, messy affair, but it needed doing before he could be safely transported. Opinions on whether his safety needed to be taken into consideration varied.

  Bruce and the other inhabitants of the Redlands had put it to a vote, Giuseppe would be held in their custody until such a time as a Colarium inquisition could take place.

  Sophia was faring much better than anyone had expected. She didn’t remember anything that had happened to her, and while Putty tried to explain, she didn’t believe him and insisted her brother only had her best interests at heart.

  Obviously their relationship was going to take a great deal of mending if Putty ever hoped to actually marry the girl. Flynn had a feeling he wouldn’t be so quick to propose, if it came up a second time. He’d finally convinced Putty to get some sleep, but when he checked on him, he was gone.

  Flynn knew where he would find his brother. Snatching up a plate from Bruce’s kitchen Flynn made his way through the throng of settlers returning to their homes.

  Henri and Bruce were recounting their heroic – if mildly exaggerated – role in the survival of their town. The story was doing wonders for business – though it appeared that most of the refugees didn’t need much of a reason to drop in for a celebratory pint.

  Flynn knocked on the door to the med unit’s small patient ward. When there was no response, he pushed inside, setting the tray on the counter before he turned to Sophia’s bed.

  It was empty, as was the one next to it.

  Giuseppe’s restraints had clearly been cut. Chadrick was bound and gagged in the corner.

  Flynn pulled the torn sheet from the doctor’s mouth before he cut the surgical tape binding the doctor’s hands and feet.

  “I should have seen it coming!” Chadrick blurted out as he pulled the gag from his mouth. “She was too damned nice.”

  Flynn decided not to question how a frail, drug addled woman had managed to overpower him.

  “She kept apologizing as she tied my wrists, but she couldn’t believe her brother would do anything to hurt her; didn’t know why we’d do this to him. But she’d already chosen her side….”

  “Then she’s an idiot and doesn’t deserve Putty.” Flynn sliced the final piece of his bonds and helped the doctor up. “Speaking of… where’s Putty?”

  “He was. He chased them out the back.” Chadrick moved to the sink, running his wrists under the cold water. “Go. Deal with them. I’ll be fine.”

  Racing out the back, Flynn looked for any sign of them. As he ran through the streets, he heard the low thrum of fusion drives before he saw the small shuttlecraft idling behind a boarded up store. He skidded to a halt and shielded himself behind a building before poking his head out to watch the conversation he’d almost interrupted.

  Putty stood with his back to him. Sophia blocked Giuseppe from view. She’d used one of the anti-gravity chairs from the med unit to maneuver her wounded brother in their getaway.

  “Don’t come any closer, Patrick.” The gun in her hand wavered as she shouted to be heard over the drives behind her. “I can’t even bear to even look at you. Look what you did to Peppy!”

  “Only because of what he did to you.” Putty took a step forward and put his hands up higher as the gun steadied and she let out a wail of irritation.

  “I can’t believe that.” She shook her head violently and then stopped, wincing. “He couldn’t have done what you say… he….and you, what you did…” She didn’t finish her sentence, instead she looked back at her brother who had put on the mask of a pitiable fool.

  “I love you Sophia. But if you get on that ship with him… I’ll never see you again.”

  “I have to protect my family.”

  Putty stopped short as though a bullet had pierced his heart. “I was going to be your family.”

  Putty turned away from her, and when he did, he caught Flynn’s eye. He shook his head.

  Sophia looked to him too, but when he took a quick step back she returned to ignoring him. Her focus solely on Putty. “I can’t marry you. Not after this.”

  “Leave Sophia,” Putty said as he walked away. “But remember,” he stopped and turned around to face them. “This isn’t over. Not by a long shot.”

  Flynn didn’t like it, but he said nothing. Holstering his gun, he fell into step beside his brother, and together they walked away as Sophia helped Giuseppe onto the s shuttle. The little ship blasted off and Putty let out a low breath.

  “The good people of Sukiyaki aren’t going to be very happy about this,” Flynn said when the fusion trail had faded from the sky.

  “You think I don’t know that? I was looking forward to seeing that man strung up.” Putty looked up as though he might be able to catch the damned thing if he jumped.

  Flynn followed his eye line. “Sometimes you have to lose to win. Sometimes winning feels like losing.”


  “Yeah?” he said, turning to face his older brother.

  Putty punched him in the shoulder. “Do me a favor. Shut up.”

  “Come on. Let’s go get a drink with the others before they realize their prize slipped away.”