Page 6 of Thin Air

Page 6

  But really. Demons? How was that right?

  I took a deep breath, put my doubts aside, and said, "So isn't there some kind of, I don't know, spell or something? Pentagrams? Holy water?"

  "The only way we've ever found to stop a Demon, a full-grown Demon, is a Djinn," Lewis said slowly. "The Djinn and Demons are pretty evenly matched. "

  Great. David was coming back, right? Problem solved. Lewis must have seen it in my face, because he shook his head. "Not that easy," he said. "Any Djinn that engages with a Demon directly is probably going to die, and die horribly. The only thing we can do to contain the fight is seal the Djinn, and the Demon, into a bottle. It traps the Demon so it can't do any more damage. "

  My insides felt like they pulled together in a knotted ball. "But what about the Djinn?"

  "Like I said, they die horribly. And it takes some of them centuries. " Lewis's face was hard, his eyes bright. "I didn't say I liked it. "

  "That's-horrible. "

  Lewis looked away. "Yeah," he said. "Which is why we have a problem. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't let David-"

  "Let David what?" said a voice from the shadows, startling me. David, of course, had arrived just in time to pick up his name being taken in vain. He stepped out of the shadows and stood there, watching us both, and whatever that was in his eyes, I couldn't read it. "Let David make his own decisions? Thank you, Lewis. I thought the Wardens never let Djinn think for themselves. "

  He was angry, and he was-I thought-scared. I didn't know how much he'd heard, but clearly enough to disturb him.

  Lewis didn't answer. Probably a good move.

  He dropped a thick forest green down jacket, complete with hood, on the floor next to Lewis. "Here," he said. "Something to keep you warm. We don't need you dying on us. "

  Lewis let out a slow breath and sat back, bracing himself against the wall. "Thanks," he said. "Nice to know you still care. "

  "To a point," David said, and turned to me. "Are you all right?"

  I nodded, still shivering, but the last thing I wanted from him at this moment was a hug, which clearly he was thinking of offering. David slowly crouched, putting our eyes on a level. Not too close. He understood body language, at least, even if he wasn't human; I could feel the yearning in him, the frustration, the anxiety. I wondered if he could tell what I was thinking, and decided that he couldn't. He didn't look worried enough.

  "Is there anything you can do for him?" I asked, and jerked my chin toward Lewis. "Heal him?"

  "He wouldn't welcome that," David said. He edged just a bit closer. "That is the stubbornest Warden I know, and considering I know you, that's saying something. Here. Put these on. " He reached behind him and retrieved my damp clothes from the floor-when I took them, they were soft and warm, like they'd come straight from a dryer. Something hardened in his eyes. "Did you take these off yourself?"

  Lewis laughed, a bitter sort of sound. "David, if you think I'm in any shape to seduce her, you're giving me way too much credit," he said. "She was freezing, she was soaked, and I didn't even look. Can we move on to the next problem, which is a damn sight worse than your jealousy?"

  "You think there's a Demon," David said. "I heard. "

  "Worse than that," Lewis replied. "I think there's a Demon that's managing to control Wardens and walk them around like puppets. You got any idea how bad that is?"

  David looked profoundly troubled. "That means we can't trust the Wardens, either. Something's very wrong. "

  I snorted. "Wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong. I saw Lewis put three bullets into one of them-a girl named Cherise-and she didn't go down. That's wrong. She's little!"

  "Cherise?" David echoed, and looked to Lewis for confirmation. He nodded. "The human girl? Why would a Demon be using her? Why would it bother? There's nothing in her to feed off of. "

  "I don't know, but she was definitely in on it," I said. I was tired now, though considerably warmer; pulling on the clean, dry clothes had definitely helped. I leaned back to zip up the blue jeans and wrapped the tinfoil blanket around me again. "So she's not a Warden?"

  "Not remotely," he said. "The boy is, Kevin, but not her. She was just-"

  "My friend," I said slowly. "She was my friend. That's what she said. God. . . Why is this happening to her? To all of us?"

  Lewis didn't even try to answer. If David could have, he held back; I couldn't tell what he was thinking at all.

  "There's got to be people we can turn to," I said. "Hell, if not the Wardens, what about the police? The army? The forestry service?" I was getting bothered by their shared silence. "Dammit-David, you could bring help to us, right? Rescue?"

  "If the Demon can puppet humans, it wouldn't be wise," he said. "It only adds more potential victims. The fewer we have to worry about, the better. "

  "But we have to get out of here!"

  "And we will," Lewis said, and leaned his head against the wall with his eyes shut. His skin was the color of old, wet paper. "But David's right. Bringing people into this is a bad idea, both for them and for us. We need to find our own way out, and to do that, we need rest. "

  "But-" Lewis needed rest, that much was clear. I turned to David. "Seriously, can't you see he's hurt? Can't you do anything for him?"

  "If he'd let me," David said. "Which I doubt. "

  "I'm fine," Lewis growled.


  "Lewis," I pleaded. "Don't be a dick. Okay, if you're going to be a dick, at least be smart. You'll slow us down. I need you in shape to get me out of here, right?"

  Lewis didn't open his eyes, but after a long moment, he nodded. David stood up and walked to him, put a hand lightly on his shoulder, and then moved it to the back of his neck. He crouched down next to him, and his eyes burned like lava in the darkness, nearly bright enough to read by.

  Lewis made a sound. Not a happy one. His face went an even more alarming shade of gray. "Sorry," David said quietly. "You should have let me do this sooner. There's damage to your lungs. "

  Lewis just nodded, tight-lipped. He was sweating from the pain, and his hands were trembling where they gripped the foil blanket around him.

  With a glance at me, David brushed his other hand across Lewis's forehead, and with a sigh, the man's long body relaxed against the wall.

  Out like a light.

  "He'll be better when he wakes. " David settled Lewis more comfortably, then turned back to me. "He was afraid to let go. He didn't want to leave you alone with me. "

  "What?" I couldn't quite believe what I was hearing. "Why?"

  David smiled slowly. "Because like most Wardens right now, Lewis doesn't fully trust the Djinn. Even though I have more reason than anyone else to want to keep you safe. " David eased down on the rock next to me, not quite close enough to touch. "He thinks my loyalties are divided. He's right, of course. And the Djinn certainly aren't making any of this easier. "

  "What do the Djinn have against me?" Was there anybody who didn't hate my guts?

  "You, personally? Nothing, really. But many of them hate Wardens, and most of the rest have a kind of benign contempt for humankind in general. Our two species are not friends," he said. "We're barely neighbors. "

  "What about you and me?" My eyebrows rose. "I thought we were neighborly. "

  "We're different. "

  "But Lewis is still worried about you. Because you're Djinn. "

  "Exactly," David said. His eyes met mine, and in the shadows they were dark, human, and very gentle. "And as I said, he's right to be worried. I won't hurt you, Jo. I swear that. But I can't make that vow for other Djinn, not yet. There's too much anger. And-long-term, the future for us may not be bright. "

  I sucked down a deep breath. "I don't want to talk about relationships. Look, Lewis said the only way to stop a Demon was to throw a Djinn at it. Which I guess used to be an easier answer-"

  "Try convenient," David said. "At least when the Wardens had plenty of Djinn as slaves.
Now, they'll have to rely on our goodwill if they face a true crisis. Which, as I've said, isn't extensive. " He glanced sideways at me, then became very interested in the deep, still waters of the black pond. "I wish I could tell you that I would sacrifice myself for you, if I had to. I would give anything to tell you that, and a few months ago I would have, without hesitation. But now-now I have to think of my people. I can't confront a Demon, not directly. Not even to save your life. I also can't order one of my people to do it. Lewis knows that. "

  I could tell what saying that cost him, and I didn't quite know how to answer. It took me a few seconds to work it out, and when I spoke, my voice sounded soft and very tentative. "You're ashamed of that, but you shouldn't be. It's okay, I'd never ask you to risk your life-or any Djinn's life-for me. I don't want Lewis to do it, either. If it comes down to it"-I swallowed, hard-"I want you to promise me you won't throw yourself on any Demons for me. Because. . . I don't want anything to happen to you. "

  He didn't speak, and he didn't move. I couldn't tell if that had helped or not, so I blundered on. "I should have stayed back there earlier, to help Cherise and Kevin. They needed help, but I just-I just ran away. So I'm the last person to demand heroic sacrifices, here. I should have-"

  "You should have done exactly as you did," he interrupted. "You should have run. You have to save yourself, Jo. Neither of your appointed guardians are all that capable of helping you now, no matter how much we-" His voice failed him for a second, and then he finished. "No matter how much we want to. "

  We sank into silence-not quite comfortable, but it mellowed out, and I felt tensed muscles easing. I don't know quite how it happened, but soon enough I was leaning against him, and his warmth felt so safe, so reassuring. After a while, he put an arm around my shoulders, and I let my head rest in the hollow of his neck.

  "That girl, Cherise," I said. "Is she still alive? Did I leave her to die?"

  His warm fingers stroked across my forehead, the same gentle gesture I'd seen him give Lewis.

  "Sleep," he murmured, and I felt the warm brush of his lips against my temple. "Dream well. "

  "I will," I said faintly.

  He kissed my hand, an old-world kind of gesture, full of tenderness, then got up with a grace that looked scarily sexy, and walked toward the opening of the cave. I didn't see him leave; it looked like he just misted away between one blink and the next.

  I slept with that.

  Yeah, and you know what? I had the distinct feeling that I'd probably enjoyed the holy hell out of it, too.

  Chapter Three


  I fell asleep, lulled by the gradual warming of my body and general exhaustion, and woke to find some trail bars and water sitting next to me. No sign of David. Lewis had draped his own thermal blanket over me, and clearly he'd gone out. Scouting, maybe. Foraging. Peeing. I had no idea.

  I yawned, stretched, and got up to work out the wincing stiffness in my back and neck. Once I felt more or less human again, I folded up the foil blankets, replaced them in their little packets, and added them to the backpack leaning against the wall. I cautiously sniffed myself, to bad results, and wondered what the odds were of a nice, hot bath appearing if I wished really hard.

  I squeezed through the opening and emerged in predawn darkness-well, it could have been midday; it was hard to tell. The sky was a uniform gray, the color of melted lead, and the clouds had a heavy, solid consistency that threatened real trouble. Somewhere way above, lightning flashed and was visible as a distant blue-white strobe. Thunder drummed, and it sounded just miles away.

  It was freezing. I hadn't realized how accustomed I'd gotten to the relatively balmy temperatures inside the cave, but the first icy slice of wind reminded me. Convulsive shivering made me move faster, and in seconds I made the tree line, found an appropriately screened area, and took care of bladder issues. Once the immediate biological crisis was averted, I started back toward the cave. . . and then hesitated, because I could hear something.

  Something like splashing.

  I followed the sound over a low rise, down another steeper drop, and through a thick clumping of scrub trees.

  I peeked through the branches and saw Lewis, naked, up to his waist in a small pond. And it was steaming with heat, like a natural thermal spring. Wisps of white curled up from the surface, drifting in a low layer of fog that obscured my view only a little.

  Did I mention Lewis was naked?

  I stayed where I was for a few seconds, getting quite a view of the lean strength of his body, water glistening as it ran in slow trickles down his abs. I felt guilty about it, but that didn't stop me. I wondered if there'd ever been anything between the two of us. If there had been, I clearly had some severe neural damage not to remember it. Vividly.

  I had enough of a conscience-twinged epiphany to look away when he swam for the shore. Gawking I could justify. Actual peeping was something else.

  When I looked back, Lewis was zipping up his blue jeans, water dripping from his brown hair to patter on his strong, tanned shoulders. Without looking up he said, in the most studiously normal tone I could imagine, "The water's going to stay warm for the next half hour or so. Might as well use it. You need it. "