Chapter 58
Nom sat quietly in the cramped seat behind the Admiral. He detested the man before him, but he was needed. Need often outweighs want, and so it was here. Nom yearned to simply reach forward, and squeeze the life out of this pompous, egotistical shell of a man. Restraint wasn't easy, but he knew that the rewards would be more than enough compensation.
The shuttle was deceptively small. It was fitted with high efficiency, long-range engines that required more space than one would initially think. Comfort was a luxury on this ship. The spartan accoutrements were functional, but that was all.
The close proximity to the Admiral, and the technological confines of the shuttle were quickly wearing on Nom. He fidgeted constantly in a futile effort to get comfortable, or at least tolerate his circumstances. Soon, it would be over though.
Admiral West's ship loomed in the vast darkness, at the heart of frenzied activity. Lesser vessels darted back and forth carrying supplies and people to the various remnants of Olcai. The shuttle wove effortlessly amongst the other traffic, gaining little to no notice. Coming closer to the command ship, the challenge was finally issued.
"Unidentified craft, state your identification and purpose or be fired upon." the voice that came over the speaker was young, but forceful.
"This is Admiral Nigel Andrew West the third. I demand access to my ship." Admiral West sneered at the communications system.
"Understood Admiral. Crystal skull." the voice answered, leaving the challenge open.
"Stonehenge." Admiral West responded after he reclaimed his composure. He reminded himself that the man on the other end was simply doing his job. Soon he would be back aboard his own ship, under his own command.
"Thank you sir. Please stand by while we bring you aboard." Nom listened as the exchange ended. He was grateful that he wouldn't have to endure the shuttle for much longer. Still, there was much that he had to do.
It took only a few minutes for the shuttle to be brought aboard. Nom waited quietly while his puppet disembarked first, and then followed behind. There was a lot of activity in the hanger, with work crews scrambling here and there, performing any number of tasks best left to underlings. They were presumably trying to save the pathetic Olcai. Let them waste their time and energy.
Nom's attention snapped back to Admiral West. He was standing in front of a senior officer, barely a hands breadth from the younger man's face.
"Where are the other ships Captain?" Admiral West screamed.
"They left with Redemption sir." the other man answered. His face was flushed with a mix of anger and fear.
"Don't just stand there! Track them! Find them! Hunt those treasonous bastards down, before I kill you!" Admiral West screamed. He grabbed the younger man by the front of his uniform, and shoved him as hard as he could manage. The Captain scrambled off, never looking back.
Nom smiled to himself. He hadn't forced the Admiral to act this way, he had done it on his own. Using this creature was going to be very enjoyable.
"Admiral, who is this?" another of the junior officers stepped forward with a data pad in hand, and pointed toward Nom. The Admiral's actions didn't seem to affect him at all as he gazed over at Nom. He was young and thin, eager to do whatever the Admiral directed.
"Never mind, Lieutenant. Captain Gar is none of your concern." Admiral West glowered at the younger man, oblivious that he had answered the Lieutenant's query.
"Yes Sir." the Lieutenant thought for a moment. "Sir, should I set up quarters for the Captain?"
"I said, he is none of your concern, you insignificant coward!" the Admiral screamed as he backhanded the Lieutenant across the face.
Nom watched the proceedings excitedly, pacing back and forth, until he could stand it no longer. Giving in to his impulses, he rushed forward, and grabbed the young Lieutenant by the throat, and slowly squeezed, crushing the life out of him. He smiled wickedly as the Lieutenant's eyes faded, and turned grey.
"Let go of him!" another nameless crewman yelled at Nom, hammering him in the back with a massive spanner wrench. Nom staggered forward, dropping the dead Lieutenant, and turned to face his assailant. He was a large man, wearing coveralls, and covered in different shades grease. He was stout, but he moved quicker than his size would suggest.
The man charged at Nom again, swinging the wrench at his head. Nom easily dodged the blow, grabbing the man's wrist and yanking the wrench free. He held the wrench in both hands as he attacked, swinging wildly. His first strike crushed the other man's knee, leaving him unable to move, or defend himself. With several sharp, powerful blows, Nom beat the mechanic until his face was a single, vacant, bloody stain.
Killing gave him immeasurable pleasure, and Nom could not contain himself. He glanced over at Admiral West, and found the man staring blindly into space. Smiling wildly with glee, Nom set out to find the rest of the crew.