Page 34 of A Secret Kiss

  Chapter 25

  First Love

  thirteen years ago, summer

  Darcy felt his heart throbbing intensely as he hid behind the door to his room, listening to his parents talking to Dr. Young.

  “Chest infection,” Dr. Young said. “Pneumonia. All she needs is an antibiotic and a lot of rest.”

  “It must be from the drowning,” James said.

  Darcy felt tears sting his eyes and his stomach hollowed. At that moment, he hated himself so much that he wanted to beat himself.

  How could he let this happen to his Snow? How could he let Alaina and Tara push her off the cliff? How could he just stand there in the distance and watch as she fell into the sea? He was a coward. A nuisance. A no-good weakling who didn’t deserve to be called a Princeton. He was ashamed of himself.

  Darcy hugged himself into a ball in the corner of his room and cried his heart out, crying for his Snow and hating himself at the same time.

  He had missed dinner, and thankfully no one had come looking for him. He knew everyone was too shocked with what had happened to worry about dinner. What would Dad do to Alaina and Tara? He’d punish them; he was sure, which they deserved. And Sakura? What was going to happen to her after this?

  It was dark, and Darcy couldn’t sleep. His heart was still racing and his mind was still on Sakura. That was when he couldn’t take it any longer and got out of bed. He needed to see her. He needed to make sure she was all right.

  He was out of his room and heading to Sakura’s room across the hall in an instant. He quietly opened her door and poked his head in.

  There, he saw her slight, pale form in bed, sleeping. He noted she was having difficulty breathing, and his heart ached for her.

  “Snow,” he whispered.

  He slid in and closed the door behind him. He came around to her and touched the back of his hand on her forehead. He nearly jumped because her skin was burning hot.

  “Snow,” he said, tears brewing in his eyes. “Please be all right.”

  “Darce,” she whispered softly in her sleep. “I didn’t do it. I didn’t push Alaina.”

  Darcy bit his lip, his heart trembling with pain in his chest. “I know you didn’t,” he said, his voice shaking. “I know you didn’t.”

  He reached out and took her little hand in his, holding on to her tight. Then he noticed she began to whimper in her sleep, shaking her head and body as if she were having a nightmare.

  “Snow,” he whispered. “Snow.”

  She kept shaking her head and whimpering brokenly as tears fell from her eyes down her cheeks.

  Darcy knew he had to comfort her, had to protect her from her nightmare.

  He climbed into bed with her and scooped her into his arms. With her feverish body against his, he hugged her tight. “It’s all right, Snow. I’m here. You’re safe with me,” he whispered against her forehead. “You’re safe with me.”

  A few moments later, she calmed down. “Darce,” she whispered. “Please don’t leave me.”

  “I won’t leave you,” he replied, tightened his arms around her.

  “Please love me,” she begged.

  Darcy’s heart was crying out in agony, and his body shook with the powerful emotion. “I love you, Snow,” he said. “I love you so much it hurts.” Then he moved his lips to her forehead and kissed her there. Slowly, he moved his lips down to her nose and kissed her there, too. Then, as if he couldn’t control himself, he moved his lips to her mouth and kissed her ardently. Her skin was hot against his, and he felt himself burn with her. He stroked her face and prayed to God she would be all right as he continued to kiss her.

  When he finally stopped, she groaned and her lips searched for his, begging for his touches. Darcy was pleased and fulfilled her wish by kissing her again. This time, she responded by tightening her arms around him and whispering his name. “Darce, you do love me. I’m your Snow.”

  When he moved his lips back, he whispered, “Yes, you’re my Snow. You’ll always be my Snow.”

  She seemed to relax at his reply and snuggled deep against his chest as she fell into a deep slumber. Soon, Darcy too fell asleep, hugging her against him, never wanting to let her go.

  When he woke again, it was morning, and he noted that her body was hotter than ever and her breathing was even more labored, as if this was her final hour. He panicked, rushed out of bed, and ran to get his parents.

  Oh, God, he thought, please let her be all right. Please!

  Alone, Sakura groaned softly. Her chest hurt. She felt so very hot and so very weak. She opened her eyes, and the first thing she thought was that she had to get out of here. No one wanted her here, so it would be best if she left.

  Without thinking, she sat up, and instantly the world spun around her. She touched her forehead, trying to get her bearings. Once the world had decided to stop spinning, she put her feet to the floor and got out of bed.

  Slowly and dazedly, she wandered out the door, down the stairs, and then out of the mansion into the hot summer outside.

  Birds were chirping, and the cool breeze was wonderful. In the distance, she saw the endless green land and blue sky. Yes, she needed to go. She needed to get out of here.

  She didn’t know where she was going, nor did she care just as long as she was out of this place where no one wanted her. She had thought at first that they wanted her, that they loved her, but now she knew better. None of them wanted her. They all hated her. Even Darce.

  It was so hot, and she was thirsty. Her chest hurt. Why did it feel like she had a ton of bricks on top of her chest?

  She coughed and the pain intensified. It was truly unbearable. She groaned in agony.

  Why is it so bright out here? She blinked and stared up the endless sky. Suddenly, the world spun before her again. She sighed, feeling awfully helpless. At least I’m going to see my real mother now, she thought and collapsed there amongst the overgrown grass in the middle of nowhere.

  It was so very dark now, and she knew then that she was going away. Oddly enough, she was glad to leave this place where no one wanted her, where no one loved her. That was when she saw the light. It was beautiful and it beckoned to her, enticing her to come toward it. Sakura couldn’t help herself and reached out her hand, begging it to take her. She could hear beautiful music. It was calling to her, telling her that it loved her, would take care of her, and would always be there for her. Then she saw tiny petals of cherry blossoms everywhere, floating and raining down on her. This must be heaven, she thought and spread her arms to catch the flowers. This was her place, a place where she belonged.

  “Sakura?” A voice echoed from the distance. “Sakura?”

  Sakura stopped, wondering where the voice had come from. “Sakura?” She heard it again. “Sakura?”

  Sakura searched around for the owner of that familiar voice, but he was nowhere to be found. Suddenly she saw azure eyes and a hand reached out to her.


  She felt hands touching her face. Sakura blinked. In her dazed and feverish state, she felt herself being lifted and then positioned on someone’s back. She felt the person running, his breathing hard and labored. He smelled nice, of earth and pinewood. She loved his smell.

  “Don’t die on me, Sakura,” she heard him say.

  She didn’t know how long he’d been running, piggybacking her, nor did she know that it was getting dark. Suddenly she felt cool drops of rain on her skin. That felt nice. It cooled down her hot skin. She sighed. Her chest still hurt, though, and she groaned again.

  “Hold on, Sakura. We’re almost there,” he said.

  Oh no! Too cold now. Too much rain. She shivered. No! Way too cold now.

  “Shit! A storm? Now?” She heard him swear.

  She heard thunder clashing in the distance, and automatically she tightened her arms around him. She whimpered, afraid.

  She felt him tighten his hold on her as if to soothe her fear.

  “We’ll have
to stay there for the night,” he said. “It’s too dark. And the storm…”

  Some more running, and then she couldn’t feel the rain anymore. She felt him gently lay her on the cold, hard ground. She tried to open her eyes but found she couldn’t and closed them again.

  When she did manage to open her eyes sometime later, she saw a small fire burning brightly not too far away. She felt so very cold. She shivered. Her chest still hurt. Her body ached. Where am I?

  She groaned. She reached her hand toward the fire but found she was too weak to do so. Then she felt herself being moved and her body was on top of someone. The chest was bare and warm. She sighed and rested her face against the nape of the person’s neck and her body against that very warm, inviting naked body. She felt arms embracing her, hugging her, keeping her warm. She turned her face to gaze up at the boy who was hugging her. She saw azure eyes looking down at her with concern. His young face was marked with sweat and dirt.

  “You have a fever,” he said softly, pulling his jacket on top of her as a blanket.

  “Sebastian,” she whispered.

  Sebastian tightened his arms around her as he rested his back against the cold, hard rock behind him. At least this cave would keep them dry and warm for the night. Tomorrow morning when the rain stopped, he’d take her home, and Dr. Young would treat her fever. It was from the drowning. Too much water had penetrated her lungs, and now she was infected with pneumonia. He just hoped she’d survive the night. No, he told himself firmly. She will survive this night. He’d make sure of that.

  Sakura moved and touched her cold hand against his warm, bare chest. “Why did you come after me?”

  He softened his face and asked, “Why did you run away?”

  She bit her lip. Her heart hurt. “Because no one wants me. I don’t want to burden anybody.”

  “That’s not true,” he said. In fact, everyone, except for Alaina and Tara, was out searching for her since early this morning when they’d found her gone from her room. They all had practically turned the house upside down looking for her and had to extend the search to the whole estate once they couldn’t find her.

  She looked up at him again, tears in her eyes. “No one wants me.”

  “What about Mom and Dad? They love you very much, Sakura. They’d be devastated if you’re gone.”

  She groaned. “Mom and Dad,” she whispered. “I love them so very much too.” Then she looked up at him. “What about you? Do you love me?”

  Sebastian swallowed. He hesitated. His hands fisted tight. His heart trembled.

  “I see. You don’t even like me? Just a little? As your sister?”

  Sebastian slowly shook his head. No, he couldn’t lie to her, not even in her state of sickness. “Sakura, I’m sorry.”

  Her heart retched with pain. “I see,” she whispered, disappointed. She cast her eyes downward, hiding her tears.

  Sebastian touched her chin and nudged her face so she could look at him. Very slowly he brought his face down to hers, and gently he kissed her on her lips.

  Her lips were soft, and Sebastian loved the feel of her against him. His kiss was gentle and soft and very loving.

  Tears burned in Sakura’s eyes. So he loves me after all, she thought. She was so happy. She relaxed against him and allowed him to kiss her deeper.

  Sebastian had never kissed any girl before, and Sakura was his very first. Though he was inexperienced, his innate nature knew what it was doing. He opened his lips, plunged his tongue into her small mouth, and kissed her deeply—pouring out all of his love for her that he’d kept hidden within him for so long. His fingers dug deep into her thick hair, his thumb caressing her feverish skin.

  When he moved his head back, breathless and his heart glowing with love, she smiled up at him. “Thank you,” she said and then slowly closed her eyes again.

  Sebastian knew she wouldn’t remember their kiss when she woke again. He smiled sadly and thought at least for now he had her all to himself. He tightened his arms around her and kissed her forehead. “I love you,” he whispered.