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  Kimberly's view...

  Wow... That woman has a complex unless something more than talking went on at the boy's house. I take another sip; the tea's good. I'll have to ask her where she got it, but more importantly, I need to find out what happened. If I'm going to have that woman living here, I should probably know for my own safety.

  I walk around, sit next to her, and urge, "Come on, you can tell me. What happened?"

  I set my tea next to hers as a sign that we're in this together.

  Katharine's view...

  I don't understand Kimberly's actions. She acts like she cares about me, but I know better. Her anger and rage is what's true here, and if she's only going to yell at me or make fun of me, she can just leave me alone. I don't need somebody to criticize me. I need someone who will... who will...

  Kimberly's view...

  I watch as that woman refuses to acknowledge my question. I want to make her stop ignoring me, but I decide against violence. I need to find another way to get her to open up to me. I need a tactic I haven't used yet. I should... Kindness... If I pretend to care, she might talk to me.

  I clear my throat, reluctantly place a hand on her shoulder, and in the sincerest voice I can manage, I say, "I'll understand, you can tell me."

  Katharine's view...

  I feel the weight of Kimberly's hand on my shoulder, and it brings me a little comfort. She's right... Of all the people I can tell, Kimberly will understand. I don't have to hide anything from her. She knows what I am, and after the death of Preacher, there hasn't been anyone I can turn to.

  My body trembles with the weight of my guilt. I can no longer contain the feelings of regret and shame, so I close my eyes, place my balled hands in front of myself, lean over, and bury my face in her shoulder.

  I confess, "It was awful... and it was all my fault."

  Kimberly's view...

  Startled by that woman's actions, I jerk back and throw up my hands as I think don't touch me. This is a little more personal than I wanted to get, and I look around the room for an escape, but I'm stuck. All I wanted that woman to do was talk to me. I don't want to comfort her, and I especially don't want to be touching her this much.

  Katharine's view...

  "Everything was fine at Chad's place at first–" I begin my tale as my body involuntarily shakes with my sorrow, "–then these Un-Men were delivered. Before I could stop them, the bodyguards activated them. The Factory's original programming was never removed, and the Un-Men tried to kill me. They shot up the house and nearly killed everyone."

  I find some comfort as I press my face into the shoulder of the one who refers to herself as the Phoenix. She doesn't put her arms around me, but maybe this is enough. It is enough to know that she is here, and she won't think bad of me.

  Kimberly's view...

  For Ares' sake! She is cursed! And I'm the one stuck with her. If that woman wasn't connected to my mom some how, I'd get rid of her.

  I halfheartedly pat her back as if I'm burping a baby and say, "It's okay. You're not cursed. It's the Factory's fault not yours. They're the ones who messed up the Un-Men's programming, so don't worry about it."

  Katharine's view...

  The pats to my back seem hollow somehow, but I still feel safe and... I almost feel like I've been here before. Not the tearless crying part, but that Kimberly has consoled me before, a real consoling, and that warm sensation of an imagined friendship makes me feel a whole lot better. I want her to reassure me. I want her to convince me it's not my fault.

  "Maybe, but they wouldn't have shot up the house if I wasn't there. Doesn't that make me cursed? Shouldn't I stay away from people? After all, I am Pandora. I cause nothing but pain."

  Kimberly's view...

  I roll my eyes. Oh for Ares' sake! Is everything about her? She needs to get over herself. I shake my head in disgust. Is this the mighty Pandora Project? Talk about whiny...

  I force myself to lie and say, "No... Of course not. Don't let them have power over you."

  Katharine's view...

  She did it... Kimberly has come to my rescue, and I don't feel as bad about what happened at Chad's house. I can stop my crying.

  "You're right." I sit up, wiping away my imaginary tears. "I shouldn't give them power over me." I wipe my nose. "Thanks for talking. I feel a little better."

  End Katharine's view...

  As if she was covered in snot, Kim lifted her hands, edged her way off the seat, and escaped around the couch. "Anytime." She quickly made her way into the kitchen and grabbed the knapsack from a bar stool. Kim better get going before that woman decided they needed to braid each other's hair or some other girlfriend bonding ritual and for this Closing, Kim was going to take a taxi.

  Kat turned and asked, "Going somewhere?"

  "Yes, I shouldn't be gone more than a couple of hours." Kim left the apartment.

  After a few minutes, Kat glanced around the quiet empty room and thought she would go get some fresh air. She walked to the front door, took one step into the hall, and looked back. Once she closed the door, it would automatically lock, and she wouldn't be able to get back in. She was stuck either in the apartment or out till Kim came back.

  "Out for a stroll?" Zax asked as he returned to his apartment.

  Kat turned to the fairly nice looking man as she remained in the doorway. "Hey, I know you."

  "I passed you in the hall not twenty minutes ago."

  "Umm..." She pointed at him. "No, it was before that. I should have noticed, but I was preoccupied." Kat pointed again. "You made a delivery here about a week ago."

  He looked at the apartment as if thinking. "Yep... You're right. Good memory." Zax scratched the back of his head. "You caught me."

  Not sure of his meaning, she questioned, "Caught you?"

  "I was so impressed with the apartment when I made the delivery, I decided to rent one. I now live in Apartment G." He motioned to his place. "We're neighbors." He walked over to her and offered his hand. "The name's Zax."

  "Kat." She shook his hand.

  "Are you out for a stroll?" he repeated.

  "I was, but I'm only a guest here and don't have a key. Okay not a key, but you know a way back in."

  "Yes, the voice command system. I guess you're stuck till she returns." Zax pointed his thumb over his shoulder. "Your friend, I passed her as I came out of the elevator."

  "Kim, her name's Kimberly."

  "Kimberly." He nodded. "You should have your friend add your voice to the door system."

  "That would be nice." Kat doubted she'd go for it. Kim barely rated her as a guest so forget about roommate.

  Zax started for his door and paused. "Hmm... It's kind of odd now that I think of it."

  Puzzled by his statement, she asked, "What is?"

  "Your friend was mumbling about something she had to do or something about Brownstone Street." Zax shrugged. "I guess it's really none of my business." He commanded, "Door unlock." His apartment opened. "If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to knock." Zax went in.

  She rubbed her left thumb nail against her index finger. "Brownstone Street? That's where Melissa's safe house is." Kat went into Apartment H, pressed the button, and the door slid close.

  Inside Apartment G...

  Zax dialed a number on his cell phone. "Delivery Man here, I need to speak with R.G." He waited for a few moments. "It's done. I informed Katharine as you told me." Zax listened. "I believe she'll make the connection." He looked to the monitor displaying Apartment H's kitchen and living room, and he saw her walk to the stove. "I will keep you informed of Katharine's actions. Delivery Man out." Zax turned up the volume so he could listen.

  Inside Apartment H...

  Katharine's view...

  I go to the coffee table and grab my tea, wondering why Kimberly would be going to Brownstone Street. Is it a coincidence? Melissa told me when I was at h
er safe house that Valhalla hired a Closer. Kimberly wouldn't; she said she's taking a break from being the Phoenix. Kimberly wouldn't; she has no time. She's searching for her mom's murderer. I down the last of the Chai. Would Kimberly lie to me? She can't be going to a Closing. I walk into the kitchen and throw the cup away. Sheez... What am I thinking? Of course she would lie to me, and she did take her knapsack, but that means... I grab my backpack and rush out of the apartment. That means the Phoenix was hired to kill Melissa. I run for the elevator. I can't let her do it! I have to save Melissa. I can't let anything happen to her or Chad.

  End Katharine's view...

  In Apartment G...

  Zax picked up his cell phone, turned the volume down on the monitor, and called. "Delivery Man here. Tell R.G. mission accomplished. Katharine made the connection. She's on her way."

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Roads Collide

  1:45 P.M...

  Nile Sector, Commorance Vicinage...

  Nikolai and Natasha walked through the revolving doors leading into the lobby of the Bes Hotel, and the area was busy with people checking in and out. The two made their way to an elevator, entered the empty cab, and pressed the button for the top floor.

  "Tomorrow is the day," Natasha said in her thick accent. "We can complete the Closing for the Phoenix and leave this dreadful Dark Half."

  "This place is not completely dreadful, my sister. I find the Dry Clouds impressive." He held his hat in his hand. "They are like watching a pack of wolves stalk the land."

  "You do have an imagination, my brother." Natasha changed the subject. "Are there any special instructions for the Phoenix Closing?"

  "There are two." Nikolai removed a H.H.C. from his suit pocket. "We are to wait for the Phoenix to complete his or her Closing before we complete ours and if the Phoenix is unable to complete his or her Closing, we are to acquire the file and complete the task."

  Natasha questioned, "There will be a bonus?"

  "Yes," Nikolai answered. "Voice will compensate us if we take the second Closing."

  Once they arrived at their destination, they proceeded out of the cab.

  "Where are we going, my brother? You have been secretive."

  "There is something I want to show you. Something I think you will like. We will be there shortly, so for the rest of our journey, we will need to take the stairs."

  "Do you believe I will like it? I am curious, so let us continue our stroll."

  Earlier on the rooftop...

  Kimberly's view...

  I make sure no one follows me up and that no one else is there, and then I walk to a ledge over looking Brownstone Street. The sky ever dark dominates the brightly lit city like a black dragon standing before a candle, and with one flick of its tail, the reptile can extinguish the flame and extinguish hope.

  I remove binoculars from my knapsack and peer through them at a well lit house across the road. I see a bike messenger run up the stoop and ring the buzzer, and then I see a man answer the door; the Mark has bodyguards. I remove a H.H.C. from my knapsack and open the Closing File, and it's on Melissa Odin. The Mark's Closing isn't until tomorrow. I don't know if I can take the Mark out with a rifle if the Mark doesn't leave the house, so I'll have to go in. If I go in, I'll have to take out the bodyguards. I scan the file; the Mark has a little girl. I hope for her sake the Mark sent her to live with a relative. I don't need another Moscow.

  I put the device away and then glance up, hearing a rumbling overhead as a He-Zeppelin soars beneath the Dry Clouds. The airship's twin engines roar, cutting through the thick atmosphere. A raven flies next to the He-Zeppelin, dives, and lands on the ledge down from me, and I look to the bird. The raven tilts its head, staring at me with dark eyes and caws, and then a wolf bays in the distance. I turn my attention back to the airship as a message in green neon letters runs across the He-Zeppelin's side.

  Crite. The taste of lemon and lime. Refresh your taste buds. Buy two twelve packs and receive one free, so buy some Crite today.

  Stupid ad, now I'm thirsty. The corporation probably placed subliminal messages in it. I remove a bottle of water from my knapsack; it isn't Crite, but it will have to do. I take a couple of drinks, put the bottle back, and peer through the binoculars again. The stoop's empty as several cars drive along Brownstone Street, and people stroll the sidewalk. A yellow taxi pulls up to the curb in front of the house and after about a minute, the taxi continues down the road. I try to see who got out. Whoever they are, they look a little lost. I watch the figure who's standing alone on the sidewalk and the person glances in my direction. Is that Katharine? I focus on her face; it is. What's she doing here? That strange woman stares up at the rooftop and appears to be looking at me. I bet she followed me here. No, I've been here too long, and she just arrived. Katharine turns, walks up the steps to the stoop, and rings the buzzer. A bodyguard opens the door. They speak, and he shakes his head. The bodyguard closes the door, and that woman remains outside, waiting. She seems to be very anxious. What did that woman say to him and what could she possibly be here for? She can't be telling them I'm up here. She doesn't know. I bite my lip. She can't possibly know. I wish I had taken that course on lip reading.

  The bodyguard returns with another man, and they both walk out to the stoop after closing the door behind them. This second man's bald and speaks with Katharine for a while. Occasionally, the first bodyguard says something, and the discussion seems heated at times, and after a few minutes, the second man gives in over the objection of the first, and they let her in. For Ares' sake! I stand, placing the binoculars in my knapsack. I have a mind to march down there and drag that woman out of that house. I pace for a few minutes. She has to know that I'm up here, but I can't see how. I start for the rooftop door; I'll worry about the how later. The idiot! I wish she had a phone, and then I'd give her a piece of my mind. No one interferes with my job! I arrive at the door and move my hand to turn the knob when the knob turns on its own, and I quickly duck around the side as two people wearing WM-Bs wander out.

  "See Tasha," a man starts as he strolls toward the edge with a woman's arm locked around his. "The Clouds are impressive up here." He places his hat on.

  I glance around the corner and get a look at the two. They seem familiar, but I can't place them. The woman wears a white fur-lined black coat that flows to her ankles, and the man wears a white pin striped gray business suit and Fedora. I reach for my PPK, and then I change my mind about drawing the gun. It doesn't matter who they are; I'm going to get out of here.

  End Kimberly's view...

  Natasha pressed a button on the side of her mask and spoke, "I see what you mean about them, my brother. I can almost see the wolves. The pack is anxious." She released her hold on his arm and put her hands on the railing, scanning the sky. "Is this what you wanted to show me?"

  "This is part of it," Nikolai answered and searched the rooftop as if he expected to see something. "I was hoping for another."

  While the two had their backs to her, Kim slipped around the corner for the exit.

  Natasha reached up her sleeve. "What is the other?" She turned, flicking her wrist.

  A throwing knife sped for Kim and cut her cheek, before embedding in the door. "Hades!"

  Natasha asked, "Is this creature who you were waiting for?"

  Kim turned, faced the two, pulled her PPK, and aimed for the black haired woman.

  "Yes," Nikolai answered. "The little fire bird I presume." He removed a Glock 25 from a shoulder holster and aimed for her. "We finally meet the Phoenix."

  Admitting nothing, Kim asked, "Who are you?"

  "Who are we?" Natasha questioned. "By now, you should know we are like you."

  "Like me? Who do you think I am?"

  "A Life Closer of course," Natasha answered. "One that has been sloppy."

  Kim aimed for the man as she questioned, "Who hired you?" She
put her free hand behind her back and reached for the knob.

  "Voice," Nikolai replied.

  Natasha turned to her brother and asked him, "Are you going to tell her everything?"

  He entered his gangster motif. "Does it matter? Soon, she'll be sleeping with the fishes."

  "Voice?" The answer surprised Kim, and she paused from escaping, hoping to hear more and continued her act. "Who or what is this voice?"

  "Do not play dumb with us," he said. "We know that you are the Phoenix. You cannot deny it."

  "I'm not saying I am this Closer you mentioned, but tell me something. Why does this voice want me dead? What did I do?"

  "You should not have to ask," Nikolai said. "It is Guild business. Remember you botched the Moscow assignment. It is grounds enough for your Closing."

  Kimberly's view...

  They know about Moscow, so then they must work for Voice. No need to pretend my ignorance, but botched?

  I admit to them, "Sure I missed the first shot, but the backup took out Mrs. Serqet's little girl before I had a chance to take my second shot."

  End Kimberly's view...

  "Backup?" Natasha shook her head. "Phoenix, you had no backup."

  "Sure I did. I saw Maestro's business card when it was handed to the detective. He or she claimed the kill."

  Natasha and Nikolai glanced at each other.

  "Do you know nothing?" Nikolai questioned. "Maestro's alias has been retired for ten years. Maestro is dead."

  "It does not matter," Natasha said. "It is your alias that was recorded as the Closer. The Assassins League has your ID logged as the one who killed the child. You are the lowest of low. You are a Closer who cannot hit her Mark."

  "This is a mistake. I need to clear this up with Voice. I heard the detective say Maestro." Kim reached for the knob again. "I know I did."

  "That is not our problem." Natasha reached into her sleeve. "You of all people should know the rules. Only Voice or Thanatos can cancel a Closing."

  "Oh, I know." If this came to a fight, Kim would take the man out first. The woman did seem very skillful with the knives, but Kim still believed that at this distance he would be the bigger threat. "I wasn't saying we should hold this off, but you can at least do me the courtesy of telling me your names. You already know mine."