
  Marlin found himself bound to a chair. The water in the room was slowly rising.

  “What’s going on here?” he demanded.

  “Confession time,” sneered one of his jailors. “You confess and we kill you. You don’t confess, you drown.”

  “Well, that seems fair. Confess to what?”

  “You are a spy from the surface who has come to steal our secrets and our treasure.”

  “You guys aren’t members of ‘paranoids anonymous’, are you?”

  “You have until the water chokes your throat.” The two guards shuffled up the stone stairs and left the cell.

  Marlin surveyed the room. “I don’t have much to work with here,” he muttered.

  The water was rising fairly rapidly now.

  Marlin tried various means of escaping his bonds. He twisted his wrists back and forth. He tried jumping in the chair. He stuck his neck out as far as he could to see if he could reach the ropes on his wrists. All to no avail.

  The water was bobbing just over his chin when the door to the cell opened. Athon stood at the top of the stairs. “Drain the water and release him.”

  The guards did as Athon told them.

  Marlin did a little dance and shook. “I’ve heard of wash and wear suits but this is ridiculous.” He thanked Athon. “Where are we?”

  “Come with me,” said Athon.

  Marlin sloshed his way up the stairs and followed Athon out the door.

  The rough hewn rock steps came to a richly carpeted hallway. The walls were all of ornately carved gold. Marlin found himself squinting because of the brightness.

  They walked down the hall and turned right.

  They followed that hall for a short distance then turned to two large double doors on the left.

  Athon opened the double doors and gestured for Marlin to enter.

  Marlin entered what was obviously the throne room.

  “So,” came a commanding voice. “You are the one who has returned Kyra and Athon to us. Welcome.”

  Marlin looked toward the source of the voice. Seated on one of the thrones was a distinguished looking, bald older gentleman. He was clad in flowing robes. A gold laurel leaf crown adorned his head. “Uh, thanks,” Marlin said hesitantly.

  “I am King Avarice,” said the man on the throne. “This is my underwater city of gold.”

  “Nice to be here after what I just went through. What was that all about anyway?”

  “We weren’t sure why you had come from the surface. We thought you had come to plunder the city’s treasure.”

  “And the fact that I was traveling with two of your citizen’s didn’t enter into it at all, did it?”

  “They could’ve become treasure hunters after all the time they’ve spent on the surface.”

  “My but we are a trusting soul, aren’t we?”

  “Call me...’possessive’ if you like.” Avarice smiled. “I understand that you are after something of mine.”

  “Well, if we’re being totally honest, yes I am.”

  “The Harp of Harkening,” Avarice said as he made a sweeping gesture toward his right.

  Sitting on a four foot black marble pedestal was a small wooden harp. The polish of the wood gleamed in the light of the golden room.

  “The Tree of Pondish wants it. I just said I’d go fetch it.”

  “And what are you offering in return?”

  “I knew there had to be a catch. What do you want?”

  “The Prism of Permanence!”

  “Of course you do.”

  “It will make a much nicer display over there than the Harp of Harkening.” Avarice said nodding towards the harp.

  “Listen your kingship, I only agreed to this mission because I was really hoping to find a clue to help me return to my world. Before I take off to get your prism I’d like to know if you can throw some light on my situation.”

  “Oh course. Travelers from other worlds are not unknown to us. Do as I request and we shall come to an understanding. You will need all the help you can get to bring back the prism from the Mystic Pool of Ranboon.”

  “I have Kyra and Athon to help me.”

  “Actually, Marlin,” Kyra stepped forward. Athon followed suit. “We’ve decided to stay here. This is our home.”

  “There’s so much to see and so many people to catch up with. Don’t you wonder how it’s possible that we’re sitting on the bottom of the sea and yet are able to breathe?”

  “I was wondering about that. Where’s the electricity coming from?”

  Athon, “Water turbines generate the electricity. The rest I don’t know , but I’d sure like to find out.”

  “I would too but I’d really rather go home, I think.” The Master of Intrigue was rapidly becoming intrigued with this world.

  “Then you understand how we feel.”

  “Yes, I can’t say that I blame you.”

  “It’s settled then,” Avarice concluded. “We look forward to your return with the prism.”

  “I was hoping you could enlighten me before I left.”

  “Now now now. Who’s to say you would bother to return with the prism if I give you the information now?”

  “You make a valid point. Okay, how do I get to this messed up pool of ragged loons?”

  “ ‘Mystic Pool of Ranboon’ “ Avarice repeated.

  Athon piped in. “The only way to get there is over the mountains.”

  “And how am I supposed to get over those mountains?”

  “You could try climbing them.”

  “Any better suggestions?”

  “You could enlist the aid of Syngrine. She could help you.”

  “Who’s gangrene?”

  “Syngrine is a very old dragon. She is very fond of gems.”

  “So now I have to find some gems to buy the services of a dragon named sangria?”


  “Whatever. This gets more ludicrous all the time.” Marlin slapped his forehead.

  Kyra disappeared through a door behind the throne and reappeared almost as quickly.

  “Here,” she said handing a satchel to Marlin.

  Marlin took it and opened it. “Wow!” His eyes lit up.

  The bag was brimming with precious gems.

  “Take only a couple of them with you. Hide the bag somewhere and tell Syngrine she can have the rest once she has returned you safely from the Pool of Ranboon.”

  King Avarice got up from his throne and walked over to Marlin.

  He put his arm on Marlin’s shoulder and led him to the door on the opposite side of the throne. “Got everything now? Good. Good. See you with the prism. Bye!” He shut the door on Marlin.