Galactic Standard Date: 152,323.03 AE

  Zulu Sector: Command Carrier ‘Light Emerging’

  Colonel Raphael Israfa


  Raphael examined the holographic map of the Orion-Cygnus spur of the Milky Way galaxy, all solar systems they'd sent scout ships thus far marked in various colors to denote what they'd found. Six weeks into the manhunt and already he'd discovered dozens of previously uncharted solar systems and hundreds of planets, one of them marginally habitable. None of them, unfortunately, had any sign of a homing beacon … or Sata'anic activity which might indicate it was the planet where Mikhail had been shot down.

  “Sir,” Major Glicki gestured towards her console, “General Harakhti is on 146.955 kMHz. He would like to speak to you right away.”

  “Put it on the main screen,” Raphael ordered.

  The furry image of the Leonid four-star general came up on the main screen, his magnificent reddish-brown mane a sharp contrast to the short golden fur which covered his brow. The most animalistic of the four hybrid species, Leonids resembled their leonine ancestors, but had the enhanced intelligence and opposable thumbs of a human. They could walk bipedally to free up their hands to use technology or weapons, or run on all fours to garner increased speed. Male and female alike belonged to a fierce warrior culture that made the Sata'an lizards appear tame. When all else failed, the Emperor would say “send in the Leonids!”

  “General Harakhti … what can I do for you?” Raphael saluted the higher-ranking officer even though, technically, they were not within the same chain of command. Re Harakhti was the highest-ranking general in charge of the Leonid fleet, so even if Raphael hadn't admired the man, he would have given him the proper respect anyways.

  “We have been intercepting an unusually high number of Sata’an cargo ships moving back and forth between the Empire and your sector,” General Harakhti rumbled. “They claim to be traders, but so far as we know, there's nobody to trade with that far out. What in Hades is going on?”

  General Harakhti’s ship patrolled the volatile border between the Sata’an Empire and disputed Alliance Trust Territories where constant border skirmishes erupted. The front-line Leonids were often the first to notice an uptick in suspicious activity, although they left it to intelligence personnel such as Raphael to piece together the larger puzzle. General Harakhti had been around the block enough times to realize the suspicious activity and Raphael's placement at the edge of the same sector where all that suspicious activity was headed were probably related.

  “We've been observing the same thing, Sir,” Raphael said. “The Prime Minister has ordered hands off all peaceful traders.”

  “Cactarbh!!!” General Harakhti growled in the style of an old-school general who had earned his stripes the hard way … in battle. “I don't buy it. What do they think we are? Stupid?"

  Harakhti's whiskers twitched in disgust. Unlike the cool, reserved Angelics, the thoughtful Mer, or the earthy Centauri, Leonids were a hot tempered race who spoke their mind. Raphael found their forthrightness to be refreshing.

  “I've been assigned to this sector to report all unusual activity to General Jophiel,” Raphael said. "Colonel Mannuki'ili went missing shadowing one of those ships. Any additional information your forces observe would be appreciated.”

  “Parliament is full of fools!” General Harakhti said in the throaty snarl typical of his kind. “Don't inspect Sata’an ships flying into Alliance airspace my ass! Well … we are still allowed to stop ships that break weight, tonnage and safety laws, aren't we?”

  “That's correct, Sir." Raphael understood the veiled proposal General Harakhti made. “According to the Sata’an/Alliance Treaty signed in 152,299 AE, paragraph 47, subparagraph J, subsection iii-d, either side may board any ship traversing their territory to make a routine health, safety, or welfare inspections so long as no individual race is singled out.”

  “Well then,” General Harakhti flashed his fangs in a self-satisfied grin. “Perhaps it's time to write a few traffic tickets?”

  “Yes, Sir … traffic tickets,” Raphael nodded. “General Harakhti … it has been a pleasure … as always…”

  “Yes, always,” General Harakhti purred. “And congratulations on the new little one. I’ve got a few cubs of my own…

  Chapter 36

Anna Erishkigal's Novels