Page 13 of Night Play

Chapter 12


  Days went by as Bride grappled with what she should do. Part of her was desperate to stay with Vane, while another was terrified of it. So far the tessera hadn't shown, but that didn't mean the two of them could or should relax.

  It was now Thanksgiving and she stood in her bedroom in Valerius's house with a knot in her stomach. Her parents had invited her, Vane, and Fury over to their place for the annual McTierney throwdown.

  She'd told her family about her new "boyfriend" and had no idea how they would react to him. No one in her family had ever cared for Taylor and his air of superiority. In fact, her father had seldom said more than two words to him whenever she brought Taylor over.

  What would they say if they ever found out that Vane and his brother were wolves? Granted, they liked animals, but Just thinking about it made her nauseated.

  Taking a deep breath, she headed downstairs to find Fury and Vane waiting in the parlor.

  Fury was dressed in blue jeans, a white T-shirt, and a black leather jacket. Vane wore black jeans and a gray and black V-neck sweater with his white T-shirt showing at the tip of the vee.

  "Do I need to change?" Fury asked Vane. "I've never eaten a Thanksgiving dinner before, have you?"

  "No. I don't know what to wear, either. We'll ask Bride when she comes down. " Fury rubbed the back of his neck. "Maybe this is a bad idea. "

  "I don't know why you're bitching, Fury. You were at least raised with Arcadians. I have no idea what a 'family' holiday entails. With the exception of the Peltiers, who are friggin' weird, Katagaria don't exactly celebrate holidays. "

  "You both look fine," Bride said, entering the room. It was somehow sweet and endearing to know they were as nervous as she was. "Just don't plug anything in if someone asks you to. "

  Fury gave a nervous laugh at that. Vane looked less than amused as he stood up. "Don't worry," she assured them. "My parents don't bite. Much. "

  The wolves exchanged a look that said they weren't so sure about that before Vane offered her his arm and led her toward the door.

  Bride paused on the steps of Valerius's house as she caught a look at an elegant metallic-black Jaguar XKR coupe. "Whoa!" she breathed. "Whose car?"

  "Otto's," Vane said as he led her toward it. "Since he went home to New Jersey for the holiday, he loaned it out to me for the visit with your family. "

  "I thought he drove a beat-up red Chevy IROC. "

  Fury laughed out loud. "He does that to piss off Valerius. He keeps the Jag over at Nick's house for the weekends. "

  "Otto is so evil," she said with a laugh as Vane opened the door for her and let her in while Fury climbed into the back from the driver's side.

  One day, Valerius was going to kill his Squire, who couldn't seem to irritate the Dark-Hunter enough.

  Once she was in the car, Vane shut the door and walked to his side. Man, he had a gait that would make any woman pant. Really, no one should be so innately masculine.

  He slid in the car in one fluid motion and started it. Bride stared at his hands as he gripped the wheel and stick shift. If Fury hadn't been in the back seat, they probably wouldn't make it to her parents' house after all.

  Vane gripped the wheel tight as he listened to Bride's instructions on how to get to her parents' house, which was in Kenner, about twenty-five minutes from Valerius's. He'd never been more nervous in his life. Worse, Fury kept fidgeting in the back seat.

  In the back of his mind, he kept telling himself that he had to do this. If he were to stay with Bride, she would want her family to know him. He couldn't very well take her away from the people she loved so dearly. But still, this was awkward as hell for him.

  What would they talk about?

  Hi, my name's Vane and I howl at the moon late at night in the form of a wolf. I sleep with your daughter and don't think I could live without her. Mind if I have a beer? Oh, and while we're at it, let me introduce my brothers. This one here is a deadly wolf known to kill for nothing more than looking at him cross-eyed, and the other one is comatose because some vampires sucked the life out of him after we'd both been sentenced to death by our jealous father.

  Yeah, that would go over like a lead balloon.

  For that matter, what would Fury say to them? Vane had already threatened the wolf's life if he embarrassed Bride in any way.

  Vane only hoped he didn't embarrass her.

  This was a major fiasco just waiting to happen.

  All too soon, they were pulling into the agate driveway of a new Victorian-style house. There were five cars already parked there.

  "My brother and sister," she said before she opened the car door.

  "Dum dum dum, duuuum. " Fury hummed the tune to Dragnet from the back seat.

  "Shut up, Fury," Vane said as he got out. Although to be honest, he found Fury's humming a bit calming since it reminded him of Fang's offbeat sense of humor.

  Fury climbed out last and stayed back by Vane's side while Bride led them toward the front door.

  Vane really did feel like he was walking to his execution. Parents. Eeek.

  Bride knocked on the door, then turned to give them an encouraging smile. Vane offered her a wan one back.

  The door opened to show a woman about three inches shorter than Bride, who had the same exact build. Her short black hair was liberally laced with gray and she had an older version of Bride's face.

  "Baby!" the woman exclaimed before she pulled her daughter into a tight hug. While she hugged Bride, the woman looked up at him.

  Vane felt sick and fought the urge to step back. Not that he could with Fury standing on the stairs behind him.

  "You must be Vane," Bride's mother said happily. "I've heard so much about you. Please, come in. "

  Bride entered the house first. Vane stepped inside and turned as Fury, who had his hands in his pockets, joined them.

  "You must be Fury," her mother said, holding her hand out to him. "I'm Joyce. "

  "Hi, Joyce," Fury said, shaking her hand.

  Vane expected the same, but instead Joyce pulled him into a tight hug. She patted him on the back and let go. "I know you two are probably nervous. Don't be. Just make yourself at home and"

  A large black rottweiler came running from the back of the house to jump up at Vane.

  "Titus!" Joyce snapped.

  The dog ignored her as he lay on his back in a submissive pose. Vane reached down and petted him to let the dog know that he acknowledged his rank and to assert his own alpha status.

  "Well, isn't that strange?" Joyce said. "Titus usually tries to eat anyone new he meets. "

  "Vane has a way with animals," Bride said vaguely.

  Her mother smiled. "Good then, you'll fit right in here at the McTierney Zoo. "

  Titus got up and went to Fury to lick his fingers. Fury patted the dog's head while Vane looked around the cozy house, which was decorated in a country style.

  The tan couches were stuffed and piled high with cushions.

  An empty bird perch stood in one corner and a giant freshwater fish tank was built into the far wall. Vane heard more dogs out in the yard and something that sounded like an entire collection of birds singing from upstairs.

  "The men are out back," Joyce said as she led them toward the back of the house, past three aquariums that held one large boa constrictor, a lizard of some sort, and two gerbils. "Your father has a new stray that came in a few days ago that no one can manage. Poor thing won't eat and it tries to mangle anyone who comes near him. "

  "What's wrong with him?" Bride asked.

  "I don't know. Animal control pulled him out of a ditch where they think someone must have dumped him. He's been badly beaten and had worms real bad. "

  Vane cringed in sympathy.

  They entered the kitchen where a slender, tall blond woman was standing over a mixing bowl. "Mom, how much salt" Her words ended in a shriek as she turned and saw
Bride. "Hey, little girl," she said before she seized her into a tight hug.

  Bride hugged her close, then stepped back to introduce them. "Deirdre, this Vane and his brother Fury. "

  Vane tensed as he fell under the scrutiny of Bride's older sister. She didn't like him. The animal in him sensed it immediately.

  Even so, she reached her hand out. "Hi," she said with a fake smile.

  "Hi," he said, shaking her hand.

  She moved on to Fury, who did likewise.

  "I couldn't find those diet cakes for you, Bride," her mother said as she went to the oven to check the turkey. "I'm sorry. "

  "It's okay, Mom," Bride said. "I'd rather eat your pie anyway. "

  Her mother looked a bit surprised, but didn't say anything. As she stepped back, two cats came running through the kitchen, chasing each other.

  "Professor! Marianne!" her mother called, handing her dishtowel to Bride.

  "Oh, good grief, I better get them before they run into Bart and he eats them. " Her mother ran off outside.

  "Bart?" Fury asked Bride.

  "The gator who lives in the backyard. Dad fixed him up last year after a poacher almost killed him in a trap, and he keeps getting out of his pen. "

  Fury scratched his cheek. "Man, I wish I'd known your dad when I got caught in a trap, I'm still" Fury's voice trailed off as he realized Deirdre had turned toward him with an arch look. "Never mind. "

  "Hey, Bride!"

  Vane stiffened as an extremely large, muscular man came barreling through the back door to pick Bride up and squeeze her hard.

  Bride laughed. "Put me down, Patrick!"

  He growled at her as he did so. "Don't get feisty on me, woman. I'll hold you down and frog your arm. "

  Bride scoffed at that as Vane saw red.

  "You better not touch her. "

  Bride looked up at the growling sincerity she heard in Vane's tone. By the expression on his face, she actually feared for her brother's safety. "It's okay, Vane," she hastened to assure him. "He's just teasing. He hasn't really hurt me since we were kids and even then it was an accident. "

  "That's the story I'm sticking to anyway," Patrick said as he offered his hand to Vane. "I'm glad to see my sister's in good hands. Patrick McTierney. "

  "Vane Kattalakis. "

  "Nice to meet you, Vane. Don't worry. I'd cut my arm off before I ever hurt one of my sisters. "

  Vane noticeably relaxed.

  "You must be the brother," Patrick said. "Fury?"

  "Hi," Fury said, shaking hands. "I know, the names suck. "

  Patrick laughed. "You guys want a beer?"

  Fury looked to Vane for the answer.

  "That'd be great," Vane said.

  Patrick ducked into the fridge and pulled out two longnecks, then handed them off.

  While they opened them, Patrick stuck his finger into the potato salad.

  "Get out of that!" Deirdre snapped, popping his hand with a spoon.

  "Ow!" he said, jerking his hand back and then sucking his fingers.

  "Get out of here, Pat, or I swear I'll feed your portion to the dogs. "

  "Fine, you cranky PMS avenger. " He motioned to Fury and Vane. "Be wise and join me outside where it's safe. "

  Vane hesitated.

  "Call me if you need me to rescue you from Patrick and my father," Bride said before she lifted herself up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

  Vane caught an angry look from Deirdre before he followed Fury and Patrick out into the yard, where Bride's mother was wrestling the cats back toward the house. Vane handed his beer to Fury before he scooped the female cat up. She tensed for an instant, then relaxed. "You want her in the house?"

  Joyce nodded gratefully as she cuddled the male.

  Vane opened the door and set the cat back inside. "Don't do that again, Marianne," he said. She nuzzled his hand, then darted off.

  "Thanks for the help," Joyce said as she walked past him.

  Vane went back to rejoin Fury and Patrick.

  "So, Vane, what do you do for a living?" Patrick asked.

  Fury gave him an amused look as he passed his beer back to him.

  "I live off the interest from my investments. "

  "Really?" Patrick asked. "Investments pay enough that you can afford a hundred-thousand-dollar Jag?"

  Vane could smell the hostility from Patrick. "No," he said sarcastically, "my drug dealing does that. And I make a tidy profit from my pimps down on Bourbon Street. "

  The look on Bride's brother's face was priceless. "Look, I'm going to be honest with you. You mess with my"


  Vane looked past Bride's brother to see a man who appeared to be in his mid-fifties. Fit and trim, he had neatly styled gray hair and a mustache.

  "You're not giving Vane the 'Mess with my baby sister and I'll break your neck' speech, are you?"

  "I was trying to. "

  The man laughed. "Don't mind him. I'm Dr. McTierney," he said, extending his hand to Vane. "You can call me Paul. "

  "Nice meeting you, Paul. "

  Paul turned to Fury. "You must be the brother. "

  "I hope so, I'm wearing his pants. "

  Paul laughed.

  "So, you're the evil neuter king," Fury said. "I wondered what you looked like. "

  "Fury," Vane said in warning.

  Again Paul laughed. "You know anything about dogs, Vane?"

  "Yeah. A little. "

  "Good. I have one I want you to meet. "

  "Oh jeez, not Cujo, Dad. That's worse than my speech you interrupted. "

  Paul ignored his son as he headed toward a fenced-in area in the back where Vane could see a number of doghouses.

  As Vane and Fury walked past, the dogs, sensing their animal part, came out to either bark or play.

  Paul led them to a cage at the end of the row where an angry Lab mix was kept. The dog was filled with rage and hatred.

  "We can't do anything with him," Paul said. "My partner thinks we ought to put him down, but I hate to do that. It seems a damn shame to kill an animal who's been hurt. "

  Fury set his beer down and went to the door. The dog ran out of his house, barking and snarling.

  "Shh," Fury said, holding his hand out to the dog so that he could sniff him.

  "I wouldn't do that if I were you," Patrick said. "He damn near tore the hand off the animal control officer who captured him. "

  "Yeah, someone needs to put them in a cage and poke them for a while,"

  Fury said, curling his lip.

  The dog continued to attack.

  "Stand back," Vane said as he reached for the latch on the door.

  Fury stood up and moved while Vane opened it. The dog lunged, then darted back. Vane shut the door and crouched down. "Come here, boy," he said soothingly, holding his hand out.

  The dog ran into his house and barked even louder.

  Vane crawled toward the house and slowly reached his hand inside. "Don't be afraid," he said, letting the dog catch his scent.

  He could feel it starting to calm. It knew he wasn't entirely human and it was starting to trust the animal that it smelled.

  After a few seconds of waiting, the dog licked Vane's fingertips.

  "That's it," Vane said, stroking his fur.

  He looked back over his shoulder. "Fury? Could you get me something for him to eat?"

  "I'll get a bowl," Paul said.

  Once Paul returned, he gave the bowl to Fury who brought it inside. Fury crouched outside the house beside Vane and carefully put the food down in front of the dog.

  "Man, they screwed you up bad, huh?" Fury said to the dog.

  Vane picked up a handful of food and held it out to the dog. It nosed around until it finally trusted him enough and took a bite.

  "There you go," he said quietly as he picked up more food and hand-fed the dog. "Damn, Dad," Patri
ck said from the other side of the fence. "I've never seen anything like that. "

  After a few minutes, Vane had the dog fed. He crawled into Vane's lap and lay there, needing comfort. Fury stroked his back while Vane massaged his ears. Vane felt someone watching him. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Bride beside her father.

  "Did you get him to eat?" she asked him.

  "Yeah. "

  She smiled at that. The sight of her there made his heart ache. How could something so simple as a mere smile wreak such havoc with his body?

  "I came to tell everyone that dinner was ready. But if you need more time"

  Vane stood up. "He'll be okay for a bit. "

  Fury patted the dog, then rose slowly to his feet.

  The two of them left the cage and shut it. The dog came running up to them, howling.

  "It's okay," Vane told him. "We'll be back. "

  "Yeah," Fury added, "with a nice treat for you. "

  Vane draped his arm over Bride's shoulders as they followed her brother and father into the house. "Is this where you grew up?" he asked Bride.

  "No. My parents moved here a few years ago after they sold their small farm. "

  "I miss the old place," Paul said as he held the door open for them. "There are too many ordinances here. I had to get a special license just so I could keep my patients in the back, and I routinely have to pay fines. "

  "Why did you move?" Fury asked.

  Paul shrugged. "Her mother wanted to be closer to town. What's a man to do when his wife has her heart set on something?"

  They entered the dining room where a huge feast waited along with Deirdre, who still looked like she'd rather they leave.

  "Come over here and sit by me, Vane," Joyce said, indicating the chair on her right. "And Fury, you can sit on the other side of Bride. "

  The instant Fury sat down, Titus came running up and tried to climb into his lap. "Oh, good grief!" Joyce snapped. "Paul, get the dog down. "

  "It's okay," Fury said, laughing.

  Then when Vane sat down, Titus ran for him and licked his face. "Hey boy, watch the dewclaws. "

  "What has gotten into my dog?" Joyce asked, pulling at Titus's collar. "He's normally standoffish with people. "

  "Dogs know good people when they see them," Paul said, pulling a piece of stuffing out of the turkey.

  "Titus," he said, holding it down for the dog.

  Titus ran to get it.

  Bride sat down beside Vane. "So Patrick, where's Maggie?"

  "Over at her parents'. I'm going over there after I eat here. Since we're sleeping here, she wanted to make sure her mother didn't get jealous. "

  "Maggie is Patrick's wife," Joyce explained to Vane. "She's going to make me a grandmother in the springtime. "

  "Congratulations," Vane said to Patrick.

  "Yeah, we'll see. I'm scared as hell. Personally, I don't think I'm ready to be someone's parent. "

  "Yeah," Bride said with a laugh. "You might have to share your toys. "

  Patrick grimaced at her before he launched a pea over the table at her head.

  Vane caught it before it made contact, then zipped it right back at Patrick. It hit him straight between the eyes. Bride howled with laughter.

  "Children!" Joyce snapped. "You behave or I'll make you eat in the corner. "

  "Nice reflexes, bud," Patrick said, wiping his brow good-naturedly. "I think we should recruit you for the team. "

  "I don't think so, Pat," Bride said. "I somehow think Vane would balk at wearing a shirt that says 'Snip It and Clip It If You Love It' on his back. He's kind of sensitive about dog neutering. "

  Vane arched a brow at that, but wisely kept his mouth shut.

  Her father laughed hard. "I can appreciate his point of view. Not many men want to play for the Castrators. But we have a lot of female vets who strangely do. "

  "Ah, we'll work on him," Patrick said. "With those reflexes, we could definitely use him. "

  Vane noticed the look of sadness on Deirdre's face, but she didn't say anything as she sat there and put her napkin in her lap.

  Bride's father said the blessing and then stood up to carve the turkey while her mother began passing the side dishes.

  Vane held the bowls while Bride served both him and herself.

  "Is there anything you don't like?" Bride asked him.

  "Not really. "

  She smiled at that. "You're so easy. "

  He impulsively kissed her cheek, until he realized that her family was staring at them. "I'm sorry," he said, afraid he'd done something wrong.

  "Don't be," Joyce said. "I'm just glad to see my baby smiling for once. "

  Vane passed the mashed potatoes across Bride to Fury, who stared at them with a fierce frown. "What are these?" he asked.

  "Potatoes," Vane told him.

  "What did they do to them?"

  "Just eat them, Fury," Vane said. "You'll like them, trust me. "

  Patrick snorted. "Where are you from that you've never seen mashed potatoes before?"

  "Mars," Fury said as he frowned at the way the potatoes clung to the spoon. He only took a little, then passed them over to Paul. Fury leaned forward a bit and sniffed at the potatoes in a very canine manner.

  Bride felt Vane's leg reach over hers to kick at Fury's chair under the table. Fury snapped upright and looked at Vane, who was giving him a warning stare.

  "Really, where are you from?" Deirdre asked again. "Did you guys grow up here?"

  "No," Vane answered. "We traveled a lot growing up. We've lived just about everywhere. "

  Her sister gave him a gimlet stare. "What brings you to New Orleans?"

  "Deirdre," Bride said. "Since when is this the Inquisition?"

  "Since Mom said you were serious about him. I think we ought to know something more about your new boyfriend than the fact that he looks good in a pair of jeans. "

  "Deirdre," Paul said in a low but stern tone. "Don't make Bride and Vane pay for the crimes of Josh. "

  "Fine," Deirdre snapped angrily. "But when he runs off with his secretary and leaves her alone to explain to her kids why Daddy's a jerk, I hope you remember this. " She got up and left the room.

  "I'm sorry," Joyce said, rising. "Y'all go ahead and eat. I'll be back in a minute. "

  "Deirdre's husband left her a few months ago," Bride explained to Vane.

  "Her kids are with him for the holiday and Deirdre's having a hard time with it. "

  "Why would a hum" Fury stretched the syllable out in a way that let Bride know he was about to say "human. " "Humongous jackass do that?" he said, finishing it off.

  "I don't know why some men do what they do," Paul said. "I figure though that it's good riddance to bad rubbish. "

  "I agree," Bride said, looking at Vane, who was playing with her thigh under the table and making her extremely hot. His touch was electrifying.

  Joyce returned to get Deirdre's plate, then left the room again.

  Paul sighed. "I wish I could make it better for her. There's nothing worse than seeing one of your children in pain and not being able to stop it. "

  "I could kill him for her," Fury offered.

  Vane cleared his throat.

  "Well, he could have an accident," Fury tried again. "Humans have those all the time. "

  Patrick gave an evil laugh. "I have a shovel. "

  "Screw that," Paul said before he sipped his wine. "I have a gator in the backyard. "

  They all laughed.

  Joyce returned and sat back down. "Sorry about that. "

  "Is she okay?" Bride asked.

  "She will be. It just takes time. "

  Vane sensed Bride's sadness. He squeezed her thigh comfortingly.

  "I probably shouldn't have brought Vane. It was insensitive of me. "

  "Oh bah!" Joyce snapped. "You didn't do anything wrong, Bride. We wanted to meet him. " She smiled at Vane. "T
his is Deirdre's issue, okay?"

  Bride nodded.

  They finished their meal in peace while Patrick and Paul bantered back and forth. Then Joyce brought out a pecan pie and a four-layer chocolate cake.

  Bride cut a small piece of pie.

  "Don't you want any cake?" Vane asked. "I know chocolate's your favorite. "

  She stared at it longingly. "No, I better not. "

  Before she could pass it over, Vane set a slice down on her plate.


  "You wanted it. I know that look. "

  She rolled her eyes at him and picked up her fork. "Thank you. "

  Vane nodded. He felt her mother watching him. Glancing over, he received a grateful smile from Joyce, who reached over and gently patted his forearm.

  It sent the strangest sensation through him. Was that what it was like to have a real mother's touch?

  After dinner, Bride decided she had tortured Vane and Fury enough for one day.

  "We probably should head back," she said.

  "What?" her father asked. "No game?"

  "You and Patrick can watch the game, Dad. "

  To her utter shock, her father actually pouted.

  Bride gave him a hug for being so kind to Vane and Fury. "I'm going to go say goodbye to Deirdre. Be nice to the guys until I get back. "

  Bride headed up the stairs to the guest rooms. She found Deirdre in the last room on the hall.

  "Hey hon," she said, pushing open the door. "You okay?"

  Deirdre's eyes were rimmed in red as she sat on the bed, clutching a pillow to her stomach. Her plate of food was still untouched on the nightstand. "I'm fine. I guess. "

  Wishing she could do something to help her sister, Bride walked over to the bed. How she sympathized with Deirdre's broken heart. She'd felt the same until Vane had come her way and made her smile. "I'm so sorry. "

  "Don't be. I'm glad the asshole's gone, but you you should let go of Vane. "

  It wasn't so much her sister's words that shocked her as the rancor in Deirdre's tone. "Excuse me?"

  "C'mon, Bride. Don't be stupid. Look at him. Look at you. The two of you don't belong together. "

  Bride gaped at her sister. "I beg your pardon?"

  "Taylor was a great guyyou should have held on to him with both hands. He was reliable and stable. Most of all, he was well respected in the community. But instead of doing what he wanted, you refused to lose weight and he left you because you're fat. Now this guy comes along and you jump all over him like Taylor never existed. Not that I blame you. He is prime, but don't be a fool. "

  Oh, that was a low blow and, quite honestly, Bride was tired of being the "smart" one while Deirdre was always known as the "pretty" one. "Just because you married a snake doesn't mean that Vane is a dog. "

  Bride hesitated at that. Actually Vane was a dog, kind of. But not like that.

  "Vane would never cheat on me. "

  "Yeah, right. Look at me, Bride. I was the first runner-up for Miss Louisiana and would have won had I not been so young at the time. I'm still damn attractive and yet my husband ran off on me. What chance do you stand?"

  Angry at her "perfect" sister, Bride refused to look at her. Instead, she moved to the window that faced out onto the backyard where she saw Vane and Fury with her father.

  "You married Josh for money, remember?" Bride said as she watched them with the dogs. "You actually told me that the night before the wedding. "

  "Oh, and I suppose you love Vane for his personality? I'm not stupid. You love him for how nice his ass looks. "

  And yet as Bride watched her mate, she knew the truth. Vane wasn't human.

  He didn't think or act like a human. Unlike Taylor and Josh, he would never leave her because she wasn't what he wanted her to be.

  He loved her just as she was. Not once had Vane tried to change her or alter her in any way. He just accepted her, faults and all.

  Vane would never cheat on her. Never lie. But he would kill anyone who hurt her. And in that moment as she watched him pet a dog that no one had been able to reach, she realized how much she loved him.

  Just how much she needed him.

  The very idea of living without him killed her.

  She couldn't. In the last few weeks, he had become an integral part of her life. Most of all, he was an integral part of her heart.

  Her eyes teared as the reality of that thought crashed down on her.

  She really, truly loved him in a way she had never known a woman could love a man.

  "You have no idea what you're talking about, Dee. Vane is kind and considerate. He takes care of me. "

  "You've only known him for a couple of weeks on the heels of breaking up with Taylor. It's shameless the way you hang all over him. "

  Bride looked back at her sister. She felt sorry for Deirdre, but that didn't give her sister the right to try and make her feel bad. "You're just jealous. "

  "No, Bride, I'm not. I'm a realist. Vane's way out of your league. "

  Bride glared at her perfect sister, but deep down, she felt so very sorry that Deirdre would most likely never know the love she had with Vane.

  If she could, she would give her sister that gift. But it wasn't within her control.

  "Whatever, Dee. I'll see you later. "

  Vane and Fury were outside in the yard with the Lab again.

  "You wouldn't want to take him home with you, would you?" Paul asked as Fury played with the dog. "Valerius would piss his drawers," Fury said. "Can I?"

  Vane laughed. "Sure. But Cujo will probably end up at Sanctuary. "

  "You know," Paul said, "I should have thought of asking the bears about that myself. "

  Vane gave Paul a suspicious look. "Pardon?"

  "But then, since he's just a dog and not a Were, I didn't think about the bears welcoming him in. "

  Vane couldn't have been more stunned had Paul kicked him.

  "Close your mouth, Vane," Paul said in a fatherly tone. "I'm the leading vet in the state. Carson is still learning the practice. Who do you think he calls when there's something he can't deal with?"

  Carson was the resident veterinarian at Sanctuary. A Were-Hunter himself, he was only fifty years old, which in their world made him not much more than a child. "I know all about Fang, too," Paul continued.

  Fury came forward to stand before the fence. He put his hand up on the links as he stared in disbelief at Paul. "Why did you let us come here?"

  Paul took Vane's hand in his. The mark was hidden. "You didn't have to cover it.

  I knew the minute Bride told me your name what had happened. And I know how you guys guard your mates. I can't say I'm exactly happy about this, but at least I don't have to fear you will ever hurt her the way Deirdre was hurt. "

  Vane clenched his fists. "Does Joyce"

  "No. She knows nothing about your world and I want to keep it that way.

  I've never told anyone about Sanctuary. " Paul let go of Vane's hand. "If you're looking for my blessing, you have it. I wasn't sure until I saw you two at dinner. It's been a long time since I've seen my little girl so happy. But remember, if you ever hurt her" He glanced over to where a dog was in a cage with a cone around his head.

  "Ah man," Fury breathed. "That's just sick. "

  "I definitely concur," Vane agreed.

  "Yeah well, Bride is my baby and I know how to use a tranq gun and a scalpel. "

  Vane cringed as Fury cupped himself.


  They turned to see Bride walking toward them.

  Paul stepped back. "Let me get you a leash for"

  "We won't need it," Fury said, opening the gate and letting the dog out with him.

  "No, I guess not," Paul said. He went to pet the dog, who snapped at him.

  "Behave," Fury said, pulling Cujo back.

  Bride hesitated as she drew near.

  "And you better not nip
at Bride," Vane warned. "Or we'll leave you here. "

  The dog wagged its tail and sat down.

  "Is he coming with us?" she asked.

  Her father nodded. "They were kind enough to adopt him. "

  "That was sweet of you," she said to Vane.

  Fury scoffed. "Not really. I feel for anyone who gets tossed into a ditch. "

  Bride reached out and hugged Fury. She felt for the wolf and what he'd been through.

  Fury cleared his throat and stepped back. "Don't get mushy on me, Bride, I don't know how to handle it. Much like Cujo, my first instinct is to attack and that would cause Vane to make me look like that poor guy over there. "

  Bride saw the dog with the cone. "Ouch. "

  "Exactly. "

  Vane wrapped his arm around her and together they walked back to the house with her father, Fury, and Cujo following them.

  Joyce looked up in surprise to see the dog with them, but didn't say anything as she handed Bride a large sack of Tupperware. "I split the leftovers with everyone. "

  "Did we get any potatoes?" Fury asked.

  Vane cocked a brow. "So now you like them?"

  "Yeah, they were good. "

  Bride kissed her mother on the cheek. "Thanks, Mom. "

  Patrick met them in the living room. He held his hand out to Vane. "It was good meeting you, even if you are a drug-dealing pimp. "

  "You, too. "

  "Excuse me?" Bride asked.

  "It's a long story," Fury said with a laugh.

  "Y'all be careful going home," Joyce said as she led them out to the car. "Oh wait, let me get a blanket for the dog so he won't scratch the leather seats. "

  Bride took a few minutes to say goodbye again while her mother fetched the blanket, then put it in the back for Cujo. After she'd hugged and kissed her parents, Bride joined the wolves and dog in the car.

  Within no time, they were headed back toward the Garden District.

  "You have a nice family, Bride," Vane said.

  She looked at him and then Fury. "Yeah, I do. I think you guys are the best. "

  Vane's heart pounded at what she said. "I meant your family. "

  "You and Fury are part of my family, Vane. You're the best part of it. "

  "I think you two need some privacy. " Fang sat up and squeezed Bride's hand. "Later, little sister. " Then he and the dog vanished out of the back seat. Vane pulled to the side of the road and stopped the car. "What are you saying to me, Bride?"

  She lifted her hand up to play with his hair as she stared into those incredible

  hazel eyes that held her heart enslaved. "While my sister was yelling at me about how you would one day leave me high and dry, I had an epiphany. I've never in my life known anyone like you, Vane, and I doubt I ever will. I like the way you look at me as if you can already taste me. I like how you worry if I'm too cold or if I've had enough to eat. Most of all, I love the way you feel at night when you're holding me close. The way you touch me as if you're afraid I'm going to break. And how you take care to cradle me in your arms. "

  She paused and took a deep breath before she continued. "I love you, Vane. I don't think I ever knew what real love was until you came into my life. "

  She held her marked hand up to him. "I'm ready to mate with you. "

  He looked startled and uncertain. "Are you sure about this?"

  "The mere fact that you're asking me that question when you know what you'll lose if I say no proves to me just how right I am about you. Yes, Vane Kattalakis. I'm sure. "

  A slow smile spread across his face two seconds before he pulled her into his arms and kissed her breathless. Vane pulled away with a deep, wolfish growl. "I really hate that I had to drive this damned thing. Otherwise I'd have us both in bed right now. "

  "Can't you poof the car home?"

  "No. It's too big and heavy, and if I abandon it, it'll get stolen and Otto will never forgive me. He loves this damned hunk of junk. " He released her and settled back in his seat.

  And damn near gave her heart failure as he drove home in record time.


  Petty had nothing on this guy as he weaved in and out of traffic.

  They squealed to a stop outside of Valerius's door and Vane flashed them from the car to their bedroom. One second they were standing next to the bed; in the next, they were naked in it.

  Bride laughed at his eagerness. "You don't waste time, do you?"

  "I don't want you to change your mind. "

  "I'm not going to. "

  Vane kissed her deeply. He was already hard for her.

  Bride ran her hand over his back, delighting in the feel of him. His skin was so warm and masculine. "Just remember, this doesn't get you off the hook for a big Irish wedding. "

  He laughed at that. "Whatever it takes to make you happy. "

  Her smile faded as seriousness set deep in her heart. "That would definitely be you. "

  He kissed her again, nearly devouring her.

  By the time he pulled away, she could barely breathe. "Okay," she said quietly. "What do we need to do?"

  Vane rolled over onto his back and stole her breath at the way he looked there. His tanned skin was set off to perfection against the cream sheets. His hair was loose and made him look all the more alluring. "You need to press your marked palm to mine. "

  Bride laid her palm to his warm and callused one. Vane laced his fingers with hers.

  "Now you have to take me into your body without my interference. "

  "That's kind of strange, but okay. "

  "Not really. It was set up as a safeguard to protect our females. The Claiming can never be forced on a female. She must complete it by her own free will. "

  Bride sat up on her knees and carefully straddled his lean waist. She stared down at him, wondering how this would change them.

  Would it change them?

  How could it not?

  After this they would be mated. She would belong to him and, until the day she died, he would belong to her.

  Vane took her free hand into his and kissed it gently.

  Her heart pounding, Bride shifted her body until he was deep inside her.

  They both moaned at the sensation.

  Vane ground his teeth as his hand started to heat up. It took all his willpower not to thrust against her. But this wasn't his choice, it was hers.

  "Now you have to say the following: 'I accept you as you are, and I will always hold you close in my heart. I will walk beside you forever. '"

  Bride locked gazes with him as her own palm tickled. "I accept you as you are, and I will always hold you close in my heart. I will walk beside you forever. "

  Vane's eyes darkened before he repeated the vow back to her. No sooner had he spoken them than he arched his back as if he were being racked with pain.

  Bride squeaked in surprise as his canine teeth grew like something out of a vampire movie.

  Vane held her still while he breathed raggedly. His entire body was tense and rigid.

  "It's okay, Bride," he growled. "Don't be afraid. It's just our Claiming spell calling out the thirio so that we can bond our life forces together. It'll pass in a few minutes. "

  "You look like you're in pain. Is there anything I can do?"

  "Just wait for it to pass," he panted.

  "If we bond, will it stop?"

  He nodded.

  "Then bond with me. "

  He hissed, then locked gazes with her. "Do you understand what that is, Bride?

  If I die, you die with me. Instantly. Unless you're pregnant and then you will die as soon as our baby is born. "

  Her heartrate tripled. But as she stared down at him, it seemed a small price to pay. Did she want to live without him? "What the heck?" she said. "If we're going to do this, let's go all the way with it. "

  "Are you sure?"

  She nodded.

  Vane sat up
under her. He cradled her to his chest and nuzzled her neck.

  "After I bite you, you'll have to bite me back in the shoulder. "

  Before she could respond, he sank his teeth into her.

  Bride cried out, but not from pain. An unimaginable pleasure tore through her as she felt him swelling inside her. She thrust herself against him as a divine orgasm ripped her apart.

  Her vision blurred as she felt her own fangs growing in her mouth.

  Something seemed to possess her until she no longer felt human.

  It was Wonderful. The next thing she knew, she sank her teeth into Vane's shoulder.

  Wrapped in ecstasy, they held each other as their heartbeats synchronized and the room spun around. Bride had never felt this close to another being in all her life. It really was as if they were one person, united. Physically. Spiritually. Perfectly.

  Vane couldn't breathe as he tasted her. He should never have bonded with her and yet he was so grateful that she would be with him. For the first time he understood why Anya had bonded with her mate.

  He didn't want to lose Bride. Didn't want to even try to imagine a single day without her in it. Now he wouldn't.

  His head swam as his orgasm faded and his teeth receded. Bride pulled away and stared at him as if she were drunk.

  "Is it over?" she asked.

  He nodded, then kissed her. He kissed her again. "You are mine, Bride McTierney. Now and always. "

  She smiled.

  Vane leaned her back on the bed and laid himself over her. He only wanted to feel her. His mate.

  The reality of that encircled his heart and made him fly.

  Bride cradled him with her entire body. He felt so good there. She ran her hand through his hair and started to laugh.

  "What's so funny?"

  "I was just thinking that it's not every woman who gets to have her very own tamed wolf. "

  His eyes twinkled. "I'm not sure I could call myself tame. Only you have that effect on me. "

  "That's what I like most of all. "

  As he dipped his head down to kiss her, his phone rang. Vane pulled back with a grumble. He held his hand out and the phone flew across the room, into his grip.

  Bride frowned. "I'm not sure I'll ever get used to you doing that. "

  He nipped her neck playfully, then answered it.

  "Hi, Aimee," he said, then paused. He looked at her and she noted the confusion in his eyes. "Thanks, I really appreciate that. Hang on a sec. "

  He pressed the mute. "It's one of the bears at Sanctuary who is watching Fang.

  They're having their own Thanksgiving celebration and have decided to temporarily lift my banishment if I want to visit Fang tonight. "

  "Okay. "

  "I was wondering if you'd like to go with me and meet him. I mean, he's not really saying anything, but"

  "I'd love to meet your brother," she said, interrupting him.

  He looked relieved before he returned to the phone. "Yeah, we'll be there in a little bit. Thanks. "

  He hung up the phone and placed it on the nightstand.

  Bride lay there quietly, trying to come to grips with what she had done.

  What had happened to them this afternoon.

  "Are you sure I'm not aging? I don't feel any differently. "

  "You should be joined to me, but since I've never mated before, I don't know what we should feel. "

  Bride looked at her hand. Her mark was now a vibrant red. "This is different, though. What about yours?"

  "Looks like yours. "

  That was a good sign. "Do I have to keep drinking your blood?"

  He shook his head. "Never again. "

  "Good. The thought of it is really gross. "

  Vane got up and pulled her out of the bed.

  "What are you doing?"

  "I'm going to bathe you, Lady Wolf, so that I can take you to Sanctuary and show you off to everyone. "

  How she wished she were as beautiful as he thought she was. It was so nice to be with someone who looked at her with rose-colored glasses.

  Vane led her into the bathroom and turned the shower on. Once he had the water regulated, he opened the curtain and let her enter first.

  Bride felt a bit awkward. She'd never bathed with a man before. But as Vane started soaping her body, her awkwardness vanished in a wave of hot desire for him.

  He looked really good naked and wet, and his hands were incredible as they slid over every inch of her body.

  "You're really talented," she said, her breath catching as he washed between her legs.

  He kissed her gently as he dropped the washcloth and used his fingers to caress her.

  "You're never satisfied, are you?" Bride asked as she felt him harden again. "Not where you're concerned. " He pressed her back against the cool tile wall.

  He lifted one of her legs up to wrap around his narrow waist before he slid into her.

  Bride cried out in pleasure as he thrust against her. It wasn't until she came that she realized she had wrapped both legs around his waist and that he was supporting her full weight as he continued to thrust.

  His hair was wet and dripping as he captured her lips. He buried himself deep inside, then shuddered.

  Bride was only vaguely aware of the water's spray against her arms and legs as she watched Vane's face. Her wolf was beautiful when he came for her. He held her effortlessly while his body continued to shudder.

  After he finished, she set her legs down as he withdrew from her.

  He took a ragged breath, then turned around to face the water.

  Bride impulsively pressed her front to his naked back.

  Vane hissed at the sensation of his Bride against him. She wrapped her arms around his waist, sliding her hands over his body. "You keep doing that and we'll never leave this shower," he said huskily.

  "Sure we will. It won't be much fun in here if the water turns cold. "

  "True. "

  Then to his delight she left him and picked up the washcloth to bathe him.

  Bride had never done anything like this. It was actually a lot of fun to soap those magnificent muscles and to help rinse his body.

  "You are decadent," she breathed.

  He answered that with a smile and a kiss.

  After they were finished, they left the shower. Bride thought they'd have to dress, but Vane surprised her by re-dressing them in the clothes they'd worn to her parents' house.

  "How do you do that?"

  Vane shrugged. "It's like breathing. I barely think about it and poof. It's magic. "

  "I wish you would warn me a bit before you do it. I'm still getting used to all this. "

  In order to please her he led her through the door and down the hallway to Fury's room. Vane knocked on the door.

  "Yeah?" Fury called from inside.

  Vane shouldered it open to find Fury with the dog on his bed. "We were heading over to Sanctuary. I was just wondering if you'd like to join us. "

  "Sure. Can Cujo come?"

  "I guess. We can always put him in one of the cages if he gets nervous. "

  "Cages?" Bride asked.

  Vane turned to face her. "Since Sanctuary has a lot of different kinds of animals in it, they have a whole room of cages in the event someone gets nasty. "

  Fury and Cujo flashed out of the room.

  "How do you want to go?" Vane asked her.

  Bride let out a deep breath. "Beam me over, Scotty. "

  Vane took her hand and flashed them to Sanctuary.

  It took Bride a second to get her bearings. She'd been by this bar a million times, but had never been inside it before. There was a sign on the door that said it was closed. However, there was plenty of activity inside. At least fifty "people" were there, including Fury and Cujo, who was sniffing around various occupants.

  Several tables had been pulled together to make one really l
ong banquet table that was covered with white tablecloths. Another series of tables held more food than she had ever seen in her life. There were a dozen turkeys, twenty hams, and at least two dozen kinds of cakes and pies with every side item known and a few she couldn't identify.

  But what stunned her most was how incredibly attractive everyone there was. Jeez! It looked like a model revue.

  Bride felt extremely intimidated.

  "Vane," a tall, gorgeous blond man said as he came over to them. "We were wondering if you'd make it. "

  "Hey, Dev. "

  Bride noticed two more "Devs" who entered the room, carrying more food.

  "We're quadruplets," Dev said with a wicked grin. "You can tell me by this. "

  He pulled his T-shirt sleeve up to show her a bow-and-arrow tattoo, then he pointed out his brothers. "The mean-looking one holding the gumbo is Remi. The bashful one over there with the bear cub in his lap is Quinn, and Cherif is the one holding the platter of crab legs. Don't worry if you can't remember who's who, just yell 'quad' and we'll answer. "

  He seemed very friendly and open.

  "I'm Bride," she said, holding out her hand to him. "Nice meeting you. "

  As he shook her hand, another attractive blond man appeared behind Vane. He growled low in his throat, reminding her of a wolf.

  "Don't even think about it, Sasha," Vane growled back, giving the man a lethal stare. "I'm in no mood for your shit. "

  "Wolves," Dev said to Bride. "The alphas have to do that dominance crap whenever they see each other. See, me, I'm a bear. We get along with most anyone.

  Unless you mess with us, then we rip your head off. "

  Dev inclined his head to Sasha. "Why don't you go help Papa bring out the kegs?"

  Sasha came over and sniffed at Bride. He appeared to calm a degree before he looked back at Vane. "Sure, Dev. I wouldn't want to embarrass Vane in front of his mate by defeating him. "

  Vane took a step toward him until Dev cut him off.

  "Go, Sasha," Dev said sternly.

  Sasha finally left.

  Dev took a deep breath and grinned at her. "You should have tried a bear, Bride. Then you wouldn't have to worry about this. "

  "It's all right. I'm rather fond of wolves. " She watched as Sasha neared Fury.

  Fury came instantly to his feet with a snarl so sinister that it actually scared her. Always easygoing and a bit inept, she'd had no idea that Fury could look like that.

  He was truly frightening in his wolf persona.

  "Wolves apart!" a tall, slender woman said in a French accent as she came between them. "Or else I shall throw water on you both. "

  Remi appeared by her side. "Do you need help, maman?"

  "Not from you, cher," she said, patting him kindly on the arm. "Go and help Jose in the kitchen. "

  Remi gave the wolves a warning glare before he obeyed his mother.

  Once Sasha and Fury had some distance between them, the woman came over to her and Vane.

  "There you are at last. " She kissed Vane on his cheek, then turned to Bride.

  "I am Nicolette, but most people call me Mama. "

  "Bride," she said, shaking the bear's hand.

  Nicolette smiled up at Vane. "She is beautiful, mon petit loup. You have done well for yourself. "

  "Merci, Nicolette. "

  "Come," she said, gesturing them further into the room. "Vane, introduce your mate to our people while I make sure my sons do not fight. And have no fear if you can't remember our names, Bride. There is but one of you while we are many.

  You will learn them all in time. "

  Bride thanked her, then Vane took her around the room and introduced her to lions, tigers, bears, hawks, jackals, and leopards. Even a couple of humans were there.

  Nicolette was right. She couldn't keep straight who was who or what. Since there were only a handful of women, most of them mates for the men, they were easier to remember. But the men it was enough to make her head spin.

  "Where's Fang?" she asked as Vane finished introducing her to the people in the kitchen.

  "He's upstairs. C'mon and I'll introduce you to him next. "

  Vane led her through a door that opened out into a grand Victorian parlor.

  Bride paused at the sight of it. Plush and decorated with antiques, the house was stunning.

  "This is Peltier House," Vane explained. "The Were-Hunters live on this side of things where we're safe from discovery. "

  "It's beautiful. "

  "Merci," Nicolette said from behind them. "It has been our home for more than a century now. It is our goal to keep it so. "

  "How can you do that without anyone finding out who and what you are?"

  "We have our ways, chirie," she said with a wink. "Magic does have its benefits. " She handed Vane a small votive candle.

  Vane saw that the glass container had the name "Anya" engraved on it. His heart ached at the sight of it.

  "We always remember our loved ones who are gone," Nicolette explained.

  "Since Fang cannot honor Anya, I thought you might want to. "

  Vane couldn't speak past the sad lump in his throat as Nicolette led him and Bride into a side room where four candle stands were set. The light from the candles flickered like diamonds against the dark green walls.

  "There are so many," Bride said, awed by the number of names.

  "We live a long time," Nicolette said. "And we are at war. The Katagaria against

  the Arcadians, the Dark-Hunters against the Daimons. The Apollites against everyone. In the end, all we have are memories. "

  She indicated two candles that were set up on the wall. "Those are for my sons.

  Bastien and Gilbert. " A tear slid down her cheek. "It is in their honor that Sanctuary was founded. I vowed that no mother, no matter if she is human, Apollite, Katagaria, or Arcadian, would ever know my grief so long as her child was housed here underneath my roof. "

  "I'm so sorry, Nicolette. "

  The bear sniffed and patted her arm. "I appreciate your words, Bride. It is for you that I am renouncing Vane's banishment. "

  Vane looked stunned.

  "It is my wedding present," Nicolette said. "You have no pack to protect her with and, as Acheron says, you have paid a high enough price for your kindness.

  You protected Sunshine for the Dark-Hunters and so we protect you and your mate. "

  "Thank you, Nicolette," Vane said. "Thank you. "

  Nicolette inclined her head, then excused herself.

  Vane lit the candle, then placed it next to the one for Colt's mother. His hand lingered on the glass. By his expression, Bride could tell he was remembering his sister. That he was grieving horribly for her.

  His eyes were bright and shiny as he watched the candle flicker. After a moment, he glanced to her.

  "Come," he said, taking Bride's hand. "It's time to meet my brother. "

  Bride followed him out of the room and up the staircase.

  As they passed the first room, a man stepped out whom Bride actually recognized.


  He looked as shocked by her presence as she felt for his.

  "Bride? What are you doing" His voice trailed off as he sniffed the air. His eyes widened. "You're one of us?"


  "Carson is a hawk," Vane explained.

  "No way!"

  Carson nodded. "I'm the resident veterinarian and doctor here at Sanctuary. "

  He opened the door to the room he was leaving to show her a state-of-the-art examination room that was complete with some of the cages Vane had mentioned.

  "I can't believe it," Bride said as she stared at Carson. She'd known him for years now.

  "Neither can I," he said. He looked at Vane. "I suppose congratulations are in order. You do know what her father does for a living, right?"

  "Yes. Neuter King. "

  Carson drew
his breath in between his teeth. "You do have guts, wolf. Lots and lots of them. "

  "Yeah, I know. "

  "Well, I suppose you were on your way to Fang's room. I'll see you two downstairs. "

  Vane took her to the next room, which was a bedroom.

  Bride half-expected to see a man on the bed and was a bit surprised to find a brown timber wolf there. There was also another extremely attractive blond woman, who could have been Nicolette's younger sister.

  Vane introduced her to Nicolette's daughter, Aimee, who quickly excused herself

  to leave them alone with Fang.

  Vane released Bride's hand as he closed the distance and knelt down on the opposite side of the bed where Fang was facing. "Hey, little brother," he said quietly. "I brought someone here I wanted you to meet. Bride?"

  She joined him.

  The wolf didn't budge.

  "Hi, Fang," Bride said. She looked at Vane. "Can I touch him?"

  "If you want. "

  She placed her hand on his head and rubbed him behind his ears. "It's nice meeting you finally. Vane's told me a lot about you. "

  Still, he didn't move.

  Bride wanted to cry for them both. She could feel how much it hurt Vane that his brother wouldn't acknowledge them.

  "I guess I'll take you back downstairs," Vane said sadly.

  "It's okay. We can stay for a while. I don't mind. "

  "You sure?"

  She nodded.

  "Okay, let me go get us something to drink and I'll be right back. "

  "Wait," she said before he could poof out on her. "Is there a bathroom around?"

  "There's one in Carson's office. "

  "Good. "

  Vane flashed out of the room. Bride left to take care of her business.

  As she left the bathroom, she noticed that Carson's office had a two-way mirror that looked into Fang's room.

  But that wasn't what made her heart stop.

  Standing in Fang's room was Bryani.